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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FlowEnhancer (A Shell-and-tube heat exchanger enhancement that increases Energy Efficiency in the Oil, Gas, Power & Chemical Process Sectors)


The Flow Enhancer projects aims at commercialising an innovative heat exchanger efficiency enhancement that will allow plant operators in the Oil & Gas and power generation sectors to achieve substantial fuel and CO2 emission savings. The outcomes of the project will...


The Flow Enhancer projects aims at commercialising an innovative heat exchanger efficiency enhancement that will allow plant operators in the Oil & Gas and power generation sectors to achieve substantial fuel and CO2 emission savings. The outcomes of the project will contribute towards European Policy objectives on a low carbon economy and climate change.
The project’s objectives are comprised of both commercial and technical objectives and they are as follows:
• Optimize the system’s mechanical design
• Create an online flow diversion angle calculator
• To validate the final product in industrial environment
• To produce the Installation and Maintenance Guidelines of the product
• To perform a market audit
• To certify the Flow Enhancer system in Europe
• To perform pre-launch operations to facilitate market entry
• To disseminate the Flow Enhancer system’s advantages to the industry
• To incentive the industry operators towards efficiency savings
• To finalise our commercialisation plan

Work performed

During reporting period 1, the project has achieved the following objectives:
1. Optimised the systems mechanical design
The overall design structure of the system has been optimised and performance gains maximised.
2. Created a fouling calculator
A fouling calculator that will allow plant operators to calculate the fouling of heat exchangers has been developed.
3. Performed a market audit
A market audit to assess the size of the market and types of heat exchangers was conducted. From this study the optimum design was chosen for use within the project that would result in the minimum number of products for the addressable market.
4. Produced a product certification plan
A certification plan for certifying the system in Europe, USA and Canada has been developed for implementation in reporting period 2.
5. Conducted early dissemination activities to share the Flow Enhancer system’s advantages to the industry
Impressive results from the Reporting Period 1 and advantages of using Flow Enhancer were shared with potential end users through our consortium partners and heat exchange manufacturers. These will be followed through into reporting period 2.

Final results

The Flow Enhancer project will achieve a step performance increase in a component that is ubiquitously used in an industry where technological breakthroughs are notoriously rare and where the volume, quantities and sizes are such that even a marginal improvement in the production process can potentially result in billions of euros being saved, as well as reducing the enormous environmental footprint of the industry. The final outcome of the action will be a market-grade product that will be either licensed to manufacturers for inclusion in new models or retrofitted into old ones.
The work carried will contribute towards European policy objectives, especially:
• 2030 Climate and Energy framework
• 2050 Low-Carbon economy
• Industrial Emission Directive (IED)

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