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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RE4 (REuse and REcycling of CDW materials and structures in energy efficient pREfabricated elements for building REfurbishment and construction)


Resource efficiency and raw materials are two of the main societal challenges identified by the Europe 2020 strategy and a proper Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) management was accordingly set up as a priority target. Member States are required to take any necessary...


Resource efficiency and raw materials are two of the main societal challenges identified by the Europe 2020 strategy and a proper Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) management was accordingly set up as a priority target. Member States are required to take any necessary measure to achieve by 2020 a minimum target of 70% by weight of non-hazardous CDW for reuse, recycling and other material recovery.
In this framework, the overall goal of RE4 is to develop innovative technologies and reliable strategies for the design and development of structural and non-structural pre-fabricated elements with high degree of recycled materials and reused structures from partial or total demolition of buildings.
This will involve the development of several intermediate but self-standing industrial results, like a) the RE4 innovative CDW sorting system based on automated robotics equipped with advanced sensors to increase the quality of CDW-derived material with the highest technical and economic interest (i.e. ceramics, wood and timber, glass, clay, plastic and virgin aggregates for concrete), b) a number of RE4 prefabricated building components (including connections) based on CDW-derived materials and structures, c) the related production processes and equipment, and d) a new RE4 BIM-compatible ICT tool to manage materials flows.
The RE4 prefabricated building components will be suitable for both new construction and building refurbishment and they will be finally assembled into a RE4-prefabricated energy-efficient building concept designed for an easy installation and dismantling, as addressing the relevant regulations and standards (e.g. anti-seismic). RE4 results will be produced in an industrial environment, considering their perspective issues for the market uptake.

Work performed

During the 2nd RP, activities has been mainly focused on: a) the RE4 fully automatic sorting system, b) the RE4 BIM-compatible DSS and platform for CDW estimation and management, c) the architectural design concept for RE4 prefabricated elements and the RE4 concept design of a dismountable and reusable building, d) the definition of the RE4 quality classes for CDW, e) the development of RE4 prefabricated components and elements, f) the architectural and structural design of the RE4 demonstrators, and g) standardisation activities with CEN/TC104 and the RILEM TC 273-RAC.
More in detail, WP2 was devoted to the development of strategies for innovative sorting of CDW and reuse of structures from dismantled buildings. Main results achieved: a) the RE4 fully automatic sorting system, able to further sort different materials as brick, tile, stone, glass, wood and plastic and, therefore, maximize the quality of sorted materials from CDW, and b) the RE4 BIM-compatible DSS and platform for CDW estimation and management during construction and demolition works.
WP3, based on the outcomes of WP2, is being focused on the development of innovative design concepts for new or adapted prefabricated building elements (suitable for refurbishment and new constructions of residential and/or commercial buildings), made from CDW-derived materials and structures, assembled in the RE4-prefabricated energy-efficient building concept. Main results achieved (used as input for WP5 and WP6): a) architectural design concept for RE4 concrete and timber based prefabricated elements, and b) RE4 concept design of a new, adaptable, energy efficient, dismountable and reusable building with focus on full reuse and integration of high portion of CDW.
WP4 and WP5 are the core of the Project, performing the technical characterization of CDW-derived materials and structures to be used in prefabricated components and developing prefabricated components and elements (designed in WP3) with CDW-derived materials and structures. Main results achieved: a) definition of the RE4 quality classes for CDW with potential applications, b) development of RE4 alkali activated binders from brick and tiles waste, c) development of 4 RE4 prefabricated components (i.e. building blocks, recomposed tiles, timber beams and columns, and insulation panels) with up to 100% replacement of virgin materials with CDW, d) detailed design, first upscaling and preliminary testing of RE4 prefabricated elements (e.g. load-bearing concrete elements, timber façade elements, concrete façade elements and internal partition walls) integrating high ratios of CDW.
In WP6 representative prototypes of the final components are being produced, tested and applied on real-scale pilot structures for validation and demonstration purposes. Main results achieved: a) adaptation of industrial facilities for the production of RE4 elements and components, b) manufacture and preliminary testing of RE4 prefabricated elements integrating high ratios of CDW, c) architectural/structural design of the RE4 demonstrators, and d) installation and preliminary monitoring of a reference wall in the experimental station for testing RE4 solutions for refurbishment under real weather conditions.
WP7 is focused on the environmental impact, cost analysis and certification issues, evaluating sustainability and improving the market acceptance of the products. HSE issues will be taken care of in WP7 as well. Main results achieved: availability of input data for LCA and LCC activities related to the RE4 scaled-up processes, b) definition of an integrated assessment framework for LCA, LCCA and S-LCA, and c) presentation of RE4 activities to CEN/TC104 and to the RILEM TC 273-RAC to provide the RE4 contribution to potential standardisation activities in the field.
WP8 has the objective to maximize the results of the Project. At this stage the efforts were concentrated on: a) communication and dissemination activities for relevant target group

Final results

RE4 proposes an innovative and comprehensive approach from recycling of CDW-based materials in prefab building elements to innovative design for prefab buildings focusing on reuse and deconstruction, thus pushing to make relevant improvements in the economy, environment and society. Unlocking a significant volume of various raw materials through conversion of CDW streams into value-added products, reducing environmental footprint due to the increase in use of recovered materials and the creation of green jobs that will generate new businesses and opportunities associated with recycled materials that will add significantly to the potential of growth in every local economy. Because of the different Level of Maturity (LoM) of CDW management among the EU MS, in terms of legislation, policy, fiscal measures, End-of-waste criteria, and quality of waste data, the impact assessment of RE4 solutions can be unlike across Europe. The favorable framework conditions of countries with higher level of maturity (LoM3/4) will maximize the impact of these solutions. At the same time, countries less mature (LoM1/2) will be able to swiftly increase the percentage of CDW recycling and improve the overall current CDW management practices.

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