The page lists 108 projects related to the topic "equation".
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1 | GEOFLUIDS | Geometric problems in PDEs with applications to fluid mechanics | 2015 |
2 | ATHLOS | Ageing Trajectories of Health: Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies | 2015 |
3 | ProbDynDispEq | Probabilistic and Dynamical Study of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations | 2015 |
4 | CSINEUTRONSTAR | The physics and forensics of neutron star explosions | 2015 |
5 | CP2 | CP2 is a project to develop a new wrist placement technology that can detect anomalies with both the Cardio and Vascular systems simultaneously. | 2014 |
6 | ILDS | Integrability and Linearization of Dynamical Systems | 2016 |
7 | ClOThIlde | The Cluster Observations and Theory Intersection: Providing selection functions and scaling relations to set constraints on the physics of the accelerating universe. | 2016 |
8 | SF-magnetic-stars | The impact of superfluidity and superconductivity on the magneto-thermal evolution and X-ray observations of neutron stars. | 2015 |
9 | BIDAMARK | BIg DAta-driven MARKeting for better competitiveness | 2015 |
10 | climote | climote Advanced Demand Management of Heating and Cooling | 2015 |
11 | CLOUDWATCH2 | Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research | 2015 |
12 | IQFT | Integrable Structures in Quantum Field Theory | 2015 |
13 | BioFUNC | Maintenance of species diversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning | 2016 |
14 | OCLOC | From Open to Closed Loop Optimal Control of PDEs | 2016 |
15 | IntRanSt | Integrable Random Structures | 2015 |
16 | HADE | Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations: New Challenges | 2015 |
17 | IPPAD | Effect of 4500bar injection pressure and super-critical phase change of surrogate and real-world fuels enriched with additives and powering Diesel engines on soot emissions reduction | 2015 |
18 | COSFORM | Cosmological Structure Formation in the Multiverse | 2015 |
19 | FLIRT | Fluid Flows and Irregular Transport | 2016 |
20 | LiKo | From Liouville to Kolmogorov: 2d quantum gravity, noise sensitivity and turbulent flows | 2016 |
21 | CONSERVATION | The Economics and Politics of Conservation | 2016 |
22 | CLIMIFUN | Climatic and temporal control on microbial diversity-ecosystem functioning: insights from a novel conceptual model (CLIMIFUN). | 2016 |
23 | PCCDX | Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry | 2016 |
24 | MIGRATE | Cosserat phase field modelling and simulation of viscoplasticity induced grain boundary migration and recrystallisation in metallic polycrystals | 2016 |
25 | ARCDIV | Up-scaling Arctic diversity analysis to link community organisation and ecosystem functioning | 2016 |
26 | AggregationKinetics | Emergence of Large Particles in Cluster-Cluster Aggregation | 2017 |
27 | INSTINCT | Inhibiting Stress in the Construction Industry | 2017 |
28 | Multi-time Integral Eqs. | Interacting relativistic quantum dynamics via multi-time integral equations | 2016 |
29 | ReArrhenius | Re-evaluation of temperature correction in microbial biodegradation kinetics | 2016 |
30 | NUTS | Nuclei Using Topological Solitons | 2016 |
32 | MeerTRAP | Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity | 2016 |
33 | MOLEQULE | Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms | 2016 |
34 | CHAMPAGNE | Charge orders, Magnetism and Pairings in High Temperature Superconductors | 2016 |
35 | MoGEs | Modelling of Generic Extreme mass-ratio inspirals | 2017 |
36 | ROLINCAP | Systematic Design and Testing of Advanced Rotating Packed Bed Processes and Phase-Change Solvents for Intensified Post-Combustion CO2 Capture | 2016 |
37 | Adapptise | Redefining the way brands and game developers reach audiences - A fresh approach to advertising and customer retention. | 2016 |
38 | MODHET | Modelling 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures | 2017 |
39 | HyLEF | Hydrodynamic Limits and Equilibrium Fluctuations: universality from stochastic systems | 2016 |
40 | RSPDE | Regularity and Stability in Partial Differential Equations | 2017 |
41 | MDFT | Mathematics of Density Functional Theory | 2017 |
42 | Spiders | Fundamental Physics Using Black Widow, Redback and Transitional Pulsar Binaries | 2017 |
43 | MAFRAN | Mathematical Frontiers in the Analysis of Many-particle Systems | 2017 |
44 | SHYDRO-ALP | Quantifying ecological effects of small hydropower in Alpine stream ecosystems | 2017 |
45 | QUAKE4PRELIMAT | Quantum Kinetic Equations for Pre-thermal Light and Matter | 2018 |
46 | TEMPOMATH | Temporal delays in mathematical models of cell biology processes | 2017 |
47 | BNSmergers | Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Counterparts from Generic Binary Neutron Star Systems | 2018 |
48 | Starflict | Conflicts in start-ups: coping with stress and conflicts to promote well-being and entrepreneurial success | 2018 |
49 | GalRepsDiophantine | Galois Representations and Diophantine Problems | 2018 |
50 | EXPHON | Exciton-Phonon Coupling from First Principles | 2017 |
51 | RaSiR | Rule-algebraic Simple Rewriting | 2017 |
52 | DenseMatter | High-density QCD matter from first principles | 2017 |
53 | BinGraSp | Modeling the Gravitational Spectrum of Neutron Star Binaries | 2017 |
54 | Cities-4-People | New approaches for community-driven sustainable mobility innovations at neighbourhood and urban district level | 2017 |
55 | XUV-COMB | High Resolution Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Spectroscopy | 2017 |
56 | FamilyTies | Family ties that bind: A new view of internal migration, immobility and labour-market outcomes | 2017 |
57 | ADORA | Asymptotic approach to spatial and dynamical organizations | 2017 |
58 | COSINE | Training network for COmputational Spectroscopy In Natural sciences and Engineering | 2018 |
59 | FORJET2035 | ATS Level Business Jet 2035 Forecast | 2017 |
60 | FORROT2035 | ATS Level Rotorcraft 2035 Forecast | 2017 |
61 | FORSAT2035 | ATS Level SAT 2035 Forecast | 2017 |
62 | NATEDE | Nature, Technology and Design | 2017 |
63 | GWsFromEMRIs | Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals | 2018 |
64 | USNAC | Understanding Type Ia SuperNovae for Accurate Cosmology | 2018 |
65 | PDE-GIR | PDE-based geometric modelling, image processing, and shape reconstruction | 2018 |
66 | ElIonT | Electron- and Ion Transfer at the Interface: a Hyphenated Dynamic Multi-Frequency Approach | 2018 |
67 | FRECOM | Nonlinear-Distortion Free Communication over the Optical Fibre Channel | 2018 |
68 | TRANSHOLOMORPHIC | New transversality techniques in holomorphic curve theories | 2018 |
69 | FIRE | Fire Impacts in Rainforest Ecotones | 2019 |
70 | TROPDIFFGEO | Tropical Differential Geometry | 2018 |
71 | GraFrontLev | A theoretical, experimental and numerical study of the formation of coarse dry granular fronts and spontaneously self-channelizing levees in debris flows | 2018 |
72 | EPSKS | Efficient pore-scale kinetic simulation of gas flows in ultra-tight porous media | 2018 |
73 | INTSYS | Algebraic, Geometric, and Field-Theoretic Aspects of Integrable Many-Body Systems | 2018 |
74 | OTmeetsDFT | Multi-marginal Optimal Transport and Density Functional Theory: a mathematical setting for physical ideas | 2019 |
75 | ML Potentials | Constructing Intermolecular Potentials by Combining Physics and Machine Learning | 2018 |
76 | HelpUS | Pioneering focused Ultrasounds as a new non-invasive deep brain stimulation for a causal investigation of empathy related brain processes in moral learning and decision making | 2018 |
77 | CausalStats | Statistics, Prediction and Causality for Large-Scale Data | 2018 |
78 | NONFLU | Non-local dynamics in incompressible fluids | 2018 |
79 | MACI | Moduli, Algebraic Cycles, and Invariants | 2018 |
80 | LimuleX | A bio-identical and non-animal replacement for the quality control reagent of pyrogen testing in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. | 2018 |
81 | SCP-Disorder | Disordered and strongly-correlated systems: a new theoretical approach | 2019 |
82 | MaMBoQ | Macroscopic Behavior of Many-Body Quantum Systems | 2019 |
83 | FACT | Factorizing the wave function of large quantum systems | 2019 |
84 | MesuR | Metric-measure inequalities in sub-Riemannian manifolds | 2019 |
85 | ReaxPro | Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes | 2019 |
86 | TE_INVASION | The evolutionary genetics of transposable element invasions | 2019 |
87 | HiCoShiVa | Higher coherent coholomogy of Shimura varieties | 2019 |
88 | Emergence | Emergence of wild differentiable dynamical systems | 2019 |
89 | LHCtoLISA | Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA | 2019 |
90 | MinSol-PDEs | Minimal solutions to nonlinear systems of PDEs | 2019 |
91 | CLaQS | Correlations in Large Quantum Systems | 2019 |
92 | QuantGMC | Quantum Field Theory with Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos | 2020 |
93 | RESTRICTIONAPP | A multilinear approach to the restriction problem with applications to geometric measure theory, the Schrödinger equation and inverse problems | 2019 |
94 | Coh2Shape | Modeling of partially spatially coherent distributed sources: derivation of an extended reciprocity theorem, creation of a numerical tool and experimental validation. | 2019 |
95 | techFRONT | Novel techniques for quantitative behaviour of convection-diffusion equations | 2020 |
96 | Pearls Constellation | A next generation telecommunication platform based on a nano-satellites constellation | 2019 |
97 | InBPSOC | Increases biomass production and soil organic carbon stocks with innovative cropping systems under climate change | 2020 |
98 | StarDestroyers | Realizing the Potential of the Transients Boom: A Consolidated Study of Stellar Demise | 2020 |
99 | SWING | Sonaca WING flap process Development | 2019 |
100 | TEACHING | A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence | 2020 |
101 | FLUSPEC | Analysis of geometry-driven phenomena in fluid mechanics, PDEs and spectral theory | 2021 |
102 | SingStocDispDyn | Singular Stochastic Dispersive Dynamics | 2020 |
103 | AEONS | Advancing the Equation of state of Neutron Stars | 2020 |
104 | COR-RAND | Corrector equations and random operators | 2020 |
105 | STOPATT | Stochastic pattern formation in biochemical systems | 2020 |
106 | POLINFO | Information encoding to polymers | 2020 |
107 | ReReDMFT | Development and implementation of reduced density matrix functionals for relativistic quantum chemistry. | 2021 |
108 | ARMISTICE | Analysis and Risk Mitigation measures for Induced Seismicity in supercriTICal gEothermal systems | 2021 |