Quantum mechanics predicts that many particle systems can reveal much stronger correlations than classically possible. This is known as quantum entanglement and is at the heart of quantum metrology and other quantum enabled technologies. Thus the reliable generation is...
Quantum mechanics predicts that many particle systems can reveal much stronger correlations than classically possible. This is known as quantum entanglement and is at the heart of quantum metrology and other quantum enabled technologies. Thus the reliable generation is essential for future applications in quantum sensing, quantum simulation and quantum computation.
In this project new paths for generation of entanglement in many particle systems are investigated especially investigating the conjecture that universal quantum dynamics far from equilibrium is directly connected to entanglement generation. If this is confirmed and understood in detail the basic concept might be extendable to condensed matter systems and with that have a direct impact on technology for daily use.
There have been a number of results obtained on the theoretical and experimental aspects. Here the most important breakthroughs are listed:
1) Demonstration of nonlinear readout as efficient path for utilizing and accessing entanglement with simple standard readout.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 117, 013001 (2015).
2) First demonstration of generation of non-local quantum correlations in ultracold gases.
Science 360, 413 (2018).
3) First demonstration of universal quantum dynamics.
Nature 563, 217 (2018).
Additional to these results directly connected to the question of generation of entanglement, the developed experimental techniques for precise atom manipulation have been employed for atom trace analysis of Ar39 atoms. These are perfect environmental tracers for determining the age of water and ice. Both aspects have recently been demonstrated.
4) New insight into ocean ventilation close to Cape Verde islands.
Nature Comm. 9, 5046 (2018).
5) First dating of alpine glacier ice with quantum technology.
PNAS 116, 8781 (2019).
All results so far are beyond state of the art at the time and open up new perspectives for generation and detection of entanglement as well as applying the developed experimental techniques for applications in environmental science. New results point to the directions of extending detection schemes beyond pure projective measurements (POVM) as well as the precise detection of quantum field theoretical objects such as the one-particle irreducible four vertex.