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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MED1C (MED1C : Video Management in Medical practice)


Video is increasingly being the basis for medical interventions and clinical story of patients. While some medical specialties use it more than others, video usage is experiencing a growing tendency in all of them. With MED1C, 1d3a introduces the concept of video mining on the...


Video is increasingly being the basis for medical interventions and clinical story of patients. While some medical specialties use it more than others, video usage is experiencing a growing tendency in all of them. With MED1C, 1d3a introduces the concept of video mining on the Medical sector. Video mining is the process of discovering knowledge, structures, patterns and events of interest in the video data. MED1C uses the video as a support in order to categorise the recorded action on a real time or deferred under environment and uses a friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI) highly customizable.

MED1C application offers an analysis and interpretation of medical video in real time for health sector. The Video Management in Medical practice uses commonly dedicated devices for video recorder, storage and sometimes post processing. The objective of MED1C is to improve the potentiality of closed devices of video recorder on medical centres, in order to obtain more information from video analysis using dedicated tools. From obtained information, the specialists can be able to detect anomalies and streamline medical diagnosis. The MED1C box is a compact, all-inclusive audio visual solution and a robust platform. It is an affordable, flexible system that comes with a high capacity to video management, analysis and share in different platforms such as teaching, reporting, scientific publications and medical simulation

Work performed

During the Phase 1, 1d3a carried out in parallel a study of the technical feasibility of the project together with its economic viability, thanks to a Business Plan. The technical feasibility mainly deals with a study of the technical added value of MED1C paying special attention to three key elements: potential competitors of MED1C solution; the main differentiation factors of MED1C compared to its competitors and main technologies used in existing systems. This initial analysis has been crucial for the definition of the Work Plan of Phase 2 project and for the identification of potential weaknesses of the current application. In total, nine competitors have been identified worldwide but none of these solutions offers, in a single device, the range of the services proposed by MED1C (Video TAGGING, Video Edition, Medical History, Recording on real-time signals & data information, standardisation, etc.). During this 4-month period, the 6 pilots of phase 2 have been identified and confirmed their participation in the project. These pilots are located in Spain, Denmark, Italy and Greece. MED1C has also received the support of several hospitals all over Europe which signed a Letter of Support to the project.

Concerning the business plan, according to our estimations, our solution is totally viable and we expect a return on investments in 3rd year, that is to say one year after the Phase 2 project’s end. Regarding the potential market, with more than 1.7 million of doctors as potential MED1C users, the European health sector is a high volume market, which is already mature. The use of innovative ICT solutions in this sector, specially the application of video capture and analysis technologies, is growing over the last years. MED1C will address first the EU health community at first to solve the need of a simple, cost-effective and efficient solution. After its successful implementation in the EU market, 1D3A will target the health sector globally. In regards of our expected sales, they will be multiplied by 3 in year 3 (150 units) and then by 2.3 in year 4 (350 units) compared to the objectives fixed for Phase-2 project (50). The commercialisation strategy, especially in Europe, will be facilitated thanks to the collaboration with the 6 hospital-pilots which will give us a direct access to their local markets, at least 4 during the project implementation. All these figures and the final commercialisation strategy will be confirmed during the Phase-2 project which is expected to last 2 years.

Final results

The target market is the health sector, being doctors and health professionals its main potential users. Therefore, in order to adapt MED1C tool to every individual purpose and medical speciality, 1d3a already has cooperation agreements with some hospitals such as the ALTHAIA Foundation (ES). During the Phase 2 project, 6 pilots will be implemented in 4 different countries (Spain, Denmark, Greece and Italy) allowing the 1d3a to adapt MED1C to health professionals needs but also testing the solution in different specialities (genecology, oncology, etc.).

The main impact of MED1C software is on the daily work of the medical teams and the improvement of the efficiency of medical revision for the patients. Thanks to MED1C, doctors will have the possibility to storage and analyse quickly the data of patient and to share them with other doctors ensuring a better communication between and within the medical teams. It has also an impact on the patients since the diagnostics made by the doctor will be facilitated, easily transferable to other speciality services and informative since the access to the images will be allow the patient to better understand his/her situation.

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