The page lists 21 projects related to the topic "src".
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1 | PERASPERA | PERASPERA (AD ASTRA) Plan European Roadmap and Activities for SPace Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy | 2014 |
2 | OSS | Spatio-temporal control of the Src kinase activation through Optogenetics in Cell invasion | 2016 |
3 | EPIC | Electric Propulsion Innovation and Competitiveness | 2014 |
4 | CS2-WP714-DE | Advanced Design of Very High Power Density Piston Engine and Thermal Management Challenges for Aircraft Application | 2016 |
5 | MARS | Mechanism of allosteric regulation of SHP2 phosphatase and its role in cancer and geneticdiseases: a multidisciplinary computational, structural and biological approach | 2017 |
6 | HiEff-BioPower | Development of a new highly efficient and fuel flexible CHP technology based on fixed-bed updraft biomass gasification and a SOFC | 2016 |
7 | MINOTOR | MagnetIc NOzzle thruster with elecTron cyclOtron Resonance | 2017 |
8 | FACILITATORS | Facilities for testing orbital and surface robotics building blocks | 2016 |
9 | InFuse | Infusing Data Fusion in Space Robotics | 2016 |
10 | SIROM | Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions | 2016 |
11 | HEMPT-NG | High Efficiency Multistage Plasma Thruster – Next Generation | 2017 |
12 | CHEOPS | Consortium for Hall Effect Orbital Propulsion System | 2016 |
13 | GaNOMIC | GaN in One Module Integrated Converter for EP systems | 2016 |
14 | AENEAS | Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with the SKA | 2017 |
15 | Dendromass4Europe | Securing Sustainable Dendromass Production with Poplar Plantations in European Rural Areas | 2017 |
16 | SelectiveTGFb-inhib | Pro-tumorigenic effects of TGFb - elucidation of mechanisms and development of selective inhibitors | 2018 |
17 | EROSS | European Robotic Orbital Support Services | 2019 |
18 | MOSAR | MOdular Spacecraft Assembly and Reconfiguration | 2019 |
19 | PULSAR | Prototype for an Ultra Large Structure Assembly Robot | 2019 |
20 | PERASPERA-X | Plan the European Roadmap and its Activities for SPace Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy - eXtended | 2019 |
21 | EPIC2 | Electric Propulsion Innovation and Competitiveness 2.0 (EPIC2) | 2019 |