The Project PJ03a SUMO – SUrface Management Operations – is allocated to the Industrial Research & Validation phase, developed under the SJU Private Public Partnership, and will contribute to the key feature High Performing Airport Operations. To this end, the PJ03a has...
The Project PJ03a SUMO – SUrface Management Operations – is allocated to the Industrial Research & Validation phase, developed under the SJU Private Public Partnership, and will contribute to the key feature High Performing Airport Operations. To this end, the PJ03a has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement No 734153 in the context of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The main objective of PJ03a is to investigate how airport resources allocation could be optimized to ensure smoother and more predictable airport operations in all weather conditions. Sharing of same and more accurate information among all relevant stakeholders will improve the efficiency of surface operations with a direct impact on environmental sustainability. Improve accessibility for airports operating in low visibility conditions by enabling flight crews with an enhanced vision aid to perform approach, landing and taxi operations with an increased safety level. The increased capacity of secondary airports in low visibility conditions has the potential to improve the attractiveness of a region for doing business, creating jobs, especially in remote areas. Airport resources allocation should take into account also the future integration of RPAS in the surface operations. Benefits associated to the possible utilizations of RPAS (as missions related to Civil Protection, Security, Environment Protection and Preservation) were identified during the EC Panel Workshops and represent important cornerstone for their acceptance by the European citizens.
PJ03a has kicked-off on December 1st with a dedicated meeting in Naples, Capodichino Airport. In the following, the main results achieved in each Work Package since the Kick-off Meeting are described:
WP01 – Project Management
The Project Management Plan defining how PJ03a is planned to be executed, monitored, controlled and closed has been submitted via the H2020 portal and successfully reviewed by the SJU. As part of management activities, specific documents dealing with ethics issues have been prepared and will be finalised in the next review period.
WP02 – Enhanced Guidance Assistance to Aircraft on the Airport Surface Combined with Routing
Operational services and related concepts under the scope of the Solution have been defined together with the corresponding operational, safety, performance and interoperability requirements. which were used as input for the elaboration of Technical Specifications. Both requirements and specifications have fed the elaboration of the Validation Plan (to be submitted in the next review period) and the development of the prototypes to be tested in the planned V2 trials. The definition of the main benefits, in terms of KPAs and corresponding indicators, has started as well as part of the Cost Benefit Analysis document.
WP03 – Enhanced navigation and accuracy in low visibility conditions (LVC) on the airport surface
The main activities conducted in the 1st review period were concentrated in developing technical requirements leading to the definition of Initial System Requirements. Those requirements were considered as input for the development of the Technical Validation Plan and for the development of the validation platform.
WP04 – Enhanced Visual Operations
The main activities conducted in the 1st review period were concentrated in developing operational requirements and technical specifications which were considered as basis for the elaboration of the Validation Plan as well as for the prototypes development activities.
WP05 – Surface operations by RPAS
Interesting results (shared on the SJU Website) have been obtained from the V1 Validation campaign executed by ENAV and DLR/AT-One. As reported in the Validation Plan, the main scope was to assess the impact of RPAS surface nominal and non-nominal operations on actors involved (RPAS Pilot, ATCOs) in terms of safety, human performance, access. Regarding the development of the operational concept, a preliminary list of Operational Requirements, Roles, Responsibilities as well as a description of RPAS classification were defined in the OSED document.
WP01 – Project Management
All the management activities are intended to check PJ03a progress will be in line with the objectives defined in the Grant Agreement as well as with the expectations identified at S2020 Programme Level. All the relevant updates will be reported in the future editions of the PMP.
WP02 – Enhanced Guidance Assistance to Aircraft on the Airport Surface Combined with Routing
Until the end of PJ03a, the execution of the planned V2 trials will support the assessment and validation of addressed concepts feasibility to a range of representative operational contexts to establish the actual applicability. The final outcome is to define stable procedures and requirements to be further refined in the following pre-industrial development V3 phase. To this end, the description of the concerned operational concepts as well as the technical specifications will be consolidated based on the outcomes of V2 trials. The target maturity level at the end of Wave 1 is V2.
WP03 – Enhanced navigation and accuracy in low visibility conditions (LVC) on the airport surface
The Solution is expected to bring important benefits as a result of a more fluent, better organized and safely operated system of ground operations, which will lead to cost savings especially due to reduced fuel burn and less delays. This is expected to contribute to the satisfaction of European standards set for noise, local air quality, emissions and contaminants at and around airports. In order to achieve the above mentioned targets, the solution will refine the technical specification and validation plan. Moreover it is expected to continue with the development of the navigation platform that will be used in the planned validation exercises in order to achieve the target TRL4 Maturity.
WP04 – Enhanced Visual Operations
Enhanced Vision System and Synthetic Vision System concepts will enable more efficient taxi and landing operations improving accessibility to all airports without additional ground infrastructure requirements and keeping the same or increasing current level of safety. The increased capacity of secondary airports in low visibility conditions has the potential to improve the attractiveness of a region for doing business, creating jobs, especially in remote areas. The Solution will focus on the creation of the Validation Plan and continue developing the prototypes to be tested during planned validation exercises to achieve the V3 Maturity level. The outcomes will be used to fix cost-benefit analysis and further refine the operational concepts and technical specifications.
WP05 – Surface operations by RPAS
All the activities will be intended to provide operational concept, requirements, working method, use cases for the safe integration of RPAS in airport environment. The assessment of impact in terms of major KPAs, for each stakeholder involved, will provide useful elements to be shared with international organisations and bodies like as ICAO, EASA; EDA, JARUS. To this end, solution 03a-09 will provide 2 different OSEDs at V1 and V2 level, 2 different CBA at V1 and V2 level and three different validation exercises at V2 level with related reporting. The scope is to end the W1 with a V2 maturity level.