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MultiCoop project deliverables

The page lists 5 deliverables related to the research project "MultiCoop".

 List of Deliverables

MultiCoop: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Completion of planned workshops

Dissemination workshops on comprehensive assessment of food and feed safety, including cumulative risk assessment of food and feed toxicants, will be organised to inform academia, scientists, industry and other all interested stakeholders on the project plans, activities, progress and outcomes to support widespread dissemination of the information on the project activities.

Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-07-26

2nd e-Newsletter produced

MultiCoop e-Newsletter with the information about project activities, announcement of upcoming events and trainings and other interesting information related to the project activities will be produced and disseminated annually to the partners´ stakeholders’ databases and via the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015

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Other 2019-07-26

3rd e-Newsletter produced

MultiCoop e-Newsletter with the information about project activities, announcement of upcoming events and trainings and other interesting information related to the project activities will be produced and disseminated annually to the partners´ stakeholders’ databases and via the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015

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Other 2019-07-26

Project website active

Public website will be developed, regularly maintained and updated with the aim to disseminate information on the project and its outcomes and facilitate dialogue and cooperation between the main target stakeholders. On this website, project objectives, planned activities of individual WPs, the partners’ institutions profiles, and other MultiCoop and EU projects related websites will be presented. Dedicated sections will inform all interested stakeholders/potential end-users/wide public on the progress of the project. The “News” area will announce short news, events and activities and also training and dissemination events organized by the project. This restricted website (Intranet) will enable partners to get connected from the beginning of the project and will be of use to the partners for easily exchanging administrative and confidential documents related to the project.

Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-07-26

1st e-Newsletter produced

MultiCoop e-Newsletter with the information about project activities, announcement of upcoming events and trainings and other interesting information related to the project activities will be produced and disseminated annually to the partners´ stakeholders’ databases and via the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015

download deliverable 

Other 2019-07-26