X2RAIL-1 addresses the S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015 “Start-up activities for Advanced Signalling and Automation System†call issued by the Shift2Rail (S2R) Joint Undertaking as part of the Innovation Programme 2 “Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systemsâ€.Shift2Rail...
X2RAIL-1 addresses the S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015 “Start-up activities for Advanced Signalling and Automation System†call issued by the Shift2Rail (S2R) Joint Undertaking as part of the Innovation Programme 2 “Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systemsâ€.
Shift2Rail activities focus on these three top level objectives:
• Support of the creation of the Single European Railway Area (SERA)
• Enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of the European railway system.
• Help the European rail industry to retain and consolidate its leadership on the global market.
The expected outcomes of the Shift2Rail activities aim to improve services and customer quality, increase capacity, increase reliability, reduce lifecycle costs, enhance interoperability and simplify business processes for all four rail market segments: high-speed and intercity passenger rail, regional passenger rail, urban/suburban passenger rail and rail freight.
The Shift2Rail Innovation Programme 2 (IP2) focuses on control, command and communication systems and tackles the aforementioned Shift2Rail objectives. These include evolving requirements for new functionalities and to expand the level of standardization in an increasingly challenging economic climate. Thus, the overall IP2 challenge is to increase functionalities of the existing signalling and automation systems and related design and validation processes providing a more competitive, flexible, real-time, intelligent traffic management and decision support system, whilst addressing all four market segments and maintaining backward compatibility to the existing European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) and especially its European Train Control System component (ETCS).
X2RAIL-1 addresses the first six out of eleven research and development work streams within the Shift2Rail IP2 in line with the Shift2Rail Multi Annual Action Plan (MAAP). These workstreams, also called Technical Demonstrators, are Adaptable Communication, ATO up to GoA 4, Fluid Moving Block, Zero on Site Testing, Smart radio Connected Object Controllers and Cyber Security. The five Technical Demonstrators Fail Safe Train Positioning, Onboard Train Integrity, Formal Methods, Traffic management Evolution and Virtual Coupling are dealt with in later projects. Overall, it is planned and foreseen that the eleven Technical Demonstrators will be developed and researched over five X2Rail-x projects, ideally starting between 2016 and 2020, each project focusing on a specific set of Technical Demonstrators, each building on the work done before. These future projects will also allow concepts developed, e.g. in X2Rail-1 projects to be further implemented to higher technical readiness level (TRL). Since the start of X2Rail-1, two more memberprojects within IP2 have started: X2Rail-2 (2017) and X2Rail-3 (2018).
Results of the first period:
• The initial functional architecture for X2RAIL-1 has been prepared. Regarding the Adaptable Communication System, the work has progressed on user requirements and the business model. Also, the specification of the Communication System started.
• The project has progressed on the specification for ATO over ETCS solution with Grade of Automation (GoA) 2 based on an updated version of the Operational Requirements and started the feasibility analysis and preliminary specification for a GoA3/4 solution.
• A discussion to come to an agreement on the scope of the Moving Block system work package was initiated. An agreement was found on an approach by using Scenario Descriptions, followed by System Engineering modeling.
• For Zero on-site testing, a questionnaire has been prepared and reviewed with the aim of assessing the status quo in field test benchmarking. A first draft of the system boundaries for the definition of the test process was prepared.
• Within the WP Smart Wayside Objects, first analyses of existing lines, economic models, railway requirements and standards were drafted.
• In the scope of Cyber Security, the security assessment started, including the identification and comparison of the different standards. Also, first activities were conducted on threat Detection, Prevention and Response as well as the definition of the scope and functional specification of the “Cyber Security System†demonstrator and the selection of the “security-by-design†standard.
After period 2, it can be said that the project is well under way. All work packages have started the work and have organized the tasks according to participants and timeline. Most of the planned Deliverables were finished and uploaded in the ECAS tool. Where delays occurred, the reasons where identified and mitigation actions taken. As of now, no major issues/problems were encountered. Some WPs will present first feasibility studies of their work at Innotrans 2018.
In December 2018, period 3 for the X2Rail-1 project is finished. It is not possible to list all results here, so the following paragraph gives an overview. Work package Zero Onsite Testing (WP6) was finished and is ready to move the work to X2Rail-3. Several more work packages, especially Communication (WP3) and Moving Block (WP5) are in the process of preparing their last Deliverables. For Communication, theses are e.g. the completion of the System Specification including the Guideline of Technology and the Business Models. The ATO WP has completed the GoA 2 specification and is in the process of developing prototypes which are compliant with these specifications. The Moving Block Work Package has completed 16 Scenario Descriptions which were used in a series of workshops to be analysed in depth, including Hazard Analysis. Several Deliverables were drafted. Also, the Deliverables of the Smart Objects WP are developing well and are either completely finished or in the last steps, e.g. D7.2 has looked at Railway requirements and Standard application conditions. The Cyber security WP is the one which will produce the most documents at the end of the project. Much work was done in period 3 to structure the work and develop the topics further. Two Deliverables were finished. Technical wise, e.g. an analysis of most of the subset of the IEC 62443 was done, a mitigated risk assessment of railway specific zones was performed and a proof of concept of protection profiles was achieved.
The major results of the projects are documented as Deliverables. Each Work Package will write several documents. To the public, the following Deliverables will become available in the course of the project:
• WP2 –System Coherrence: Document describing a Reference Architecture(s), Terminology for the future Signaling and Automation System
• WP3 - Adaptable Communication: User Requirements, Specification of the communication system and Guideline for choice of Technology
• WP4 – ATO: ATO over ETCS GoA2 Specification; ATO over ETCS GoA3/4 Feasibility Study and preliminary specification
• WP5 – Moving Block: Moving Block System Specifications; Moving Block Operational and Engineering Rules ; Moving Block Preliminary Safety Analysis ; Moving Block Application Report
• WP6 – Zero on site Testing: Current test condition and Benchmarking report
• WP7 – Smart radio controlled objects: Analysis of existing lines and economic models; Railway requirements and Standards application conditions
• WP8 Cyber Security: Selection of the “security-by-design†standard; Definition of protection profiles
More info: http://shift2rail.org/x2rail-1/.