EERA aims to strengthen and expand Europe’s capabilities by supporting alignment of energy research in line with SET-Plan priorities. EERA\'s efforts started primarily with institutional alignment, but lately is progressively moving to include alignment of national research...
EERA aims to strengthen and expand Europe’s capabilities by supporting alignment of energy research in line with SET-Plan priorities. EERA\'s efforts started primarily with institutional alignment, but lately is progressively moving to include alignment of national research agendas and resources between Member States (MS)/Associated Countries (AC). EERA does this primarily in a bottom-up process and by including the setup, coordination and management of the 17 EERA Joint Programmes, the mobility of researchers, the development and use of common infrastructures, etc. However, EERA is now reflecting, in collaboration with the EC, on how it can complement this bottom-up process by an additional impact at the MSs/ACs level.
The EERA objective is to provide leading energy research for a competitive and sustainable low carbon Europe. Its mission is to deliver on the SET-Plan by connecting and aligning European research to accelerate the development and market uptake of low carbon solutions. EERA pursues its vision by exchanging knowledge, creating common research and innovation agendas, sharing resources, implementing joint projects, and programmes and delivering results for policy makers and industry to use.
The activities related to the Project and SEC Management included regular telcos, physical meetings, the kick-off and review meetings. In this work package, support has been provided to the decisional processes and the activities of EERA Executive Committee and Personal Representatives meetings.
Main results of the coordination and alignment activities included a presentation in SET-Plan Steering Group meeting 14.6.2017 by EERA Chair and Secretary General; organising and supporting two JP Coordinators’ meetings with discussions and plans on the development of EERA strategy and the JP development; organising EERA Summer Strategy meeting in Vienna, May.2017, with presentations and workshops on EERA’s impact to SET-Plan, development of a revised strategy; support to JPs and sharing of best practices; attending and supporting more than 80 JP management board meetings and steering committee meetings across the 17 JPs, with providing content. Regarding the monitoring, assessment and strategic development activities, main results include three JP Hearings, presented in the EERA ExCo meetings (JP CSP, JP PV and JP Shale gas); initiating and developing the JP Characterization process; collection of data for the key performance indicators (KPIs) and reporting. In the JP Characterization, all 17 Joint Programmes performed a self-assessment and the results were analysed. Following discussion with EC, the \'review\' document repository is hosted by the EC server \'CIRCAB\' and the files relevant to activities within JPs are copied there.
In the field of collaboration and knowledge transfer, the “Mobility Task Force†has performed mapping of existing mobility schemes, and performed a survey within members and selected stakeholders. Progress on cooperation with Universities and EUA has been reported, including a regular dialogue and participation of EERA representatives to all EUA UNI-SET Events. Regarding a mapping of cooperation with industry and international cooperation, the mapping has been performed, and the analysis of the results is ongoing with the reporting expected in October 2017. The introduction package and webinar tutorials for the IP Repository tool and the Web showcase have been delivered and all the JPs have been created their own IP REP folder.
The activities and results of the communication and dissemination activities have included collecting and sharing EERA success stories; updating the EERA web pages, promoting events, JP activities and IP Showcase and Newsletter; an EERA Newsletter was revised and two were broadcasted to members and external stakeholders. EERA High Level Political event was organised in Brussels on 3.5.2017 with the topic “Cooperation in European energy research & innovationâ€, consisting of a panel discussion on SET-Plan and of an active participation of several stakeholder groups. EERA Scientific Conference was organised in Birmingham, UK, November .2016, with over 200 participants with 110 technical contributions.
During the second period of the project, EERA plans to achieve several results. The extension of EERA research network to Central and Eastern European Countries, contributing to widen the geographical participation and contribute to spread excellence in the energy research field is one of them. The aim is to have some new member Institutions from the aforesaid countries, in order to get a better geographical balance and contribute to the EU political goals.
With regard to a further exercise aiming to better coordinate and harmonize the role and actions of the MSs/ACs involved in the energy research, EERA will provide a comprehensive mapping of national funding schemes aiming to find common approaches, detect criticalities and main differences, in order to contribute to a future alignment of those possible different schemes.
EERA also intends to present a Report on the EERA contribution to the SET-Plan implementation. In this respect, several EERA Joint Programmes are fully involved in carrying out the Implementing Plans, with many relevant outcomes at the moment. By the end of the project, EERA should play an important role as advisor and supporting part of the SET-Plan Steering Committee.
This contribution supported by the broad expertise of the EERA members, namely public research institutions and universities, the latter representing an important proportion of EERA members. To this extent, EERA is working on the strengthening and boosting of the relations with the universities through in particular the European University Association (EUA). At the end of EERASE3, EERA expects to have several new universities members of the Joint Programmes, as consequences of this cooperation, creating new synergies and new forms of collaborative activities between the two Associations, not only from a scientific point of view but also from a policy point of view, with important outcomes, such as the common contribution to the discussion on the new Research Framework Programme (FP9): EERA expects to produce and distribute a common position paper on FP9 at the beginning of the year 2018.
Further to the impact on the external EERA environment and on its stakeholders, EERA is strongly convinced that continuing the internal scientific assessment is a priority, in order to improve its expert role in the European energy research area. For that reason, during the next months, EERA will be able to perform the review of six of the Joint programmes. With the involvement of external experts, the review exercise has a concrete added-value: the periodical assessment of our research areas allows EERA to streamline and strengthen and ensure the quality of its research activities. At the end of EERASE3, EERA will have reviewed two-thirds of the Joint Programmes during the two years contact.
As EERA is also strongly involved in the policies side of the European energy research, a High-Level Political Event will be organized in June 2018, addressing key factors for the future of the energy R&I community in Europe: the achievement of the Implementation Plans of the SET-Plan and the next European R&I framework programme, FP9. This will be the occasion to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of EERA and its results up to date.
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