We all know the feeling: You are on your way to the airport, your bags are packed and you are ready to catch a flight. You arrive in time, get through check-in and security quickly, but at the gate you realize that your flight is delayed or even can-celled and there is a good...
We all know the feeling: You are on your way to the airport, your bags are packed and you are ready to catch a flight. You arrive in time, get through check-in and security quickly, but at the gate you realize that your flight is delayed or even can-celled and there is a good chance you will miss your Connection flight …
Unfortunately, this scenario is very common, especially as air traffic is growing rapidly every year. To minimize the nega-tive effects on travelers as well as the negative impact on the economy, environment and the general public, the project NCM, including five major European airlines, air navigation service providers, the Network Manager and airports, was set up under the umbrella of the European Commission.
The project aims to demonstrate performance improvements to all actors by identifying and applying smarter, more synchronized measures and closer cooperation throughout the European ATM Network
The airspace over Europe is limited. With increasing air traffic,
limits create delays if the full airspace and airport capacity is not used wisely and in a coordinated manner. Today, mainly because there are many actors (airports, Area Control Centres [ACC]) in the network that are not connected, this leads to numerous local measures to balance demand and capacity. These measures are optimal from a local point of view, but might worsen the perfor-mance of the overall network. Consequently, many flights are affected by various restrictions that may result in delays.
There are, however, ways to reduce that impact. Sup- ported by intelligent support and communication tools, sharing and linking available information and by working closer together, more targeted flight and flow measures
for airspace and airport bottlenecks are possible.
Working together in the European network requires intensive day-to-day planning and operational coordination. The NCM demonstrations ultimately aim to improve coordination between partners so that better flow and flight measures are agreed amongst all relevant operational actors. Some exercises focus on bilateral coordi-nation improvements; others focus on improvements in connecting with the network. All will contribute to faster, more efficient communication, information sharing and cooperation between stake-holders, resulting in more predictability, higher efficiency and less delays.
Faster and more structured coordination using support tools will allow for more dynamicity and the fine-tuning of pro- posed measures compared to traditional coordination means such as telephone and email coordination. This also allows for the implementation of additional surgical measures to individual flights. In addition, it will allow for much better control of situations where deviations to the original plan are required, e.g. in case of weather disturbances.
Five major European airlines – Lufthansa Group Airlines, Air France including Hop! And Transavia France, Ryanair, British Airways, EasyJet – covering 80% of Euro-pean air traffic, formed the ATEAM (Airline Team for the Enhancement of Air Traffic Management) consortium to contribute to SESAR activities such as the NCM project. Lead by Lufthansa, the airlines are working closely with the NCM project team to develop, test and implement tools and processes for the improvement of ATM in Europe. This includes simulations as well as flight trials in all regions of the network.
Over 1600 Flights have been participating so far, spread over 5 different Exercises. Also shadow mode Trials have been conducted where live Trials wouldn`t be feasible. All this supported by extensive Simulations and Evaluations to Name the benefits and create concepts that are safe, efficient and can mutually be used across the INDUSTRY.
DSNA developed the Collaborate Advanced Planning tool (CAP), used to coordinate options to avoid busy French sectors, in direct coordi-nation with airlines. In NCM, DSNA will demon-strate the benefits of CAP coordination and measures to airlines by extending the use of the CAP tool to cross-border operations and other ANSPs, such as DFS in their busy Karlsruhe sectors. DSNA supports the connection of CAP with the Network Manager’s systems to provide transparency and improvement of CAP measures to operational actors and airlines. A wide range of flight trials (CAP) as well as shadow mode trials (NCAP) with live data and simulations are performed.
ENAIRE demonstrated that the support of their new tool iACM will contribute to efficient identification and implementation of ATFCM measures. ENAIRE tested a number of coordinated ATFCM measures in the NCM demonstrations such as:
Ground delay measures for flows, flights
Cross-border level capping measures in coordination with France using the CAP tool
Targeted flow measures using the PLANTA tool, developed by Eurocontrol
The results of the demonstrations will contribute to the further implementation of iACM
Aircraft operators in the European network deal with 68 control centres in 43 countries that all aim to balance demand and capacity in their area. Local tools to reduce delays will be connected to the network systems to ensure local measures are validated against the European operational environment and then shared amongst all partners. Karlsruhe UAC aims to connect local re-route proposals (RRP) to solve their capacity problems and provide transparency to the network and airspace users. As a result, Karlsruhe can check measures against network constraints and airspace users will receive fully validated RRPs via the network system. This allows airlines to plan better, optimize their flights, and reduce the impact of capacity constraints.
Coordination between network and local tactical capacity managers currently takes place through ad-hoc and inefficient telephone communication. Linking local support tools with network tools via B2B messages will enable standardized, time-efficient and dynamic coordination processes. This will provide the possibility to test and coordinate targeted flight and flow measures that create less disturbance to traffic and have less or even no impact on certain flights. (MUAC) simulates the impact and coordinates proposed measures with the network using B2B connection before applying them. This enables a wider appli-cation of targeted flight mea-sures such as delay exclusions and improvements. In addition, air-space users are in close coordination with MUAC and NMOC to optimize the allocation of targeted measures to flights that are critical in respect to night curfew, passenger connections or crew duty times.
NCM demonstrations are expected to improve the connectivity between operational stakeholders by sharing operational information and by using improved coordination processes. Supported by local tools that are connected with network tools, it is expected that this will result in significant time savings and will create more time to find fine-tuned and targeted measures for specific flights or flows. These smarter measures are expected to facilitate better use of available or unused capacities and therefore contribute to reducing the impact of ATFM measures on airlines and their passengers.
More info: http://www.not-yet-available.com.