# | ||||
1 | FNPMLS Fundamental nuclear properties measured with laser spectroscopy | 2015 | 1˙846˙541.00 | 1˙846˙541.00 |
2 | METAC-HFUNCT CO2 as a traceless directing group for catalytic meta C-H olefinations | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
3 | FUNFIT Fungal resistance to antifungals is promoted by cell heterogeneity | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
4 | BORCOM Borylated Conjugated Materials | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
5 | ESOF2016 EuroScience Open Forum 2016 (Manchester) | 2015 | 999˙999.00 | 999˙999.00 |
6 | 2DSI Magnetic Sensors based on Two-Dimensional Materials/Si | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
7 | GRAPHENERGY3 Novel Electrochemical Exfoliation Approach to the Synthesis of Large Area, Defect-Free and Single Layer Graphene and Its Application in Fuel Cells | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
8 | HAT-MOZ-SPHERE Identification of genes and pathways regulated by the HAT activity of MOZ | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
10 | NOC2D Nucleation of Organic Crystals onto 2D materials | 2015 | 1˙922˙451.00 | 1˙922˙451.00 |
11 | DAM-NET Dam-nations? A study on dams, nation-building and transboundary water relations through case-studies from Ethiopia and Tajikistan | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
12 | ORGANOMAG Organometallic Single-Molecule Magnets | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
13 | DEALS Deaf life narratives in times of transition. | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
14 | MEMMOFS Hybrid Membranes Incorporating Metal-Organic Frameworks | 2015 | 147˙963.00 | 147˙963.00 |
15 | MELOVDU A new architecture for visual display technology based upon recent advances in our understanding of visual physiology. | 2015 | 149˙250.00 | 149˙250.00 |
16 | SENSE-COG Ears, Eyes and Mind: The ‘SENSE-Cog Project’ to improve mental well-being for elderly Europeans with sensory impairment | 2016 | 6˙868˙286.00 | 6˙541˙591.00 |
17 | SULPHIRULENCE Re-engineering of fungal sulphur metabolism to limit mould viability and virulence. | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
18 | NBSC Neural basis of semantic control | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
19 | MMUVR Elucidating the role of ultraviolet radiation in melanoma | 2016 | 2˙171˙622.00 | 2˙171˙622.00 |
20 | CYCLAR Cyclic Arylenevinylene Polymers | 2016 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
21 | COSMIC LENS Delivering on the Promise of Measuring Dark Energy from Cosmic Lensing | 2016 | 1˙997˙219.00 | 1˙997˙219.00 |
22 | DIBOR Unsymmetric diborane(4) compounds for small molecule activation and B-B coupling | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
23 | SMARTGRAPHENE Graphene based smart surfaces: from visible to microwave | 2016 | 1˙995˙625.00 | 1˙995˙625.00 |
24 | MATTERDESIGN New Science and Technology of Artificial Layered Structures and Devices | 2016 | 1˙456˙252.00 | 1˙456˙252.00 |
25 | SPIRAL DRAGNS Here be Spiral DRAGNs | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
26 | PROMISE PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for 'conflicted' young people across Europe | 2016 | 2˙724˙107.00 | 2˙499˙107.00 |
27 | CHEPHYTSSU Structural Engineering of 2D Atomic Planes towards Task-Specific, Freestanding Superstructures through Combined Physical-Chemical Pathway | 2016 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
28 | B-BRIGHTER Enhancing OLED device performance using Fused Borylated Materials | 2016 | 149˙662.00 | 149˙662.00 |
29 | FASTFLOWSIM Fast particle-based time integrator for incompressible flows simulations | 2016 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
30 | PRE-FAB Prenylated-flavins: Application and Biochemistry | 2016 | 2˙494˙328.00 | 2˙494˙328.00 |
31 | PRECTHERLSCC Precision Therapies in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
32 | MEERTRAP Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity | 2016 | 3˙488˙955.00 | 3˙488˙955.00 |
33 | CAPRI Children and Adolescents with PaRental mental Illness: Understanding the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of targeting interventions | 2016 | 1˙999˙337.00 | 1˙999˙337.00 |
34 | BIMETARYLATION Bimetallic catalytic arylation of simple arenes | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
35 | CORREL-CT Correlative tomography | 2016 | 2˙926˙425.00 | 2˙926˙425.00 |
36 | CARBOMET Metrology of Carbohydrates for Enabling European Bioindustries | 2017 | 496˙607.00 | 496˙607.00 |
37 | DISCOVERER DISCOVERER – DISruptive teChnOlogies for VERy low Earth oRbit platforms | 2017 | 5˙726˙750.00 | 5˙726˙750.00 |
38 | TOPCAPI Thoroughly Optimised Production Chassis for Advanced Pharmaceutical Ingredients | 2017 | 5˙063˙361.00 | 5˙063˙361.00 |
39 | CARBSENS An ultra compact greenhouse gas remote sensing system for ranges between 500 and 2000 m | 2017 | 149˙817.00 | 149˙817.00 |
40 | MOIPB Multi-modal optical imaging platform for Biology | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
41 | NCR Visible Light-Mediated Synthesis of Nitrogen-Centered Radicals: New Reactivity via Photoredox Catalysis and Electron-Transfer Complexes | 2017 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
42 | MAPS-URBE The invisible city. Mapuche mapping of Santiago de Chile. | 2017 | 233˙811.00 | 233˙811.00 |
43 | SPIDERS Fundamental Physics Using Black Widow, Redback and Transitional Pulsar Binaries | 2017 | 1˙995˙655.00 | 1˙995˙655.00 |
44 | MCNETITN3 Innovative Network for Monte Carlo Event Generators for LHC Physics | 2017 | 3˙930˙753.00 | 3˙930˙753.00 |
45 | OPRAS Olfactory processing of repellent and attractive stimuli in the brain of Drosophila | 2017 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
46 | EVOLUTEM Illuminating Atomic Scale Processes in Liquids and Gases | 2017 | 1˙755˙278.00 | 1˙755˙278.00 |
47 | DARE Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality | 2017 | 4˙999˙053.00 | 4˙999˙053.00 |
48 | BIO-H-BORROW Biocatalytic Amine Synthesis via Hydrogen Borrowing | 2017 | 2˙337˙548.00 | 2˙337˙548.00 |
49 | NANOCHEM Nanopores for New Molecular Nitrogen Chemistry | 2017 | 2˙498˙645.00 | 2˙498˙645.00 |
50 | ROBOCAT Molecular Robotics for Synthesis and Catalysis | 2017 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
51 | CHARMINGANTIMATTER Measurement of charm matter-antimatter asymmetries | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
52 | STAGRAM Stable Crosslinked Graphene Membranes for Water and Molecular Separation | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
53 | RUSNAT Russian Nationalism and the Ukraine Crisis: The Impact of Nationalist Actors on Russian Foreign Policy | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
54 | CMBSPEC Next Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions | 2017 | 1˙965˙170.00 | 1˙965˙170.00 |
55 | TRANSITION-FRICTION Transition Friction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Green Economy Ethnography | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
56 | 2DMAT4ENERGY Stimuli-Responsive Two-Dimensional Materials for Renewable Energy | 2017 | 269˙857.00 | 269˙857.00 |
57 | PTMCNANO Post-transition metal chalcogenides: 2D nanoelectronics and photonics | 2017 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
58 | COMPACTDATING A compact radioisotope dating device for rapid sample analysis | 2017 | 149˙924.00 | 149˙924.00 |
59 | OPENINNOVATIONIMPACT Adopting open innovation 2.0 by integrating responsible innovation for sustainability | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
60 | NEBULAR Novel Blueprints for the Visible-Light-Mediated Assembly of C–N Bonds via Nitrogen Radicals | 2018 | 1˙494˙777.00 | 1˙494˙777.00 |
61 | ENZC-HEM Creating Versatile Metallo-Enzyme Environments for Selective C-H Activation Chemistry: Lignocellulose Deconstruction and Beyond | 2018 | 1˙492˙424.00 | 1˙492˙424.00 |
62 | NTPLEASURE Non-Thermal PLasma Enabled cAtalysis-Separation system for UpgRading biogasto mEthane-NTPleasure | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
63 | INSPIRE INfraStructure in Proton International REsearch | 2018 | 4˙999˙867.00 | 4˙999˙867.00 |
64 | GE.GAP-EDU Gender gap in students’ achievement: the role of social, economic, geographical and cultural variables | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
65 | PHOTO_IMS The use of mass spectrometry and optical methods to determine the influence of cofactors on the structure and stability of proteins | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
66 | XEMOON Sources and sinks for excess Xe and Ar on the Moon | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
67 | DISECT The Tumour Stroma as a Driver of Clonal Selection | 2018 | 1˙969˙768.00 | 1˙969˙768.00 |
68 | LARNUEXP Searching for new physics with liquid argon time projection chambers and developing the technology for the future of neutrino physics | 2018 | 251˙857.00 | 251˙857.00 |
69 | MONMETAL Generation of monolayer thin 2D nanosheets of noble/semi-noble metals: Investigation of their structural, electronic and catalytic properties | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
70 | CUCAN Asymmetric Copper Catalyzed Multicomponent Coupling | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
71 | PROGRES Programmable Enzymatic Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds | 2018 | 2˙399˙831.00 | 2˙399˙830.00 |
72 | STRONA Spatio-Temporal Representation on Neuromorphic Architecture | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
73 | LIAE Laughing in an Emergency: Humour, Cultural Resilience and Contemporary Art | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
74 | DIELEC2DNANOLIQUIDS Dielectric measurement of two-dimensional nanoconfined liquids | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
75 | HERIFUEL Heterometallic Rings for Future Electronics | 2018 | 2˙477˙003.00 | 2˙477˙003.00 |
76 | EYETREAT Innovative tool for personalized treatment of patients with neovascular age-macular degeneration: dosage optimization for long term efficacy treatment | 2018 | 122˙159.00 | 122˙159.00 |
77 | ORO A General Strategy for the Generation and Use of Oxygen Centered Radicals in Organic Synthesis | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
78 | LEXSEMLEXCAT The lexical semantics of lexical categories | 2018 | 1˙993˙869.00 | 1˙993˙869.00 |
79 | SUSTINNO Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy | 2018 | 203˙200.00 | 203˙200.00 |
80 | GRAFRONTLEV A theoretical, experimental and numerical study of the formation of coarse dry granular fronts and spontaneously self-channelizing levees in debris flows | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
81 | 3D CER-MET 3D Thin-Walled Ceramic and Ceramic-Metal Components using Electrolytic Plasma Processing | 2019 | 149˙500.00 | 149˙500.00 |
82 | MOLMACIP Molecular Machines with Integrated Parts | 2019 | 2˙471˙095.00 | 2˙471˙095.00 |
83 | DCMETA Dual Catalysis for Meta Functionalisation under Mild Conditions | 2019 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
84 | PROGNANOROBOT Programmable NanoRobotics for Controlled Manipulation of Molecular Cargoes | 2019 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
85 | TOKUGAWATRAVEL Travel in Tokugawa Period Japan (1603-1868): Identity, Nationand Social Transformation | 2019 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
86 | N-STRAINED Nitrogen-Radical-Based Radical Strain-Release Strategies for the Divergent Assembly of Polyfunctionalized 3D-Building Blocks | 2019 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
87 | LOBSTER Development of Photochemical Strategies for the Generation and Use of Sulfur Radicals in the Assembly of C-S Bonds | 2019 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
88 | ENDOPOS Endosome positioning in tumour-stroma interactions | 2019 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
89 | VANDER Search for New Phenomena, Materials and Applications Using Van Der Waals Assembly of Individual Atomic Planes | 2019 | 2˙499˙580.00 | 2˙499˙580.00 |
90 | MONOPOLY Baeyer Villiger Monooxygenases as Biocatalytic Parts for Monomers of New Lactone-based Polymeric Materials | 2019 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
91 | 2DVDWHS Layer-by-layer Assembly of Two-dimensional Polymer/ Graphene Heterostructures as Wafer-scale Flexible Opto-electronics | 2019 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
92 | RUCAT New Horizons in C–H Activation: the ‘Real-World Molecules’ Challenge | 2019 | 2˙498˙960.00 | 2˙498˙959.00 |
93 | F-ELEMENT_ARCHITECT Building Precise Molecular Architectures to Unlock Remarkable f-Element Properties | 2019 | 1˙990˙800.00 | 1˙990˙800.00 |
94 | DIELEC2DBIOMOLECULES Dielectric measurement of two-dimentionally confined biomolecules at the nanoscale | 2019 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
95 | CHARMASYMMETRIES The charm of asymmetries or the asymmetries in charm (entangled edition) | 2019 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
96 | THEHIGGSANDTHE7TOPS Mirror Mirror on the Wall, which Higgs is the oddest of them all: Exploring the Top-Higgs Interconnection with ATLAS | 2019 | 1˙999˙998.00 | 1˙999˙998.00 |
97 | LIQUID2DM Two-dimensional liquid cell dielectric microscopy | 2019 | 1˙998˙829.00 | 1˙998˙829.00 |
98 | HUNG Hunger Bonds: Food Banks, Families and the Feeding of Poverty | 2019 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
99 | ARCTRACK Assessment of arc tracking hazards in high voltage aerospace systems | 2019 | 842˙292.00 | 748˙673.00 |
100 | ZEOBIOCHEM Advanced Zeolite Catalysis for Sustainable Biorefinery to Produce Value-added Chemicals | 2019 | 1˙205˙200.00 | 874˙000.00 |
101 | ANGSTROCAP Fundamental and Applied Science using Two Dimensional Angstrom-scale capillaries | 2020 | 1˙619˙466.00 | 1˙619˙466.00 |
102 | CONTRAVIB Chemical Control of Vibronic Coupling for Magnetic Materials | 2020 | 1˙945˙994.00 | 1˙945˙994.00 |
103 | DICED Digital Campaigning and Electoral Democracy | 2020 | 2˙499˙394.00 | 2˙499˙394.00 |
104 | SMARTIR Graphene-based adaptive thermal shields for satellites | 2020 | 0.00 | 150˙000.00 |
105 | DEMOL Deconstructing the past: Modelling the locomotion of Miocene hominoids through computational techniques | 2020 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
106 | DISTALC-HFUN Transient directing group for catalytic distal C–H functionalisation | 2020 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
107 | PROGRAMMABLE MATTER New materials enabled by programmable two-dimensional chemical reactions across van der Waals gap | 2020 | 2˙748˙476.00 | 2˙748˙476.00 |
108 | SQSIG Oligo-Squaramide Rigid-Rods for Artificial Transmembrane Signaling | 2020 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
109 | MXTRONICS MXene Nanosheets For Future Optoelectronic Devices | 2020 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
The Institution THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.