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H2020 projects about "rhythms"

The page lists 42 projects related to the topic "rhythms".

# achronym  title  year 
1 CIRCODE Cell-type specific mechanisms regulating rhythms in leukocyte homing 2015
2 aCROBAT Circadian Regulation Of Brown Adipose Thermogenesis 2015
3 WASTCArD Wrist and arm sensing technologies for cardiac arrhythmias detection 2015
4 Clock Mechanics Mechanosensation and the circadian clock: a reciprocal analysis 2015
5 CircaDopamine The Role of Dopamine in the Regulation of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms 2015
6 AVISSO Audiovisual Speech Segmentation and Oscillations 2016
7 INTERHYTHM Rhythms In Social Interaction 2016
8 MIGRADAPT An avian model for understanding adaptations and modulatory drivers of avian migration 2017
9 MIDOC Multimodal Imaging of Disorders of Consciousness 2016
10 OCLD Tracking the Dynamics of Human Metabolism using Spectroscopy-Integrated Liver-on-Chip Microdevices 2016
11 BeyondtheElite Beyond the Elite: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe 2016
12 RHYTHMSYNC Rhythm synchronization between music and spoken language 2017
13 SENSHOR A Wearable Sensor for Hormones Based on a Native Microbial Sensing 2017
14 MetEpiClock Circadian Control of Histone Methylation Dynamics through the Fine-tuning of Methionine Metabolic Flux 2017
15 ELEVVO ELEVVO: A Ground-breaking Wearable Brain-Computer Interface that Enables Self-management of Cognitive Welfare through Personalised Training Exercises 2017
16 STEM-AGING Tissue regeneration and aging: the decisive quiescent stem-cell state 2017
17 CINCHRON Comparative INsect CHRONobiology 2018
18 ENTRAINER Enhancing brain function and cognition via artificial entrainment of neural oscillations 2018
19 COGNAP To nap or not to nap? Why napping habits interfere with cognitive fitness in ageing 2018
20 DICTATOREXPERIENCE Dictatorship as experience: a comparative history of everyday life and the 'lived experience' of dictatorship in Mediterranean Europe (1922-1975) 2018
21 CIRCOMMUNICATION Deciphering molecular pathways of circadian clock communication 2018
22 ENAMARE Enactive model of aesthetic perception through rhythm and entrainment 2018
23 KeepTimeWithTheHeat Keeping in time with the heat: how oscillating temperatures set the plant circadian clock 2018
24 NERHYMUS The Neurobiology of Rhythm: effects of Musical expertise on natural speech comprehension 2018
25 TEMPNET Climate change and phenology: long-term temporal dynamics of mutualistic ecological networks 2018
26 REEN REEN: Virtual pacesetter for runner’s performance improvement. 2018
27 CircaCHIP Development of Circadian Rhythms on Chip 2018
28 mP-CSE Micro-physiological circadian platform for safety and efficacy assessment of drugs and cosmetics 2018
29 NEUME Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience 2018
30 QUANT A Quantitative Approach to Neolithic Plant-working Techniques: From Assessing Tool Use to Modelling Human Dispersals 2018
31 ConnecCaribbean Connected worlds: the Caribbean, origin of modern world 2019
32 BRAINSYNC Brain-environment synchrony and the auditory perception problem 2019
33 INFLOW Finding Flow: Negotiating diverse temporalities in migrant family life 2020
34 CUSP Cementochronology Unravels Seasonality in Prehistory 2019
35 LONGFLOW Role of CONSTANS in flower longevity 2019
36 ResonanceCircuits Illuminating neural microcircuitry underlying flicker resonance in the visual cortex 2020
37 NEUROSHELL Advancing knowledge and acquiring expertise in shellfish research by investigating environmental, neuroendocrine and endocrine control of key stages in oyster aquaculture, using a rhythmic approach 2019
38 Optoheart All-optical framework for the correlative imaging of cardiac meso-scale cytoarchitecture and multi-scale electrical conduction 2019
39 LaBRhythms Language and Brain Rhythms 2019
40 CLOCK Characterization of the circadian chromatin landscape using a novel CRISPR/Cas9-guided proximity-labelling technique 2020
41 Mari.Time Dissecting the mechanistic basis of moon-controlled monthly timing mechanisms in marine environments 2020
42 TIMECODE How does the brain code time? 2020