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PreFlexMS project deliverables

The page lists 8 deliverables related to the research project "PreFlexMS".

 List of Deliverables

PreFlexMS: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Deterministic and probabilistic weather forecasting in PreFlexMS

Describe set-up and model characteristics of both deterministic and probabilistic weather forecasting at AEMET.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09

Report on formal model

The report describes formal knowledge representation of the performance model. It provides its capabilities and expressive power. It includes parametrization and further extension guidelines.
Amendment 2016: The shift is in order to align D3.4 with task 3.3.1. The alignment is necessary since results of task 3.3.1 will become part of D3.4. The amendment does not influence any other tasks or deliverables.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09

Communication tools (project identity set, poster, first release of the regularly updated website)

The aim of this deliverable is provide all those tools that the project needs to achieve fluid communication, both among PreFlexMS partners and to potential stakeholders, and as well as a high impact of its results. So, it includes the design of the project image aspects, like logos, templates, posters or videos and the project web site. This web site will serve to vertebrate the communication and dissemination flow, to share internal information and to link the project with partners and external interests.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09

Electricity Pricing Scenarios for predictable and flexible CSP

Projections in market pricing scenarios likely to occur in the most important markets where large scale CSP would be deployed taking into account incentives or demands by local grid operators. These are displayed as electricity prices vs time of day for a variety of markets.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09

Validation sites

Three typical locations for CSP power plants, but different with respect to their weather characteristics are chosen – the report provides the site assessment results and methodology.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09

Report on machine learning algorithms

The report describes machine learning algorithms: to obtain appropriate parameters for the model (task 3.3.2), to formulate a new model (task 3.3.5). A methodology regarding the choice of the proper machine learning algorithm is also given.
Amendment 2016: The shift is in order to align D3.5 with task 3.3.2. The alignment is necessary since results of task 3.3.2 will become part of D3.5. The amendment does not influence any other tasks or deliverables.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09

Post-processing for deterministic and probabilistic weather forecasting in PreFlexMS

Describe set-up and characteristics of the post-processing for both deterministic and probabilistic weather forecasting at CENER.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09

Integration of aerosol forecasts

Describe method and results on the inclusion of aerosol forecasts.

Programme: H2020-EU.;H2020-EU.;H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LCE-03-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-09-09