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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ESA 2.0 (Pushing forward irradiation monitoring efficiency in the PV industry)


\"With two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions stemming from energy production and use, the energy sector is at the core of the transition to a cleaner, more efficient energy system. Solar power is leading the forefront of this process: in 2016 it grew faster than any...


\"With two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions stemming from energy production and use, the energy sector is at the core of the transition to a cleaner, more efficient energy system.
Solar power is leading the forefront of this process: in 2016 it grew faster than any other fuel, and in 2017 the solar capacity installed worldwide exceeded for the first time 100 GW.
Large (LS) and very-large scale (VLS) installations are the major drive of this breath-taking growth: the pipeline of large installations in 2016 is 200 GW, i.e. 65% of total installed capacity worldwide.
Such huge installations present relevant operational and financial challenges though, for their magnitude requires special efforts for maximizing performance while at the same time keeping costs for operations and maintenance (O&M) low.
Monitoring the amount of available sunlight is of paramount importance to this aim, for it allows to quickly identify production drops, manage diagnostics, schedule maintenance, and timely take corrective actions to couple with system failures or inefficiencies, which translates in an overall increase of production – and hence of revenues.
But while in large installations production is precisely monitored by small sections, the assessment of available sunlight is typically performed on very few single points.
As a consequence, when slight underperformances occur, it can take days before they are noticed, the system failure is precisely localized, and its cause is fixed.
This results in loss of production, and thus of revenues, and in low efficiency of O&M operations.
This is due to the fact that several devices typically assembled in large, bulky and expensive solar monitoring stations(SMSs) are necessary for performing a complete irradiation monitoring. Both for economic and logistic reasons indeed, SMSs do not allow for a fine grained irradiation monitoring, and this translates into the following pains:
(i) for plant managers: poor control on systems performance and, as a consequence, under-optimized production and low maintenance efficiency;
(ii) for oweners and investors: under-optimized profitability from their investments;
(iii) for the society as a whole, from the under exploited potential for a low carbon, secure, clean and efficient energy.

The ESA 2.0 project aimed at bringing to the market an innovative solar irradiation sensor making irradiation monitoring simpler, cheaper and more accurate than it presently is, allowing to take a step forward towards the decarbonisation of the energy system. This goal has beeen pursued by:
• Speeding up market introduction and easing market uptake, by delivering # 30 calibrated industrial prototypes of the ESA v.2.0 sensor and # 30 industrial prototypes of the ESAnet docking station, both certified according to the relevant EU regulations, and “bank approved” for use in PV plants;
• Implementing market replication activities involving final users by running pilots in operating solar installations owned by leading industry players;
• Laying foundation for the successful commercial exploitation of the ESA 2.0 technology and the long term growth of the business line;
• Building a strong market position and raising brand awareness aimed at acknowledging Alitec as manufacturer of dependable irradiation monitoring technologies, and at positioning the ESA sensor not as substitute but as a brand new technology substituting the full set of traditional irradiation measurement tools.\"

Work performed

\"During the last 18 months of the ESA 2.0 project:

• The complete 2.0 prototype series have prepared and calibrated, certified and reviewed for bankability by independent third parties. In particular: (i) #30 ESA 2.0 sensor (commercial name: CaptPro) and of #30 ESAnet docking station (Commercial name: WDS-Wireless Docking Station) prototypes have been prepared, and (ii) they have been calibrated, certified according to relevant EU-regulations, and reviewd for bankability purposes by independent third parties.

• No. 4 pilots tests have been performed in Mexico (#1), Italy (#2) and Switzerland (#1) whereby #13 sensor and #13 docking station’ prototypes have been (i) installed in # 4 operating PV plants (ii) eventually tested in operating conditions, following which data have been gathered, analysed and validated.

• The Exploitation & Dissemination plan has been fully implemented, whereby:
- the ESA 2.0 patent extension applications at EPC and PTC level have been filed;
- #2 international trade shows have been attended as exhibitors;
- #33 pre-commercial agreements with potential clients and partners have been signed;
- #8 international conferences and sectoral events have been attended, to which abstracts have been submitted, posters presented, and presentations given;
- #3 industry associations and networks of international standing have been joined;
- #4 R&D collaborations agreements with renowned international research organizations and companies have been signed.

• The Communication plan has been fully implemented, whereby:
- the ESA 2.0 project website has been developed, published and continuously updated;
- The Official Info Toolkit including one-pagers, datasheets, brochure & user manual with set up instructions has been prepared and printed out;
- The project promotional video and the multimedia presentation have been created and published;
- Advertisings, banners and marketing emailers have been prepared, published, and circulated;
- Posters and boards have been created and printed out;
- Applications to contests and awards have been prepared and submitted.

Results achieved:
• #30 ESA 2.0 sensor + #30 of ESAnet docking station prototypes
• #4 calibration certificates obtained
• #3 EU-compliant certifications obtained
• #1 bankability report obtained
• # 4 PV plants equipped with sensor + docking station’ prototypes
• # 4 pilot tests performed and technology validated
• #2 international patent extension applications submitted
• #2 international exhibitions attended as exhibitors
• #30 pre-orders gathered
• #3 distribution agreements signed
• #6 international conferences and sectoral events attended (+ #2 in Reporting Period 1), to which #2 abstracts (+ #1 in RP1), #2 posters (+ #1 in RP1), and #1 presentation submitted and presented
• #3 memberships in industry associations subscribed
• #4 R&D collaboration agreements signed
• #1 project website online and updated
• #1 Official Info Toolkit prepared and printed
• #1 promotional video created and published
• #1 multimedia presentation created and published
• #3 advertisings in magazines, #4 banners, #1 two-page editorial, #1 marketing emailer, and #1 leaflet published and distributed
• #5 posters and #1 board created and printed out
• Participation to #2 awards performed (+ #3 in RP1), 1 of which successfully obtained (+ #1 in RP1)\"

Final results

The ESA 2.0 project delivered a game changing technology capable of boosting production efficiency in PV industry.
Thanks to the exploitation, dissemination and communication plan, and to the endorsement of world market players like Enel Green Power, such simple and efficient single-tool, distributed irradiation monitoring system will drive:
(i) economic benefits for industrial users, stemming both from optimized production and lowered O&M cost
(ii) environmental benefits for the society as a whole, deriving from the full exploitation of the solar energy potential.

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