Horizon2020 projects coordinated by "XLAB RAZVOJ PROGRAMSKE OPREME IN SVETOVANJE DOO"
# |
project acronym |
year |
total cost |
totalcontribution |
1 |
MIKELANGELO MIcro KErneL virtualizAtioN for hiGh pErfOrmance cLOud and hpc systems |
2015 |
5˙993˙419.00 |
5˙993˙419.00 |
2 |
SODALITE SOftware Defined AppLication Infrastructures managemenT and Engineering |
2019 |
4˙999˙413.00 |
4˙999˙413.00 |
More Horizon 2020 projects
The Institution XLAB RAZVOJ PROGRAMSKE OPREME IN SVETOVANJE DOO has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.
- TIMON (2015, participant)
- WITDOM (2015, participant)
- DICE (2015, participant)
- TRILLION (2015, participant)
- WISER (2015, participant)
- MANTIS (2015, participant)
- FORTISSIMO 2 (2015, participant)
- M2DC (2016, participant)
- INTER-IOT (2016, participant)
- IDENTITY (2016, participant)
- MEDIA4SEC (2016, participant)
- MF2C (2017, participant)
- FORTIKA (2017, participant)
- SLICE3D (2017, participant)
- FENTEC (2018, participant)
- PIXEL (2018, participant)
- CYBERWISER.EU (2018, participant)
- RADON (2019, participant)
- IPC (2019, participant)
- KRAKEN (2019, participant)