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H2020 projects about "peers"

The page lists 56 projects related to the topic "peers".

# achronym  title  year 
1 OPT4SMART Distributed Optimization Methods for Smart Cyber-Physical Networks 2015
2 MAGICBULLET Peptide-Drug Conjugates for Targeted Delivery in Tumor Therapy 2015
3 UMOBILE Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture 2015
4 TANDEM TransAfrican Network Development 2015
5 DISAGROUP The Role of Groups in Complex Disagreement 2016
6 PE4PPI Peer ethnography for the promotion of patient and public involvement: young people and sexual health service development. 2015
7 FUSION NIGHT Find Your Passion for Science on Researchers Night 2014
8 socio-bio interplay It’s not my fault I am aggressive, they picked on me: How early peer relations affect DNA methylation and neurocognitive development in children 2015
9 Science2Society Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders 2016
10 4D4F Data Driven Dairy Decisions 4 Farmers 2016
11 TIME COURSE The time-course of visual, orthographic, phonological and semantic information during written word processing in skilled deaf readers: evidence from eye movements and ERPs 2017
12 COACH Children obesity and changing habits 2017
13 STIMEY Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young 2016
14 BigPicnic Big Picnic:Big Questions - engaging the public with Responsible Research and Innovation on Food Security 2016
15 CIVITAS SATELLITE Support Action Towards Evaluation, Learning, Local Innovation, Transfer and Excellence 2016
16 EDWEL Empirical Demand and Welfare Analysis 2016
17 ProEmpower Procuring innovative ICT for patient empowerment and self-management for type 2 diabetes mellitus 2016
18 NonVisNumCog The role vision plays in shaping the representation of numbers. 2017
19 GATES Applying GAming TEchnologies for training professionals in Smart Farming 2017
20 OWANDBO Smart secure system to share resources between OWners AND BOrrowers in a peer-to-peer collaborative consumption market 2016
21 GN4-2 GN4-2 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT 2016
22 CONCILIO Development of a global, inclusive, digital health concierge 2017
23 DemandDemoc Demand for Democracy 2017
24 AgedLGBT Ageing Diversity: LGBT* – Housing and Long-term Care 2017
25 SAVES2 Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2 2017
26 BITRECS Biomedicine international training research programme for excellent clinician-scientists 2017
27 Quipu Cloud A suite of software applications hosted in the cloud for medical ultrasound diagnostics 2017
28 Aromagenesis Generation of new yeast strains for improved flavours and aromas in beer and wine 2017
29 FreeBC_Orgs The Freebird Club organisational membership portal 2017
30 NEMESIS Novel Educational Model Enabling Social Innovation Skills development 2017
31 UPSIDES Using Peer Support In Developing Empowering Mental Health Services 2018
32 CRIMETIME Crime and Time: How short-term mindsets encourage crime and how the future self can prevent it 2018
33 R-I PEERS Pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations 2018
34 SKILL Individual Variations and Cultural Evolution: The pottery wheel-throwing skill as a case study 2018
35 DETRIMODE DEgradation TRIggered by MOdular DEsign 2018
36 TRANSURBICIDE Transition urbicide: Post-conflict reconstruction in post-socialist Belgrade 2018
37 TCBI Tracking children in their best interests: electronic monitoring in three European juvenile justice systems 2018
38 DTA3 Extended University Alliance Doctoral Training Alliance in Energy, Applied Biosciences for Health and Social Policy DTA3 2018
39 RETINAL Retinal imaging prevention and early detection of chronic diseases 2018
40 ibbu Connecting expert enthusiasts with potential shoppers within a shared economy model 2018
41 WORKERO WORKERO – Connecting Space & Knowledge 2018
43 EPISODE Deciphering the tEmperature history of troPIcal oceanS: a cOccolith clumpeD isotopE approach 2018
44 MARKET4.0 A Multi-Sided Business Platform for Plug and Produce Industrial Product Service Systems 2018
45 FAIRshare FAIRshare. Farm Advisory digital Innovation tools Realised and Shared 2018
46 EyeGestLearn Applying eye-tracking to investigate information uptake from co-speech gestures in online learning environments 2019
47 Social Smart The Neural and Network Dynamics of Social Influence Across Adolescence 2019
48 TypoArabic Towards historically informed practice in contemporary Arabic typography 2019
49 ASSESSnet Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions 2019
50 USABLE PACKAGING Unlocking the potential of Sustainable BiodegradabLe Packaging 2019
51 MoSaiQC Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks 2020
53 HSMonitor Pre-commercial Procurement of innovative ICT-enabled monitoring to improve health status and optimise hypertension care 2019
54 MEANN Adapting recurrent neural network algorithms for single molecular break junction analysis 2020
55 A.L.I.B.I. Helping Children to Make the Best of their Transition to High School 2020
56 GENCARGAP Gender Career Gap and Firm Composition 2020