The page lists 40 projects related to the topic "decoherence".
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1 | nuDirections | New Directions in Theoretical Neutrino Physics | 2015 |
2 | RYSQ | Rydberg Quantum Simulators | 2015 |
3 | QUCHIP | Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip | 2015 |
4 | ETAB | Entangled Twin Atom Beams | 2015 |
5 | Q-MoPS | Quantum Molecular Photon Source | 2015 |
6 | DECRESIM | A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets | 2015 |
7 | COPQE | Composite Pulses for Quantum Engineering | 2016 |
8 | SQuaPh | Scalable Quantum Photonics with Ultra Bright Photon Sources | 2016 |
9 | QNaMic | Quantum Control of a Levitated Nanoparticel in a Microcavity | 2016 |
10 | NanoPhennec | Nanophononic devices: from phonon networks to phonon CQED | 2017 |
11 | TOPOQDot | A bottom-up topological superconductor based on quantum dot arrays | 2017 |
12 | QuPoPCoRN | Quantum Particles on Programmable Complex Reconfigurable Networks | 2017 |
13 | CHIRALQUBIT | Antiferromagnetic spin-chiral triangles as decoherence-free qubits | 2017 |
14 | TopSpiD | Topological states with Spin-Dependent potentials for ultracold lithium | 2018 |
15 | EPPIC | Emitter-mediated Photon-Phonon InteraCtion | 2017 |
16 | HEMs-DAM | Hybrid Epitaxial Materials for Novel Quantum State Detection and Manipulation | 2017 |
17 | TEQ | Testing the Large-Scale Limit of Quantum Mechanics | 2018 |
18 | Q-ROOT | Quantum optomechanics at ROOm Temperature | 2018 |
19 | CASTLES | Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States | 2018 |
20 | NEQC | Noise-Enhanced Quantum Control | 2018 |
21 | NOMLI | NanoOptoMechanics in classical and quantum Liquids | 2018 |
22 | QNETWORK | Quantum networks wired by multi-spin entanglement | 2018 |
23 | MQC | Maintaining Quantum Coherence for Quantum Information Applications | 2018 |
24 | TICTOCGRAV | Exploring Gravity with Ultracold Cadmium and Strontium Optical Clocks and Bragg Interferometers | 2018 |
25 | QUANTUM-N | Quantum Mechanics in the Negative Mass Reference Frame | 2018 |
26 | TOCHA | Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology | 2019 |
27 | IQubits | Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies | 2019 |
28 | MesoPhone | Vibrating carbon nanotubes for probing quantum systems at the mesoscale | 2019 |
29 | QUCUBE | 3D integration technology for silicon spin qubits | 2019 |
30 | SpinScreen | Screening of an electron spin by an epitaxial superconducting island in a semiconductor nanowire | 2019 |
31 | EDSP | Engineered dissipation using symmetry-protected superconducting circuits | 2019 |
32 | TOCINA | Topological Crystalline Insulator Nanowires | 2019 |
33 | ExCOM-cCEO | Extremely Coherent Mechanical Oscillators and circuit Cavity Electro-Optics | 2019 |
34 | IQubitNet | Integrated multi-qubit devices for scalable quantum networks | 2019 |
35 | UltraFastNano | Electronic generation and detection in nanoelectronic devices at the picosecond scale | 2020 |
37 | QUNET | A quantum network for distributed quantum computation | 2019 |
38 | NOTICE | Novel Oxides and Topological Interfaces for quantum Computing Electronics | 2020 |
39 | UNITY | A Single-Photon Source Featuring Unity Efficiency And Unity Indistinguishability For Scalable Optical Quantum Information Processing | 2020 |
40 | ECLIPSE | Exotic superconducting CIrcuits to Probe and protect quantum States of light and mattEr | 2020 |