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H2020 projects about "wood"

The page lists 176 projects related to the topic "wood".

# achronym  title  year 
1 MOBILE FLIP Mobile and Flexible Industrial Processing of Biomass 2015
2 FlexiFuel-SOFC Development of a new and highly efficient micro-scale CHP system based on fuel-flexible gasification and a SOFC 2015
3 FLEXI-PYROCAT Development of flexible pyrolysis-catalysis processing of waste plastics for selective production of high value products through research and innovation 2015
4 TOPWOOD Wood phenotyping tools: properties, functions and quality 2015
5 BioRES Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy 2015
6 WOODSofCHANGE Cambium genetics in Arabidopsis and Aspen: basic science meets wood production 2015
7 THISTLE Transformation and the management of HIStorical foresT. Landscapes of the Eugaean Hill (Padua, Italy). Fresh perspectives through spatial analyses and dendro-anthracology 2016
8 DENDRONUTRIENT Disentangling the effects of CO2 fertilization, nutrient limitation and water availability on forest ecosystem processes: Estimating their long-term consequences on SW European forests 2016
9 2G BIOPIC Second Generation BIoethanol sustainable production based on Organosolv Process at atmospherIc Conditions 2015
10 Mycena Unraveling the ecology of a widespread fungal group by genomic, isotopic and physiological analyses 2015
11 PHLOEMAP Hydraulic functional traits as determinants of forest function and drought responses. Putting xylem and phloem attributes into the functional trait map. 2016
12 EastAsiaAerosol Sources and atmospheric processing of carbonaceous aerosol in East Asia 2015
13 Res2Pel Innovative treatment process for biogenic waste and residual materials to manufacture compactedfuels as pellets or briquettes 2015
14 CHP Upscaling and commercialization of a highly efficient wood pellets fired steam engine CHP for heat and power generation 2015
15 Mubic Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy 2015
16 BAMBENG New BAMboo ENGineered bio-material for sustainable building components 2015
17 BilletPro Development of a harvesting machine for short rotation plantations for the production of billets with advantageous properties in terms of handling, drying and storing 2015
18 Timtrace Tracing tropical timber 2015
19 WINTHERWAX WINdow based on THERmally modified wood with high performance WAX coating 2015
20 ECO-SILENTWOOD Cost competitive eco-friendly and acoustic wooden doors for indoor applications 2015
21 ESW European Structural Wood - for sustainable building components 2015
22 DWT-I4FEDW DWT- Impregnation for Fireproof Excellent Durability Wood 2015
23 FIBGLOW High insulating fiberglass window and curtain wall profiles 2015
25 HISER Holistic Innovative Solutions for an Efficient Recycling and Recovery of Valuable Raw Materials from Complex Construction and Demolition Waste 2015
27 IDIFOR Conceptual study for the reconversion of LUFORT: Diversification towards high added value UHPFRC products for face internationalization 2015
28 LignoSilva Centre of Excellence of Forest-based Industry 2015
29 GAREP Novel GAsification REactor for combined heat and power Plant 2015
30 PROVIDES PROcesses for Value added fibres by Innovative Deep Eutectic Solvents 2015
31 ValChem ValChem - Value added Chemical building blocks and lignin from wood 2015
32 PLANTSTEMS Decoding the Lateral Expansion of Plant Stems 2015
33 SYSTEMPOLE High Performance Modular Composite Pole for Orchard Hail Protection 2015
34 Wallco Wallco quality modular solid wood furniture 2015
35 ReTAPP Re-Think All Plastic Packaging 2015
36 ACMC Advanced Contactless Multifunction Control unit with gesture detection 2015
37 CargoMill The CARGOMIL, an innovative self propelled all terrain vehicle for mobilising “where and when the biomass is”. 2015
38 INSERTRONIC Development of highly-efficient low-emission log wood-fired closed fireplace INSERts thanks to an automated elecTRONIC control system 2016
39 Phoenix People for tHe eurOpean bioENergy mIX 2015
40 FlexiFuel-CHX Development of a fuel flexible and highly efficient ultra low emission residential-scale boiler with coupled heat recuperation based on flue gas condensation 2016
41 IMPACTPapeRec Boosting the implementation of participatory strategies on separate paper collection for efficient recycling 2016
42 uP_running Take-off for sustainable supply of woody biomass from agrarian pruning and plantation removal 2016
43 Biomasud Plus Developing the sustainable market of residential Mediterranean solid biofuels. 2016
44 SuFoRun Models and decision SUpport tools for integrated FOrest policy development under global change and associated Risk and UNcertainty 2016
45 HASNEH Effective Bio-based Flame Retardants for Consumer Electronics and Automotive Applications 2016
46 VERAM Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials 2015
47 TIMBER Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation 2016
48 SafeWood Novel bio-inspired environmentally-friendly process for producing durable and dimensionally-stable wood 2016
49 CCP Feasibility assessment on sustainable bulk products, made from coconut fibers 2016
50 TRACER Tree Roots: an analytical ‘culture’ of economy and religion – case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC. 2016
51 URBANREC New approaches for the valorisation of URBAN bulky waste into high added value RECycled products 2016
52 W2C Eco-innovative, frameless wood window with premium design, highest energy saving performance and maximum open area 2016
53 ECOPULPING Valorising the straw waste stream through a novel bio-mechanical process which converts 100% of the waste into three high value products including bleached paper pulp. 2016
54 NIRWOOD Fast, Accurate, Low Cost and Hand Held NIR Technology to Ascertain Wood Origin and Quality during Logistic Operations 2016
55 PHOSave Innovative solution for phosphate recovery from exhausted extinguishing powders 2016
56 SMARTHE Smart thermostat èvolution 2016
57 BioPellets Integrating food waste into wood pellets to convert waste grease to a useful biofuel. 2016
58 LASERCUT Valorising small diameter trees by cutting them with laser 2016
59 Bio4Products 4x4, demonstrating a flexible value chain to utilize biomass functionalities in the processing industry 2016
60 TECH4EFFECT Techniques and Technologies for Effective Wood Procurement 2016
61 BIOFOREVER BIO-based products from FORestry via Economically Viable European Routes 2016
62 PULPACKTION Optimised moulded pulp for renewable packaging solutions 2016
63 InnoWEE Innovative pre-fabricated components including different waste construction materials reducing building energy and minimising environmental impacts 2016
64 OnTrack Innovative solutions for increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impacts of future wood supply 2016
65 HiEff-BioPower Development of a new highly efficient and fuel flexible CHP technology based on fixed-bed updraft biomass gasification and a SOFC 2016
66 Forwarder2020 Smart Forwarder for sustainable and efficient forest operation and management 2016
67 WOODnat Second generation of planted hardwood forests in the EU 2016
68 PigHeat Utilizing Pig By-products as Heat Source to Save Recycling and Energy Cost. 2016
69 TIPA Tidal Turbine Power Take-Off Accelerator 2016
70 SELMUS The Formex® raft: Towards the revolution of the European mussel farming 2016
71 PAPTIC PAPTIC – The Good Conscience Alternative 2016
72 BioReg Absorbing the Potential of Wood Waste in EU Regions and Industrial Bio-based Ecosystems 2017
73 KEMISTATIC New Electro Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins 2016
74 WoCaFi Unlocking the Entire Wood Matrix for the Next Generation of Carbon Fibers 2017
75 FlexBuild Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2016
76 FORCE Cities Cooperating for Circular Economy 2016
77 STONE WOOD Silicon Treatment ON Exterior Wood 2016
78 ECHOES Exact Chronology of Early Societies 2017
80 PLATIO Innovative outdoor solar and kinetic energy harvesting pavement system 2017
81 LIGNINFIRST The Lignin-First Approach for the Full Valorisation of Lignocellulosic Biomass 2017
82 SpecIAnt Speciation in ants: Unraveling the genetic, epigenetic and molecular basis of speciation using wood ants 2018
83 InnoRenew CoE Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence 2017
84 PlasmaSolution Demonstration and implementation of an integrated process for the Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Solution Deposition of PMMA-multicomponent coatings on wood and wood-based substrates 2018
85 HumRobManip Robotic Manipulation Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration on Forceful Manufacturing Tasks 2017
86 M-TRAIT Modelling Tree Response to Aridity Increase with Traits 2018
87 PATO Porous material Analysis Toolbox - Open source 2018
88 Torero TORrefying wood with Ethanol as a Renewable Output: large-scale demonstration 2017
89 SYLFEED From forest to feed: enable the wood industry to bridge the protein gap 2017
90 NERO Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy Wooden buildings in the Northern Climatic Conditions 2017
91 WUUDIS Making forest asset management easy 2017
92 EFFIGAS Innovative self-controlling biomass gasification technology to improve the biogas efficiency achieving a top quality syngas 2017
93 WoodNanoTech Wood Nanotechnology for Multifunctional Structures 2017
94 BIOMOTIVE Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability 2017
95 Dendromass4Europe Securing Sustainable Dendromass Production with Poplar Plantations in European Rural Areas 2017
96 NIRWOOD Fast, Accurate, Low Cost and Hand Held NIR Technology to Ascertain Wood Origin and Quality during Logistic Operations 2017
97 POLYWOOD Combining wood and polymers to produce a translucent, reinforced and ecological material 2017
98 PPPL Novel paper pallet and manufacturing technology 2017
99 INNPAPER Innovative and Smart Printed Electronics based on Multifunctionalized Paper: from Smart Labelling to Point of Care Bioplatforms 2018
100 ROSEWOOD European Network of Regions On SustainablE WOOD mobilisation 2018
101 ForestValue ForestValue - Innovating forest-based bioeconomy 2017
102 GREEN BOARD Sustainable Production of High-End Wood Products Using Recycled and Environmentally FriendlyMaterials 2018
103 GREENSENSE Sustainable, Wireless, Autonomous Nanocellulose-based Quantitative DoA Biosensing Platform 2018
104 INCREdible Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin 2017
105 AHEAD A Human and Environmental history of the Atacama Desert: understanding ecological and archaeological interactions in arid areas of South America 2018
106 TEEWood Technologically Enhanced European Wood for Substituting Endangered Tropical Woods 2018
107 INVISIBLE WINDOW An innovative, low-carbon window characterised by ultra-high thermal performance created using the most sustainable and energy efficient manufacturing processes. 2018
108 FibreCarb “World’s first techno-economic viable recycling technology for waste woodboards” 2017
109 B4EST Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change 2018
110 COBADIM Characterizing Congo Basin Drought resilience: an Integrative Modelling approach 2019
111 INTREE How and when does climate influence carbon sink activity? Multi-temporal analysis of wood formation in conifers 2018
112 REWOFUEL REsidual soft WOod conversion to high characteristics drop-in bioFUELs 2018
113 PLIMPine Pine protection against Pitch canker through genetic resistance and plant immunization 2018
114 SHIPWORM 'A transregional and interdisciplinary study of the societal impact of the shipworm epidemic in the North Sea region in the eighteenth century' 2018
115 KEMISTATIC New ElectroSTATIC Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins 2018
116 Hot chips Waste heat recovery for industrial heat intensive processes 2018
117 HOMED HOlistic Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases 2018
118 Materialize.X Smart Bio Adhesives for the Wood Industry Powered by Machine Learning 2018
119 TreeVoice Artificial Intelligence and IoT for tree health monitoring 2018
120 PULVERCOAT Low Curing Temperature and Energy Efficient Powder Coatings 2018
121 Woodoo Woodoo Augmented Wood - transforming wood into construction material strong as concrete and translucent as amber 2018
122 UNRAVEL UNique Refinery Approach to Valorise European Lignocellulosics 2018
123 TERES Production back to Europe – through a novel/green manufacturing process of TERbinafine API synthESis 2018
124 PECREGEN Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production from H2S in a Regenerative Scrubber 2019
125 ReInvent Novel Products for Construction and Automotive Industries Based on Bio Materials and Natural Fibres 2018
126 NextGenRoadFuels Sustainable Drop-In Transport fuels from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Low Value Urban Feedstocks 2018
127 Grass Paper Grass Fibre as raw material for innovative Grass Paper products: the new economic and ecological resource for the European paper industry 2018
128 SULACHANGE Microplastic-free Sulapac-material challenges plastic 2018
129 SusBind Development and pilot production of SUStainable bio BINDer systems for wood based panels 2018
130 WoodZymes Extremozymes for wood based building blocks: From pulp mill to board and insulation products 2018
131 ForestFlux Forest Carbon Flux and Storage Mapping Service 2018
132 BioFlex Second life of wood: technology to dissolve waste wood to get raw materials 2018
133 CitieS-Health Citizen Science for Urban Environment and Health 2019
134 Hydrogreen Towards local circular economy: biomass-based pyrogasification process for the production of green hydrogen 2018
135 MataDOR Medium Density Fibreboard Recovery 2019
137 DEADSEA_ECO Modelling Anthropocene Trophic Cascades of the Judean Desert Ecosystem: A Hidden Dimension in the History of Human-Environment Interactions 2019
138 CeraText Tailoring Microstructure and Architecture to Build Ceramic Components with Unprecedented Damage Tolerance 2019
139 Neural Grader Neural Grader - Digitizing the Wood Industry 2019
140 CORKtheCAMBIA Thickening of plant organs by nested stem cells 2019
141 ECO-Pet Eco-friendly, safe and highly-absorbent wood pellets for animal bedding and litter, produced by an optimized cost-efficient energy process 2019
142 ECOHELIX Adding high value to wasted raw material from pulping industry 2019
143 WoodCircus Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy 2018
144 CHBTECH Sulphur-free production method for non-food biopolymers (dissolving pulp, hemicellulose and lignin) 2019
145 FELTWOOD The advanced eco-technology manufacturing of materials as a way of competitiveness for Europe's industrial business 2018
146 POPMET Large-scale identification of secondary metabolites, metabolic pathways and their genes in the model tree poplar 2019
147 WoodSpec Rapid quality assessment of wood-based materials through spectroscopy 2019
148 GRETE Green chemicals and technologies for the wood-to-textile value chain 2019
149 FLEXBUILD Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2019
150 cleanFIRE The first pellet stove with ultra-precise air supply that reduces to near-zero the harmful emissions produced during single room heating 2019
151 forecast The next generation of forest inventory 2019
152 Modvion Modular wood-made wind turbine towers 2019
153 Multicursor Feasibility study for Multicursor - a non-contact sensor for curing quality control 2019
154 FORCHAR Unlocking the hidden information in char to create a new quantitative toolkit for use in forensic fire investigations 2019
155 GOLIATH PRO The first portable and automated milling robot tool enabling professional manufacturers to produce large-size objects in whatever place 2019
156 NewSiest Enhancement of UV stability of thermally modified wood through envelope impregnation with nano-based stabilisers 2019
157 REMAT A new patented technology to turn currently non-recyclable waste into recyclable composite products for a truly circular economy 2019
158 BIOAVENGER The first and ultimate bio-solution to Europe’s mould and rot fungi! 2019
160 PWS Polyurethane Window System: energy efficient monolithic windows towards Europe’s energy transition 2019
161 Wooden Tower Wooden structured telecommunications tower for the complete mobile network coverage 2019
163 INEDIT open INnovation Ecosystems for Do It Together process 2019
164 PlanticsInside The first biodegradable thermoset biopolymer to replace single-use plastics 2019
165 BASAJAUN BASAJAUN - Building A SustainAble Joint between rurAl and UrbaN Areas Through Circular And Innovative Wood Construction Value Chains 2019
166 ACOSENSE ACOSENSE: The first Acoustic online instrument for intelligent fluids analysis 2019
167 FORESTMAP Quick and cost-effective integrated web platform for forest inventories 2019
169 ECO-POL Greening the polyurethane industry through versatile and low cost eco-polyols 2019
170 SWOP The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry 2019
171 Proxipel Mobile pelletizing unit 2019
172 DFD Deep Forestry Drones - revolutionising forestry mapping and analysis with artificial intelligence 2020
173 PARTIFACE Green Route to Wood-Derived Janus Particles for Stabilized Interfaces 2020
174 FACADE FAçade bio-CArbon based anti UV coating to prevent DEterioration of wooden buildings 2020
175 BoRiS uncovering the anatomical archive of annual RINGS to understand abiotic and biotic drivers of SHRUB growth at the range BORDER 2020
176 BIO-CC Bio-based carbon fiber - commercialization 2020