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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ENG GAM 2018 (Engine ITD - GAM 2018)


Clean Sky 2 aims to validate more radical engine architectures to a position where their market acceptability is not determined by technology readiness. The platforms or demonstrators of these engine architectures can be summarized as below:• Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency...


Clean Sky 2 aims to validate more radical engine architectures to a position where their market acceptability is not determined by technology readiness.
The platforms or demonstrators of these engine architectures can be summarized as below:

• Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) demonstrator addressing Short / Medium Range aircraft market, 2014-2023: design, development and ground test of a propulsion system demonstrator to validate low pressure modules and nacelle technology.
• Business aviation / Short range regional Turboprop Demonstrator, 2015-2022: design, development and ground testing of a new turboprop engine demonstrator.
• Advanced Geared Engine Configuration (HPC and LPT technology demonstration), 2015-2023: Design, development and ground testing of a new demonstrator to reduce CO2 emissions and noise as well as engine weight;
• Very High Bypass Ratio (VHBR) Middle of Market Turbofan technology, 2014-2023: development and demonstration of technologies in each area to deliver validated powerplant systems matured for implementation in full engine systems;
• VHBR Large Turbofan demonstrator UltraFan®™, 2014-2023: design, development, ground and flight test of an engine to demonstrate key technologies at a scale suitable for large engines;
• The Small Aero-Engine Demonstration projects related to Small Air Transport (SAT) will focus on small fixed-wing aircraft in the general aviation domain and their power-plant solutions, spanning from piston/diesel engines to small turboprop engines.

Work performed

Work Package 0 - Engine ITD Management
As always, 2018 has been a year where the management of the ENGINES ITD was operated efficiently based on the processes set-up by the 3 Coordinators, allowing the members to deliver their various commitments to the Clean Sky 2 programme.

Work Package 2 – Ultra High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) Demonstrator for Short / Medium Range aircraft
The two main objectives of 2018 were to define the best configuration of the rig tests in order to achieve the risk mitigation prior to the full engine test and to evaluate innovative technologies to secure the environmental objectives on CO2, NOx and acoustics of Clean Sky 2 in a future commercial engine.

Work Package 3 – Business aviation / short range Regional TP Demonstrator
The year 2018 concentrated on finalizing the detailed design and drawings for the Turboprop Integrated Power Plant System (IPPS) ground demonstrator and the manufacturing of all the parts was confirmed.

Work Package 4 – Adv. Geared Engine Configuration (HPC-LPT)
The Inter Compressor Duct (ICD) rig testing facility at DLR successfully tested the first build, which was finished in August. The hardware for the second build was integrated in the rig during September and the rig is currently running in productive testing. The expansion system engine demonstrator passed the preliminary design review (DR3) and the test concept review (TCR).

Work Package 5 – VHBR – Middle of Market Technology
GKN completed casting trials for two alternative Ti-alloys and conduct weld trials to understand the weldability and mechanical properties of its structural systems. The main technical progress of the Low Speed Fan saw all hardware design and manufacturing activities completed, including the LSF5 blis. ITP completed the VT-4-3 aero rig testing and the VT-2 aero rig (multistage) design.

Work Package 6 – VHBR – Large Turbofan Demonstrator
In April 2018, the UltraFan® team announced at the Berlin Air Show the joint signing of the Cooperation and Research Agreement with Airbus, to provide both nacelle and engine/aircraft integration architecture and technology enablers.

Work Package 7 – Small Aircraft Engine Demonstrator
Like the previous years, the main activities of WP7 in 2018 were done by the CfP partners. On the six active CfPs, the two first CfPs (on core engine and turbocharger) have been concluded in Q1 2018, whereas the four others continue up to 2019. SafranAE activities in 2018 were thus mainly management tasks, coordination and validation of the partners works.

Work Package 8 – Reliable and more efficient operation of small turbine engines
The performance of the green SAT 19 seats A/C loop 2 have been analysed, a complete package with Maestro engine performance, emissions, noise, installation data were provided, the preliminary aerodynamic and acoustic design of the low-noise propeller blade for the MAESTRO’s Green twin turboprop aircraft was performed and the Axial Centrifugal Compressor Vehicle rig operated for ~300 hours. Testing was concluded on October 26, 2018. All major test goals were accomplished and the aerodynamic and aeromechanical design of the compressor was successfully validated.

Work Package 9 – Eco Design
During 2018, a consolidation of the strategic view and a structuration of the work in sub-WP has been proposed. Some major reorientations took place, due to partners internal restructuration or work reorientations linked to ECO topics launching delays, but the EITD ECO team succeeded in building a structured and coherent work programme.

Final results

In 2018, the activities focused on maturation of the transmission system through dedicated risk tests in order to get detailed knowledge of the key design driver and to achieve an optimized solution: compact integration to reduce mass and therefore fuel burn, robust design for all running conditions and detailed analysis to take full benefit of the new architecture of the engine.
Furthermore new activities were introduced to increase the innovative technologies and to secure the environmental objectives.

The identified key enabling technologies (Power & Accessory GearBox, Propeller, Engine & Propeller controls and Air intake and nacelle), together with improvement of gas turbine components, have been studied in detail. The current architecture of the IPPS demonstrator is also expected to bring savings at integration level.

Until now, the behavior of inter compressor ducts, especially with representative Mach numbers and instationarities, is not well studied.
The integration of high temperature resistant materials in the expansion system and their application against the background of light weight aspects drives the progress beyond state of the art.

UltraFan® looks at the whole engine architecture; it\'s the biggest change in approach to the whole engine design system since Trent and the power gearbox (PGB) is the fundamental new dimension. A gearbox at this size is new territory for Rolls-Royce and is pushing the state-of-the art.

UltraFan® represents the single biggest change in large engine architecture for Rolls-Royce in a generation.

2018 has thus seen the first rotation of the two first 6-cylinder demonstrators, which have easily reached 85% of their power target (i.e. 350hp). Some evolutions are on-going to improve further the consumption and a second testing phase is planned to continue the validation of this new architecture.

2018 has seen fundamental progress in the maturation of some of the key enabling technologies to meet MAESTRO High Level Objectives and environmental targets.

Due to this late start, the progress beyond state of the art is still low. We can nevertheless insist on the results obtained by the specific workshop dedicated to composite recycling organized by ECO members under the responsibility of Fraunhofer.

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