# | ||||
1 | GEOWAKI The analysis of geometric non-linear wave and kinetic equations | 2017 | 1˙071˙008.00 | 1˙071˙008.00 |
2 | FLUOSWITCH Pushing the frontiers of biological imaging with genetically encoded fluorescence switches | 2017 | 2˙000˙000.00 | 2˙000˙000.00 |
3 | AMPERE Accounting for Metallicity, Polarization of the Electrolyte, and Redox reactions in computational Electrochemistry | 2018 | 1˙588˙768.00 | 1˙588˙768.00 |
4 | UVSIGNAL Unravelling the mechanisms underlying the evolution of ultraviolet signals | 2018 | 185˙076.00 | 185˙076.00 |
5 | SUPRACOPCAT Asymmetric cooperative catalysts constructed on supramolecular helices | 2018 | 185˙076.00 | 185˙076.00 |
6 | SOCELL Self-organized biomolecular gradients for controlling cellular behaviour in cell culture | 2018 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
7 | ALATA The Making of Angels in Late Antiquity: Theology and Aesthetics | 2018 | 185˙076.00 | 185˙076.00 |
8 | TEMPORE Self-Regulating Porous Nano-Oscillators: from Nanoscale Homeostasis to Time-Programmable Devices | 2018 | 1˙496˙225.00 | 1˙496˙225.00 |
9 | PHOQUS Photons for Quantum Simulation | 2018 | 2˙999˙757.00 | 2˙999˙757.00 |
10 | EPICE Emergent Properties to Improve Climate projections over Europe | 2018 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
11 | CAMMEGY Christians among Muslims in Medieval Egypt | 2018 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
12 | EMPOWER EMpowering transatlantic PlatfOrms for advanced WirEless Research | 2018 | 1˙999˙120.00 | 1˙999˙120.00 |
13 | PIONEER Plasma catalysis for CO2 recycling and green chemistry | 2019 | 3˙918˙845.00 | 3˙918˙845.00 |
14 | SATCV Satellite CV-QKD | 2019 | 184˙707.00 | 184˙707.00 |
15 | COQCOON COntinuous variables Quantum COmplex Networks | 2019 | 1˙990˙000.00 | 1˙990˙000.00 |
16 | NOCEANIC Key factors driving particulate organic matter fluxes and related nitrogen losses in the main anoxic oxygen minimum zones of the world oceans | 2019 | 196˙707.00 | 196˙707.00 |
17 | CHEMICROS CHEmically-mediated MICRobial Interactions maintained by the toxic dinoflagellate OStreopsis cf. ovata | 2019 | 275˙619.00 | 275˙619.00 |
18 | MESUR Metric-measure inequalities in sub-Riemannian manifolds | 2019 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
19 | EMC2 Extreme-scale Mathematically-based Computational Chemistry | 2019 | 9˙991˙997.00 | 9˙991˙997.00 |
20 | ROBUST Robust and Energy-Efficient Numerical Solvers Towards Reliable and Sustainable Scientific Computations | 2019 | 196˙707.00 | 196˙707.00 |
21 | VIR MAXIMUS Moral & Intellectual Qualities of the Political Man in the Translations of Gracián's Work (XVII-XXI cent.) | 2019 | 184˙707.00 | 184˙707.00 |
22 | CHROMOTOPE The 19th century chromatic turn - CHROMOTOPE | 2019 | 1˙884˙867.00 | 1˙884˙867.00 |
23 | POLYPATH Insights from within-host dynamics on the coexistence of antibiotic resistant and sensitive pathogens | 2019 | 184˙707.00 | 184˙707.00 |
24 | SO-CHIC Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate | 2019 | 7˙989˙925.00 | 7˙989˙925.00 |
25 | DNAGAM DNA-guided self-organized active materials | 2020 | 196˙707.00 | 196˙707.00 |
26 | CARBOCEAN An integrative approach to unravel the ocean's biological carbon pump | 2020 | 1˙997˙651.00 | 1˙997˙651.00 |
27 | DEEP3P Three-photon fluorescence imaging deep inside scattering media | 2020 | 184˙707.00 | 184˙707.00 |
28 | ROGW Real and open Gromov-Witten theory | 2020 | 1˙351˙375.00 | 1˙351˙375.00 |
29 | COR-RAND Corrector equations and random operators | 2020 | 1˙540˙000.00 | 1˙540˙000.00 |
30 | STRINGYGEOMETRY Stringy geometry: quantum corrections and the fate of string compactifications from spacetime and the worldsheet | 2020 | 257˙619.00 | 257˙619.00 |
31 | TORYD TOpological many-body states with ultracold RYDberg atoms | 2020 | 1˙900˙000.00 | 1˙900˙000.00 |
32 | CAPTURE Carbon pathways in the Southern Ocean | 2020 | 281˙827.00 | 281˙827.00 |
The Institution SORBONNE UNIVERSITE has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.