AvMap has a large experience with automotive grade electronics having supplied over the years hundreds of thousands devices of different kind to the carmakers.AURA exploits a new and patented technology that has the potential to revolutionize traditional car radio systems...
AvMap has a large experience with automotive grade electronics having supplied over the years hundreds of thousands devices of different kind to the carmakers.
AURA exploits a new and patented technology that has the potential to revolutionize traditional car radio systems providing a high quality audio from a potentially unlimited number of radio stations. With a sophisticated combination of buffering technology and multicast/unicast data transfers, AURA offers an interference-free and interruption-free experience, even under difficult conditions with dropouts and outages in the wireless segment of the network. At the same time, it optimizes the bandwidth to substantially increase the possible number of simultaneous radio clients within the same cell, a vital element for the practical use of a mobile data. The feasibility study was required to prove the reliability of the technology and to verify if the AURA concept had the business potential to replace traditional car radios.
We have finalized many technical aspects of AURA and built a few prototypes to perform the field tests. We approached two of the biggest Italian editorial groups and signed an agreement for using the streams of their live radio channels in our field tests, which we performed driving for more than 1000 KM on a variety of road types: the soundness and reliability of AURA’s technical architecture has been confirmed by the test results. We have also completed a market analysis, instrumental to defining the business model and identifying strategic partners and potential customers. During our feasibility study we have been remarkably encouraged by Broadcasters, Car Makers and Telco that have shown a strong interest in the idea and always pushed us to expedite our project and business concept.
We strongly believe that AURA technology has the correct profile for qualifying as a Disrupting Technology Scheme in the domain of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as specified in the frame of HORIZON 2020. It will be disruptive because Aura has the potential to quickly become a standard replacement, or at least a standard addition, to the current car radio equipment. Such an innovation will not only benefit the users and our company, but it will also stimulate the diffusion of the connected car, ultimately leading to the cars-that-think concept, thus contributing to a virtuous cycle of new opportunities for the creation of jobs with a positive impact on the European economy.
More info: http://www.avmap.it.