The page lists 21 deliverables related to the research project "MEDEAS".
title and desprition | type | last update |
36 month reportCommision official report of the 36 months of the project results Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
DatabaseDatabase delivered and formatted for their use in the models. This set of data will be released in different degree of detail, taking in to account the input needs of different models. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Other | 2019-10-03 |
Global ModelMEDEAS Model and IOA implementation at global geographical level. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Other | 2019-10-03 |
Model in python 1Model translated to python available in the web page. Core model. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Other | 2019-10-03 |
Outreach activities 1Reports on general audience outreach activities. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
DocumentaryVideo documentary of the project. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. | 2019-10-03 |
Changes for the transitionReport of necessary changes for the transition in the electricity and gas future infrastructure. This report will consider the different sectors analysed and an overall vision of full European system. Insights should be considered in: electric grid transformation, transport adaptation to a high RES energy production, gas infrastructure necessary to support the transition and rates of improvement of efficiency. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Transition costsReport of the transition costs. These costs will consider models’ preliminary simulations and also the pathways designed in WP3. Costs will be evaluated in: energy investment, raw materials requirements, social changes requirements and economic costs. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Transition rates & scenariosScenarios implementation and pathways transition rates of change comparison with the expected values in WP3 for all models. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
European ModelMEDEAS Model and IOA implementation at European geographical level Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Other | 2019-10-03 |
Data analysisTechnical report with main recommendations for data analysis, statistics of data and their availability. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Board of stakeholdersReport on the board of stakeholders Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Minutes of the Kick-off meetingIn the kick-off meeting, the members involved in will meet each other, as well as a review and validation of technical and thematic targets of MEDEAS will be done. In this task the management board of the project will be created following the guidelines of EU directives. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Transition scenarios 1Set-up of transition scenarios 1: initial scenarios characterisation, BAU scenarios initial conditions for models implementation. Evaluation of rates of change in the variables analysed in the WP2 Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Data management planA public report available in the webpage of the project on how data will be managed and used in the project and its dissemination level Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
VariablesReport with an analysis of the main limitations of variables and indicators selected to represent the pathways and scenarios. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
18 month reportOfficial report for commission on the project results Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Transition scenarios 2Set-up of transition scenarios 2: medium transition level scenarios characterisation for models evolution and mean transition pathway to the final 2050 goal. This is, for each BAU scenario in 2016, 2020 and 2030 define a medium level transition scenario. This medium level will define an intermediate stage prior to the final aim of 2050. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Web pageWeb page of the project release Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. | 2019-10-03 |
Transition PathwaysPathways for the transition: rate of change of variables selected and analysed in WP2 and their associated uncertainty depending on the time span. Averaged values and associated variance in the medium and long-term scenarios set-up. The pathways will be characterized for their associated rate of change/transformation in each variable/sector. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |
Adaptive scenariosTaking into account the transition scenarios and the associated pathways estimate three adaptive average scenarios for the transition for each initial scenario in 2016, 2020 and 2030. Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.6. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2019-10-03 |