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Flintstone2020 SIGNED

Next generation of superhard non-CRM materials and solutions in tooling

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






Project "Flintstone2020" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: Paradisgatan 5c
city: LUND
postcode: 22100
website: n.a.

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Sweden [SE]
 Project website
 Total cost 4˙996˙180 €
 EC max contribution 4˙996˙180 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.3.5.3. (Ensuring the sustainable supply of non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials)
 Code Call H2020-SC5-2015-one-stage
 Funding Scheme RIA
 Starting year 2016
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2016-02-01   to  2020-01-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    LUNDS UNIVERSITET SE (LUND) coordinator 1˙142˙625.00
5    BIFA UMWELTINSTITUT GMBH DE (AUGSBURG) participant 491˙555.00
6    SECO TOOLS AB SE (FAGERSTA) participant 324˙375.00
9    BOUKJE.COM CONSULTING BV NL (SIMPELVELD) participant 308˙000.00


 Project objective

Flintstone2020 aims to provide a perspective for the replacement of two important CRMs – tungsten (W) and cobalt (Co) – which are the main constituents for two important classes of hard materials (cemented carbides/WC-Co, and PCD/diamond-Co), by developing innovative alternative solutions for tooling operating under extreme conditions. Fundamental knowledge on mechanical properties and wear of different tools, gained in machining tests and dedicated experiments from WP1 is passed onto the respective WPs. WP2 will experiment on small samples with 3-9 mm Ø for testing the fundamental behavior of new B-X phases and particularly as a feedback for binder matrix improvement. In WP3 samples (12 mm Ø) will be investigated from individual HPHT runs for characterization and testing to guide high pressure sintering process optimization. The HPHT process and the samples produced are then upscaled to the industrial mass production level in WP4. In WP5, demonstrator cutting tools from full size HPHT synthesis test runs will be prepared via laser cutting and consecutive macro- and microshaping of tool geometry within WP5. In WP6 aspects of environmental benefits in the total life cycle of the superhard materials will be investigated, including health and safety aspects. WP7 will focus on exploitation and dissemination.


List of deliverables.
Tool design Documents, reports 2020-02-20 17:17:57
Report on specialized setups Documents, reports 2020-02-20 17:17:57
First report on task 1.1 Documents, reports 2020-02-20 17:17:55
Public website online Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-02-20 17:17:56

Take a look to the deliverables list in detail:  detailed list of Flintstone2020 deliverables.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2019 B. A. Kulnitskiy, I. A. Perezhogin, V. D. Blank, V. A. Mukhanov, V. L. Solozhenko
Nanotwinning in Boron Subphosphide B12P2
published pages: 139-141, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI: 10.3103/s1063457619020102
Journal of Superhard Materials 41/2 2020-02-20
2019 Kirill A. Cherednichenko, Vladimir L. Solozhenko
Thermal expansion of α-boron and some boron-rich pnictides
published pages: 113735, ISSN: 0038-1098, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2019.113735
Solid State Communications 303-304 2020-02-20
2019 D.A. Stratiichuk, V.Z. Turkevich, V.M. Bushlya
Obtaining superhard composites in the system Cdiam—SiB4—WC under conditions of high pressures and temperatures
published pages: 49-56, ISSN: 1025-6415, DOI: 10.15407/dopovidi2019.10.049
Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 10 2020-02-20
2019 V. L. Solozhenko, V. Bushlya
Mechanical Properties of Boron Phosphides
published pages: 84-89, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI: 10.3103/s1063457619020023
Journal of Superhard Materials 41/2 2020-02-20
2019 Andrew Hrechuk, Volodymyr Bushlya, Rachid M’Saoubi, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Quantitative analysis of chip segmentation in machining using an automated image processing method
published pages: 314-319, ISSN: 2212-8271, DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.272
Procedia CIRP 82 2020-02-20
2020 V. Bushlya, I. Petrusha, O. Gutnichenko, O. Osipov, R. M\'Saoubi, V. Turkevich, J.-E. Ståhl
Sintering of binderless cubic boron nitride and its modification by β-Si3N4 additive for hard machining applications
published pages: 105100, ISSN: 0263-4368, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2019.105100
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 86 2020-02-20
2019 Vladimir L. Solozhenko, Volodymyr Bushlya, Jinming Zhou
Mechanical properties of ultra-hard nanocrystalline cubic boron nitride
published pages: 75107, ISSN: 0021-8979, DOI: 10.1063/1.5109636
Journal of Applied Physics 126/7 2020-02-20
2019 K. V. Slipchenko, I. A. Petrusha, V. Z. Turkevich, D. A. Stratiichuk, V. M. Slipchenko, N. M. Bilyavina, D. V. Turkevich, V. M. Bushlya, J.-E. Stahl
The Influence of Sintering Temperature on Phase Composition and Mechanical Properties of $c$BN-Based Composites with Addition of Vanadium Compounds
published pages: 1599-1610, ISSN: 1024-1809, DOI: 10.15407/mfint.41.12.1599
2018 Kirill A. Cherednichenko, Yann Le Godec, Vladimir L. Solozhenko
Equation of state of boron subarsenide B 12 As2 to 47 GPa
published pages: 224-231, ISSN: 0895-7959, DOI: 10.1080/08957959.2018.1476507
High Pressure Research 38/3 2020-02-20
2017 D. Johansson, S. Hägglund, V. Bushlya, J.-E. Ståhl
Sensitivity of Colding tool life equation on the dimensions of experimental dataset
published pages: 67-79, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI:
Journal of Superhard Materials Volume 39 (4) 2020-02-20
2018 Slipchenko, K., Petrusha, I., Turkevich, V., Johansson, J., Bushlya, V., & Ståhl, J. E.
The Influence of VC-Al Additive Content on Structure and Phase Composition of cBN Based Superhard Materials
published pages: 275-284, ISSN: 2223-3938, DOI:
Rock destructive and metal cutting tools – technique and technology of their manufacturing and application Vol.21, 2018 2020-02-20
2017 Daniel Johansson, Sören Hägglund, Volodymyr Bushlya, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Assessment of Commonly used Tool Life Models in Metal Cutting
published pages: 602-609, ISSN: 2351-9789, DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2017.07.154
Procedia Manufacturing 11 2020-02-20
2017 Kolabylina, T., Bushlya, V., Petrusha, I., Johansson, D., Ståhl, J.-E., Turkevich, V.
Superhard pcBN materials with chromium compounds as a binder
published pages: 155-165, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI:
Journal of Superhard Materials Volume 39 (3) 2020-02-20
2018 Oleksandr Gutnichenko, Volodymyr Bushlya, Sverker Bihagen, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Influence of graphite nanoadditives to vegetable-based oil on machining performance when MQCL assisted hard turning
published pages: 437-440, ISSN: 2212-8271, DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.08.281
Procedia CIRP 77 2020-02-20
2018 K. A. Cherednichenko, I. A. Kruglov, A. R. Oganov, Y. Le Godec, M. Mezouar, V. L. Solozhenko
Boron monosulfide: Equation of state and pressure-induced phase transition
published pages: 135903, ISSN: 0021-8979, DOI: 10.1063/1.5025164
Journal of Applied Physics 123/13 2020-02-20
2017 V. L. Solozhenko, V. A. Mukhanov
On melting of boron subnitride B13N2 under pressure
published pages: 147-148, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI: 10.3103/s1063457617020113
Journal of Superhard Materials 39/2 2020-02-20
2017 Kolabylina, T., Bushlya, V., Petrusha, I., Johansson, D., Ståhl, J.-E., Turkevich, V.
Superhard pcBN tool materials with Ti3SiC2 MAX-phase binder: Structure, properties, application
published pages: 155-165, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI:
Journal of Superhard Materials Volume 39 (3) 2020-02-20
2018 Vladimir L. Solozhenko, Vladimir Z. Turkevich
Phase Diagram of the B–BN System at Pressures up to 24 GPa: Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Analysis
published pages: 8505-8509, ISSN: 1932-7447, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b00102
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122/15 2020-02-20
2017 V. L. Solozhenko, V. Bushlya
Mechanical properties of superhard boron subnitride B13N2
published pages: 422-426, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI: 10.3103/s1063457617060065
Journal of Superhard Materials 39/6 2020-02-20
2018 I. Konyashin, S. Farag, B. Ries, B. Roebuck
WC-Co-Re cemented carbides: Structure, properties and potentialapplications
published pages: 247-253, ISSN: 0263-4368, DOI:
International Journal of Refractory Metals Volume 78, 2018 2020-02-20
2017 Kryzhanivskyy, V., Bushlya, V., Gutnichenko, O., M’Saoubi, R., Ståhl, J.-E.
Influence of tool material and tool wear on tool temperature in hard turning reconstructed via inverse problem solution
published pages: 192-202, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI:
Journal of Superhard Materials Volume 39 (3) 2020-02-20
2018 Slipchenko, K. V., Petrusha, I. A., Turkevich, V. Z., Bushlya, V. M. & Stahl J.-E.
Features of the Formation of Structure and Phase Composition in the Process of Reactive Sintering of Cubic Boron Nitride with Ti, Cr, V Compounds
published pages: 1081-1091, ISSN: 1024-1809, DOI:
Metallofiz Noveishie Tekhnol No40 2018 2020-02-20
2017 Kirill A. Cherednichenko, Vladimir L. Solozhenko
Structure and equation of state of tetragonal boron subnitride B 50 N 2
published pages: 155901, ISSN: 0021-8979, DOI: 10.1063/1.4996854
Journal of Applied Physics 122/15 2020-02-20
2017 V. L. Solozhenko, K. A. Cherednichenko, O. O. Kurakevych
Thermoelastic equation of state of boron subphosphide B12P2
published pages: 71-74, ISSN: 1063-4576, DOI: 10.3103/s1063457617010099
Journal of Superhard Materials 39/1 2020-02-20
2018 Kirill A. Cherednichenko, Lara Gigli, Vladimir L. Solozhenko
Thermal expansion of boron subnitrides
published pages: 21-24, ISSN: 0038-1098, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2018.03.007
Solid State Communications 275 2020-02-20
2018 Christina Windmark, Volodymyr Bushlya, Jan-Eric Ståhl
CPR a general Cost Performance Ratio in Manufacturing-A KPI for judgement of different technologies and development scenarios
published pages: 1220-1226, ISSN: 2212-8271, DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.106
Procedia CIRP 72 2020-02-20
2018 Volodymyr Bushlya, Filip Lenrick, Jan-Eric Ståhl, Rachid M’Saoubi
Influence of oxygen on the tool wear in machining
published pages: 79-82, ISSN: 0007-8506, DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2018.03.011
CIRP Annals 67/1 2020-02-20
2018 Oleksandr Gutnichenko, Volodymyr Bushlya, Sverker Bihagen, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Influence of GnP additive to vegetable oil on machining performance when MQL-assisted turning Alloy 718
published pages: 330-337, ISSN: 2351-9789, DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.06.091
Procedia Manufacturing 25 2020-02-20
2018 Daniel Johansson, Ville Akujärvi, Sören Hägglund, Volodymyr Bushlya, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Selecting Cutting Data Tests for Cutting Data Modeling Using the Colding Tool Life Model
published pages: 197-201, ISSN: 2212-8271, DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.035
Procedia CIRP 72 2020-02-20
2018 V. Kryzhanivskyy, V. Bushlya, O. Gutnichenko, R. M\'Saoubi, J.-E. Ståhl
Heat flux in metal cutting: Experiment, model, and comparative analysis
published pages: 81-97, ISSN: 0890-6955, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2018.07.002
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 134 2020-02-20
2018 Mathias Agmell, Volodymyr Bushlya, Sampsa V. A. Laakso, Aylin Ahadi, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Development of a simulation model to study tool loads in pcBN when machining AISI 316L
published pages: 2853-2865, ISSN: 0268-3768, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-018-1673-y
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96/5-8 2020-02-20
2016 I.A. Petrusha, Yu.O. Melniichuk, V.M. Bushlya, N.M. Bilyavyna, O.S. Osipov, D.A. Stratiichuk, T.I. Smirnova, K.V. Slipchenko
Thermobaric sintering of cubic boron nitride in the presence of unstable iron and chromium nitrides.
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
Proceedings of the Conference “Rock Destructive and Metal Machining Tools” in Truskavets 2020-02-20
2018 V. Kryzhanivskyy, O. Shupikov, V. Bushlya, O. Gutnichenko, M. Hörndahl, R. M’Saoubi, J.-E. Ståhl
An inverse problem for retrieving time dependency of heat flux in metal cutting via linear programming
published pages: 287-293, ISSN: 2351-9789, DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.06.085
Procedia Manufacturing 25 2020-02-20
2018 Daniel Johansson, Rebecka Lindvall, Malin Fröström, Volodymyr Bushlya, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Equivalent Chip Thickness and its Influence on Tool Life
published pages: 344-350, ISSN: 2351-9789, DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.06.102
Procedia Manufacturing 25 2020-02-20
2018 Andrew Hrechuk, Daniel Johansson, Volodymyr Bushlya, Leonid Devin, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Application of Colding tool life equation on the drilling fiber reinforcement polymers
published pages: 302-308, ISSN: 2351-9789, DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.06.087
Procedia Manufacturing 25 2020-02-20
2017 V. Kryzhanivskyy, V. Bushlya, O. Gutnichenko, R. M\'Saoubi, J. E. Ståhl
Computational and Experimental Inverse Problem Approach for Determination of Time Dependency of Heat Flux in Metal Cutting
published pages: 122-127, ISSN: 2212-8271, DOI:
Procedia CIRP Volume 58 2020-02-20
2018 Kateryna Slipchenko, Igor Petrusha, Vladimir Turkevich, Jakob Johansson, Volodymyr Bushlya, Jan-Eric Ståhl
Investigation of the mechanical properties and cutting performance of cBN-based cutting tools with Cr 3 C 2 binder phase.
published pages: 1433-1438, ISSN: 2212-8271, DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.180
Procedia CIRP 72 2020-02-20

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