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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 5G-VINNI (5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure)


5G-VINNI will accelerate the uptake of 5G in Europe by providing an end-to-end (E2E) facility that validates the performance of new 5G technologies by operating trials of advanced vertical sector services.The 5G-VINNI strategy to achieve this involves:Design an advanced and...


5G-VINNI will accelerate the uptake of 5G in Europe by providing an end-to-end (E2E) facility that validates the performance of new 5G technologies by operating trials of advanced vertical sector services.

The 5G-VINNI strategy to achieve this involves:

Design an advanced and accessible 5G end to end facility.
1. Build several interworking sites of the 5G-VINNI end to end facility.
2. Provide user friendly zero-touch orchestration, operations and management systems for the 5G-VINNI facility.
3. Validate the 5G KPIs and support the execution of E2E trial of vertical use cases to prove the 5G-VINNI capabilities.
4. Develop a viable business and ecosystem model to support the life of the 5G-VINNI facility during and beyond the span of the project.
5. Demonstrate the value of 5G solutions to the 5G community particularly to relevant standards and open source communities with a view to securing widespread adoption of these solutions.
6. The 5G-VINNI E2E facility will demonstrate the achievement of 5G KPIs across a range of combinations and permutations of new 5G access technologies and end-user equipment types interconnected by the most advanced 5G core network technologies available. For this 5G-VINNI will leverage the latest 5G technologies, including results from previous 5G PPP projects.

This approach employs Network Function Virtualization, Network Slicing and a rigorous automated testing campaign to validate the 5G KPIs under various combinations of technologies and network loads. To ensure realistic load scenarios 5G-VINNI will create and make available an openness framework to give verticals and peer projects easy access to the 5G-VINNI facilities, both legally and technically, e.g. via open APIs. The 5G-VINNI facilities include 7 infrastructure instances in nationally supported 5G nodes across Europe; this number may be expanded as the ICT-19 projects come on-line in 2019.

Work performed

\"A high level summary of the achievements for the overall objectives in the 1st year of 5G-VINNI is given in this sub-section, whereas more detailed achievements will be presented per WP in the following sub-sections. In summary, the status is positive for all the project objectives.
Objective 1: Design an advanced and accessible 5G end to end facility.
The following deliverables are measures of Objective 1 achievement:
• D1.1 “Design of infrastructure architecture and subsystems v1”.
• D1.2 “Design of network slicing and supporting system v1”.
• D1.3 “Design for systems and interfaces for slice operation v1”.
Objective 1 is achieved for 1st reporting period. The designs and requirements are already being used by work packages WP2, 3, 4 and 5 to realize their goals.

Objective 2: Build several interworking[1]sites of the 5G-VINNI end to end facility.
[1]Interworking refers to interconnection of two or more sites to provide unified service(s) in the 5G E2E facility. Interconnection does not assure interworking.
The following deliverables are measures of Objective 2 achievement:
• D2.1 “5G VINNI Solution Facility-sites High Level Design”.
• D2.2 “5G VINNI Solution Facilities Acceptance Report”. (annexes of D2.2. are not yet completed due to some delays in Milestone 2).
Objective 2 is mostly achieved for 1st reporting period. The high level designs for the facility sites have been the major activity and are completed. The overall D2.2 template is delivered, but the annexes to D2.2 reporting on the acceptance of facility site implementations are not fully complete due to some delays in Milestone 2 (Release 0 of the E2E facility).

Objective 3: Provide user friendly zero-touch orchestration, operations and management systems for the 5G-VINNI facility.
The following deliverables are measures of Objective 3 achievement:
• D3.1 “Specification of services delivered by each of the 5G-VINNI facilities”.
• D3.2 “Publication of first version of service catalogues to vertical consumers”.
Objective 3 is achieved for 1st reporting period. Service specifications and service catalogues to vertical consumers have been made, which are critical input to 5G-VINNI implementation, ICT-19 projects, ESB members and other verticals.

Objective 4: Validate the 5G KPIs and support the execution of E2E trial of vertical use cases to prove the 5G-VINNI capabilities.
The following deliverables are measures of Objective 4 achievement:
• D4.1 “Initial report on test-plan creation and methodology, and development of test orchestration framework”.
Objective 4 is achieved for the 1st reporting period. A test plan and methodology as well as a test orchestration framework are defined. In addition, D4.1 defines KPIs and pre-qualification test cases important for the facility sites readiness for test campaigns.

Objective 5: Develop a viable business and ecosystem model to support the life of the 5G-VINNI facility during and beyond the span of the project.
The following deliverables are measures of Objective 5 achievement:
• D5.1 “Ecosystem analysis and specification of B&E KPIs”.
Objective 5 is achieved for the 1st reporting period. An actor role model has been defined by analysing 5G as an ecosystem, SWOT analysis has been applied to evaluate \"\"5G experimentation-as-a-service\"\", business and economic KPIs are defined, and critical business layer functionalities are identified.

Objective 6: Demonstrate the value of 5G solutions to the 5G community particularly to relevant standards and open source communities with a view to securing widespread adoption of these solutions.
The following deliverables are measures of Objective 6 achievement:
• D6.1 “Initial impact creation plan”.
• D6.2 “First intermediate impact assessment & exploitation plan”.
• D6.4 “Data Management Plan”
Objective 6 is mostly achieved for the 1st reporting period. Dissemination activities are high. 5G PPP activities an\"

Final results

5G-VINNI is progressing beyond state of the art in the following domains;
- 5G radio access (e.g mmWave, SDR)
- Reliability enhancements for urban V2X communication
- IoT data fabric functions embedded into network slices
- E2E network service orchestration and automation.
- Edge computing support and IoT Edge slicing capabilities
- Satellite integration within 5G
- Backhauling automation in 5G
- 5G network KPIs measurements and evaluations, including test tools for automated testing.
- Open Source solutions in 5G-VINNI facility
- Emergence of new Business models – Ecosystem
- Service Based Architecture (SBA)
- E2E slicing implementation, management and security
- Service Automation
- Flexible architecture for Verticals
- Exposure to Verticals

Results from these beyond state of the art areas will be contributed to standard organisations and open source communities.

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