MyAirCoach project seeks to create a patient centered mHeatlh tool to support self-management approaches for asthma. The project will enable healthcare professionals to supervise the patients’ condition in efficiently without disturbing patients’ privacy. MyAirCoach final...
MyAirCoach project seeks to create a patient centered mHeatlh tool to support self-management approaches for asthma. The project will enable healthcare professionals to supervise the patients’ condition in efficiently without disturbing patients’ privacy. MyAirCoach final system will stimulate and increase the asthma self-management awareness and will serve as an exchange platform for patients. MyAirCoach proposes a novel mHealth tool based on a wireless body sensor network that will be the core element of a new approach to monitor and support asthma patients. The system will communicate in two senses: 1) to the healthcare professional by observing patients\' adherence to medical treatment through physiological and environmental variables and 2) to the patient, as it will provide them with personalized prediction to manage and reduce the risk of asthma exacerbation.
The project is expected to demonstrate significant impact in various domains ranging from the patients themselves, healthcare professionals, associations and the pharmaceutical companies. At a glance:
- Patients will receive optimal strategies to treat their asthma based on their own models, the estimated disease progression and their evolution, all by their doctor. Through MyAirCoach community, they will also be able to
communicate with other patients and exchange their experience to reduce the burden of any social difficulties that might be provoked by asthma.
- The families of the patients will be better informed about the condition of their loved ones and will be able to secure accurate information about asthma and the proper use of medication.
- Clinicians and practitioners will be equipped with new tools and components that will provide a detailed and accurate picture of the patient’s condition outside the clinic. Analytical tools will support their decisions based on the estimates of every patient asthma evolution.
Doctors experienced coupled with automated analysis tools, will provide the possibility to provide real time feedback based on the current condition of the patient.
-Pharmaceutical companies will directly evaluate their new medicines using the modelling approaches developed under myAirCoach project.
- Healthcare systems will see the cost of asthma reduced in the long term, based on the optimization of treatments, the increased knowledge of patients and the adherence to their medication schedule.
1 Definition of the test campaign methodology. The deployment of test campaigns was planned taking into consideration both ethic and safety issues, as well as the overall scheduling of tasks and procedures.
2 Hardware and software design of the MyAirCoach monitoring devices
The implementation stage of the MyAirCoach Body Area Network and the laboratory testing of the envisioned devices and sensing modalities have been presented in a detailed report. Another investigated sensing component is the module for the assessment of pollution in terms of particle concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10), density of NO2 and SO2.This modality is called biomonitor, as it enables to verify potential asthma triggers in the direct environment of the patient.
3 Definition of the patient modelling and representation framework
MyAirCoach project has took the first step for the formation of a patient modelling framework that will allow the collection, processing and presentation of such information based on the envisioned Body Area Network.
4 Assembly of the Advisory Patient Forum
MyAirCoach Advisory Patient Forum was assembled in the first six months of the project. The APF is formed by 22 European asthma patients who have been contributed to project activities and deliverables.
5 Finalization of the MyAirCoach system’s architecture
D1.4 has provided important technical details in regards to the overall implementation of the project and has been strongly connected with the integration processes as defined in deliverable D5.3.
6 Definition of the nutritional and dietary guidelines
The work of the project for the third period included: A) a review of the literature regarding relevant links between diet and general health, as well as asthma; B) Identification of any specific dietary recommendations that exist for people with asthma; C) Assessment of available data collection tools; D) Production of a dietary data collection and analysis protocol for the MyAirCoach quantification campaign; E) Recommendations on how such information should be incorporated into the MyAirCoach system.
7 Description of the preliminary version of the MyAirCoach information visualization and decision support system
The underlying decision support structure of the MyAirCoach system is also presented on the basis of a set of rules collected form academic bibliography so as to form the starting point for the implementation of functionalities that will help doctors extend, modify and personalize the rules applies to their patients.
8 Development of the preliminary versions of personal guidance and support components for the MyAirCoach application
The MyAirCoach virtual assistant is aiming to be a multimodal assistive system mediated by a virtual agent that can foster autonomy of communication, medical and activity management for people facing asthma.
9 Finalization of the first integrated version of the MyAirCoach system and documentation of basic interfaces between modules
The first integrated version of the MyAirCoach system has been presented together with a plan for the future integration objectives and towards the preparation of the second version of the system in the third year of the project.
10 Horizontal activities for the dissemination of the project’s activities
A workshop was organized in conjunction with the ACM 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services.
1 Analysis of the history and future perspectives of smart inhalers for the optimization of asthma management. The MyAirCoach project has taken a step for the mapping of the area of Inhaler Based Monitoring Devices providing a starting point for discussions among healthcare professionals and engineers for the identification and the development of technologies that can offer personalized asthma self-management with clinical significance.
2 Introduction of a novel approach for the energy efficient monitoring of metered dose inhaler usage. The work of MyAirCoach project has led to a novel solution that enables the energy efficient monitoring of metered dose inhaler usage, by exploiting the specific characteristics of the reconstructed audio features at the receiver.
3 Development of a lung geometry processing tool for the better understanding of the effects of airway narrowings for the breathing of asthma patients. A software tool has been developed that combines geometry processing methods with 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
3 Analysis of wearable sensors for mobile health in daily life of patients. We have developed a wearable sensor platform that was and is successfully applied for two different e-health applications, i.e. home rehabilitation after stroke and control of asthma patients respectively asthma control.
4 Numerical assessment of airflow and inhaled particles attributes in obstructed pulmonary system. MyAirCoach project has focused on the accurate modelling of the airways obstructions that relate to pulmonary diseases.
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