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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MEMO2 (MEthane goes MObile - MEasurements and MOdelling)


The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) agreed to limit global warming “well below” 2C and, if possible, below 1.5C. Reaching this target requires massive reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, far beyond the Intended Nationally Determined...


The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) agreed to limit global warming “well below” 2C and, if possible, below 1.5C. Reaching this target requires massive reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, far beyond the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions.
MEMO2 will contribute to this goal with a focus on methane (CH4), one of Europe’s most important sources of energy and major contributor to Europe’s global warming impact. Europe’s CH4 emissions are not well quantified, but effective emission reduction can only be achieved if sources are properly constrained, and mitigation efforts are verified. MEMO2, a European Training Network (MSCA-ITN-ETN) with more than 60 participants from 15 countries, aims to identify and evaluate methane emissions and support mitigation measures.
The main scientific goal of MEMO2 is to develop and apply innovative experimental and modelling tools, based on recently developed mobile analysers, on state-of-the-art isotope techniques, and on a hierarchy of models, including newly developed high-resolution dispersion models. MEMO2 will identify and quantify CH4 emissions from local sources in Europe and use these updated emissions to improve estimates at the European scale. These tools will enable the scientific and non-academic communities to improve the objective verification of CH4 emission reduction strategies for specific source sectors.
By this MEMO2 will educate a generation of “cross–thinking” scientists that will be able to effectively develop and use novel measurement and modelling tools in an interdisciplinary and intersectoral context.

Work performed

MEMO2 is running smoothly and successfully. The first year was dedicated to starting the project and its collaborations, to set up the management and infrastructure, and to design/execute first network activities such as the 1st MEMO2 school and several (joint) measurement campaigns. In the second year we intensified our data collection and gained first results during joint measurement campaigns or several city campaigns.
MEMO2 is organised in five work packages (WPs): three scientific WPs, one training WP and one management WP. Within WP1 we identify, quantify and monitor CH4 plumes of major anthropogenic and natural CH4 emitters in Europe from mobile platforms. The ESRs further developed the instrumentation needed for mobile measurements such as drones and AirCores, and executed several (joint) measurement campaigns to gather data. One of the joint campaigns were the CoMet campaigns in Upper Silesia in May 2017 and June 2018, (co)organized by AGH and aiming on industrial emission of CH4 (priority was given to mining activities). Beside the joint campaigns, the ESRs monitored CH4 at several locations such as landfills, biogas plants, gas compressor stations, or farms, incl. the isotopic source signature, to derive CH4 emission rates. Next to these locations, several mobile city surveys were executed, e.g. in London, Utrecht, Hamburg or Paris.
Data are provided within the ICOS Carbon Portal to ensure its broad availability and enhance visibility and impact of MEMO2. To ensure common scales used within MEMO2, inter-comparison measurements were done within WP2, between the different labs using IRMS and also CRDS. This inter-comparison is being pushed further by the joint campaigns and by comparison of the results from co-located sampling and multi-laboratory measurement. Within WP2 we aim on CH4 source identification by isotope measurements and on an improved understanding of the temporal and spatial variability of isotopic signatures of CH4 emissions. Within WP3 we developed and used a hierarchy of innovative modelling tools to quantify emissions based on the measurements of CH4 concentrations and its isotopic composition obtained in WP1 and WP2. Tools are being developed to optimally infer point/line source strengths from measurements. These tools form the basis of campaign planning, and the set-up of simplified tools (Gaussian Plume, RANS) for the evaluation of the measurements. On long-term different modelling techniques will be used to estimate emission fluxes from different kinds of sources (point, line, diffuse) in order to link measured concentrations of pollutants with emission fluxes. At the smallest geographical scale, we implement CH4 point and line sources in the MicroHH model, a fluid dynamics simulation model. On the somewhat larger scale, a Lagrangian dispersion tools at the scale of individual point sources and, in a second step, at the scale of Europe, will be implemented.
On the European scale, the European CH4 distribution is modelled using the CHIMERE chemistry transport model with emission inventories from EDGAR 4.3.2 and TNO-MACC_III.
MEMO2 is actively disseminating results and network activities by using several platforms, such as the project website (, scientific conferences, and social media such as Research Gate (, Twitter (, LinkedIn (, Instagram ( or Facebook (

Final results

MEMO2 aims on impact on different levels such as personal levels for the ESRs (career perspective and employability), structural training levels (national / international training) and scientific levels (provision of data and contribution to the evaluation of EU greenhouse gas emission reduction policies).
Impact on ESRs: The project and its network activities have a positive impact on the career of the ESRs: they are introduced to a highly interdisciplinary training program and get acquainted with techniques to identify CH4 emissions in the atmosphere (WP1), attributed emissions to various source categories (WP2) and quantified such emissions from the local to the European scale (WP3). They are performing state-of-the-art measurements and develop modelling approaches. All ESRs are involved in secondments and have already visited one or more consortium partners different from their host institution, which impact the career of the ESRs not only by increasing their professional knowledge, but also their networking and complementary skills. All ESRs have to report on their secondments, preferably by a contribution to the public blogs on the project website ( to enhance both the writing skills of the ESRs and the visibility of the project towards the public.
Impact on training: All our ESRs participated in several scientific and complementary skills training activities, not only within the network, but also from their host institutions. As they are offered a lot of international experience, they by this interact, influence and transfer their experiences at different levels.
Impact on science: Within the first two years, the MEMO2 consortium was quite active in participating in scientific activities as several measurement campaigns and presenting the project on scientific platforms. By this MEMO2 fostered the intersectoral exchange inside the consortium and initiated several collaborations outside the consortium, which has been intensified during the reporting period. First results of the campaign activities and collaborations are presented either in the individual ESR project reports or will be shown in the next reporting period.

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