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H2020 projects about "landscape"

The page lists 545 projects related to the topic "landscape".

# achronym  title  year 
1 PanCanRisk Personalized bioinformatics for global cancer susceptibility identification and clinical management 2015
2 OPTIMUM Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility 2015
3 DNAendProtection DNA end protection in Immunity and Cancer 2015
4 CLC Cryptography with Low Complexity 2015
5 MST Moonshine and String Theory 2015
6 TCLS ARM FOR SPACE Feasibility and Definition of a Triple Core Lockstep ARM System-on-Chip for Space Applications 2015
7 M4ShaleGas M4ShaleGas: Measuring, monitoring, mitigating managing the environmental impact of shale gas 2015
8 NANOIMAGER A portable single-molecule fluorescence imager 2014
9 PIANO Policies, Innovation And Networks for enhancing Opportunities for China Europe Water Cooperation 2015
10 PICSE Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe 2014
11 AEROWORKS Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers 2015
12 SHARCS Secure Hardware-Software Architectures for Robust Computing Systems 2015
13 AEGLE AEGLE (Ancient Greek: Αá¼´γλη) – An analytics framework for integrated and personalized healthcare services in Europe 2015
14 ECRYPT-CSA European Coordination and Support Action in Cryptology 2015
15 AMMODIT Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools 2015
16 ERN The European Remanufacturing Network - coordinating and supporting European remanufacturers 2015
17 STORY STORY- Added value of STORage in distribution sYstems 2015
18 greenGain Supporting Sustainable Energy Production from Biomass from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Work 2015
19 DIvA Chromatin function in DNA Double Strand breaks repair: Prime, repair and restore DSB Inducible via AsiSI 2015
20 BUILD UPON A multi-stakeholder Regional Action Network as a living structural base to effectively help define and implement deep energy efficient building renovation at local, national and European level. 2015
21 Smartick Games Smartick games. Augmented math learning. 2014
22 REBOOT Retrofit all-Electric Bus for reduced Operator Operating costs in urban Transport (REBOOT) 2014
23 iMoHEALTH iMoHEALTH: A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration of population health. 2014
24 odis Ensygnia Onescan Market Disruptive Technology 2015
25 IECEU Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention 2015
26 ITS OBSERVATORY ITS Observatory 2015
27 URBANCO2FLUX Quantifying the impact of the urban biosphere on the net flux of CO2 from cities into the atmosphere. 2015
28 PRDM9Recomb The Evolution of PRDM9 Binding and Genomic Localization of Meiotic Recombination Events 2015
29 ACTRIS-2 Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure 2015
30 GROUPCOG From individual cognition to collective intelligence 2016
31 ALHIS Archaeology, Landscapes and Heritage in the Iberian Southeast 2015
32 CHENGEN An integrated framework to investigate the genetics of changing environments 2015
33 ULISSES Transported cultural landscapes: the role of colonization processes in cultural landscape shaping 2015
34 ISOTRAPSS Isoform specific inhibition by transient protein state stabilization 2015
35 HRPCDMECH Investigating how pathogen effector recognition by the host plant activates cell death 2016
36 MONASPOWER Monasteries as Institutional Powers in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Evidence from Neglected Coptic Sources 2016
37 AutismRigidPercept Investigation and modification of atypical dynamic brain activity underlying perceptual inflexibility of autism spectrum disorders 2015
38 VEiL Visualising Engineered Landscapes: an archaeological approach to unlock environmental resilience and sustainability in antiquity 2015
39 RAGES Molecular determination of Rif1-Associated Genomic Elements and their function in regulating genome activity and integrity 2016
40 THISTLE Transformation and the management of HIStorical foresT. Landscapes of the Eugaean Hill (Padua, Italy). Fresh perspectives through spatial analyses and dendro-anthracology 2016
41 MobileLinks Mobile links in fragmented landscapes: implications for biodiversity conservation 2015
42 RES.CO.PART Research Consultation and Participation:developing a tool for managing cultural heritage and landscape 2015
43 FOREST 3D - ECOCARB Integration of innovative remote sensing techniques for optimum modelling of tropical forest primate habitat and carbon storage 2015
44 MED-FARWEST Urban Centres and Landscapes in Transition. The Mediterranean FarWest in Late Antiquity 2015
45 HAT-MOZ-sphere Identification of genes and pathways regulated by the HAT activity of MOZ 2015
46 GEODEM Geography of Demography: modelling plant population responses to global habitat patterns 2015
47 SURFACE Human-Landscape-Interactions and Global Dispersals: The SURFACE Record of Palaeolithic Arabia 2016
48 HOOKaWORM Hook a Worm to Catch a Man: Tracking Historical and Recent Human Settlement, Land use and Migration in Neotropical Rainforests using Ecosystem Engineers 2015
49 OPTWET Finding optimal size and location for wetland restoration sites for best nutrient removal performance using spatial analysis and modelling 2015
50 Art market ‘The re-privatization of the contemporary art world: private collectors and artist-entrepreneurs in the changing geographies of European art’ 2017
51 PIOMES Pbx proteins as pioneer factors promoting signal specificity in mesodermal differentiation 2015
52 METAPHOR People, Space and Time: Understanding metaphors in sustaining cultural landscapes 2015
53 CHAT Control of the Homeostasis of Actin through Time: actin homeostasis during embryonic development by means of single-molecule imaging and simulation in C. elegans 2015
54 HepatoRiSK A new tumor suppressor role for RSK2 in hepatocellular carcinoma 2015
55 SENet Social and ecological networks supporting biodiversity and food security 2016
56 ModeCore Muli-path optical fibre modules 2015
58 SLA-Ready SLA-Ready: Making Cloud SLAs readily usable in the EU private sector 2015
59 CLOUDWATCH2 Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research 2015
60 SEEABLE An Innovative ICT Solution for Providing Bespoke Safety and Health Training to Workers in the Construction and Transportation Sectors. 2015
61 WeChangEd Agents of Change: Women Editors and Socio-Cultural Transformation in Europe (1710-1920) 2015
62 ECOFISH Researches on the potential conversion of conventional fish farms into organic by establishing a model and good practice guide 2015
63 RealValue Realising Value from Electricity Markets with Local Smart Electric Thermal Storage Technology 2015
64 TWORAINS Winter Rain, Summer Rain: Adaptation, Climate Change, Resilience and the Indus Civilisation 2015
65 SPRINT Social Protection Innovative Investment in Long Term Care 2015
66 SPRINT SNETP Programming for Research and Innovation in Nuclear Technology 2015
68 ICRI-BioM International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials 2015
69 SMART LOIRE VALLEY SMART LOIRE VALLEY: Curiosity, Imagination and Intuition 2015
70 DIADEM Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology 2015
71 MEWi-B More Efficient Wind Blades 2015
72 NanoREG II Development and implementation of Grouping and Safe-by-Design approaches within regulatory frameworks 2015
73 CEZAMAT-Environment CEZAMAT-Environment - Self-Organizing Networks for Real-Time, Wireless Monitoring of Natural Environment 2015
74 PNANOMED Personalized Nanomedicines for Leukemia Patients 2015
75 EpiTALL Dynamic interplay between DNA methylation, histone modifications and super enhancer activity in normal T cells and during malignant T cell transformation 2015
76 FET_TRACES Tracing impacts of the FET programme 2015
77 AVS-ISS Analysis, Verification, and Synthesis for Infinite-State Systems 2015
78 ConservaTEAM Evaluating the conservation effectiveness of alternative land management scenarios using a state-of-the-art eco-evolutionary modelling platform 2015
79 BIOSTASES BIOdiversity, STAbility and sustainability in Spatial Ecological and social-ecological Systems 2015
81 SPICE Synthetic Lethal Phenotype Identification through Cancer Evolution Analysis 2015
82 ESTUARIES Estuaries shaped by biomorphodynamics, inherited landscape conditions and human interference 2015
83 ABANDONMENT People under Pressure: Settlement Abandonment and Human Responses to Environmental and Socio-Economic Stress during the Medieval and Post-Medieval Periods 2016
84 ProFF Programming in vitro evolution using molecular fitness functions 2015
85 Drug-Seq Unravelling the Genomic Targets of Drugs Using High-Throughput Sequencing 2015
86 TRANSPOP The Transformation of Popular Politics in Europe’s Long Nineteenth Century 2015
87 5G-AURA Application-aware User-centric Programmable Architectures for 5G Multi-tenant Networks 2015
88 HisMoDetect An Antibody Microarray for Histone Modifications 2015
90 LeukoTheranostics Harnessing Targeted Nanotheranostics to Reprogram Activated Leukocytes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2015
91 IL7sigNETure IL-7/IL-7R signaling networks in health and malignancy 2015
92 SERISS Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences 2015
93 Scaling up Novihum A Sustainable Soil Solution: Scaling up Novihum, an innovation to convert bad soil into better, make brown coal clean and barren land green, and profitably advance food security in Europe and beyond 2015
94 Global BioImaging Global BioImaging Project - International imaging infrastructure services for the life science community 2015
95 ReaDMe Readout of DNA methylation 2016
96 MicrobioS Exploring the human gut microbiome at strain resolution 2016
97 AVATAR Integrating Genomics and Avatar Mouse Models to Personalize Pancreatic Cancer Treatment 2015
98 BacCellEpi Bacterial, cellular and epigenetic factors that control enteropathogenicity 2015
99 COMbAT Commercialization of a novel tool for designing personalized nOvel MelAnoma Therapies 2015
100 ERA-CVD ERA-NET on cardiovascular diseases to implement joint transnational research projects and set up international cooperations 2015
101 OPENCARE Open Participatory Engagement in Collective Awareness for REdesign of Care Services 2016
102 PROMETHEUS-IOT a versatile Platform foR delivering incremental, scalable and cOst-effective ad-hoc services froM hETErogeneoUS and collaborating objects in the Internet Of Things 2015
103 RecRoad From Aquileia to Singidunum (Belgrade), reconstructing the paths of Roman travelers 2016
104 CONNECT CarbON Nanotube compositE InterconneCTs 2016
105 HBMAP Decoding, Mapping and Designing the Structural Complexity of Hydrogen-Bond Networks: from Water to Proteins to Polymers 2016
106 BLUEandGREEN Boosting scientific excellence and innovation capacity in biorefineries based on marine resources 2016
107 TETRAGON TEchnology TRAnsfer for GrOwth with twinNing 2016
108 ThDEFINE Re(defining) CD4+ T Cell Identities One Cell at a Time 2016
110 UM Cure 2020 New therapies for uveal melanoma 2016
111 Lost Frontiers Europe’s Lost Frontiers: exploring climate change, settlement and colonisation of the submerged landscapes of the North Sea basin using ancient DNA, seismic mapping and complex systems modelling 2015
112 MIRASYS The diagnostic potential of miRNAs for early diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis 2016
113 ETNA 2020 European Transport Network Alliance 2020 2016
114 PRUV Preparedness and Resilience to address Urban Vulnerability 2016
115 GAP60PTP Gap Waveguides for Point-To-Point Wireless Links at 60 GHz and beyond 2016
116 BILAT USA 4.0 Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of STI Partnerships between the EU and the USA 2016
118 IMAGE Innovative Management of Genetic Resources 2016
119 AUTHENT-NET AUTHENT-NET – Food Authenticity Research Network 2016
120 HNV-Link High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge. 2016
121 SusAn European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems 2016
122 VICINITY Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings and smart objects 2016
123 ALTERFOR Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management 2016
124 PROFIT Promoting Financial Awareness and Stability 2016
125 PROTECT-2 PeRsonnel lOcation and Tracking for safEty of Critical InfrasTructures 2016
126 EVI1inCancer Overcoming the epigenetic and therapeutic barrier of EVI1-overexpressing cancers 2016
127 TranslationRegCode Cracking the Translation Regulatory Code 2016
128 Q-PHOTONICS Quantum fluids of photons in optically-induced structures 2016
129 FACELOOK Identity Management on Social Media by Diasporic LGBTQs 2016
130 THALES Mass-production, landscape transformation and the birth of science in the land of Thales (8th-6th centuries BCE) 2016
131 Ex-SPACE Exploring Social Permeability in Ancient Communities of Europe 2016
132 WaterfallModel3D Controls on knickpoint migration and consequences for landscape evolution: experimental and numerical modelling 2016
133 SynGenes Defining the genetics of grapheme-colour synaesthesia 2016
134 REINVENT Re-inventory-ing Heritage: Exploring the potential of public participation GIS to capture heritage values and dissonance 2016
135 Ko-Tsah-To Temperatures, ash and soil hydrology: predicting fire impact from plant traits 2016
136 BrightPhoton Black phosphorus interlayer coupling in heterostructures with boron nitride for photonics 2016
137 ChroMoLEME The Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe 2016
138 NomadicN Niche construction on the move: how nomadic pastoralists navigate across fast-changing social-ecological systems 2016
139 BIGSSS-departs Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences - Doctoral Education in Partnerships 2016
140 HyTile Sensitive integrated Solar Hybrid Roofing for historical buildings. 2016
141 EUWaste Ecological Utilization of Waste 2016
142 ACCELERATE ArChaeological and Climatic data from ELEmental ratios using Rapid Analysis of shell carbonaTE 2016
143 ZPR The Pancreas Regulome: From causality to prediction of non-coding mutations in human pancreatic diseases 2016
144 SiLaSpaCe Si based Layer Stacks for Rear-Side Passivation and Enhanced Reflection of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge Triple-Junction Space Solar Cells 2016
145 C3-Cloud A Federated Collaborative Care Cure Cloud Architecture for Addressing the Needs of Multi-morbidity and Managing Poly-pharmacy 2016
146 ESTIA Exponential sums, translation invariance, and applications 2016
147 PET3D PET Imaging in Drug Design and Development 2016
148 Ubl-Code Revealing the ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modification landscape in health and disease 2016
149 SAGE Systemic Action for Gender Equality 2016
150 OpenUP OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results 2016
151 SOILBIODIV Beyond the limits of scale: a novel pipeline for the measurement of soil arthropod biodiversity 2016
152 UNICODE Evolution and Impact of Heterochromatin on a Young Drosophila Y chromosome 2016
153 CombiCompGeom Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Geometry 2016
154 RiNG-16-17 European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016-2017 2016
155 LIGHTS Nights LIGHTS in Lincoln – Get Hold of Tech and Science research nights 2016
156 TREGS4DM1 Commercialization of TREG cells sorting and proliferation in vitro for the production of vaccines for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. 2016
158 Immune-senescence Dual targeting of senescence and tumor immunity for cancer therapy 2016
159 PCFENCM Pan-cancer functional evaluation of non-coding DNA mutations 2017
160 MATRIX Anthropogenic units detected by rare earth elements (REE) soil analysis in archaeological strata. 2016
161 POnTE Pest Organisms Threatening Europe 2015
162 MARCAN Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater – An important geomorphic agent 2017
163 CDK6-DrugOpp CDK6 in transcription - turning a foe in a friend 2016
164 EntangleGen Entanglement Generation in Universal Quantum Dynamics 2016
165 INTEGRAL Signal Integration by Gene Regulatory Landscapes 2016
166 PETRIFYING WEALTH Petrifying Wealth. The Southern European Shift to Masonry as Collective Investment in Identity, c.1050-1300 2017
167 CLIMASLOW Slowing Down Climate Change: Combining Climate Law and Climate Science to Identify the Best Options to Reduce Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers in Developing Countries 2017
168 MYELOMANEXT Integrated next-generation flow cytometry and sequencing to uncover the pathway of curability in multiple myeloma 2016
169 Secret-Cells Cellular diversity and stress-induced cell-state switches in the mammalian hypothalamus 2016
170 HoTRiverS Heterogeneity of Temperature in Rivers and Streams 2017
171 EPoCH Exploring and Preventing Cryptographic Hardware Backdoors: Protecting the Internet of Things against Next-Generation Attacks 2016
172 LowCostTracking Low cost tracking and data management solution for biopharma cold chain logistics 2016
173 FUTURING Futuring European Industry 2016
174 BASMATI Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications 2016
175 INSPIRE Towards growth for business by flexible processing in customer-driven value chains 2016
176 Ascent AM Adding Simulation to the Corporate ENvironmenT for Additive Manufacturing 2016
177 ICN2020 ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation 2016
178 ShaleSafe Development of a monitoring system for inspection of soil and aquifer contamination by shalegas and fracking chemicals 2016
179 GameofGates Solute carrier proteins as the gates managing chemical access to cells 2016
180 DIAL-IN Dynamic Integrated structural and proteomic Analysis of the LUBAC complex and its involvement in NF-κB and inflammation 2016
181 ENVISAGE ENhance VIrtual learning Spaces using Applied Gaming in Education 2016
182 Next-Lab Next Generation Stakeholders and Next Level Ecosystem for ColLaborative Science Education with Online Labs 2017
183 SLIPO Scalable Linking and Integration of Big POI data 2017
184 XF-ACTORS Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy 2016
186 MicroBeeOme Evolution of the honey bee gut microbiome through bacterial diversification 2017
187 CIFRA Challenging the ICT Patent Framework for Responsible Innovation 2016
188 HUB4NGI A Collaborative Platform to Unlock the Value of Next Generation Internet Experimentation 2017
189 MH-MD My Health - My Data 2016
190 ESOTRAC Hybrid optical and optoacoustic endoscope for esophageal tracking. 2017
191 BDVe Big Data Value ecosystem 2017
192 WEAR Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible innovation 2017
193 RISCAPE European Research Infrastructures in the International Landscape 2017
194 SMILE Statistical Mechanics of Learning 2017
195 LoTGlasSy Low Temperature Glassy Systems 2016
196 MarketStudy-OV Market Research for Oceanvolt zero-carbon emission marine electric propulsion system 2016
197 RAPID Chromatin dynamics resolved by rapid protein labeling and bioorthogonal capture 2017
198 FluoSurf FLUOrinated SURFactant formulations for droplet-based microfluidics 2016
200 JUMPING JIVE Joining up Users for Maximising the Profile, the Innovation and the Necessary Globalisation of JIVE 2016
201 DESIR DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined 2017
202 MedEye Accelerated market launch of MedEye, a plug-and-play medication safety solution 2017
203 EU-SEC The European Security Certification Framework 2017
204 One-Flow Catalyst Cascade Reactions in ‘One-Flow’ within a Compartmentalized, Green-Solvent ‘Digital Synthesis Machinery’ – End-to-End Green Process Design for Pharmaceuticals 2017
205 PRO-METROFOOD Progressing towards the construction of METROFOOD-RI 2017
207 AddMan Innovative Re-Design and Validation of Complex Airframe Structural Components Formed by Additive Manufacturing for Weight and Cost Reduction 2017
208 OMCIDC Optical Manipulation of Colloidal Interfaces, Droplets and Crystallites 2017
209 FILL2030 The Future of ILL 2030 2017
210 Advance_eLTER Advancing the European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure towards ESFRI 2017
211 SSIIE Sanskrit Åšaiva Intellectuals in the Empire: Innovations, Textual Practices and Religious Interactions in the Late Vijayanagara Period 2017
212 PhytoPharm Phytotoxicological Risk of pharmaceuticals in soils 2017
213 DarkMix Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology: creating a novel framework to explain atmospheric transport and turbulent mixing in the weak-wind boundary layer 2017
214 SYSTEMATICGRAPH Systematic mapping of the complexity landscape of hard algorithmic graph problems 2017
215 DroneHopper DroneHopper: an innovative solution for firefighting through remote-controlled aircrafts. 2017
216 Part-up Phase1 - the open competence platform with high social impact 2017
217 FLUFLUX Fluvial Meta-Ecosystem Functioning: Unravelling Regional Ecological Controls Behind Fluvial Carbon Fluxes 2017
218 Survive Surviving metabolism: acid handling and signalling 2017
219 CROSSROADS Human Evolution at the Crossroads 2017
220 MultiLevelLandscape Multilevel Selection for Specificity and Divergence in Bacteria 2017
221 LandsOfMeaning Lands of Meaning. A Geographical Information System Study of Space and Social Praxis in Ancient Attika, Greece, from the Mycenaean Age to the birth of Democracy (1200-480 BC) 2017
222 HIVOL Herbivore-induced emissions of biogenic volatiles from arctic plants under climate warming 2018
223 ZooMWest Zooarchaeology and Mobility in the Western Mediterranean: husbandry production from the Late Bronze Age to Late Antiquity 2017
224 SEQ Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world 2017
225 MAP Inside the Mind of Ancient People: the tangible and constructed landscape of the western Delta in the Late Period (664-332BC) 2017
226 FIRESCAPE Firescape genomics: predicting plant responses to changing fire regimes 2018
227 TcCFT Tools to Carve out Conformal Field Theories 2017
228 DNAmethAML Investigation of aberrant DNA methylation in malignant haematopoiesis 2018
229 EUROFRONT European Frontiers: Rural Spaces and Expanding States 2017
230 HeartATAC Epigenetic regulation of cardiac regeneration after injury. 2017
231 DevoSignGammaDelta Tracking γδ T cell development and TCRγδ proximal signalling 2018
232 ENERGYMAPS Revealing the electronic energy landscape of multi-layered (opto)electronic devices 2017
233 FOOTLOOSE Synthesis of sp3-Rich Organofluorine Compounds through Homologation of Boronic Esters 2017
234 SLLB Sacred Landscapes in Late Byzantium 2018
235 EpiScope Epigenomics and chromosome architecture one cell at a time 2017
236 funcSOFI-PD Quantitative super-resolution optical fluctuation and phase microscopy for structural and functional imaging of Parkinson's disease 2017
237 PALAEO-ENEO Genomic and proteomic analysis of Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age humans from Central-Southern Italy 2017
238 THAT IS HUNT Triggering Haematological Adoptive T-cell Immunotherapy Strategies by HUnting Novel T-cellreceptors 2018
239 ContraNPM1AML Dissecting to hit the therapeutic targets in nucleophosmin (NPM1)-mutated acute myeloid leukemia 2017
240 DLInnociate Innovation Associate knowledgeable in blockchain technologyfor real time economy platform business development 2017
241 HEGEMONIC HEpatocellular carcinoma GErmline MutatiONs ImpaCt (HEGEMONIC) 2017
242 iAML-lncTARGET Targeting the transcriptional landscape in infant AML 2017
243 CTCapture_2.0 Advanced platform for profiling of therapeutic targets and functional analysis of circulating tumour cells in cancer patients 2017
244 PLAY.CARE PLAY.CARE – revolution in early detection and therapy of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). 2017
245 DiaDev Investigating the Design and Use of Diagnostic Devices in Global Health 2017
246 EUROLITHIC The Linguistic Roots of Europe's Agricultural Transition 2017
247 AEGIS Accelerating EU-US DialoGue for Research and Innovation in CyberSecurity and Privacy 2017
249 FeedSax Feeding Anglo-Saxon England: The Bioarchaeology of an Agricultural Revolution 2017
250 ZIRONITRO Constructed wetland to produce high-quality drinking water free from nitrates 2017
251 ALELION Trucks as a part of the grid, energy storage made easy 2017
252 CLUNATRA Discovering new Catalysts in the Cluster-Nanoparticle Transition Regime 2017
253 ReCAP Repair capacity and genome diversity in mammals 2017
254 INTACt ImmuNogenomics TArgeting Cancer 2017
255 HiLICo High Luminescence In Cockpit 2017
256 REDSENTRY Proactive Operational Intelligence Cybersecurity Platform for the Financial Services Industry 2017
257 iReact-NG iReact-NG 2017
258 POWERSHIFTS Shifting political power: the nature and consequences of distributed renewable energy transitions 2017
259 PRIDIKTIV Pridiktiv - Exploring European expansion through 4 pilot studies 2017
260 PRIMATE-TE-IMPACT Mapping the retrotransposon-mediated layer of neuronal gene regulation in the human genome 2017
261 ARIB Advanced Research Incubator in Biosciences (ARIB): A centre of excellence for disseminating quality biomedical research and boosting the next research generation for sustainable growth 2017
262 HiJiffy Connecting guests to hotels through Messaging Apps 2017
263 UbiCODE European Research Training to Decipher The Ub Code : identification of potential biomarkers and drug targets 2018
264 S4D4C Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges 2018
265 INTEND INtentify future Transport rEsearch NeeDs 2017
266 PUMA antiProton Unstable Matter Annihilation 2018
267 StroMaP Stromal stress networks underlying phenotypic plasticity and tumor fitness 2017
268 CGinsideNP Complexity Inside NP - A Computational Geometry Perspective 2018
269 FarCatCH Innovative Strategies for Unprecedented Remote C-H bond Functionalization by Catalysis 2018
270 COLD Climate Sensitivity of Glacial Landscape Dynamics 2018
271 CFT-MAP Charting the space of Conformal Field Theories: a combined nuMerical and Analytical aPproach 2018
272 VitASTEM Regulation of Single Hematopoietic Stem Cells by Intake of Vitamin A 2018
273 BOND Bringing Organisations and Network Development to higher levels in the farming sector in Europe 2017
274 ecoSave Market maturation of a packaging concept for sustainable and resource efficient food packaging 2017
275 ScaleOpt Scaling Methods for Discrete and Continuous Optimization 2018
276 QuadraComb Quadratic dispersive resonators for optical frequency comb generation 2018
277 X-TAM Dissecting Cross-Regulatory Interplays in Tumor-Associated Macrophages 2018
278 CIRCASA Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture 2017
279 TERRINet The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network 2017
280 EvoCellBio A combined in vitro and in vivo approach to dissect biochemical network evolution. 2018
281 EpComp Competence and Success in Epistemology and Beyond 2018
282 PIVOTAL Predictive Memory Systems Across the Human Lifespan 2018
283 AfricanNeo The African Neolithic: A genetic perspective 2017
284 SusCrop ERA-NET Cofund on Sustainable Crop Production 2018
285 WeObserve An Ecosystem of Citizen Observatories for Environmental Monitoring 2017
286 CLIC CLIC - Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse 2017
287 OaSIS Optimizing Support for Innovating SMEs 2017
288 FREYA Connected Open Identifiers for Discovery, Access and Use of Research Resources 2017
289 ERA PerMed ERA-Net Cofund in Personalised Medicine 2017
290 Supporting European Experts Presence in International Standardisation Activities in ICT 2018
291 SDS-OmiProbe Revolutionary opto-biological methodology for aggressive HER2 cancer 2017
292 MSH The one-stop-shop for urban and regional mobility 2017
293 MEL-Interactions An integrative approach for the exploration of melanoma genetic and immunological interactions 2018
294 REBUILDCNS Redirecting glial progenitor fate to rebuild the injured Brain 2018
295 IceCommunities Reconstructing community dynamics and ecosystem functioning after glacial retreat 2018
296 SEMIoTICS Smart End-to-end Massive IoT Interoperability, Connectivity and Security 2018
297 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2017
298 InnoForESt Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services 2017
299 DyNET Dynamical river NETworks: climatic controls and biogeochemical function 2018
300 Stringlandscape Deconstructing the string landscape 2018
301 GLOMODAT Enhancing data fusion, parallelisation for hydrological modelling and estimating sensitivity to spatialparameterization of SWAT to model nitrogen and phosphorus runoff at local and global scale 2019
302 AHEAD A Human and Environmental history of the Atacama Desert: understanding ecological and archaeological interactions in arid areas of South America 2018
303 GOKNOT Modelling the formation of a gordian knot in Human Ubiquitin Hydrolase 2018
304 MarginScapes Long-term land use and water management strategies in arid margin landscapes 2018
305 LandFlux Quantifying landslide activity and contribution to sediment fluxes with cosmogenic radionuclides and grain-size distributions 2018
306 E FUNDIA Ecosystem function and Diversity in Amazonia 2018
307 Media andConspiracy Lost in an Ocean of Information? Media in the Everyday Life of Conspiracy Theorists 2019
308 B4EST Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change 2018
309 BEMAR Protection-induced selection and evolution of behavior within marine reserves and the impact on fisheries sustainability 2018
310 COLOSSEO Seismogenic COmpression in southern Italy? – High-resolution topography (Lidar) and mOrphotectonic analySis to test the active nature of the Southern ApenninE Outer Thrust Front 2018
311 Digiteal Digiteal: Next generation e-invoicing and e-payment platform, one-click and automatic invoice payment anywhere in the SEPA zone 2018
312 EARNEST Examining the Agroforestry Landscape Resilience in India to inform Social-Ecological Sustainability in the Tropics 2018
313 PhenomeNal Inheritance, expressivity and epistasis hidden behindthe phenotypic landscape of natural populations 2018
314 CARE4C Carbon smart forestry under climate change 2018
315 EUVSBSMP Early Universe Vacuum Stability and Beyond the Standard Model Physics 2019
316 CYBERWISER.EU Civil Cyber Range Platform for a novel approach to cybersecurity threats simulation and professional training 2018
317 RIBOFOLD Ribosome Processivity and Co-translational Protein Folding 2018
318 REPROGRAMIT Control of T cell differentiation and plasticity through mitochondrial reprogramming 2019
319 UTILIUM Unraveling The Immune Landscape In Uveal Melanoma 2018
321 FLYMEN A Drosophila model for understanding the basis of Meniere’s disease 2019
322 MEDLAND_HORN.AFRICA Medieval landscapes in the Horn of Africa. State, territory and materiality of the Adal Sultanate (15th-16th centuries AD). 2018
323 InsectMigration Understanding insect migration behaviour and pathways using individual tracking and radar 2019
324 EXTINCT The interaction of environmental conditions and species traits as drivers of species extinctions and community homogenisation 2019
325 NEO Living in Europe in the late Neolithic: A trans-disciplinary temporal perspective on present-day Europeans 2018
326 LEUKEYOLK Uncovering the origin and mechanisms of Down syndrome-associated leukaemia through human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived haemopoiesis 2019
327 EpiShade Deciphering the epigenetic components of the Shade Avoidance Syndrome in Arabidopsis 2019
328 SOLMUS Social Landscapes as Multicultural Spaces: Stećci in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018
329 ISOPATH Multi-isotopic tracing of human and animal mobility in lowland Europe 2019
330 EpiTFeb Deciphering the Transcriptional Logic of TFEB activation in cell identity and cancer 2018
331 GeoFodder The scale and significance of early animal husbandry in SW Europe: development of aninterdisciplinary high-resolution approach to the investigation of livestock diets and herding practices. 2019
333 PERIL Post ERuption Incision of Landscapes (PERIL) 2019
334 RoadNet_Andes Road networks and territorial dynamics: a geospatial approach to Andean cultural heritage in motion between the Altiplano and the Pacific coast 2018
335 QPlay Playing Quantum 2018
336 QPlay Playing Quantum 2018
337 PoshBee Pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation Of Stressors on the Health of BEEs 2018
338 CharFL Characterizing the fitness landscape on population and global scales 2019
339 RURITAGE Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies 2018
340 FRAPPANT Formal Reasoning About Probabilistic Programs: Breaking New Ground for Automation 2018
341 mTORmorS Role of mTOR signaling dysregulation in the tumor suppressor networks in hepatocellular carcinoma 2019
342 LiguSTAR Ligustinus Project: New Survey Techniques for an Ancient Riparian Landscape. 2019
343 AlloGPCR Allosteric modulation of G-protein Coupled Receptors conformational landscape 2018
344 Sage2 Percipient Storage for Exascale Data Centric Computing2 2018
345 VES4US Extracellular vesicles from a natural source for tailor-made nanomaterials 2018
346 H-Reality Mixed Haptic Feedback for Mid-Air Interactions in Virtual and Augmented Realities 2018
347 CoCirculation2 CO-FUNDED Brain Circulation Scheme 2 2018
348 CyCAT Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency 2018
349 J. Heyrovsky Chair ERA Chair at J. Heyrovsky institute Institute of Physical chemistry AS CR – The institutional approach towards ERA 2018
350 BiodivScen Promoting and implementing joint programming at the international level to reinforce research on the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services 2017
352 VOLTCLOUD VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery 2018
353 Social Digital Lab Gamified and collaborative digital learning open-source platform with a blockchain-based system to facilitate crowdsourced learning and the implementation of personalized education strategies 2018
354 Graphext A REVOLUTIONARY SYSTEM IN THE EMERGING MARKET OF ADVANCED ANALYTICS. Graphext bridges the gap between Data Science and Business Intelligence, democratising Advanced Analytics. 2018
355 Lab-on-Skin Lab-on-Skin: A wearable medical device for improved clinical trial monitoring 2018
356 ReSOLUTE Research empowerment on solute carriers (ReSOLUTE) 2018
357 SanDAL ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science for the University of Luxembourg 2019
358 TUgbOAT Towards Unification of Algorithmic Tools 2018
359 GLOBESCAPE Enabling transformation: Linking design and land system science to foster place-making in peri-urban landscapes under increasing globalization 2018
360 EOLI FPS Roof top wind turbine for urban areas 2018
361 OneSkyConnect Providing air traffic data for the drone revolution 2018
362 EFOEUPATI Ensuring the future of EUPATI beyond 2020 2018
363 RiNG-18-19 European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018-2019 2018
364 HEARTLAND Health, Environment, Agriculture, Rural development: Training network for LAND management 2019
365 TerraNova The European Landscape Learning Initiative: Past and Future Environments and Energy Regimes shaping Policy Tools 2019
366 SOMIT Leveraging a novel platform technology to develop a first-in-class immunotherapy for Celiac Disease 2018
367 NEUME Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience 2018
368 GenRes Bridge Joining forces for genetic resources and biodiversity management 2019
369 CLaSS Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East 2019
370 CellsBox CellsBox: a modular system for automated cell imaging experiments 2019
371 PAINLESS energy-autonomous Portable Access points for INfrastructure-LESS networks 2018
372 pHioniC pH and Ion Transport in Pancreatic Cancer 2018
373 5GENESIS 5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing 2018
374 CICERONE CIrCular Economy platfoRm for eurOpeaN priorities strategic agEnda 2018
375 PARAMIR Investigating micro-RNA Dynamics using Paramagnetic NMR Spectroscopy 2019
376 FEASIBLe Finding how Earthquakes And Storms Impact the Building of Landscapes 2019
377 HERILAND Cultural HERItage and the planning of European LANDscapes 2019
378 c4c conect4children (COllaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children) 2018
379 TerrACE Terrace Archaeology and Culture in Europe 2018
380 NGIoT Next Generation Internet of Things 2018
381 CopHub.AC Copernicus Academy Hub for Knowledge, Innovation and Outreach 2018
382 SYNCHROS SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the ROle of all Stakeholders 2019
383 SENET Strengthening international R&I cooperations between China and the EU 2019
385 ENDOSCAPE ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology 2019
386 OSCAR Open ScienCe Aeronautic & Air Transport Research 2019
387 ELG European Language Grid 2019
388 GE Academy Gender Equality Academy 2019
389 FIT2GO A toolbox for fitness landscapes in evolution 2019
390 CatRIS Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services 2019
391 SLM-Tools EPP manufacturing evolution: Using SLM techniques, advance EPP manufacturing shape complexity possibilities and create efficiencies that reduce industry production costs by 16% 2019
392 J-INNOVATECH Beyond Eureka: The Foundations of Japan's Industrialization, 1800-1885 2020
393 ACTION Participatory science toolkit against pollution 2019
394 Think NEXUS Think tank for the collaboration on NEXt generation internet between EU-US 2018
395 TIGER Tidal marshes: bio-geomorphic self-organization and its implications for resilience to sea level rise and changing sediment supply 2019
396 BrightnESS-2 Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS (BrightnESS-2) 2019
397 CANCEREVO Deciphering and predicting the evolution of cancer cell populations 2019
398 YMPACT The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 2019
399 DHARMA The Domestication of ‘Hindu’ Asceticism and the Religious Making of South and Southeast Asia 2019
400 EuQu The European Qur'an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 2019
401 NEPAL NEw Physics searches with tAu Leptons 2019
402 Agglomerates Infinite Protein Self-Assembly in Health and Disease 2019
403 DrivenByPollinators Driven by mutualists: how declines in pollinators impact plant communities and ecosystemfunctioning 2019
404 LArcHer Breaking barriers between Science and Heritage approaches to Levantine Rock Art through Archaeology, Heritage Science and IT 2019
405 ADIMMUNE Decoding interactions between adipose tissue immune cells, metabolic function, and the intestinal microbiome in obesity 2019
406 EU-Citizen.Science The Platform for Sharing, Initiating, and Learning Citizen Science in Europe 2019
407 Predistroke Portable solution for prehospital diagnosis of stroke in the ultra-acute phase 2019
408 Urban MAESTRO URBAN DESIGN GOVERNANCE - Exploring formal and informal means of improving spatial quality in cities across Europe and beyond 2018
409 IMAGINE Geographical imaginations and the (geo)politics of volcanic risk: cultures, knowledges, actions 2019
410 ExACT European network staff eXchange for integrAting precision health in the health Care sysTems 2019
411 PLASA-2 Smart Planning and Virtual Certification 2018
412 ConPLED Nanostructured Confined ABX3 Perovskite based Light-Emitting Devices 2019
413 ECONUTRISENS The conquest of a new habitat: a study of nutritional and sensory adaptations in Drosophila suzukii larvae 2020
414 GuideArtifEvol Tracking and guiding artificial enzyme evolution via landscape inference 2019
415 Humane AI Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us 2019
416 SyLeNCe Synapses between Leukaemia and its Neighbouring Cells 2020
417 STRATASCAPE Modelling and inverting the deep marine sedimentary record to constrain Atlantic Passive Margin landscape evolution 2019
418 HELD Hetero-structures for Efficient Luminescent Devices 2019
419 NIKOMEDIA New Tetrarchic Reliefs from Nikomedia: Uncovering the Colorful Life of Diocletian’s Lost Capital 2019
420 REaCHeS References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen (REaCHeS): an investigation of multimodal spatial referencing in Eastern Chatino 2019
421 LangMix Language switching and script mixing: multilingual landscapes of medieval Scandinavia 2019
422 ZANBA Zooarchaeology of the Nuragic Bronze Age 2020
423 AXIONRUSH Rethinking Ultraviolet Scenarios for Hunting the AXION 2019
424 InvADeRS Investigating the Activity of transposon Derived Regulatory Sequences in the placenta 2019
425 ReMIND Reactivating Neglected Heritages, Reweaving Unspoken Memories. A Study on the Adaptive Reuse of Former Asylums into “mind museums”. 2019
426 H2AH2B_Propagation Elucidating the propagation and function of H2A and H2B modifications across DNA replication 2020
427 RecPAIR Genetic landscape of the homology search 2019
428 SingleCellAI Deep-learning models of CRISPR-engineered cells define a rulebook of cellular transdifferentiation 2019
429 WEAN-IT WEaning practices in ANcient ITaly: from Neolithic farmers to the first cities 2020
430 CULTUS Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD 2019
431 PALP Pathiana Archaeological Landscapes Project 2019
432 ORBITAL Ocular Research By Integrated Training And Learning 2019
433 B-GOOD Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making 2019
434 STARGATE reSilienT fARminG by Adaptive microclimaTe managEment 2019
435 iProcureSecurity Strategic Partnership of Emergency Medical Service Practitioners for Coordination of Innovation Procurement 2019
436 FORESIGHT Advanced cyber-security simulation platform for preparedness training in Aviation, Naval and Power-grid environments 2019
437 RIPARIONS Transferring hydrological and biogeochemical concepts from boreal to Mediterranean RIPARian zones: developing a broad knowledge framework across ecoregIONS 2020
438 GenALMA Kinship, Alliance and Urban Space: the Genoese 'alberghi' in the Late Middle Ages (c. 1150 - c. 1450) 2019
439 TransMed Transported Landscapes of Greek Mediterranean Colonisation 2019
440 HealinguFE Development of an in silico model for prediction of in vivo human bone fracture healing using micro-finite element analysis 2020
441 WetSlide WEaThering in bedrock landSLIDE deposits 2019
442 cesmine Cultural ecosystem services of post-mining sites: socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying 2020
444 CHARM-Vis Chromatin accessibility landscape and transcription changes in recognition memory after visual imprinting in chicks 2019
446 MLS Multi Lawn Care System Robotic mower fleets to take care of large green areas and replace the fossil-fuel powered mowers 2019
448 hystrix A cost efficient, transparent and affordable digital procurement marketplace that allows MedTech industry and Hospitals to accelerate everyday processes 2019
449 HYPERION Development of a Decision Support System for Improved Resilience & Sustainable Reconstruction of historic areas to cope with Climate Change & Extreme Events based on Novel Sensors and Modelling Tools 2019
450 Water-Cultures The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 2019
451 MCLPS The Migration Challenge: Labour Markets, Policy Reforms, and Social Cohesion 2019
452 ENEFIRST Making Energy Efficiency First principle operational 2019
453 PLANTGROWTH Exploiting genome replication to design improved plant growth strategies 2019
454 EIPOD4 EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme 4 2019
455 WATERSIGN WATERSIGN: Smart Water Monitoring & Leakage Detection 2019
456 SAM Silk Aquamelts to Market 2019
457 SPLITVAC Harnessing the innate and adaptive immune system with targeted neoantigen based cancer vaccines 2019
458 INO3D Mechanism of ATP Dependent Chromatin Modelling and Editing by INO80 Remodellers 2019
459 FRC BioEnergetics Functional dissection of metabolic checkpoints in lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells 2020
460 CLOCK Characterization of the circadian chromatin landscape using a novel CRISPR/Cas9-guided proximity-labelling technique 2020
461 MetEpiC P53-dependent Metabolic and Epigenetic Reprogramming in Carcinogenesis 2020
462 Weekend Shop Reinventing FMCG Market Research with Real-Life Product Testing 2019
463 NEXIM A Next-generation targeted immuno-oncology therapy 2019
464 NaviFlu Navigating the evolutionary routes of influenza viruses 2019
465 SPIDER a cyberSecurity Platform for vIrtualiseD 5G cybEr Range services 2019
466 PHERECLOS Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling 2019
467 SMARTEC Pilot line production of transceiver modules for the next generation of smart RF power applications 2019
468 PANTROP Biodiversity and recovery of forest in tropical landscapes 2019
469 TRANSTEM TRANSTEM: ERA Chair in Translational Stem Cell Biology 2019
470 CMMI – MaRITeC-X Marine and Maritime Research, Innovation, Technology Centre of Excellence 2019
471 NI4OS-Europe National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe 2019
472 3DEPLAN Platform for 3D planning of future energy and linear network connected with augmeted reality for improved public participation 2019
473 ECOFIPS ECOFIPS: Ecological Fibres for Insulation, Pulp and Substrate 2019
474 OPENQKD Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed 2019
475 FEINART The Future of European Independent Art Spaces in a Period of Socially Engaged Art 2020
476 SOLOCLIM Solutions for outdoor climate adaptation 2019
477 CyberSANE Cyber Security Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures 2019
478 preSENSE IoT-ready radar sensors with micrometer-level accuracy for safe human-machine collaboration 2019
479 POSEIDON NanoPhOtonic devices applying SElf-assembled colloIDs for novel ON-chip light sources 2020
480 PyroLife PyroLife - training the next generation of integrated fire management experts 2019
481 SOLAR2CHEM Training the next generation of scientists in solar chemicals for a sustainable Europe by hybrid molecule/semiconductor devices 2020
482 CONICALM Chemistry in Optical Nano Cavities: Designing Photonic Reagents and Light-Matter Materials 2020
483 FlexPlan Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning 2019
484 MFreePEC Controlled Growth of Lightweight Metal-Free Materials for Photoelectrochemical Cells 2020
485 TeLSCombe Temporal Laser cavity-Solitons for micro-resonator based optical frequency combs 2020
486 vACCINE AeronautiCal Cyber INtrusion dEtection mechanism 2019
487 LeDNA Global measure of biodiversity by understanding biogeochemical cycling of environmental DNA in lakes 2020
488 COOLER Climatic Controls on Erosion Rates and Relief of Mountain Belts 2020
489 Light-DYNAMO Light driven hybrid nanocrystal TMDC capacitors 2020
490 PLANMod Regulation of extreme plasticity in planarian stem cells by mRNA modifications 2019
491 IsoCAN Isolation and Evolution in Oceanic Islands: the human colonisation of the Canary Islands 2020
492 OpertusMundi A Single Digital Market for Industrial Geospatial Data Assets 2020
493 PANTROPOCENE PANTROPOCENE: Finding a Pre-industrial, Pan-tropical ‘Anthropocene’ 2020
494 NEBULA Neuro-augmented 112Gbaud CMOS plasmonic transceiver platform for Intra- and Inter-DCI applications 2020
495 OptimHist Optimization and historical contingency in living systems: a biophysical approach 2020
496 HominAb Discovering novel antibodies derived from the human body itself to treat neurodegenerative diseases 2019
497 Lost-Biodiv Predicting changes in species interactions following species loss in hydroelectric reservoir islands 2019
498 SUSTAINABLEMEAT Addressing the rising global meat demand while protecting the environment: developing Europe’s first competitive “cell-based meat” product 2019
499 CANDY Comorbid Analysis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy 2020
500 ACTRIS IMP Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project 2020
501 OPERAS-P Preparing open access in the european research area through scholarly communication 2019
502 Pledger Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service 2019
503 A Collaborative platform for EU-US NGI experiments 2020
504 ACCORDION Adaptive edge/cloud compute and network continuum over a heterogeneous sparse edge infrastructure to support nextgen applications 2020
505 ANTIGONE Archaeology of shariNg pracTIces: the material evidence of mountain marGinalisatiON in Europe (18th- 21st c. AD) 2020
506 YADES Improved Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Areas to cope with Climate Change and Other Hazards based on Innovative Algorithms and Modelling Tools 2020
507 SINO-EU-PerMed Widening Sino‐EU policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine 2020
508 ahead ahead, The Intelligent Digital Workspace as a Service 2019
509 EMPOWER European platforM to PromOte Wellbeing and HEalth in the woRkplace 2020
510 EpigeneticScars Understanding DSB repair from pathway choice to long term effects and their consequences. 2020
511 HyperK Modern Aspects of Geometry: Categories, Cycles and Cohomology of Hyperkähler Varieties 2020
512 DORNA Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications 2020
514 READY Getting ready to treat human patients with nanobody-targeted photodynamic therapy 2020
515 TPV 2500 High performance hydraulic pump for off road mobile equipment 2020
516 AGEMEC Age-dependent mechanisms of sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease in patient-derived neurons 2020
517 BiodivClim Promoting and implementing joint programming to reinforce transnational research at the crossroad between biodiversity and climate change 2019
518 IS_MIRRI21 Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century 2020
519 GyroSCoPe Geomorphic and Sedimentary responses to Climate Periodicity 2020
520 ESS-SUSTAIN-2 Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-SUSTAIN-2) 2020
521 SILENT Silent mutations in cancer 2020
522 CCedit Coiled-coil mediated exonuclease tethering technology for the enhancement of CRISPR gene editing 2020
523 SCFTAlg Algebraic Foundations of Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory 2020
524 ELIXIR-CONVERGE Connect and align ELIXIR Nodes to deliver sustainable FAIR life-science data management services 2020
525 MSCA2020.HR MSCA Presidency Conference 2020 2019
526 ConFoBiNM A multidimensional analysis on the joint-effect of retention forestry and landscape structure on large mammals communities 2021
527 Bio-LP-1 A novel rapid environmental test for the human pathogen Legionella 2020
528 OLEA Olea expansion and mosaic Landscape formation in an island Environment since human Arrival 2020
529 LINKER Elucidating transcriptional rewiring on hematological malignancies via computational methods 2020
530 FuncDis3D Deconstructing gene regulation through functional dissection of the 3D genome 2020
531 URBS The Historic Urban Landscape of European Cathedral Cities: a transnational approach towards an understanding of a shared European heritage 2020
532 EpiStress Epigenetic mechanisms controlling hypoxia and pathogen Stress responses in plants 2021
533 QaSLA The Qur’an as a Source for Late Antiquity 2020
534 PropRT Property-Based Modulable Timing Analysis and Optimization for Complex Cyber-Physical Real-Time Systems 2020
535 dcPolyWheat Dominant cis-regulatory variation to improve quantitative traits in polyploid wheat 2020
536 REGIOFLU Regioselective Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transfer Catalysis 2020
537 COASTAL ROUTES Travel, Environment, Sustainability: A Literary and Cultural History of Irish and Scottish Coastal Routes 2020
538 FAIR Forest transitions in the Anthropocene and their Implications for Restoration values – a global assessment based on remote sensing 2020
539 DiverseNile Cultural diversity in the Middle Nile Valley. Reconstructing biographies in the periphery of urban centres in northern Sudan during the Bronze Age 2020
540 APOCRYPHA Storyworlds in Transition: Coptic Apocrypha in Changing Contexts in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods 2020
541 BoRiS uncovering the anatomical archive of annual RINGS to understand abiotic and biotic drivers of SHRUB growth at the range BORDER 2020
542 SHINE Chemical Approach to Scalable Fabrication of Hybrid Plasmonic Materials in the Strong-Coupling Regime 2020
543 VENUS inVestigation of distributEd propulsion Noise and its mitigation through wind tUnnel experiments and numerical Simulations 2020
544 IDENTIS Identity-scapes of Sardinia: productivity, burials, and social relationships of AD 100-600 west-central Sardinia 2020
545 NormNets Normalization of Multimodal Brain Networks for Integral and Predictive Mapping of Neurological Disorders 2020