While there is no shortage of Printed electronics or TOLAE (thin organic large area electronics) concept ideas and product prototypes the available production capability and functionality maturity for realizing these products in the required numbers is lacking worldwide...
While there is no shortage of Printed electronics or TOLAE (thin organic large area electronics) concept ideas and product prototypes the available production capability and functionality maturity for realizing these products in the required numbers is lacking worldwide. Consequently, qualifying materials and manufacturing processes or evaluating products in an operational environment are not accessible to end-users, interested in this technology. In order to facilitate the market introduction of printed electronics devices, production processes need to be ready for large scale pilot production and accessible to all interested parties. In parallel, performance and reliability of product prototypes need to be demonstrated in relevant conditions. The aim of InSCOPE is to advance printed electronics technology to such production prototypes (TRL 7) related to automotive, healthcare, smart packaging and smart buildings. 4 industrial showcases and 15 development cases are created to show the possibilities of Printed electronics. These are Smart lighting wall (for Philips), In-mould electronics dashboard (for Bosch), Smart Elevator (for KONE) and Smart medical packages (for GSK). Through the Showcases InSCOPE provides a comprehensive complementary toolbox for Hybrid Printed Electronics manufacturing processes and simultaneously set up a service infrastructure to enable a manufacturing service (at TRL6). The learnings and advanceses from the showcases are utilised to serve SME cases for which budget is reserved. In total 15 SME cases are created.
In Summary InSCOPE has the following objectives:
• Mature the hybrid TOLAE manufacturing processes and functionalities from TRL 4-5 to TRL 6.
• Demonstrate product prototypes based on hybrid TOLAE technologies in their operational environment (TRL 7) through four showcases.
• Set up an open access pilot line infrastructure for hybrid TOLAE devices dedicated to SMEs.
Through the InSCOPE project, European RTOs are able to maintain their internationally recognised leading position in Printed electronics and at the same time ensure additional high skilled jobs and printed electronics products.
1. Mature the hybrid TOLAE manufacturing processes and functionalities from TRL 4-5 to TRL 6.
A pilot line is set up involving existing and newly acquired equipment. The pilot line exists of printing, assembly and post-processing equipment and is distributed through Europe by the RTOs incolved in the project. The equipment is upgraded to enable high volume manufacturing at high quality and is characterised according to industrial standards. Design rules and logistics are set up to be sure the singulated modules are compatible in the pilot line. Manufacturing yield and faults are determined and optimised on module level using deicated test vehicles and to ensure an overall yield of >90%.
Next to that, new functionalities are advanced or created to meet the requests of the industrial showcases. The functionalities are produced on the pilot line equipment and tested according to the indusrial standsards (again using test vehicles). In total the manufacturing processes and equipment of the pilot line is capable to produce 1,500km of printed and hybridised foils and (e.g. 100,000 pieces)
2. Demonstrate product prototypes based on hybrid TOLAE technologies in their operational environment (TRL 7) through four showcases.
The improved equipment is used to create the showcases. All showcases are produced in 3 generations evolving in complexity and quantity (bigger size or number of products). All first generations are produced in the first period. The showcases involve a Smart lighting wall in professional lighting applications (for Philips) at a size of 2.4m x 3m. Thereto, 30o m of printed foils was produced and 5.800 LEDs were placed. An In-mould electronics dashboard (for Bosch) was created including decorative foil integration and first steps towards haptic feedback. The whole product is produced through In-mould lelectronics to allow low cost and maintain reliability compatible with automotive specifications.
A low resolution display is created for Smart Elevators (for KONE). In this showcase, generation 1 existed of an elevator control panel including LED wall, proximity sensors and addressable signage. The last showcase involves smart packaging for medicines (for GSK). This showcase involved a NFC commiunicating temperature and shake sensor label, produced in high quantitites (200 labels) The labels included hybrid printed electronics components and a printed temperature sensor.
• Set up an open access pilot line infrastructure for hybrid TOLAE devices.
Producing the showcases allowed to allign the RTOs exisiting and improved infrastructure. Therefore we have the opportunity to set up a (pan-European) pilot line with an open access for end-users (e.g. SMEs). This way we can create development cases tailored towards high volume, pilot line infrastructure and production prototypes. 2 developmnet cases are produced in the previous period. In total 15 development cases will be produced in InSCOPE. The pilot line infrastructure will remain active after the finishing of the project.
The InSCOPE pilot line will provide prototyping for hybrid TOLAE products commercialized by wide range of SMEs addressing mainly HEALTHCARE, BUILDING, AUTOMOTIVE AND SMART PACKING sectors. A generic feature of SME motivation to integrate hybrid TOLAE process are: A) fast access to prototypes, B) lower manufacturing costs, C) increased functionality. The preliminary selection includes products for developing market segments (e.g. personal food testing, continuous pregnancy monitoring, registered post envelope) and high-value additions to the product on established markets (e.g. tire/fleet monitoring, bike lighting). Overall these companies have potential to generate revenues over 60M€ by hybrid TOLAE enabled products, which will significantly strengthen the European position in hybrid TOLAE production & market applications.
Therefore all 3 objectives contribute to European leading position.
• Mature the hybrid TOLAE manufacturing processes and functionalities from TRL 4-5 to TRL 6 will result in expanding or strengthening the RTOs market position and assuring to employ for high quality jobs and at the same time remaining manufacturing positions in Europe.
• The four showcases by themselves are all product with a high market potential for the European and global market. Bringing these products to the market will address the need for TOLAE and strengthen the leading position of Europe.
• The open access pilot line infrastructure for hybrid TOLAE devices allows new business models for TOLAE products and at the same time broadens the portfolio of RTOs.
More info: http://inscope-project.eu/.