The page lists 42 projects related to the topic "correctness".
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1 | CoqHoTT | Coq for Homotopy Type Theory | 2015 |
2 | COSMOS | Complex Oscillatory Systems: Modeling and Analysis | 2015 |
3 | PRISMACLOUD | PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUD | 2015 |
4 | 3D-LEAP | 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices | 2014 |
5 | HORIP | Higher-Order Rewriting for Intensional Properties of Programs and Circuits | 2015 |
6 | FOVEDIS | Formal specification and verification of distributed data structures | 2016 |
7 | DDM-GNI | Discrete Dirac Mechanics and Geometric Numerical Integration Methods for Plasma Physics | 2016 |
8 | POWVER | Power to the People. Verified. | 2016 |
9 | COEMS | Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore Systems | 2016 |
10 | RACCOON | A Rigorous Approach to Consistency in Cloud Databases | 2017 |
11 | SECOMP | Efficient Formally Secure Compilers to a Tagged Architecture | 2017 |
12 | Mathador | Type and Proof Structures for Concurrent Software Verification | 2017 |
13 | PROCSYS | Towards programmable cyber-physical systems: a symbolic control approach | 2017 |
14 | ToRH | A Theory of Reliable Hardware | 2017 |
15 | ALEXANDRIA | Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician | 2017 |
16 | CORNET | Provably Correct Networks | 2018 |
17 | AV-SMP | Algorithmic Verification of String Manipulating Programs | 2017 |
18 | PURPOSE | Opening a new route in solid mechanics: Printed protective structures | 2018 |
19 | SVIS | Supervised Verification of Infinite-State Systems | 2018 |
20 | PCPHDX | Probabilistically Checkable Proofs, Agreement Tests, and High Dimensional Expanders | 2018 |
21 | LiftMatch | Lifting Methods for Global Matching Problems | 2018 |
22 | ENIGMA | Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement | 2018 |
23 | VeSPA | Verification and Specification through Progress Abstractions | 2018 |
24 | PolyBar | A new approach to polymorphism through bar recursion | 2018 |
25 | kANNa | Knowledge graph completion using Artificial Neural Networks for Herb-Drug Interaction discovery | 2019 |
26 | PaVeS | Parametrized Verification and Synthesis | 2018 |
27 | FRAPPANT | Formal Reasoning About Probabilistic Programs: Breaking New Ground for Automation | 2018 |
28 | AutoTADes | Automating Timed Automata Design | 2018 |
29 | ONCOscanner | ONCOscanner – oncological probe for intra-operative identification of cancerous tissues during surgical treatment for breast cancer | 2018 |
30 | AST | Automatic System Testing | 2019 |
31 | TOROS | A Theory-Oriented Real-Time Operating System for Temporally Sound Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
32 | SPEC | Secure, Private, Efficient Multiparty Computation | 2019 |
33 | AutoCPS | Automated Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Compositional Approach | 2019 |
34 | VERICOMP | Foundations of Verifiable Computing | 2019 |
35 | justITSELF | Just-in-time Self-Verification of Autonomous Systems | 2019 |
36 | LiquidEff | LiquidEff: Algebraic Foundations for Liquid Effects | 2019 |
37 | ALGOCERT | Devising certifiable and explainable algorithms for verification and planning in cyber-physical systems | 2019 |
38 | VAPLCS | Verification-Aware Programming Language Concurrency Semantics | 2020 |
39 | Rising STARS | RISE International Network for Solutions Technologies and Applications of Real-time Systems | 2020 |
40 | HSS | Homomorphic Secret Sharing: Secure Computation and Beyond | 2020 |
41 | SemanDiff | Semantically correct automatic differentiation | 2020 |
42 | PropRT | Property-Based Modulable Timing Analysis and Optimization for Complex Cyber-Physical Real-Time Systems | 2020 |