Since 1995 Fractalgarden has successfully introduced in the Italian market products in the energy monitoring field. ASCOEL is an established SME with more than 20 years of experience in the design and manufacturing of microprocessor-based products. Our companies have been...
Since 1995 Fractalgarden has successfully introduced in the Italian market products in the energy monitoring field. ASCOEL is an established SME with more than 20 years of experience in the design and manufacturing of microprocessor-based products. Our companies have been partners in the last years for the development of the ERMES 3.0 datalogger. With the ambition to gain visibility on the market and increase our turnover, we have decided to join capacities again to upgrade this system to a more extended solution: SocialSmartGrid. Recent studies states that the market for home energy management products and services as SocialSmartGrid is gathering momentum and its revenue is expected to grow from 528 € million in 2013 to over 3.000 M€ in 2020 at a compound annual growth rate of 15.2%. SocialSmartGrid is a ground-breaking approach to connect energy providers to their customers through internet to the Smart grids and social networks to boost their energy efficiency up to 20%. The solution is a holistic system based on an energy monitoring unit with internet router integrated which connects to an energy management cloud platform with unique additional features such as social networking, community building and ecommerce marketplace to acquire energy efficient appliances and services. SocialSmartGrid is specially oriented to households and Small and medium business. With only one gadget, our partners from energy and telecommunication utilities will have the possibility to offer to their customer an integrated service of energy management and internet connection. Furthermore, E.ON Energia will support us on the pre-commercial stage through developing a pilot in 100 of its customers, and will be our first sales channel to start our international expansion. We foresee to reach a realistic market share of 0,6% of the whole European Potential Market, what will imply a cumulative revenue of 38 M€ after 5 years of commercialisation and 22 new direct jobs.
During this first period of Socialsmargrid project (January-December 2017), we invest our efforts in overpass the initial specifications and succeeded in realizing functionalities that various market surveys and conferences on smart homes have confirmed to be of particular interest to homeowners.
We succeeded in upgrading our first energy monitoring platform (“homyâ€) to a beta test platform (v1), migrating our Datalogger to a Linux-based operating system and designing and developing a pilot demonstration (100 prototype units), as well as devising a Pilot Organization Plan, which manage the activities of the pilot test.
Furthermore, we have defined our Commercialization Strategy footprint, based on agreements with strategic partners; the Communication Plan, which a fundamental part is the launching of our website, that was developed as an overall description of the project and a place for getting to know the partnership and a framework for communication of the progress of work and achievements during the project duration; and the Risk Assessment Plan, which helps our team to monitor and manage the potential risks and the measures to be applied.
Our expectations are the development of an ecosystem of functionality that is objectively useful for users.
The main purposes are to improve home comfort, safety, energy savings (and therefore economic) plus other economic benefits deriving from other platform functions, such as purchasing groups (homy users are part of a community in which the accession of a large number of users to one or more offers of goods and services, brings considerable benefits to end users who alone could never reach).
The potential impact of our service is therefore very high thanks to the functional integration of various areas made simple by an easy-to-use app.
Also from the social point of view, functions such as purchasing groups or social networks connected to homy, are actually moments of meeting between users, united by common objectives of energy saving and economic savings.
Since the platform is designed to be used also by large utility like E.ON, with millions of customers, the multiplicative factor is very high.
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