Engage is the SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). Engage is managed by a consortium of academia and industry, in support to the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU), to promote and facilitate the development of air traffic management research in Europe. The focus is two-fold:...
Engage is the SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). Engage is managed by a consortium of academia and industry, in support to the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU), to promote and facilitate the development of air traffic management research in Europe. The focus is two-fold: inspiring new researchers and helping to align exploratory and industrial research, through a wide range of activities and financial support actions.
Engage is coordinated by the University of Westminster, with the Innaxis Research Institute, University of Trieste, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Frequentis, EUROCONTROL and the European Aviation Safety Agency as consortium members.
The objectives of Engage are to:
* Manage the SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network towards a scientific, technical and dissemination success all while maintaining the highest level of quality within guidelines approved by the European Commission (EC) and the SJU.
* Manage the network’s communication related activities, including on-line (e.g. website and social media) and organising workshops whilst supporting SJU initiatives such as the organisation of the SIDs and coordination with the SESAR Scientific Committee.
* Build an inspiring and user-friendly ATM observatory (wiki) to monitor, identify and analyse relevant new opportunities for innovative ATM research, with a repository to host tools, reports and publications and a roadmap of innovative and interdisciplinary ATM concepts beyond SESAR 2020.
* Stimulate the transfer of exploratory research results towards ATM application-oriented research by identifying the maturity of research results and facilitating the link with higher-maturity research.
* Support European ATM education and training in the ATM community develop new talent with a deep knowledge of the future ATM scientific research needs; to sustain a supply of ATM research talent and to stimulate the next generation of ATM operational and engineering staff.
Website launched (M1) and developed (average > 1200 hits per month)
* Wiki and supporting data are being developed
Calls and challenges
* Thematic challenge topics evaluated & launched; workshops held, disseminated
* Call for PhDs / post-graduate theses launched, evaluated, notified
* 1st Call for catalyst funding launched, FAQ submissions opened
SESAR Innovations Days
* Established success already (non-disruptive change)
* Engage industry partners on programme committee and at conference
Dissemination, communication
* Investing very heavy effort, inviting ideas, advise us if not in the loop
* New industry partners signing up; further involvement in 2019
Better integration between applied/industrial and exploratory research.
A future ATM skilled workforce. Helping develop new talent with a deep knowledge of the future ATM scientific research needs by supporting 11 PhDs, supporting the SESAR Innovation Days conference, organising three summer schools and a series of thematic workshops, facilitating attendance on ATC training courses and supplying lecture programmes at the ‘grass roots’ level.
Establish a knowledge hub (wiki) as a ‘go-to’ source, single point of entry for ATM knowledge.
Support student mobility, industry speakers at events, etc. - a large number of support actions.
More info: http://www.engagektn.com.