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UPWARDS project deliverables

The page lists 33 deliverables related to the research project "UPWARDS".

 List of Deliverables

UPWARDS: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

State of the art at the end of the project

Report on the state of the art three years after the start of the project, with a focus on the specific achievements and the knowledge generated during UPWARDS.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2019-10-08

Final Data Release Description Document

Document explaining the implementation and formatting of the Level 2 and higher level data produced and released to European archives (including PSA).

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-23

Improved model of Mars water cycle & clouds & its validation with available data

This delivery will describe a comprehensive study of the available data on water vapour and frost, combining data from MGS and MEx, including the climatology of seasonal surface frost and the information on the vertical distribution obtained in previous WPs, focusing on the discrepancies found in previous comparative studies, and validating and tuning the water cycle included in the LMD-MGCM, adding
If necessary, new or improved parameterisation of different physical processes.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-23

Climatology of Mars cloud optical depth and particle size using MEx OMEGA imaging spectrometer data

A climatology of cloud particle size and opacity as retrieved from the entire NIR spectral data OMEGA dataset (using Aerosol-free surface reflectance maps from CP3) with documentations detailing the method and the scientific findings.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-23

Trace gas atmospheric concentration as a function of surface composition

Produce a report describing the atmospheric concentration of potential trace gas species, as a function of atmospheric state and surface adsorbent compositions. Compilation of outputs relating to subsurface reservoirs and the transport of trace gas species in the martian subsurface and atmosphere.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-23

2nd Video about the Mars scientific challenges addressed by UPWARDS

2nd Video about the Mars scientific challenges addressed by UPWARDS directed to the general public.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-23

Code, full documentation and published validation for LETKF assimilation scheme

This report will include the code, full documentation and published validation for LETKF assimilation scheme

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-23

Maps of improved ozone and dust properties

Improve the dust optical properties by considering SPICAM/UV and CRISM/MRO observations and show the impact on the ozone distribution.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-23

Atmospheric emissionsAtmospheric emissions and maps of UV dayglow

Scientific report on the measurements of the MEx IR non-LTE and UV dayglow, and their simulation. Maps at different seasonal/solar cycle conditions of the UV dayglow emissions as predicted by a 3D Global Climate Model

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-23

Retrievals of water vapour mixing ratio over a same region before, during, and after a dust storm

Retrievals of water vapour mixing ratio over a same region before, during, and after a dust storm. At the same time, the PFS LWC will be used to retrieve water vapour mixing (see, e.g., Fouchet et al., 2007). The effect of the dust storms on the atmospheric and surface temperatures (D5.2), as well as on the H2O abundance (D5.3) will be analyzed by comparing these quantities retrieved before, during, and after the occurrence of the storm.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-23

Improved ozone vertical profiles from occultation observations

Extensive description of the improvements implemented in the retrieval codes to take into account the non-homogeneity existing along the line of sight. Using the code developed under WP6 to better take into account the temperature and pressure gradients across the terminator predicted by GCM (D6.1) and the in-homogenities along the line of sight, reprocess the SPICAM occultation observations to provide improved vertical profiles for ozone.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Aerosols-free surface reflectance in the 0.4 – 4 μm spectral range

Aerosol-free surface reflectance maps derived from data acquired by OMEGA/MEX for specific regions covered by OMEGA on Mars. The surface reflectance will include the solar and thermal spectral regions from 0.4 μm to 4 μm. Diagnostic spectral indexes for the identification of mineralogical units.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Report on simulated temperature/densities

Scientific report about the comparison between the simulated temperature/density structure of the upper atmosphere with the measurements, including the correlation with the conditions of the lower atmosphere

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Report on Lyman-alpha emissions

Report on the simulation and interpretation of the Lyman alpha emissions, including observations from SPICAM and simulations with a Global Climate Model

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Retrievals of atmospheric temperature profiles (from the surface up to 50 km), surface temperatures, and dust and ice opacities during regional and global dust storms

The radiance observed by the PFS Long-Wavelength Channel (LWC; 200-2000 cm-1) depends on several parameters of the atmosphere and surface of Mars, as described by radiative transfer theory: the surface temperature and emissivity, the column density of dust and water ice aerosols in the atmosphere, the air temperatures as a function of altitude, the surface pressure, and the column density of water vapor and carbon monoxide. Adopting the very general formalism of Bayesian analysis, an algorithm for the scientific analysis of individual calibrated PFS measurements has been developed. In our retrieval scheme, the entire range 400–1100 cm−1 is used simultaneously for the self-consistent retrieval of the following parameters (state vector elements): (a) surface temperature; (b) air temperature profile (in the indicative range 1–50 km); (c) integrated silicate dust content; (d) integrated water ice content. A description of the adopted method can be found in Grassi et al. (2005).

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Heat flow at present-day Mars and evolutionary frame of the Martian heat flows

Scientific report presenting a global surface heat flow model for the present-day Mars, and including data in standard format permitting their use by a Geographycal Information System (GIS). Model of the evolution of Martian heat flow of and their patterns of regional variability, including data in standard format for use in GIS.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Extend and validate reanalysis of past spacecraft data, including choice of a reference period for cross-validation

This deliverable will include an extension and validation reanalysis of past spacecraft data, including choice of a reference period for cross-validation.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Subsurface model and concentration profiles for trace gas release

To produce profiles of concentration of trace gas species through the martian subsurface. This will be performed for a range of conditions and scenarios. Detailed description of the gas transport model to be used for the subsurface trace gas transport studies.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Maps of ice clouds as seen in the UV

Using the new method and algorithm developed under WP4 to detect the presence of clouds from nadir observations in the UV spectral region, build maps of ice clouds

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Ice table stability zone maps for present-day regions of trace gas observations and landing sites through time

This delivery will provide quantitatively plausible scenarios for the evolution of near-surface ice by taking into account relavant observations to present-day near-surface ice distribution from e.g. MARSIS/MEx.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Vertical profiles of aerosols properties

A radiative transfer technique in spherical geometry and including multiple scattering will be applied to OMEGA IR limb spectra to characterize dust properties, namely vertical maps of opacity and grain size distribution with altitude.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Heat flow report for the ExoMars and InSight landing sites and other selected regions

Scientific report of regional surface heat flow models for the locations of ExoMars and InSight landing sites and other places of special interest, including data for use in GIS.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Model fields of atmospheric quantities

Provide fields of atmospheric quantities, such as temperature, pressure, trace gases concentration at the day/night terminator using GCM models to characterize the photochemistry of Mars during sunrise and sunsets

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

Trace gas assimilation scheme publication and dissemination of data set

This deliverable is a publication of the trace gas assimilation scheme and will also include a dissemination of the data set.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

MSL and ExoMars EDL atmospheric profiles and the performance of advanced filtering methods

Reconstructed atmospheric variables using MSL EDL trajectory & forebody pressure data. Comparison of the performances of advanced filtering methods on reconstructed MSL trajectory & atmospheric variables. Reconstructed trajectory & atmospheric variables for ExoMars EDL & related publications.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2019-05-06

Micro-exhibition for Science Museums

Micro-exhibition including video, hands-on stands, interactive discussions, classical films & conferences by experts from UPWARDS & others. (M18-M30 depending on stakeholders)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-06

Upper atmosphere temperature and density datasets

Dataset of vertical profiles of CO2 and CO in the upper atmosphere obtained from the analysis of OMEGA and PFS IR measurements, and of the temperature derived from them

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2019-05-06

Vertical profiles of H2O for selected seasons and locations

Vertical profiles of H2O and CO for selected seasons and locations in a format facilitating its dissemination (PDS, or ESA-based ExoMars archive format).

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2019-05-06

Exploitation, Dissemination and C&EPO strategic plan

This delivery will clearly define the tasks related to the Dissemination and Exploitation activities within the Consortium, including release of new high-level data to ESA archives, the creation and preservation of a reference archive of the Consortium publications, reports and deliveries, adn the outline of the diverse directions to promote the exploitation of the UPWARDS results. Design and distribution of an evaluated C&EPO strategic plan, including an identity project design & a brand guidelines document.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2019-05-06

State of the art at the start of the project

The goal is to describe the state of the art in the different directions of UPWARDS and at the beginning of the project, as a reference to define the starting point and to evaluate goals and achievements throughout the duration of the project and at the end of it.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2019-05-06

Subsurface water vapour transport model and clathrate hydrate stability zones over time

This deliverable will provide a dynamic model for the subsurface water vapour diffusion and ice deposition. It will also investigate spatial/temporal variations of the clathrate stability zone within the crust of Mars as a function of different crustal compositions (i.e. location)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-06

1st video on scientific challenges & UPWARDS

Production of 1st Video about the Mars scientific challenges addressed by UPWARDS and the presentation of the project to the general public.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-06

Multiple-scattering radiative transfer code for atmospheric limb observations

Development, testing and validation of multiple-scattering radiative transfer model for spherical geometry to be used for limb observation data.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): COMPET-08-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2019-05-06