Procedures of fruits and vegetable conservation are quantified on the maximum time of the period between maturity and gustatory time, since this time period gathers the aspects related to the actual ripening as well as the development of the organoleptic and commercial...
Procedures of fruits and vegetable conservation are quantified on the maximum time of the period between maturity and gustatory time, since this time period gathers the aspects related to the actual ripening as well as the development of the organoleptic and commercial characteristics of the fruit.
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about one third of the food produce globally for human consumption is lost or wasted. According to national studies, fresh fruit and vegetables contribute to almost 50% of the food waste generated by EU households. This data is estimated on the basis that a third of total food purchases are fruits and vegetables; in addition, some parts of the product are not usually consumed (e.g. peel), they are highly perishable and relatively cheap.
Roughly, one third of human consumption food produced in the world every year – that is approximately 1.3 billion Ton – get lost or wasted. Food losses and waste sum up to US$310 billion in developed countries. Mid- industrialized and developing countries dissipate roughly the same quantities of food – respectively 670 and 630 million Ton.
Fruits and vegetables, plus roots and tubers have the highest wastage rates of any food. Global quantitative food losses and waste per year are roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50% for root crops, fruits and vegetables, 20% for oil seeds, meat and dairy plus 35%, for fish.
Bolaseca has developed a device that restrains fruit and vegetables ripening. This innovation is apt for being used along value chain from recollection to final consumer. Durafresh´s installation is extremely simple, fixed with two flanges the device on the air inlet or outlet, fridge or cooling chambers walls of selves. No technical or technological qualifications are required to use it. Durafresh does not require maintenance. The placement is made in the return or exit of air conditioning system, the product acts simply with the air circulation. Sufficient for several months (minimum 2 months), depends on the goods (kilos, degree of maturation when introducing), humidity and temperature.
The main objectives of this project have been:
1. Identifying technical needs of device along the whole value chain; defining manufacturing processes for Durafresh complete portfolio, quantifying technical resources needed, including needs for mass production.
2. Conducting an in-depth market analysis along the whole chain value, identifying the critical points; defining a commercialization route and a comprehensive marketing strategy; exploring IRP and regulatory restrictions.
3. Developing a detailed economic model for our envisioned market deployment strategy; to thoroughly evaluate the investment requirements to reach commercial objectives.
T1: Technical feasibility.
Identification of the technical needs for a larger and more efficient prototype, including implementation of the potential improvements pointed out during the test activities of the prototype at home fridge scale;
- Manufacturing process for DURAFRESH technology has been defined; including needs for mass production. In-house manufacturing and assembly activities, as well as the manufacturing steps that will be outsourced have been identified.
- A detailed technical risk analysis, from a product and manufacturing process perspective, has been carried out.
T2: Market feasibility.
- A market analysis, mainly focused on international markets, has been developed. Other clusters, such as flowers, ornamental plants, spices and seeds trade have been identified.
- Key stakeholders and potential partners along value chain have been identified.
- A complete detailed commercial plan, risk analysis, and its consequent contingency plan have been defined.
T3: Financial feasibility.
- A detailed economic model has been developed; it includes capital requirements, evaluation of incomes and ROI; and an assessment of available sources of financing to meet investment requirements.
The final result of Phase 1 project shows that we have to develop DURAFRESH further and expand our target market to reach the foreseen socio-economic impact.
There have been carried out successful performance tests in different places of the value chain and new identified clusters; and developed a wider range of use for home products (fridge and freezer) beyond the state of art.
We expect a 31 MM€ within 5 years after completing Phase 2; a job creation of 40 inside UE.