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H2020 projects about "diverged"

The page lists 11 projects related to the topic "diverged".

# achronym  title  year 
1 FraxiFam Reconstructing gene family evolution in the ash genus (Fraxinus 2015
2 BUSWEL Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? 2016
3 CONVGENOMS The genomic basis of convergent evolution in modern sloths (Xenarthra, Mammalia) 2017
4 RETVOLUTION Reticulate evolution: patterns and impacts of non-vertical inheritance in eukaryotic genomes. 2018
5 RegGeneMems Understanding the evolution of regeneration-permissive gene expression and positional memory in Axolotl limb regeneration 2018
6 RHEA Rotifers Highlight the Evolution of Asexuals: the mechanisms of genome evolution in the absence of meiosis 2017
7 EDIOS Evolutionary development of the insect olfactory system 2018
8 EvolutioNeuroCircuit Cellular and genetic bases of neural circuits evolution 2019
9 ANTHROPOID Great ape organoids to reconstruct uniquely human development 2019
10 mAMBo The role of ASCL1 and MYCN in human brain development 2019
11 AntiViralEvo Unravelling the evolution of antiviral sensors and response systems in animals using the phylum Cnidaria 2020