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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - eSMART (The Professional Platform for sustainable and connected buildings)


eSMART brings together all apartment’s basic functions on one wall-mounted touchscreen: videophone; heating regulation room-by-room; energy consumption monitoring in real-time, lighting, blind and socket managementThe general objective of this project is the industrial...


eSMART brings together all apartment’s basic functions on one wall-mounted touchscreen: videophone; heating regulation room-by-room; energy consumption monitoring in real-time, lighting, blind and socket management
The general objective of this project is the industrial adaptation and commercialization of the technology to introduce the system in the home automation market in EU. The specific objectives of these feasibility study are: (1) Technical: to define eSMART hardware and software technical adaptations for EU countries and resources needed for serial production; (2) Commercial: to evaluate critical aspects for product commercialization, to identify the key partners and stakeholders required for the full implementation and market uptake and to make the roadmap for the European certification framework; (3) Financial: to redefine the 5-year projected cash flow and the expected benefits for the company, to assess the total require investment and to develop a complete business plan to deploy eSMART in the European market.

Work performed

We have assessed the technical, commercial and financial viability of eSMART to confirm the feasibility of our project. We have performed a detailed market analysis and deep into the commercial potential of eSMART for building and individual home owners in Europe. We have also better defined our market strategy, the target countries more precisely and the geographical expansion strategy to start commercialization in 2021. On the technical side, we have defined the adaptations to be made on our module to be commercialized in the rest of EU countries and established a workplan. Finally, on the economic side we have developed a detailed business plan including revenues and costs analysis.

Final results

eSMART System integrates in one system all smart-home functionalities with clear competitive advantages: high communication speed, real-time measurement and control, low price, no programming required valid for installation in existing buildings/buildings. eSMART will make a positive contribution on meeting the EU targets on energy efficiency improvement and cut in greenhouse gas emissions. By monitoring the consumption habits of a home, 10% reductions in energy consumption can be achieved. With the individualized control of electrical devices and heating systems, the decrease can be as high as 15%. This project will have also a great impact in our company in terms of revenues and personnel.

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