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H2020 projects about "inclusion"

The page lists 265 projects related to the topic "inclusion".

# achronym  title  year 
1 BLOC Mathematical study of Boundary Layers in Oceanic Motions 2015
2 MIND-SETS Mobility Innovations for a New Dawn in Sustainable (European) Transport Systems 2014
3 FREEWAT FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management 2015
4 VPH-CaSE VPH-Cardiovascular Simulation and Experimentation for Personalised Medical Devices 2015
5 ehcoBUTLER ehcoBUTLER. A global ecosystem for the independent and healty living of elder people with mild cognitive impairments. 2015
6 ENRICHME Enabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly 2015
7 GreenBubbles Green Bubbles RISE for sustainable diving 2015
8 HEIM Higher Education Internationalisation and Mobility: Inclusion, Equalities and Innovations 2015
9 SC0806 Regenerative treatment of complete Traumatic Spinal Cord injury with a surgical implantation of a biodegradable device with FGF1 and nerve grafts 2015
10 MoreGrasp Restoration of upper limb function in individuals with high spinal cord injury by multimodal neuroprostheses for interaction in daily activities 2015
11 3D Tune-In 3D-games for TUNing and lEarnINg about hearing aids 2015
12 ProsocialLearn ProsocialLearn - Gamification of Prosocial Learning for Increased Youth Inclusion and Academic Achievement 2015
13 OpenAIS Open Architectures for Intelligent Solid State Lighting Systems 2015
14 PROTEUS AdaPtive micROfluidic- and nano-enabled smart systems for waTEr qUality Sensing 2015
15 SmokeBot Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility 2015
16 SALEACOM Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities: Innovative Education for a New Century 2015
18 I-LINC Platform for ICT learning and inclusion for youth employability and entrepreneurship 2015
19 Earth core Exploring Thermodynamic Properties of Earth’s Core-Forming Materials 2015
20 CULTURALBASE Social Platform on Cultural Heritage and European Identities 2015
21 EUth EUth - Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe 2015
23 COMAWARE COMmunication and Assessment With Adaptive Realtime Environments 2014
24 EntreLab The Entrepreneurial Laboratory for teachers’ training. A Capability Approach for Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational education 2015
25 FAANon A functional analytic approach for the analysis of nonlinear transmission problems 2015
26 PFCCMS Pattern Formation in Catalytic Colloidal Microswimmers 2015
27 HYDIN Experimental constraints on indium transport in hydrothermal systems 2016
28 EXTREME Do extreme climatic events facilitate plant invasions? 2016
29 MagProtoCell Magnetic micromachines based on protocell design and engineering 2015
30 IASS Immigrant Activity-Space Segregation: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Assimilation and Separation in Barcelona 2016
31 SWITCHCATALYSIS Switchable catalytic activity of spin crossover materials 2015
32 MultiNav Multisensory Navigation: Harnessing the Power of Multisensory Processing Optogenetic Stimulation to Aid The Blind 2015
33 BRCA2Interact Structural and biochemical characterization of pre-recombination complexes 2015
34 St. Bernard St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients 2015
35 Ph1ProHap2 hapticom launches the world‘s 1st special tablet for over 20 million visually impaired people in the EU, enabling them access to barrier-free digital information and communication with all of society 2015
36 VETBIOMAT Advanced material for the regeneration of joints in veterinary medicine 2015
37 SiMAX SiMAX – translation machine for sign language 2015
38 GT Green battery-less Tire Pressure Monitoring System 2015
39 Elistair Bringing unlimited autonomy to Civilian Drones : PULSE, an Intelligent Tethered Power Supply. 2015
40 FACTS4WORKERS Worker-Centric Workplaces in Smart Factories 2014
41 BAMB Buildings as Material Banks: Integrating Materials Passports with Reversible Building Design to Optimise Circular Industrial Value Chains 2015
42 iBUS iBUS – an integrated business model for customer driven custom product supply chains 2015
43 BlackHoleMaps Mapping gravitational waves from collisions of black holes 2015
44 ChemoPredict Predictive in vitro diagnostics test for individualized tailoring of chemotherapy in primary breast cancer 2015
45 Enerbox Sustainable and Standalone Oxyhydrogen powered heat generator box 2015
46 IPERION CH Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage 2015
47 REnnovates Flexibility Activated Zero Energy Districts 2015
48 NANO2ALL Nanotechnology Mutual Learning Action Plan For Transparent And Responsible Understanding Of Science And Technology 2015
49 SERISS Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences 2015
50 VIPER VIbro-acoustics of PERiodic media 2016
51 i-LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2015
52 BOOSTB4 Boost Brittle Bones Before Birth 2016
53 NANOGENTOOLS Developing and implementation of a new generation of nanosafety assessment tools 2016
54 NANOGRANITES Nanogranite Inclusions: New Window into the Partial Melting of the Deep Earth´s Crust 2016
55 DATA4WATER Excellence in Smart Data and Services for Supporting Water Management 2016
56 NOTRE Network for sOcial compuTing REsearch (NOTRE) 2016
57 SHAPE Structure-dependent microkinetic modelling of heterogeneous catalytic processes 2016
58 AsthmaPhenotypes Understanding asthma phenotypes: going beyond the atopic/non-atopic paradigm 2016
59 CAT Climbing the Asian Water Tower 2016
60 CRISP Citizenship, Recovery and Inclusive Society Partnership 2016
61 MinD Designing for People with Dementia: designing for mindful self-empowerment and social engagement 2016
62 SmartEIZ Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy 2016
63 Mobile-Age Mobile Age 2016
64 YOUNG_ADULLLT Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe 2016
65 POWER2INNO Building competences for empowerment of small and micro companies’ for innovative entrepreneurship 2016
66 Smart-AKIS European Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) towards innovation-driven research in Smart Farming Technology 2016
67 SIRPOL Strongly interacting Rydberg slow light polaritons 2016
68 CLIMIFUN Climatic and temporal control on microbial diversity-ecosystem functioning: insights from a novel conceptual model (CLIMIFUN). 2016
69 GranD Cities Green and Diverse Cities. The social impact of urban policies for sustainability in comparative perspective. 2016
70 IFNBetaMito Role of IFN-β in mitochondrial homeostasis and impact on Parkinson Disease 2016
71 InviCitRom Invisible Edges of Citizenship: Re-addressing the position of Romani Minorities in Europe 2017
72 TONSOPS Titanium Oxide Nanocomposites for Scalable Optimized Perovskite Solar cells 2016
73 BioMEP Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics 2016
74 PrinTendon Development of a tendon/ligament substitute through bioprinting 2016
75 SHARE-DEV3 Achieving world-class standards in all SHARE countries 2015
76 GenderJust Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Political Economy of Gender Justice: Discursive Power, Authority and the Subaltern 2017
77 COMPASS Evidence and opportunities for responsible innovation in SMEs 2016
78 TLRH-VRF COFUND Trinity Long Room Hub Visiting Research Fellows COFUND programme 2016
79 VISMEM Visualising memories of violence in urban places: gender and wellbeing in Istanbul 2016
80 CAROLINE Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe 2016
81 MicroERA Ecological Sensitivity Distribution (ESD): integrating molecular-based structural and functional microbial community responses in a new tool for environmental risk assessment of chemicals 2016
82 MAVEN Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network 2016
83 EU-LAC-MUSEUMS Museums and Community: Concepts, Experiences, and Sustainability in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean 2016
84 FORESIGHT Foreseeing Opportunities, Risks and Emergent Science Issues for the next Generation: Highlighting Trends 2016
85 ASCEMA ASCEMA: Content Aware Technology for IP Protection in Supply Chains 2016
86 StemHealth Foetal Intestinal Stem Cells in Biology and Health 2016
87 Quotanda Quotanda - a lending-as-a-service (LaaS) platform that enables schools and lenders to set up student financing programs to make education more affordable 2016
88 ENRICH Enriched communication across the lifespan 2016
89 AQURI Air Quality at the Urban-Rural Interface 2017
90 WYRED netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society 2016
91 EVOTION EVidenced based management of hearing impairments: Public health pΟlicy making based on fusing big data analytics and simulaTION. 2016
92 CENSUS Cell-Based Models for Neurodegeneration Study and Use in Screening 2016
93 VOPSA2.0 Value Omega 3 and Astaxanthin products from SeaAlgae 2016
95 4D-PET Innovative PET scanner for dynamic imaging 2017
97 INLIFE Incubate a New Learning and Inspiration Framework for Education 2016
98 DIAL Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-Course: structures and processes 2016
99 SIPEA Social Investment Perspective in Work-Family Reconciliation Measures in Europe and East Asia 2016
100 NEWTON New portable multi-sensor scientific instrument for non-invasive on-site characterisation of rock from planetary surface and sub-surfaces 2016
101 eCraft2Learn Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch 2017
102 GABLE GAmification for a BEtter Life 2016
103 SmartLife Smart Clothing Gamification to promote Energy-related Behaviours among Adolescents 2017
104 RobMoSys Composable Models and Software for Robotics Systems 2017
105 InRoad Towards better Synchronisation of Priority Settings and Evaluation Mechanisms for Research Infrastructures Beyond National Relevance 2017
106 IntegraMouse3 Next-generation, modular computer mouse device for disabled people 2016
107 SAPEA Science Advice for Policy by European Academies 2016
108 PROSFET Promoting Sustainable Freight Transport in Urban Contexts: Policy and Decision-Making Approaches 2017
109 QRD A uniQue platform enabling faster development of treatments for Rare Diseases 2017
110 QualyGridS Standardized Qualifying tests of electrolysers for grid services 2017
111 GGP-EPI Generations and Gender Programme: Evaluate, Plan, Initiate 2017
112 TRUE DEPTHS deTeRmine the trUe dEpth of DeEp subduction from PiezobaromeTry on Host –inclusions Systems 2017
113 SIMFAL Assembly Planning and SIMulation of an Aircraft Final Assembly Line 2017
114 EMSO-Link Implementation of the Strategy to Ensure the EMSO ERIC’s Long-term Sustainability 2017
115 Apolitical Advancing the Best Ideas and People in the Public Service 2017
116 HOOKIE A Customizable Robot to Include Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2017
117 BOSS-WAVES Back-reaction Of Solar plaSma to WAVES 2017
118 CAlCULUS Causes And ConseqUences of Low Urban accessibility. Defining proper policy responses 2017
119 AGORA Alternative Grassroots Organizations as a Response to Austerity: perspectives from Southern Europe 2017
120 DIGITALIA 2 Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2017
121 LIDISNO Linguistic Dimensions of Sexual Normativity 2017
122 LABOREP Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation 2018
123 CrowdHEALTH Collective wisdom driving public health policies 2017
124 RE-mapping Tackling early school leaving and low school performance through working with students’ representational spaces. The case of 15 years old students in France, Italy and Greece. 2017
125 GaTHeR GaTHeR, Gender and Transfer of Knowledge in Hunter Gatherer Research 2017
126 Tuning COPs Tuning both the photoluminescence and conductive properties of new COP materials 2017
127 NEURO_NMD Functional impact of alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated decay in developing neurons 2017
128 MiLC Monotonicity in Logic and Complexity 2017
129 Trust Radius The radius of Generalized Trust among different educational groups: Are those 'most people' out-groups? 2018
130 OPTIMOrph Development of methods for deriving optimized shapes of morphing structures considering both aerodynamic performances and specific mechanical morphing boundary conditions 2017
131 REINVENT REsummation-Improved moNtecarlo eVEnt geNeraTor 2017
132 GEOSTICK Morphodynamic Stickiness: the influence of physical and biological cohesion in sedimentary systems 2017
133 I-CONSENT Improving the guidelines for Informed Consent, including vulnerable populations, under a gender perspective 2017
134 BRAVE BRidging gaps for the adoption of Automated VEhicles 2017
135 The European watch on cybersecurity privacy 2017
136 GENDERACTION GENDer equality in the ERA Community To Innovate policy implementatiON 2017
137 Fit-to-nZEB Innovative training schemes for retrofitting to nZEB-levels 2017
138 GEMMA GEneration iv Materials MAturity 2017
139 TROPICO Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments 2017
140 ImAc Immersive Accessibility 2017
141 PeptIn employing protein aggregation as an antibacterial design strategy 2017
142 NB4WASTE Narrowband IoT for Waste Collection in Rural Areas 2017
143 STARS Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS 2017
144 Talkitt Speech recognition technology to enable people with speech disabilities to communicate freely 2017
145 ACOSA Breaking the Ice: INGOs as Arctic Council Observer Status Applicants 2018
146 TIN-ACT Research School for TINnitus Assessment, Causes and Treatments 2017
147 SiMAX SiMAX - The Sign Language Avatar 2017
148 transMed Educating the next generation of scientists in translational medicine: Focus on eye diseases 2017
149 ELBA European Liquid Biopsies Academy - Towards widespread clinical application of blood- based diagnostic tools 2018
150 INCLUSION Towards more accessIble and iNCLUSIve mObility solutions for EuropeaN prioritised areas 2017
151 FreeWheel Lifecycle-reconfigurable Smart Mobility Platform to enable autonomous and cost-effective personalized solutions for social inclusion of disabled and elderly while leveraging AM technologies 2017
152 CoSIE Co-creation of service innovation in Europe 2017
153 ProteaseNter Disseminating N-terminomics to Advance Protease Research 2018
154 RealTide Advanced monitoring, simulation and control of tidal devices in unsteady, highly turbulent realistic tide environments 2018
155 EIRENE Post-war trasistions in gendered perspective: the case of the North-Eastern Adricatic Region 2017
156 ME-WE Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe 2018
157 COMPAR-EU Comparing effectiveness of self-management interventions in 4 high priority chronic diseases in Europe 2018
158 FutureTPM Future Proofing the Connected World: A Quantum-Resistant Trusted Platform Module 2018
159 SUITCEYES Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere - Appropriating sensor technologies, machine learning, gamification and smart haptic interfaces 2018
160 GAINS General Aviation Improved Navigation and Surveillance 2018
161 Talking Hands Talking Hands 2018
162 INDILANGHISTCULT Indigenous Language, History and Culture: Politics, Writing and the Decolonization of Knowledge amongst the Maya in Chiapas, Mexico, 1970-2015 2018
163 ReCitYu Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space 2018
164 CHANGE CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research 2018
165 DiaMoND Development of composite Metamaterials having Negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional Damping properties 2018
166 RAVEN Rapid mass loss of debris covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia 2018
167 VALITEST Validation of diagnostic tests to support plant health 2018
168 SuperPests Innovative tools for rational control of the most difficult-to-manage pests (super pests) and the diseases they transmit 2018
169 NS-COMP Development of composite structures having negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional dampingproperties 2019
170 HEforR Forum Third Sector Involvement in Higher Education for Refugees - a Forum Theatre Approach 2019
171 WESREF-IU Welcoming Syrian Refugees to Ä°stanbul University: Improving Capacity and Knowledge Sharing 2018
172 SUPERA Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia 2018
173 ROMPAST Two Paths of a Shared Past: Memory and Representation of the Nazi Genocide of Roma in Belarus and Lithuania 2018
174 MigRural Return mobilities to rural Portugal: an assessment of the production of place 2018
175 ReaDy-NMR Relativistic and Dynamic effects in Computational NMR Spectroscopy of transition-metal complexes 2019
176 QQT Identification of quantum resources in thermodynamic systems 2018
177 SELFSENS Printed SELF-power platform for gas SENSing monitoring 2018
178 MACRAME Management Accounting and CReativity: Analysis of MEanings 2018
179 REHEAL Rethinking the Health Experience and Active Lifestyles of Chinese Students 2019
180 MAPNET Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Programmable 5G Networks 2019
181 Stories Inside/Out: using storytelling to understand the politics of exclusion in Europe and South Africa 2018
182 HI-PHRET High-resolution Imaging with Phase Retrieved Tomography 2019
183 GEISIE Gender and Ethnic Integration in Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship 2018
184 MEISTER Mobility Environmentally-friendly, Integrated and economically Sustainable Through innovative Electromobility Recharging infrastructure and new business models 2018
185 DIALLS DIalogue and Argumentation for cultural Literacy Learning in Schools 2018
186 BioMonitor Monitoring the Bioeconomy 2018
187 eCAPE New energy Consumer roles and smart technologies – Actors, Practices and Equality 2018
188 EUROVISION Self-reported vision status and associated risk factors in Europe: prevalence and temporal change 2018
189 SWEET Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers: Impact on health, obesity, safety and sustainability 2018
190 Mimica Touch Bioreactive food expiry label that mimics the actual decay of food for a reliable and accurate method of reducing food waste 2018
191 ibbu Connecting expert enthusiasts with potential shoppers within a shared economy model 2018
192 BRiDGE BRiDGE – Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe 2018
193 NUTRI-NEED Final development, clinical validation and launch preparation of NL01, an innovative health ingredient for supplements, food products and foods for special medical purposes 2018
194 WEO International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook analysis of the implications of the European Union’s Energy Union on key energy sector indicators. 2018
195 CL-IO Commercial feasibility of non-pathogenic Clostridium-Mediated Cancer Immunotherapy: leveraging the presence of tumour hypoxia & necrosis 2018
196 TInnGO Transport Innovation Gender Observatory 2018
197 LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure injury risk by real time measure of tissue viability, and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2018
198 POTION Promoting social interaction through emotional body odours 2019
199 WEAFING Wearable Electroactive Fabrics Integrated in Garments 2019
200 gE.CO Living Lab Generative European Commons Living Lab 2019
201 ARTICONF smART socIal media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment 2019
202 NADINE digital iNtegrAteD system for the socIal support of migraNts and refugEes 2018
203 MiCREATE Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe 2019
204 i-Contour An innovative 3D Free-form manufacturing technology for the construction industry 2018
205 ERGO Breaking down the wall between human health and environmental testing of endocrine disrupters: EndocRine Guideline Optimisation 2019
206 REFREAM Re-Thinking of Fashion in Research and Artist collaborating development for Urban Manufacturing 2018
207 NECESSITY NEw Clinical Endpoints in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: an Interventional Trial based on stratifYing patients 2019
208 PHIVIDIAS Preclinical Human In Vitro Drug Immune Response Analysis Platform 2019
209 IMMERSE Integration Mapping of refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and Other Experiential Environments in Europe 2018
210 URBANA Urban Arena for sustainable and equitable solutions 2019
211 ELECTRA Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology foR Accelerated bioremediation 2019
212 MILESTONE From mineral inclusions in zircon to continents: An in situ isotopic perspective on the evolution of the continental crust, the onset of plate tectonics and the development of a habitable Earth 2019
213 SensMat Preventive solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage 2019
214 iGames Immersive audiogames for the Blind and Visually Impaired people 2019
215 CaLA The Capillary Lock Actuator: A novel bistable microfluidic actuator for cost-effective high-density actuator arrays suitable for large-scale graphical tactile displays 2019
216 CONCORDIA Cyber security cOmpeteNce fOr Research anD Innovation 2019
217 RAISD Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced 2019
218 New GeneSS New Generation Design Methods for Stainless Steel Structures 2019
219 STRESS-Mums Study on TRansition and Exclusion in Society of Single-Mums 2019
220 TRACER Smart strategies for the transition in coal intensive regions 2019
221 NOCEANIC Key factors driving particulate organic matter fluxes and related nitrogen losses in the main anoxic oxygen minimum zones of the world oceans 2019
222 Narratives4Change Capitalising Public Narratives in the organising of Grassroots Roma Women 2019
223 INCLUDED Intercultural Digital Media Education for Social Inclusion of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Youth in the Urban Migration Society 2019
224 CatchGel Catch Bond Cross-linked Hydrogels 2020
225 GUTPOLAR Membrane trafficking as a link between cell polarity and intestinal absorptive function: from C. elegans to mammalian miniguts 2019
226 WEARTUAL Designing and Developing Wearables for Virtual Reality Environments with a Research Through Design Process 2019
227 SHOR Social History of Riding in Late Medieval Spain and the Early Modern Americas (13th-16th c.) 2020
228 PARIS REINFORCE Delivering on the Paris Agreement: A demand-driven, integrated assessment modelling approach 2019
229 KW Rebel Integration The International Rebel Integration Toolkit Revisited: What Approaches Work for the Successful and Sustainable Incorporation of Former Rebel Groups after Civil War? 2019
230 ODYSSEE-MURE Monitoring EU energy efficiency first principle and policy implementation 2019
231 DCP Design Challenge Pilot 2019
232 REGREEN Fostering nature-based solutions for smart, green and healthy urban transitions in Europe and China 2019
233 FIVE-G Functional Improvement & Validation of next Generation Equipment - Pulsed Laser Deposition for High Volume Manufacturing of enhanced piezo thin film materials enabling 5G data communication 2019
234 RETRY Resilience and Resignation among Transnational Roma and non-Roma Youths 2019
235 PD2PI From Postdoc to PI: Future leaders of ERA 2019
236 6i-DIRS 6i-DIRS: A growing attractive collaborative ecosystem for boosting impact driven research careers 2019
237 ZARAH Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century 2020
238 NI4OS-Europe National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe 2019
239 INIA Intersex- New Interdisciplinary Approaches 2020
240 Comm4CHILD Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development 2020
241 MASCOT Modular multilevel cost Analysis Software for COmposite smarT fuselage 2019
242 AS-DISCO AS-DISCO - Audio Suite for Disruptive Cockpit Demonstrator 2019
243 Global-ANSWER Global social work and human mobility: comparative studies on local government and good social work practices in the euro-mediterranean region 2020
244 EMOTIONACCULTURATION Emotional Acculturation: Emotions as Gateways to Minority Inclusion 2020
245 IMPACT EdTech Incubating High-IMPACT New Generation EdTech Disruptors for Inclusive & Personalised Learning 2019
246 ySKILLS Youth Skills 2020
247 TRACTION Opera co-creation for a social transformation 2020
248 MEMEX MEMEX: MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling 2019
249 EUSOCIALCIT The Future of European Social Citizenship 2020
250 WELCOME Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU 2020
251 SMARTDEST Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement 2020
252 UPLIFT Urban PoLicy Innovation to address inequality with and for Future generaTions 2020
253 REINFORCE REsearch INfrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe 2019
254 ParCos Participatory Communication of Science 2020
255 MEPHOS Shaping the Mechano-Pharmacological properties of Microparticles and Extracellular Vesicles for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis 2020
256 EXPLOR EXperimentation and simulation based PLatform for beyond 5G Optical-wireless network Research and development 2020
257 MACADAMIA Machine learning Augmented Computational Analysis of composite panels: new insights into DAmage Mechanisms In Aerospace structures with nanoparticles 2020
258 HEDIMED Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases 2020
259 EPN-2024-RI Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure 2020
260 GENPOP Genes, genealogies and the evolution of demographic change and social inequality 2020
261 MadByz Being ‘Mad’ in Byzantium. Toward a History of Mental Disorders in Early and Middle Greek Middle Ages 2020
262 RENOPROTECT Targeting tubular reabsorption for kidney protection 2020
263 NuMagLongRx Nuclear magnetic long-lived state relaxation 2020
264 PCPPP Poverty, Child Protection and Parents' Participation 2020
265 TroPeaCC Tropical Peatlands and the Carbon Cycle 2020