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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PGplant (The Facade of Industrial Internet)


The challenge in the widespread deployment of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is that in most cases the service providers are huge enterprises with heavy cost structure and large overheads. The systems they are selling are mainly integrated comprehensive solutions to a...


The challenge in the widespread deployment of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is that in most cases the service providers are huge enterprises with heavy cost structure and large overheads. The systems they are selling are mainly integrated comprehensive solutions to a variety of challenges. However, SMEs with turnover below 50 MEUR regard the cost/benefit ratio of these large systems unsatisfactory, so alternative approaches are needed. Process Genius has a genuine interest to operate exactly in this SME field and has already gained momentum in certain sectors of SME manufacturing industry. The dynamic manufacturing sector consisting of well networked and innovative SMEs is the best way to ensure that the Third (and Fourth) industrial Revolution will guarantee the competitiveness of European economy on global scale. The specific objective of Process Genius (PG) is to solve problems related to information overflow in interconnected IIoT environments. The key solution is PG’s genius software with great interoperability features and a unique multi-layered 3D user interface, which replaces multiple UI’s of current business systems. The way how PG can solve the context extraction challenges in complex IT configurations is revolutionary. The objective of Phase 1 project was to pilot PGplant solutions in different settings and validate the business model options together with pilot partners. Market analysis was done from bottom up and only competitors, who are active in the SME customer segment, were analyzed. Also IPR strategy was streamlined, especially regarding to the scalability in Europe.

Work performed

Within the scope of our Feasibility Assessment the following activities were implemented:

Market assessment in terms of
A: comprehensive competitor analysis;
B: market segmentation and definition of value proposition for selected priority segments;
C: commercial proof-of-concept projects;

Technical assessment in terms of
A: scalability of PG cloud platform;
B: internal software development processes and infrastructure;

IPR and legal assessment in terms of
A: GDPR compliance and Data Protection Policy;
B: IP protection strategy;

In competitor analysis we analyzed both the competition landscape in general, especially the use of Digital Twin statement in the market and PG’s competitors in selected industry fields. As it currently stands on the top of Gartner’s Hype Curve, Digital Twin is widely used also in the context where it only contains promotional value, but no real connection into the notion itself. The proof-of-concept projects in Finland, UK and Germany gave useful information when streamlining our value proposition.

Final results

The commercial launch of PGplant was supported with the help of valuable experiences and insights gained from the pilots in Finland, UK and Germany. The results confirmed our initial insight that valuable added services can be provided in reasonable price also for companies operating in SME scale. This ability to find solutions providing highly useful IIoT solutions to a reasonable price will boost the manufacturing industry in Europe. Process Genius’ solutions in manufacturing industry will improve the utilization rate of expensive investments in manufacturing workshops with a unique and easy to percept 3D user interface.

The real genius in PG solution is the high interoperability with the main IIoT platforms in the market. That was proofed in the UK pilot, and experiences from that show that the results are helping to take remote operations of large industrial properties, like power plants into the next level.

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