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Horizon2020 projects coordinated by "NOVA INNOVATION LTD"

# project acronym  year  total cost  totalcontribution 
1 DIRECT DRIVE TT Feasibility study for an innovative direct drive tidal turbine 2014 71˙429.00 50˙000.00
2 D2T2 Direct Drive Tidal Turbine (D2T2) Accelerator project 2016 3˙214˙666.00 2˙250˙266.00
3 TIPA Tidal Turbine Power Take-Off Accelerator 2016 4˙401˙565.00 4˙401˙565.00
4 ENFAIT Enabling Future Arrays in Tidal 2017 20˙204˙450.00 14˙914˙599.00
5 ELEMENT Effective Lifetime Extension in the Marine Environment for Tidal Energy 2019 4˙984˙622.00 4˙984˙622.00

More Horizon 2020 projects

The Institution NOVA INNOVATION LTD has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.