Explore the words cloud of the CLIMIFUN project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "CLIMIFUN" about.
The following table provides information about the project.
Coordinator |
Organization address contact info |
Coordinator Country | Spain [ES] |
Project website | https://mdelgado-baquerizo.weebly.com/marie-curie-project.html |
Total cost | 239˙191 € |
EC max contribution | 239˙191 € (100%) |
Programme |
1. H2020-EU.1.3.2. (Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility) |
Code Call | H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 |
Funding Scheme | MSCA-IF-GF |
Starting year | 2016 |
Duration (year-month-day) | from 2016-08-01 to 2019-07-31 |
Take a look of project's partnership.
# | ||||
1 | UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS | ES (MOSTOLES) | coordinator | 239˙191.00 |
2 | REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO | US (Boulder CO) | partner | 0.00 |
Despite the importance of soil microbial communities for ecosystem functioning and human welfare, little is known about the mechanisms controlling the composition and diversity of these communities, and the role of their attributes in providing multiple ecosystem functions and services such as nutrient cycling and decomposition (i.e. multifunctionality). Many studies have identified climate, stage of ecosystem development and soil characteristics as main drivers of plant and animal diversity. However, much less is known about the interactive effects of climate, soil properties and time in controlling microbial diversity and multifunctionality during ecosystem succession. This lack of knowledge hampers our ability to predict microbial community shifts and their consequences for ecosystem functioning under climate change, and limits the inclusion of soil microbes in global biogeochemical models. The main research objective of this action is to gain a deeper insight into the patterns and mechanisms that drive soil microbial diversity and multifunctionality under changing environments. We will use a novel conceptual framework combining long-term chronosequences, climate change experiments and structural equation modelling to quantitatively evaluate the role of time, climate and multiple soil drivers in controlling microbial diversity and multifunctionality. The research outlined in this proposal includes a range of state-of-the-art biochemical, molecular and genomic methods for the analysis of microbial communities and multifunctionality that ensure the maximum utility and impact of our results. Altogether, CLIMIFUN will reveal the factors that control soil microbial diversity and multiple functions linked to plant production and nutrient cycling under a changing environment. This work will thus address a key knowledge gap relevant to supporting increases in global demand for food and fibre over the next decades, and a research priority for H2020.
year | authors and title | journal | last update |
2019 |
Eleonora Egidi, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Jonathan M. Plett, Juntao Wang, David J. Eldridge, Richard D. Bardgett, Fernando T. Maestre, Brajesh K. Singh A few Ascomycota taxa dominate soil fungal communities worldwide published pages: , ISSN: 2041-1723, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10373-z |
Nature Communications 10/1 | 2020-01-30 |
2019 |
Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel Obscure soil microbes and where to find them published pages: , ISSN: 1751-7362, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3403891 |
The ISME Journal 1 | 2020-01-30 |
2019 |
Felipe Bastida, Carlos GarcÃa, Noah Fierer, David J. Eldridge, Matthew A. Bowker, Sebastián Abades, Fernando D. Alfaro, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Nick A. Cutler, Antonio Gallardo, Laura GarcÃa-Velázquez, Stephen C. Hart, Patrick E. Hayes, Teresa Hernández, Zeng-Yei Hseu, Nico Jehmlich, Martin Kirchmair, Hans Lambers, Sigrid Neuhauser, VÃctor M. Peña-RamÃrez, Cecilia A. Pérez, Sasha C. Reed, F Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect published pages: , ISSN: 2041-1723, DOI: |
Nature Communications | 2020-01-30 |
2019 |
Chanda Trivedi; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; et al. Losses in microbial functional diversity reduce the rate of key soil processes published pages: , ISSN: 0038-0717, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3403924 |
Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 1 | 2020-01-30 |
2019 |
Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Eldridge David Cross-Biome Drivers of Soil Bacterial Alpha Diversity on a Worldwide Scale published pages: , ISSN: 1432-9840, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3403909 |
Ecosystems 2 | 2020-01-30 |
2019 |
Jianâ€Sheng Ye, Manuel Delgadoâ€Baquerizo, Santiago Soliveres, Fernando T. Maestre Multifunctionality debt in global drylands linked to past biome and climate published pages: 2152-2161, ISSN: 1354-1013, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14631 |
Global Change Biology 25/6 | 2020-01-30 |
2019 |
Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; et al. Changes in belowground biodiversity during ecosystem 1 development published pages: , ISSN: 1091-6490, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3403940 |
PNAS 2 | 2020-01-30 |
2017 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Pankaj Trivedi, Chanda Trivedi, David J. Eldridge, Peter B. Reich, Thomas C. Jeffries, Brajesh K. Singh Microbial richness and composition independently drive soil multifunctionality published pages: 2330-2343, ISSN: 0269-8463, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12924 |
Functional Ecology 31/12 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, David J. Eldridge, Kelly Hamonts, Peter B. Reich, Brajesh K. Singh Experimentally testing the species-habitat size relationship on soil bacteria: A proof of concept published pages: 200-206, ISSN: 0038-0717, DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.05.016 |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, David J. Eldridge, Fernando T. Maestre, Victoria Ochoa, Beatriz Gozalo, Peter B. Reich, Brajesh K. Singh Aridity Decouples C:N:P Stoichiometry Across Multiple Trophic Levels in Terrestrial Ecosystems published pages: 459-468, ISSN: 1432-9840, DOI: 10.1007/s10021-017-0161-9 |
Ecosystems 21/3 | 2020-01-30 |
2017 |
ZY Yuan, F Jiao, XR Shi, Jordi Sardans, Fernando T Maestre, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Peter B Reich, Josep Peñuelas Experimental and observational studies find contrasting responses of soil nutrients to climate change published pages: , ISSN: 2050-084X, DOI: 10.7554/eLife.23255 |
eLife 6 | 2020-01-30 |
2017 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, David J. Eldridge, Victoria Ochoa, Beatriz Gozalo, Brajesh K. Singh, Fernando T. Maestre Soil microbial communities drive the resistance of ecosystem multifunctionality to global change in drylands across the globe published pages: 1295-1305, ISSN: 1461-023X, DOI: 10.1111/ele.12826 |
Ecology Letters 20/10 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Frank Reith, Paul G. Dennis, Kelly Hamonts, Jeff R. Powell, Andrew Young, Brajesh K. Singh, Andrew Bissett Ecological drivers of soil microbial diversity and soil biological networks in the Southern Hemisphere published pages: 583-596, ISSN: 0012-9658, DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2137 |
Ecology 99/3 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Durán, J; Delgado-Baquerizo, M; Dougill, AJ; Guuroh, RT; Linstädter, A; Thomas, AD; Maestre, FT Temperature and aridity regulate spatial variability of soil multifunctionality in drylands across the globe. published pages: , ISSN: 1939-9170, DOI: |
Ecology 1 | 2020-01-30 |
2017 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Jeff R. Powell, Kelly Hamonts, Frank Reith, Pauline Mele, Mark V. Brown, Paul G. Dennis, Belinda C. Ferrari, Anna Fitzgerald, Andrew Young, Brajesh K. Singh, Andrew Bissett Circular linkages between soil biodiversity, fertility and plant productivity are limited to topsoil at the continental scale published pages: 1186-1196, ISSN: 0028-646X, DOI: 10.1111/nph.14634 |
New Phytologist 215/3 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
David J. Eldridge, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo Grazing reduces the capacity of Landscape Function Analysis to predict regional-scale nutrient availability or decomposition, but not total nutrient pools published pages: 494-501, ISSN: 1470-160X, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.03.034 |
Ecological Indicators 90 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Fernando T. Maestre, David J. Eldridge, Matthew A. Bowker, Thomas C. Jeffries, Brajesh K. Singh Biocrust-forming mosses mitigate the impact of aridity on soil microbial communities in drylands: observational evidence from three continents published pages: , ISSN: 0028-646X, DOI: 10.1111/nph.15120 |
New Phytologist | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Max Mallen-Cooper, David J. Eldridge, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo Livestock grazing and aridity reduce the functional diversity of biocrusts published pages: 175-185, ISSN: 0032-079X, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3388-5 |
Plant and Soil 429/1-2 | 2020-01-30 |
2017 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Andrew Bissett, David J. Eldridge, Fernando T. Maestre, Ji-Zheng He, Jun-Tao Wang, Kelly Hamonts, Yu-Rong Liu, Brajesh K. Singh, Noah Fierer Palaeoclimate explains a unique proportion of the global variation in soil bacterial communities published pages: 1339-1347, ISSN: 2397-334X, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0259-7 |
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1/9 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, David J. Eldridge, Fernando T. Maestre, Senani B. Karunaratne, Pankaj Trivedi, Peter B. Reich, Brajesh K. Singh Response to comment on “Climate legacies drive global soil carbon stocks in terrestrial ecosystem†published pages: eaat1296, ISSN: 2375-2548, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat1296 |
Science Advances 4/3 | 2020-01-30 |
2017 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, David J. Eldridge, Fernando T. Maestre, Senani B. Karunaratne, Pankaj Trivedi, Peter B. Reich, Brajesh K. Singh Climate legacies drive global soil carbon stocks in terrestrial ecosystems published pages: e1602008, ISSN: 2375-2548, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602008 |
Science Advances 3/4 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Pablo GarcÃa-Palacios, Cristina Escolar, Marina Dacal, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Beatriz Gozalo, Victoria Ochoa, Fernando T. Maestre Pathways regulating decreased soil respiration with warming in a biocrust-dominated dryland published pages: , ISSN: 1354-1013, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14399 |
Global Change Biology | 2020-01-30 |
2017 |
Sumiya Vandandorj, David J. Eldridge, Samantha K. Travers, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo Contrasting Effects of Aridity and Grazing Intensity on Multiple Ecosystem Functions and Services in Australian Woodlands published pages: 2098-2108, ISSN: 1085-3278, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2736 |
Land Degradation & Development 28/7 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, David J. Eldridge, Samantha K. Travers, James Val, Ian Oliver, Andrew Bissett Effects of climate legacies on above- and belowground community assembly published pages: , ISSN: 1354-1013, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14306 |
Global Change Biology | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Ellen L. Fry, David J. Eldridge, Franciska T. de Vries, Peter Manning, Kelly Hamonts, Jens Kattge, Gerhard Boenisch, Brajesh K. Singh, Richard D. Bardgett Plant attributes explain the distribution of soil microbial communities in two contrasting regions of the globe published pages: 574-587, ISSN: 0028-646X, DOI: 10.1111/nph.15161 |
New Phytologist 219/2 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Yu-Rong Liu, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Jun-Tao Wang, Hang-Wei Hu, Ziming Yang, Ji-Zheng He New insights into the role of microbial community composition in driving soil respiration rates published pages: 35-41, ISSN: 0038-0717, DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.12.003 |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 118 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Angela M. Oliverio, Tess E. Brewer, Alberto Benavent-González, David J. Eldridge, Richard D. Bardgett, Fernando T. Maestre, Brajesh K. Singh, Noah Fierer A global atlas of the dominant bacteria found in soil published pages: 320-325, ISSN: 0036-8075, DOI: 10.1126/science.aap9516 |
Science 359/6373 | 2020-01-30 |
2018 |
Santiago Soliveres, Anika Lehmann, Steffen Boch, Florian Altermatt, Francesco Carrara, Thomas W. Crowther, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Anne Kempel, Daniel S. Maynard, Matthias C. Rillig, Brajesh K. Singh, Pankaj Trivedi, Eric Allan Intransitive competition is common across five major taxonomic groups and is driven by productivity, competitive rank and functional traits published pages: 852-864, ISSN: 0022-0477, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12959 |
Journal of Ecology 106/3 | 2020-01-30 |
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The information about "CLIMIFUN" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.
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