The page lists 656 projects related to the topic "laser".
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1 | FAWORIT 2014-2015 | Looking over the Horizon - horizontal priorities in research and in everyday challenges of the researchers' career! | 2014 |
2 | GLAM | Laser Multiplexed Biosensor | 2015 |
3 | INSITER | Intuitive Self-Inspection Techniques using Augmented Reality for construction, refurbishment and maintenance of energy-efficient buildings made of prefabricated components | 2014 |
4 | COMBILASER | COMbination of non-contact, high speed monitoring and non-destructive techniques applicable to LASER Based Manufacturing through a self-learning system | 2015 |
5 | iCspec | in-line Cascade laser spectrometer for process control | 2015 |
6 | RADICLE | Real-time dynamic control system for laser welding | 2015 |
7 | BOREALIS | Borealis – the 3A energy class Flexible Machine for the new Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing on next generation of complex 3D metal parts. | 2015 |
8 | ADALAM | Sensor based adaptive laser micromachining using ultrashort pulse lasers for zero-failure manufacturing | 2015 |
9 | SYMPLEXITY | Symbiotic Human-Robot Solutions for Complex Surface Finishing Operations | 2015 |
10 | MAShES | Multimodal spectrAl control of laSer processing with cognitivE abilities | 2014 |
11 | X-probe | Advanced XFEL and Synchrotron based Probes of Protein Structure and Dynamics | 2015 |
12 | Lensless | High-resolution microscopy without lenses: a new generation of imaging technology | 2015 |
13 | C3PO | advanced Concept for laser uplink/ downlink CommuniCation with sPace Objects | 2015 |
14 | HEROIC | High-frequency printed and direct-written Organic-hybrid Integrated Circuits | 2015 |
15 | MoNaLISA | Long-term molecular nanoscale imaging of neuronal function | 2015 |
16 | Spray-Imaging | Detailed Characterization of Spray Systems using Novel Laser Imaging Techniques | 2015 |
17 | ULEED | Observing structural dynamics at surfaces with Ultrafast Low-Energy Electron Diffraction | 2015 |
18 | CALI | The Cambodian Archaeological Lidar Initiative: Exploring Resilience in the Engineered Landscapes of Early SE Asia | 2015 |
19 | UPTIME | Real-TIME probing of Ultrafast Phenomena | 2015 |
20 | AdapTT | Real time therapy planning for Thermal based therapy modalities in oncology care. | 2015 |
21 | CaFE | Development and experimental validation of computational models for cavitating flows, surface erosion damage and material loss | 2015 |
22 | DISTRO | Distributed 3D Object Design | 2015 |
23 | ALABO | Advanced laser ablation barrier films for organic and large area electronic devices | 2015 |
24 | CARDIS | Early stage CARdio Vascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics | 2015 |
25 | CHEQUERS | Compact High pErformance QUantum cascadE laseR Sensors | 2015 |
26 | NEXT-3D | Next generation of 3D multifunctional materials and coatings for biomedical applications | 2015 |
27 | TROPSENSE | Development of a non-invassive breath test for early diagnosis of tropical diseases | 2015 |
28 | NICHOID | Mechanobiology of nuclear import of transcription factors modeled within a bioengineered stem cell niche. | 2015 |
29 | NewSpindleForce | A new class of microtubules in the spindle exerting forces on kinetochores | 2015 |
30 | Earth core | Exploring Thermodynamic Properties of Earth’s Core-Forming Materials | 2015 |
31 | FNPMLS | Fundamental nuclear properties measured with laser spectroscopy | 2015 |
32 | VIBRA | Very fast Imaging by Broadband coherent RAman | 2015 |
34 | LIRON-2020 | Disruptive Technology for the Global Laundry Equipment Market | 2014 |
35 | TherVIS | A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation | 2014 |
36 | TWIMP | Innovative Laser Solution for Cutting Welding TWIP steel with Improved Performance | 2014 |
37 | OILMOD | Optical Injection Locked Modulator | 2014 |
38 | COMBPDCHEMOTHERAPY | Rational design of combined PDT photosensitizers and chemotherapeutic agent as new approach in cancer therapy: a computational approach | 2015 |
39 | FLOWLASER | Manipulation of Flow Characteristics Using Laser Energy Deposition | 2015 |
40 | CANCER-TECH | Cervical cancer detection platform based on novel laser processing | 2016 |
42 | TiFuN | Tiny Functional Au Nanorods: Novel NIR-Photothermal Nanoprobes for Single-Molecule Tracking at Confined Cellular Environment | 2015 |
43 | 3F-FutureFreshFruit | Elucidating the molecular basis of fruit resistance to desiccation: The cuticle as a key factor | 2015 |
44 | Turb. Bound. Layers | Effects of multi-scale rough patches on hydrodynamics and scalar dispersion in turbulent boundary layers | 2015 |
45 | INTERFACIAL REACTIONS | Atomic-scale investigation of structure, diffusions, and kinetics of Al2O3/MgO reaction interfaces during spinel growth | 2015 |
46 | FASTQUANTUM | Ultrafast Sepctroscopy of Quantum Structures | 2015 |
47 | DC FlexMIL | Development and Control of Flexible Mode-locked Integrated Laser | 2016 |
48 | NIMBLIS | Laser Induced Synthesis of Biocompatible Multifunctional Inorganic Nanoparticles: A Novel Route to Produce Multifunctional Contrast Agents for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer | 2016 |
49 | IRON_DEPOSITS | The role of volatiles in the formation of magmatic iron oxide deposits | 2015 |
50 | MINDFLY | Mid-IR ultrabroadbaNd thulium-doped Fiber Laser sYstems | 2016 |
51 | GAMMALAS | Towards gamma-ray lasers via super-radiance in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 135mCs isomers | 2015 |
52 | COFFEE | Condensed-phase Optical-Femtosecond-Fringe-Encoded EUV Diffraction | 2015 |
53 | QuantumLaP | Quantum Effects in Multicolor Ultrafast Laser Processing: Broadening Boundaries of Classical Descriptions | 2015 |
54 | ATTOCHEM | Attosecond imaging and control of chemical dynamics | 2015 |
55 | NICOS | Nonlinear optical coatings at high intensities | 2015 |
56 | TDL2Ho | Thin-disk lasers for the 2-micron spectral range based on Ho-doped monoclinic double-tungstate epitaxial structures | 2015 |
57 | LORENZLIDAR | Classification of Forest Structural Types with LiDAR Remote Sensing Applied to Study Tree Size-Density Scaling Theories | 2016 |
58 | QuantuM-nano | Quantum Measurements with Bose-Einstein condensates strongly coupled to nanophotonic structures | 2015 |
59 | FUNFIT | Fungal resistance to antifungals is promoted by cell heterogeneity | 2015 |
60 | NANOLASER | Dynamics of semiconductor nanoscale lasers | 2015 |
61 | MAPS | Millimeter Wave Massive Arrays enabling RFID/Radar Applications on 5G Smartphones | 2015 |
62 | WISDOM | Wavelength conversIon in diSpersion engineereD Optical fibres for Mid-IR applications | 2015 |
63 | SPAFIL | Structured photonics for advanced fibre lasers | 2015 |
64 | LIVING LASERS | Living cell lasers: intracellular lasing induced by natural and polymeric microscopic resonators | 2015 |
65 | SOUNDCONE | Scattering and Amplification of fundamental photonic-hydrodynamic excitations in Kerr non-linear media | 2015 |
66 | REAP | Real-time diagnostics for Enabling Advanced laser-based roll to roll materials Processing | 2015 |
67 | STABLE_FABRY | Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons | 2016 |
68 | ExTRyG | Excitonic transport in cold Rydberg gases | 2015 |
69 | PRe-FActo | Periodontal Regeneration through Femtosecond laser Action | 2016 |
70 | HyHeat | Profiling gene expression in Hydra vulgaris following Gold Nanoparticle-mediated hyperthermia | 2015 |
71 | OPTOFRAX | Optopharmacological brain mapping of autism mouse models | 2015 |
72 | RyM | Experimental Studies of Strongly Interacting Quantum Gases in an Optical Lattice | 2015 |
73 | FISHDOPA | Dopaminergic neurons and the reward system in fish: a functional neuroanatomical multidisciplinary study | 2016 |
74 | NoBios | No Biofouling Surfaces | 2015 |
75 | FOMBIST | Fibre-Optic Multi-parametric BIochemical Sensing Technology | 2015 |
76 | 3D-GATED | Three-Dimensional Graphene Architectures as Templates for Electrochemical Devices | 2015 |
77 | SMILE | 3D Silicon Micromachining with Infrared ultrafast LasErs | 2015 |
78 | SQZOMS | Squeezed Light Enhancement of Optomechanical Systems | 2015 |
79 | EctoVision | Improved machine vision for guidance of optical system for cost-effective and environmentally safe in-situ removal of ectoparasites from farmed fish | 2015 |
80 | SAFETY4WORKERS | Breakthrough for outdoor autonomous heavy machines: Safety-directed collision avoidance system for workers based on UWB radios with performance level | 2015 |
81 | VANGUARD | Versatile optomechANical GRaphene Device for bio-tissue engineering | 2015 |
82 | MISSION | Mid Infrared SpectrometerS by an Innovative Optical iNterferometer | 2015 |
83 | XMED | Medical Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging with Laser Plasma Accelerator | 2015 |
84 | FLOVISP | Flow Visualization Based Pressure | 2015 |
85 | LOUISA-3D | Clinical validation of Laser Optoacoustic Ultrasonic 3D Imaging System Assembly for breast cancer detection and characterization through endogenous biomarkers. | 2015 |
86 | SWeetLight | Suturing with Light | 2015 |
87 | Mustang-Pro | A Multi-species tracking analyser for natural gas process refinement and optimisation | 2015 |
88 | ResMet | Resampling methods for nonstationary stochastic processes | 2015 |
89 | MEDICIS-PROMED | MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine | 2015 |
90 | PGE-PLANETS | Mineral scale platinum-group-element osmium isotope constraints on planet formation ‘late’ accretion | 2015 |
91 | Colibri | The compact LIBS module for advanced materials analysis | 2015 |
92 | HiLASE CoE | HiLASE Centre of Excellence | 2015 |
93 | LCODA | Electronic scanning MIMO Radar for railway level crossing obstruction detection alerting | 2015 |
94 | IMPRESS | New Easy to Install and Manufacture PRE-Fabricated Modules Supported by a BIM based Integrated Design ProceSS | 2015 |
95 | ABLASE | Advanced Bioderived and Biocompatible Lasers | 2015 |
96 | AEDMOS | Attosecond Electron Dynamics in MOlecular Systems | 2015 |
97 | ENSURE | Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr | 2015 |
98 | IRIS | Infrared imaging and sensing: the single-photon frontier | 2015 |
99 | RENOS | Rare earth doped novel on-chip sources | 2015 |
100 | nuClock | Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 | 2015 |
101 | DigiArt | The Internet Of Historical Things And Building New 3D Cultural Worlds | 2015 |
102 | INCEPTION | Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling | 2015 |
103 | LiNaBioFluid | Laser-induced Nanostructures as Biomimetic Model of Fluid Transport in the Integument of Animals | 2015 |
104 | RIFP | Rutherford International Fellowship Programme | 2015 |
106 | Phonton | Phon(t)on-induced phase transitions | 2015 |
107 | WCE | Wroclaw Centre of Excellence | 2015 |
108 | ULTRAQCL | Ultrashort Pulse Generation from Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers | 2015 |
109 | CoDiS | Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems | 2015 |
110 | CoPIRL | CoPIRL: Compact High Power Picosecond Infrared Laser for Scar Free Surgery and Bio-Diagnostics. | 2015 |
111 | HICONO | High-Intensity Coherent Nonlinear Optics | 2015 |
112 | VOCO | Biochemical link between plant volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and CO2 metabolism - from sub-molecular to ecosystem scales | 2015 |
113 | TUCLA | Towards a deepened understanding of combustion processes using advanced laser diagnostics | 2016 |
114 | smaRtAIL | Smart protective coatings on classic materials for a new generation of ecologically sustainable ‛green’ railway vehicles | 2015 |
115 | ACTOMYO | Mechanisms of actomyosin-based contractility during cytokinesis | 2015 |
116 | NanoCytox | Development of Novel Analytical Methods to assess Nanoparticle cytotoxicity | 2015 |
117 | ICaRO | Ion Channels and Receptors Operation | 2016 |
118 | LESA | Laser bonding of linear edged super-abrasive blades | 2015 |
119 | DIVI | Direct Visualization of Light-Driven Atomic-Scale Carrier Dynamics in Space and Time | 2015 |
120 | MIRIPSHE | MID-IR Integrated Photonic Sensor for Health and Environment | 2016 |
121 | deepSLice | Deciphering the greenhouse gas record in deepest ice using continuous sublimation extraction / laser spectrometry | 2015 |
122 | Andrupos | Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates | 2015 |
123 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2015 |
124 | ZOOMecular | Read the fine print: Zooming into paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical processes through molecular imaging of biomarker distributions in sediments | 2015 |
125 | NANOBUBBLE | Laser-induced vapour nanobubbles for intracellular delivery of nanomaterials and treatment of biofilm infections | 2015 |
126 | EUCALL | European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources | 2015 |
127 | MIMAS | Multi-dimensional interferometric amplification of ultrashort laser pulses | 2015 |
128 | PLANETDIVE | Planetary diversity: the experimental terapascal perspective | 2016 |
130 | IPPAD | Effect of 4500bar injection pressure and super-critical phase change of surrogate and real-world fuels enriched with additives and powering Diesel engines on soot emissions reduction | 2015 |
131 | FlexHyJoin | Flexible production cell for Hybrid Joining | 2015 |
132 | ambliFibre | adaptive model-based Control for laser-assisted Fibre-reinforced tape winding | 2015 |
133 | ADIR | Next generation urban mining - Automated disassembly, separation and recovery of valuable materials from electronic equipment | 2015 |
134 | INFINITE | INnovative laser machine For INdustrial engravIng and 3d TExturing | 2015 |
135 | IRON | High sensitivity multi-gas handheld gas analysis technology | 2015 |
136 | NED- Nano Eye Device | THE NANO EYE DEVICE | 2015 |
137 | NOVLASE | Novel light sources for biomedical-imaging applications | 2015 |
138 | PLASMA | Running away and radiating | 2015 |
139 | QnanoMECA | Quantum Optomechanics with a levitating nanoparticle | 2015 |
140 | MUSE | Muon campus in US and Europe contribution | 2016 |
141 | SPIRYT | Platform for envIRonmentallY Sustainable Textile processing, to be replicated worldwide in the fashion industry Feasibility Study | 2015 |
142 | WhiteLase-2020 | White Light Fibre Lasers - Highly Disruptive Illumination Technology for Industry and Medical Surgery | 2015 |
143 | EO-SLR | Enhanced Satellite Laser Ranging System | 2015 |
144 | papabuild | Advanced physical-acoustic and psycho-acoustic diagnostic methods for innovation in building acoustics | 2016 |
145 | GOTSolar | New technological advances for the third generation of Solar cells | 2016 |
146 | cSiOnGlass | Development of high-quality crystalline silicon layers on glass | 2015 |
147 | NCUscan | Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning | 2016 |
148 | TWIMP | Innovative Laser Solution for Cutting Welding TWIP steel with IMProved Performance | 2015 |
149 | ELITRANS | ELITRANS-Facilitating the transformation of ELI from ERDF funded, distributed infrastructures towards a unified ELI-ERIC. | 2015 |
151 | 3D-COUNT | 3D-Integrated single photon detector | 2016 |
152 | HIPERDIAS | HIgh throughPut LasER processing of DIamond and Silicon | 2016 |
153 | DIMENSION | Directly Modulated Lasers on Silicon | 2016 |
154 | PIX4LIFE | Silicon Nitride Photonic Integrated Circuit Pilot line for Life Science Applications in the Visible Range | 2016 |
155 | MIRPHAB | MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications | 2016 |
156 | MIRPHAB | MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications | 2016 |
157 | L3MATRIX | Large Scale Silicon Photonics Matrix for Low Power and Low Cost Data Centers | 2015 |
158 | LASIG-TWIN | Laser Ignition - A Twinning Collaboration for Frontier Research in Eco-Friendly Fuel-Saving Combustion | 2016 |
159 | DELASTI | DEvelopment of advanced LASer based technologies for the manufacturing of TItanium HLFC structures | 2016 |
160 | DOPING-ON-DEMAND | Doping on Demand: precise and permanent control of the Fermi level in nanocrystal assemblies | 2016 |
161 | L-SID | Light and sound waves in silicon and nonlinear glass waveguides | 2016 |
162 | MODULAR | Modular mechanical-atomic quantum systems | 2016 |
163 | ComMUnion | Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites | 2015 |
164 | PHOBIC2ICE | Super-IcePhobic Surfaces to Prevent Ice Formation on Aircraft | 2016 |
165 | Teraboard | High density scalable optically interconnected Tb/s Board | 2015 |
166 | WIPE | Wafer scale Integration of Photonics and Electronics | 2016 |
167 | OCTCHIP | Ophthalmic OCT on a Chip | 2016 |
168 | EuPRAXIA | Proposal for a Horizon 2020 Design Study on the “European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications“ (EuPRAXIA) | 2015 |
169 | ultraSURFACE | Ultra Dynamic Optical Systems for High Throughput Laser Surface Processing | 2016 |
170 | Flintstone2020 | Next generation of superhard non-CRM materials and solutions in tooling | 2016 |
171 | ROBUST | Robotic subsea exploration technologies | 2015 |
172 | STEP2DYNA | Spatial-temporal information processing for collision detection in dynamic environments | 2016 |
173 | TERAULTRA | Terahertz Ultra-Short Pulses from Self-Induced Transparency Modelocked Quantum Cascade Lasers | 2016 |
174 | LASERFIT | Laser cladding for the recovery of critical toolsdies | 2016 |
175 | ADMEP | Dynamics of femtosecond laser ablation of trapped dielectric and metallic nanoparticles | 2016 |
176 | HISOL | High Energy Optical Soliton Dynamics for Efficient Sub-Femtosecond and Vacuum-Ultraviolet Pulse Generation | 2016 |
177 | TeX-MEx | Time resolved X-ray probing of Matter under Extreme conditions | 2016 |
178 | LightPipe | Antiresonant Hollow Optical Fibres for a Quantum Leap in Data and Optical Power Transmission | 2016 |
179 | Mobiclock | Development and characterization of an ultra-high performance mobile optical atomic clock based on lattice-trapped atoms | 2016 |
180 | TERAMAG | Ultrafast spin transport and magnetic order controlled by terahertz electromagnetic pulses | 2016 |
181 | PULSAR | Pushing ultrafast laser material processing into a new regime of plasma-controlled ablation | 2016 |
182 | PreventStoCan | Understanding microbe-induced stomach cancer – the key to a workable strategy for worldwide prevention | 2016 |
183 | TresClean | High ThRoughput lasEr texturing of Self-CLEANing and antibacterial surfaces | 2016 |
184 | MOIPB | Multi-modal optical imaging platform for Biology | 2017 |
185 | SF-QFT | Fundamental physics with intense laser fields | 2016 |
186 | GSAORI | Guide Stars Adaptive Optics for Retinal Imaging | 2016 |
187 | InjectableLasers | Biocompatible and biodegradable microlasers that can be injected into the human body | 2017 |
188 | FORECAST | Fluorescence lifetime optical biopsy system | 2017 |
189 | ClusterDynamics | Characterising the dynamical properties of size-selected supported metal clusters | 2017 |
190 | MODES | Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices on Silicon | 2016 |
191 | RICC | The Application of Advanced Raman Spectroscopies to the Quantitative Analysis of Industrial Chromatography Columns | 2016 |
192 | ROFeRS | Engineering ground-state pair interactions by Rydberg Optical Feshbach Resonance Schemes | 2017 |
193 | ChroMoLEME | The Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe | 2016 |
194 | RECORDER | Rare Earth based Upconversion Luminescent Nanomaterials as novel bioprobes for the detection of cardiac biomarkers | 2016 |
195 | OCEAN-IDs | OCEAN in-situ Isotope and Dissolved gas sensing | 2016 |
196 | Efficoil | Energy and Resource Efficient, Highly Innovative Solution Integrating Punching and Laser Coil Technology for Metal Manufacturing Industry | 2016 |
197 | VISSUALLY | Customised exhibit solutions through visual innovation | 2016 |
198 | QUANTUM LOOP | Quantum Light Spectroscopy of Polariton Lasers | 2016 |
199 | ACCELERATE | ArChaeological and Climatic data from ELEmental ratios using Rapid Analysis of shell carbonaTE | 2016 |
200 | MIRACLS | Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides | 2017 |
201 | MATRIX | MAchine for Time Reversal and Immersive wave eXperimentation | 2016 |
202 | CHISEL | Church Building as Industry in Early Medieval Western Europe | 2016 |
203 | MULTIPLY | International Mobility and Training in Photonics Programme | 2016 |
204 | SPRINT | Ultra-Short Pulse laser Resonators IN the Terahertz | 2016 |
205 | HyBurn | Enabling Hydrogen-enriched burner technology for gas turbines through advanced measurement and simulation | 2016 |
206 | DENSE | aDverse wEather eNvironmental Sensing systEm | 2016 |
207 | QSpec-NewMat | Quantum Spectroscopy: exploring new states of matter out of equilibrium | 2016 |
208 | PSI-FELLOW-II-3i | International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Postdocs | 2016 |
209 | ACTECH | Ancient ConstructionTECHniques between East and West. Building traditions, technological innovations and workmanship circulation: from Roman Arabia to Medieval Europe. | 2017 |
210 | MESO_BRAIN | Custom architecturally defined 3D stem cell derived functional human neural networks for transformative progress in neuroscience and medicine | 2016 |
211 | SCATAPNUT | Scattering and tapping on soft-hard-open nuts | 2016 |
212 | OZONELASER | Cost and time-effective universal medical device for treatment of onychomycosis by combining several technologies | 2016 |
213 | HEATSTACK | Production Ready Heat Exchangers and Fuel Cell Stacks for Fuel Cell mCHP | 2016 |
214 | SOSLeM | Solid Oxide Stack Lean Manufacturing | 2016 |
215 | Smartphon | Small - and nano - scale soft phononics | 2016 |
216 | WAVEFIL | WAvelength VErsatile Pulsed Raman FIbre Lasers | 2017 |
217 | CONMIC | Concrete micromolds for microinjection molding | 2016 |
218 | LASFIB | LAser Systems for Focused Ion and Electron Beams | 2016 |
219 | 3SST2015 | Third funding line in 2015 for the establishment of a European SST service provision function | 2016 |
220 | EXCITERS | Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Time-Resolved Spectroscopy | 2016 |
221 | MOLEQULE | Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms | 2016 |
223 | INSEETO | In-situ second harmonic generation for emergent electronics in transition-metal oxides | 2017 |
224 | InPairs | In Silico Pair Plasmas: from ultra intense lasers to relativistic astrophysics in the laboratory | 2016 |
225 | chemech | From Chemical Bond Forces and Breakage to Macroscopic Fracture of Soft Materials | 2016 |
226 | CRESUCHIRP | Ultrasensitive Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform mm-Wave Detection of Transient Species in Uniform Supersonic Flows for Reaction Kinetics Studies under Extreme Conditions | 2016 |
227 | QED-PROTONSIZE | The Proton Size Puzzle: Testing QED at Extreme Wavelengths | 2016 |
228 | MIRCOMB | Chip-based mid-infrared frequency combs | 2016 |
229 | WheelWatcher | Advanced wheel measuring system for greater rail sector’s profitability | 2016 |
230 | INTHER | Clinical validation and commercialization of innovative immunostimulating Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy | 2016 |
231 | LASER-HISTO | In vivo histology using femtosecond laser multiphoton tomograph for the early diagnosis of skin cancer and corneal diseases while simultaneously reducing Europe’s health care costs | 2016 |
232 | Lattice Cage | Titanium based Cervical Spine Implants manufactured using 3D laser sintering to produce a structure optimised for graft-free bone in-growth | 2016 |
233 | LASERCUT | Valorising small diameter trees by cutting them with laser | 2016 |
234 | TransSplicHD | Single-Cell Transcriptomics and Spliceosome analysis to uncover new mechanisms of neuronal vulnerability to Huntington’s Disease. | 2016 |
235 | CoDiS | Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems (CoDiS) | 2016 |
236 | MAESTRO | Modular laser based additive manufacturing platform for large scale industrial applications | 2016 |
237 | PARADDISE | A Productive, Affordable and Reliable solution for large scale manufacturing of metallic components by combining laser-based ADDItive and Subtractive processes with high Efficiency | 2016 |
238 | FBI | Multimodal, Functional Bio-Photonic Imaging | 2016 |
239 | DREAM | Driving up Reliability and Efficiency of Additive Manufacturing | 2016 |
240 | 4PHOTON | Novel Quantum Emitters monolithically grown on Si, Ge and III-V substrates | 2017 |
241 | HyproCell | Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production | 2016 |
242 | PoLaRoll | Polygon scanner based ultra-short pulse laser processing in roll-to-roll manufacturing | 2016 |
243 | ModuLase | Development and Pilot Line Validation of a Modular re-configurable Laser Process Head | 2016 |
244 | ENCOMPASS | ENgineering COMPASS | 2016 |
245 | ULTRASTABLE | Ultrastable optical frequency comb systems | 2016 |
246 | P2Endure | Plug-and-Play product and process innovation for Energy-efficient building deep renovation | 2016 |
247 | Ascent AM | Adding Simulation to the Corporate ENvironmenT for Additive Manufacturing | 2016 |
248 | HIPERLAM | High Performance Laser-based Additive Manufacturing | 2016 |
249 | CarbSens | An ultra compact greenhouse gas remote sensing system for ranges between 500 and 2000 m | 2017 |
250 | HyperQC | Hyper Quantum Criticality | 2016 |
251 | PHOSPHOR | Synthesis of Novel Phosphor Sensor Particles for Advanced Flame Diagnostics | 2017 |
252 | SMART | Smart Automation of Rail Transport | 2016 |
253 | FLAIR | FLying ultrA-broadband single-shot InfraRed sensor | 2016 |
254 | NonlinearMeta | Controlling optical nonlinearity with plasmonic metamaterials | 2017 |
256 | InertialSensors | Interferometric inertial sensors for gravitational-wave detectors | 2016 |
257 | TopoCold | Manipulation of topological phases with cold atoms | 2017 |
258 | GLAUrious | External Automatic Glaucoma Laser (EAGLE) for the first-line glaucoma treatment: Commercial prototype development and validation | 2016 |
259 | MonoDiaL | Monolithic Diamond Raman Laser (MonoDial) | 2016 |
260 | ShipTest | Fully automated laser guided inspection robot for weld defect detection on ship hulls | 2016 |
261 | WaterSpy | High sensitivity, portable photonic device for pervasive water quality analysis | 2016 |
262 | MOON | Multi-modal Optical Diagnostics for Ocular and Neurodegenerative Disease | 2016 |
263 | HEPHAESTUS | Highly automatEd PHysical Achievements and PerformancES using cable roboTs Unique Systems | 2017 |
264 | SUREAL-23 | Understanding and measuring SUb-23 nm particle emissions from direct injection engines including REAL driving conditions | 2016 |
265 | SOLUS | Smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer | 2016 |
266 | UfastU | Theory of ultra-fast dynamics in correlated multi-band systems | 2017 |
267 | PANDA | Production of Advanced Nano Diamond Additives (PANDA) for various industries, science and medicine | 2016 |
268 | AMATHO | A.dditive MA.nufacturing for T.iltrotor HO.using | 2016 |
269 | AtoFun | Atomic Scale Defects: Structure and Function | 2017 |
270 | M-PAC | Miniature beam-driven Plasma ACcelerators | 2017 |
271 | VISGEN | Transcribing the processes of life: Visual Genetics | 2017 |
272 | 3DMP | Disruptive 3D printing technology for metalworking SMEs | 2016 |
273 | 3D-Plant2Cells | Exploring the Impact of Pesticide on the 3D Metabolome and the Microbiota from the Whole Plant to the Cell Scale | 2017 |
274 | Chi2-Nano-Oxides | Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics | 2017 |
275 | ColOpt | Collective effects and optomechanics in ultra-cold matter | 2017 |
276 | qSOFC | Automated mass-manufacturing and quality assurance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stacks | 2017 |
277 | AMITIE | Additive Manufacturing Initiative for Transnational Innovation in Europe | 2017 |
278 | MIR-BOSE | Mid- and far-IR optoelectronic devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation | 2017 |
279 | LLR | Laser Lightning Rod | 2017 |
280 | MODMAT | Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory: From models to materials | 2017 |
281 | CHIC | On CHip terahertz frequency Combs | 2017 |
282 | HyperMu | Hyperfine splittings in muonic atoms and laser technology | 2017 |
283 | SELAPHOR | Semiconductor laser with photonic crystal reflector for energy-efficient optical links | 2017 |
284 | GLYCONEOBRAIN | Exploring glycosidic neo-epitopes of degenerative hippocampal granules in aged mice and humans: implications for ageing and dementia | 2017 |
285 | Habitat-OASIS | Habitability of Oceans and Aqueous Systems on Icy Satellites | 2017 |
286 | ACTIVEPHANTOM | Active Organ Phantoms for Medical Robotics | 2017 |
287 | EXSEED | Extreme-Light Seeded Control of Ultrafast Laser Material Modifications | 2017 |
288 | ASAP-MALDI-MS | Advanced Sample Preparation by Electrowetting Technology for MALDI Mass Spectrometry | 2017 |
289 | COEXIST | Confined, Optically Enhanced, X-ray Imaging Source for Tomography | 2017 |
290 | RANPOFIL | Science and applications of random polymer fiber lasers | 2017 |
291 | ELIQED | Exploring Laser Interaction with Matters in the Quantum Electrodynamics Regime | 2017 |
292 | HiLASE CoE | HiLASE Centre of Excellence | 2017 |
293 | MMUSCLES | Modification of Molecular structure Under Strong Coupling to confined Light modES | 2017 |
294 | MILAS | MIcro-pulsed, diode-based LASer | 2017 |
295 | SANDFECH | Micromechanics-based finite element modeling of sandwich structures | 2017 |
296 | Lightsheetelegans | In-toto imaging of C. elegans larval development using adaptive optics light-sheet microscopy | 2017 |
297 | 3D-POWER | Three-Dimensional Perovskite Oxides as Working ElectRochemical devices | 2017 |
298 | REALITY | Revolutionary projector platform for virtual and augmented reality eyewear | 2017 |
299 | HYPNOTIC | Hybrid Indium Phosphide on Silicon nanophotonics for ultimate laser diodes, flip-flops and memories | 2017 |
300 | ISPEC | Imaging SPECtral deconvolution specialist | 2017 |
301 | FEMTOCOLORS | Femtosecond Temporally Coherent Supercontinuum Fiber Laser for Multi-Photon Microscopy | 2017 |
302 | coolDips | Direct cooling of dipolar molecules | 2017 |
303 | TWOSENS | Towards Highly-Efficient Two-Photon Absorbing Sensitizers within a Confined Chromophore Space:From Computer-Aided Design to New Concepts and Applications | 2018 |
304 | BEQOM | Bell Experiment on Quantum Optomechanical Microresonators | 2017 |
305 | OPLD | Organic Polariton Laser Diode | 2017 |
306 | ChromoDrive | Investigating how anaphase chromosomal motion is generated during mitosis and meiosis | 2017 |
307 | OUTNANO | Out-of-equilibrium nanophotonics | 2017 |
308 | PROIRICE | Proton-Irradiated Ice: Dynamics and Chemistry from First Principles | 2017 |
309 | FOUNDATION | Fusarium oxysporum mediated underpinning of cell type-specific modulation in multiple host interaction | 2018 |
310 | APIP | Artificial engineered Phonons for application in Integrated Photonics | 2017 |
311 | UCHIRAL | Ultrafast opto-electronic twists: Controlling the chirality of electrons and extreme-UV photons by ultrafast laser pulses (UCHIRAL). | 2017 |
312 | NEWDIA4Planet | Development of the new internally-heated diamond-anvil cell for planetary mineral physics: Application to high-pressure melting of H2O ice | 2017 |
313 | FILODIAG | Ultra-Fast Molecular Filovirus Diagnostics - Sofia ref.: 115844 | 2015 |
314 | PresWoodenHeritage | Preserving Wooden Heritage. Methods for monitoring wooden structures: 3D laser scanner survey and application of BIM systems on point cloud models | 2017 |
316 | NeoLaS | Novel High-Power Single-Frequency Neodymium-Doped Fibre Lasers | 2017 |
317 | PhotoHeatEffect | Heat Transport and its Effects on the Performance of Nanostructured, Photonic Materials | 2017 |
318 | BonE-GraphT | Ti-Graphene Bone Tissue Template Engineering | 2017 |
319 | SOLISYNTH | Synthesis of Low Noise Microwaves Using Solitons Locked to an Ultra-Stable Cavity | 2017 |
320 | INTER | Innovative Neutron source for non destructive TEsting and tReatments | 2017 |
321 | DNA ORIGAMI MOTORS | Constructing and powering nanoscale DNA origami motors | 2017 |
322 | AMPERE | Automated photovoltaic cell and Module industrial Production to regain and secure European Renewable Energy market | 2017 |
323 | COTCA | Co-Translational Chaperone Action at the Single-Molecule Level | 2017 |
324 | Fluidblasto | Luminal pressure: a sculptor for mouse blastocyst self-organisation | 2018 |
325 | GlucoTear | Non-Invasive Fluorescence-based Tear Glucose Sensor Integrated to a Smartphone | 2018 |
326 | TERMITES | 'Total E-field Reconstruction using a MIchelson TEmporal Scan' for spatio-temporal metrology of ultrashort laser beams | 2017 |
327 | NANO-MIR | Novel 3D nano-antennas for optoelectronic applications in the mid-infrared | 2018 |
328 | PHOTON-NeuroCom | Photonic-assisted Neuromorphic Computing system | 2017 |
329 | NICHOIDS | Nichoid: nanoengineered three-dimensional substrate for stem cell expansion | 2017 |
330 | C-JOINTS | Composite joints for improved mechanical and electrical performance | 2017 |
331 | hyControl | Coherent optical control of multi-functional nano-scale hybrid units | 2017 |
332 | MoQuOS | Molecular Quantum Opto-Spintronics | 2017 |
333 | 3DFlameGT | Evaluation of three-dimensional velocity field, mixing field, and flame-front in a model gas turbinecombustor | 2018 |
334 | BioTec | Detection of bio-signatures in space research using a new and innovative measurement technique based on laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry | 2017 |
336 | Fresh Solutions | Fresh Solutions –‘A fresh approach to food packaging’ | 2017 |
337 | Falcon | Fully automated, controlled and versatile system for low cost, high rate and energy efficient production of highly loaded aeronautical structural parts | 2017 |
338 | HiperTURB | Development of investment casting process of nickel superalloys with enhanced weldability. | 2017 |
339 | ACCURATE | Aerospace Composite Components - Ultrasonic Robot Assisted Testing (ACCURATE) | 2017 |
340 | HyperDrill | High performance laser micro drilling machine for large Hybrid Laminar Flow Control suction panels | 2017 |
341 | KERASTOP | A big jump in preventing problems in refractive surgery for myopia | 2017 |
342 | XUV-COMB | High Resolution Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Spectroscopy | 2017 |
343 | HBEAM | Probing chemical dynamics at surfaces with ultrafast atom pulses | 2017 |
344 | CAPABLE | Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining | 2017 |
345 | AlForAMA | Innovative Al alloy For aircraft structural parts using Additive MAnufacturing technology | 2017 |
346 | BIRD RELEASE | BIRD RELEASE: REpelLEnt Auto-SystEm | 2017 |
347 | CHEMREACTIONSCAN | Scanner for novel chemical reactions | 2017 |
348 | FEWFAST | Few-Cycle Electric Field Waveforms for Advanced Science and Technology | 2017 |
349 | DUVlight | Development of a compact, user-friendly and cost effective source for the generation of powerful and broad ultrashort pulses in the deep-UV | 2018 |
351 | LAY2FORM | Efficient Material Hybridization by Unconventional Layup and Forming of Metals and Composites for Fabrication of Multifunctional Structures | 2017 |
352 | LEDiR | LEDiR: A Ground-breaking Manufacturing Process to Yield a Unique Prosthesis for Lumbar Endoscopic Disc Replacement | 2017 |
353 | MechAGE | In Vivo Single-Cell Mechanomics of Bone Adaptation and Regeneration in the Aging Mouse | 2017 |
355 | RECOTRANS | Integrated manufacturing of REciclable hybrid metalthermoplastic COmposites for the TRANSport sector. | 2017 |
356 | SHARK | Laser surface engineering for new and enhanced functional performance with digitally enabled knowledge base | 2017 |
357 | SPICY | Simulating 2d Spin Lattices with Ion Crystals | 2017 |
358 | tCat | Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% | 2017 |
359 | XSTREAM | X-ray-waveforms at the Space-Time Resolution Extreme for Atomic-scale Movies | 2017 |
360 | CHAMPP | Czech Hamburg Advanced Medical and Photonics Project | 2017 |
361 | ESSIAL | Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies | 2017 |
362 | Himalaia | High-Impact Injection Moulding Platform for mass-production of 3D and/or large micro-structured surfaces with Antimicrobial, Self-cleaning, Anti-scratch, Anti-squeak and Aesthetic functionalities | 2017 |
363 | CleanPack | UltraCLEAN thermoforming equipment for food PACKaging, a cost-effective alternative to clean rooms | 2017 |
364 | A-FOD | SAFER and TIMELY FLIGHTS with Automated Foreign Object Detection System | 2017 |
365 | COPAC | Coherent Optical Parallel Computing | 2017 |
366 | FLASH | Far-infrared Lasers Assembled using Silicon Heterostructures | 2017 |
367 | iPLACENTA | Innovation in modelling Placenta for Maternal and Fetal Health | 2018 |
368 | NanoStencil | Nanoscale self-assembled epitaxial nucleation controlled by interference lithography | 2017 |
369 | OPTIBLANKS | Hybrid EMAT-Vision solution for OPTImisation of advanced manufacturing process of automotive tailor welded BLANKS | 2017 |
370 | SFICAM | SFICAM: Ultrafast Fiber-Based Single-Photon Camera for Advanced Microscopy | 2017 |
371 | blackQD | Optoelectronic of narrow band gap nanocrystals | 2018 |
372 | ELECTRIC | Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs | 2018 |
373 | Imaging-XChem | Imaging-XChem: A computational package for ultrafast electronic control in chemistry | 2017 |
374 | Efficoil | Integrating Punching and Laser Coil Technology for Metal Manufacturing Industry | 2017 |
375 | NanoVirus | Deciphering virus-host interactions using correlated confocal-atomic force microscopy | 2018 |
376 | TOPP | Topological phononics through nano-optomechanical interactions | 2018 |
377 | CoSpaDD | Competition for Space in Development and Diseases | 2018 |
378 | QuadraComb | Quadratic dispersive resonators for optical frequency comb generation | 2018 |
379 | sCENT | Cryptophane-Enhanced Trace Gas Spectroscopy for On-Chip Methane Detection | 2018 |
380 | EPIC | Energy transfer Processes at gas/wall Interfaces under extreme Conditions | 2017 |
381 | SUN-PILOT | Subwavelength Nanostructure Pilot (Sun-Pilot) | 2018 |
382 | NOCTURNO | Non-Conventional Wave Propagation for Future Sensing and Actuating Technologies | 2018 |
383 | BeVision | Better vision after cataract and refractive surgery with photonics technology | 2017 |
384 | NOVEL | Nanoscale Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser and its Arrays | 2018 |
385 | UPRECON | Ultrafast photonics for the detection and recognition of toxic spine-structures of amyloid aggregates linked to neurodegenerative disease | 2018 |
386 | GWsFromEMRIs | Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals | 2018 |
387 | NEWMAN | NExt-generation WDM Metro and Access Networks | 2018 |
388 | TOPODY | Exploring topological matter with atomic Dysprosium | 2018 |
389 | FODEX | Tropical Forest Degradation Experiment | 2018 |
390 | PINNACLE | Perovskite Nanocrystal-Nanoreactors for Enhanced Light Emission | 2018 |
391 | ISCQuM | Imaging, Spectroscopy and Control of Quantum states in advanced Materials | 2019 |
392 | HOLDON | HgCdte APD Optimization for Lidar Detection Of greeNhouse gases | 2018 |
393 | NanoSurf | Nanostructural surface development for dental implant manufacturing | 2018 |
394 | MiLEDI | Micro Quantum Dot-Light Emitting Diode and Organic Light Emitting Diode Direct Patterning (MILEDI) | 2018 |
395 | REDFINCH | mid infraREd Fully Integrated CHemical sensors | 2017 |
396 | PHENOMENON | Laser Manufacturing of 3D nanostructured optics using Advanced Photochemistry | 2018 |
397 | 3PEAT | 3D Photonic integration platform based on multilayer PolyBoard and TriPleX technology for optical switching and remote sensing and ranging applications | 2018 |
398 | MOICANA | Monolithic cointegration of QD-based InP on SiN as a versatile platform for the demonstration of high performance and low cost PIC transmitters | 2018 |
399 | MIRACLE | Mid-infrared arthroscopy innovative imaging system for real-time clinical in depth examination and diagnosis of degenerative joint diseases | 2018 |
400 | MERLIN | Multi-modal, multi-scale retinal imaging | 2017 |
401 | SINUSLIGHT | Laser-spectroscopic sensing device for diagnostic assessment of sinusitis | 2018 |
402 | roometric3D | A disruptive smartphone application to measure three-dimensional spaces to digitally evaluate and view associated surface data | 2017 |
403 | VISTA | Vision-based Inspection Systems for automated Testing of Aircraft interiors | 2018 |
404 | FLOWCAASH | FLOW Control Actuators at Aircraft scale manufacturing by SLM with high aerodynamic performance for using in Harsh environment | 2018 |
405 | LoCoLight | Low cost coherent light sources from nanoparticle array surface plasmon polariton systems | 2018 |
406 | GigaFemto | Towards matchbox-size GHz femtosecond lasers for frequency combs generation: ‘a femtosecond laser fabricating a femtosecond laser’ | 2018 |
407 | CBCLASER | Revolutionizing Industrial Materials Processing with Optical Phased Array Coherent BeamCombined High Power, Digitally controlled Lasers. | 2018 |
408 | ASTRO | Assembly Tooling for the Fast Rotorcraft Project | 2018 |
409 | OASIS | Optimisation of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Laser Beam Welding (LBW) for assembly of structural aircraft parts | 2018 |
410 | SISCAN | Single-shot dispersion-scan device for the characterization of ultrashort laser pulses | 2018 |
411 | CIDAR | Combustion species Imaging Diagnostics for Aero-engine Research | 2018 |
412 | ATTOPIE | Attosecond plasmon imaging with electrons | 2018 |
413 | MicroMOUPE | Microscopy - Making optimal use of photons and electrons | 2018 |
414 | MUPIA | Manufacturing process for ultimate performance inertial MEMS Gyroscope (MUPIA) | 2018 |
415 | NaTOS | Nanoscale Thermo Optical Sensing | 2018 |
416 | BTBnano | Do Particle Properties Modulate bioaccumulation, Trophic Transfer and biomagnifications of engineered nanomaterials: Role of Particles size, shape and surface coating? - BTBnano | 2018 |
417 | ChromaFish | Chromatographic micro-column development for pharmaceutical applications in zebraFish | 2018 |
418 | EPNRL | Electrically pumped network random lasers | 2018 |
419 | BridgeScan | Laser Scanning for Automatic Bridge Assessment | 2019 |
420 | CellFreeImplant | Cell-free Ti-based Medical Implants due to Laser-induced Microstructures | 2018 |
421 | COMAMOC | Coherent Manipulation of Rotational States of Single Molecules via Direct Frequency Comb Excitation | 2018 |
422 | CONSEQUENT | Coherent Optomechanical Nonlinear Systems for Evolving Quantum and Electronic Nano- Technologies | 2018 |
423 | LASER OPTIMAL | Laser Ablation: SElectivity and monitoRing for OPTImal tuMor removAL | 2018 |
424 | ENIGMA | ENIneering MAterial properties with advanced laser direct writing | 2019 |
425 | iCOMM | New Frontiers in Nanophotonics: Integrating Complex Beams and Active Metasurface Devices | 2018 |
426 | SELECT | SEmiconductor disk Lasers for EffiCient Terahertz generation | 2019 |
427 | LIGHTCODESWORDS | Illuminating every sound with lasers, coding words and complex sounds with light. | 2018 |
428 | GOLD-ICE | Next generation analysis of the oldest ice core layers | 2018 |
429 | THESIS | The Single Optical Fibre Scalpel | 2018 |
430 | ProDelSys | Processing Systems with Optical Delay | 2018 |
431 | FunGraW | Fundamental physics in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy | 2019 |
432 | POLYFIL | Polychromatic low-threshold fibre laser | 2018 |
433 | STiMUL | Controlled Space-Time dynamics in nonlinear Multimode fiber with gain for the next generation of high power Ultrafast fiber Lasers | 2019 |
434 | USFAOD | Understanding soot formation using advanced optical diagnostics | 2018 |
435 | MoonDiff | Investigating the formation and early evolution of the Moon with a combined experimental and analytical approach | 2018 |
436 | ErMIR | Mid-infrared erbium cascade lasers for the remote detection of carbon dioxide | 2018 |
437 | SELFSENS | Printed SELF-power platform for gas SENSing monitoring | 2018 |
438 | SiPoMorph | Genetic control and molecular mechanisms of cell wall modifications during sieve pore morphogenesis in the phloem of the plant vascular system | 2019 |
439 | MaltaPot | Archaeometric Analysis of Maltese Prehistoric Pottery | 2018 |
440 | LasInPOP | Direct Laser Interference Patterning of Ophthalmic Polymers | 2019 |
441 | RydIons | Coherent manipulation of cold trapped ions in Rydberg states | 2018 |
442 | UMOTA | Ultracold Molecules in Optical Trap Arrays | 2018 |
443 | NEMoCuRe | Role of S-Nitrosylation of epigenetic modifiers in vascular regeneration | 2018 |
444 | FASTMAGNETS | Ultrafast Demagnetization Dynamics Using Novel Table-top X-ray Source | 2018 |
445 | FastMeasure | Development and industry transfer of new techniques: full characterization of vector ultrashort pulsed laser beams | 2018 |
446 | ICOFAS | Improved Coherence Fast Swept Source Lasers for Optical Imaging Applications | 2019 |
447 | UVALITH | Continuous Wave, Tunable Monolithic Frequency Converter | 2018 |
448 | LaBionicS | Laser Bionic Surfaces | 2018 |
449 | PROCHIP | Chromatin organization PROfiling with high-throughput super-resolution microscopy on a CHIP | 2018 |
450 | OPTIMISM | Optical Microresonator Stabilization Module – Creating Frequency Stabilized Lasers | 2018 |
451 | FOCUS | Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation | 2018 |
452 | PREMOL | At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy:ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics | 2018 |
453 | TRANSFORMER | Structural transformations and phase transitions in real-time | 2018 |
454 | XRayProton | Ultrafast Structural Dynamics of Elementary Water-Mediated Proton Transport Processes | 2018 |
455 | Topo Ins Laser | Topological Insulator Laser | 2018 |
456 | DeLight | Digital Resonant Laser Printing for Mass Customization of Flat Optics | 2018 |
457 | LEAF-2D | Laser EnAbled TransFer of 2D Materials | 2018 |
458 | ULTRACEPT | Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance | 2018 |
459 | ONE-MIX | Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser | 2019 |
460 | GENESIS | GEnerating extreme NEutrons for achieving controlled r-process nucleosyntheSIS | 2019 |
461 | ONDINE | Development of the first Water-based industrial chiller cooled by ambient air | 2018 |
462 | ACE | Autonomous Cable assembly Enabler | 2018 |
463 | POWDER | POWDER: DeveloPment and Optimisation of 3D Printing with neW Certified PowDER Material. | 2018 |
464 | LIGHTSENSE | Breakthrough Laser Technology for Dermatologic Healthcare | 2018 |
465 | GLAZER | A breakthrough laser technology for all types of glass processing (ordinary, laminated, tempered, smart, low-energy and other) | 2018 |
467 | INNOPRICK | Digitalization and analysis of skin surfaces for a fast and automated allergic diagnosis | 2018 |
468 | FESTA | Flexible Euv SpecTrometer for Attosecond science | 2018 |
469 | ClinAO | Translating adaptive microscopes to the clinic for tissue analysis during surgery | 2018 |
470 | SOLWET | Electron Transfer Across Solid/Liquid Interfaces: Elucidating Elementary Processes from Femtoseconds to Seconds | 2018 |
471 | Qombs | Quantum simulation and entanglement engineering in quantum cascade laser frequency combs | 2018 |
472 | EUVPLASMA | Laser-driven plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet light for nanolithography | 2019 |
473 | A-LIFE | The asymmetry of life: towards a unified view of the emergence of biological homochirality | 2019 |
474 | MUSIQ | Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum | 2019 |
475 | COYOTE | Coherent Optics Everywhere: a New Dawn for Photonic Networks | 2019 |
476 | AHEAD | Advanced techniques for quantification and modelling of phase-change processes of renewable fuels and their blends | 2019 |
477 | GAMMAVISION | Gamut mapping technology based on vision models | 2018 |
478 | MicroQC | Microwave driven ion trap quantum computing | 2018 |
479 | FUNGLASS | FUNctional GLASS | 2019 |
480 | MANUELA | Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line | 2018 |
481 | VULCAN | DeVelopment of a Universal seLeCtive stripping solution for Aircraft coatiNgs | 2018 |
483 | DIGISMART | Multifunctional Digital Materials Platform for Smart Integrated Applications | 2019 |
484 | QLite | Quantum Light Enterprise | 2019 |
485 | GREAT | Grating Reflectors Enabled laser Applications and Training | 2019 |
486 | IQONIC | Innovative strategies, sensing and process Chains for increased Quality, re-configurability, and recyclability of Manufacturing Optolectronics | 2018 |
487 | PhoG | Sub-Poissonian Photon Gun by Coherent Diffusive Photonics | 2018 |
488 | QRANGE | Quantum Random Number Generators: cheaper, faster and more secure | 2018 |
489 | TerAqua | Compact and powerful strong-field terahertz light source for exploring water in new regimes | 2019 |
490 | LEMON | Lidar Emitter and Multispecies greenhouse gases Observation iNstrument | 2019 |
491 | PULSE | High-Power Ultrafast LaSErs using Tapered Double-Clad Fibre | 2019 |
492 | PIONEERS | Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology | 2019 |
493 | MULTIPOINT | Multibeam Femtosecond Laser System for High Throughput Micro-drilling of HLFC Structures | 2019 |
494 | SODaH | Software Defined Space Optical Data Highway | 2018 |
495 | ORIONAS | Lasercom-on-chip for next generation, high-speed satellite constelation interconnectivity | 2018 |
496 | NEWTEAM | Next gEneration loW pressure TurbinE Airfoils by aM | 2018 |
497 | CUSTODIAN | Customized photonic devices for defectless laser based manufacturing | 2018 |
498 | MultiFlex | Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Processing at 1 Kilowatt Using a Flexible Multi Beam Approach | 2019 |
499 | kW-flexiburst | Ultrashort pulsed kW-class laser with unprecedented flexible GHz burst operation for high precision high-throughput industrial manufacturing | 2019 |
500 | PROMETHEUS | Pulsed Rapid ultra-short laser surface texturing for Manufacture of FlexiblE and CusTomisEd ProdUctS | 2019 |
501 | FemtoSurf | Functional surface treatments using ultra-short pulse laser system FemtoSurf | 2019 |
502 | CROSSONT | CROwned Spline Surface Optimization using New Treatments | 2019 |
503 | LUMAX | Innovative Laser and Fiber System for Non-Toxic, Efficient and Cost-Effective Treatment of Cancer | 2018 |
504 | SMAART | The breakthrough laser machining intelligence as saver of jobs and competitiveness for Europe's manufacturing business | 2018 |
505 | ECCO95 | The world’s fastest high definition 3D stereo laser scanner for highest quality in modern production environments | 2019 |
506 | kINPen | Developing a high-innovative portable cold plasma device for efficient healing of chronic wounds in veterinary medicine | 2019 |
507 | SLM-Tools | EPP manufacturing evolution: Using SLM techniques, advance EPP manufacturing shape complexity possibilities and create efficiencies that reduce industry production costs by 16% | 2019 |
508 | MASSTART | MASS manufacturing of TrAnsceiveRs for Terabit/s era | 2019 |
509 | SPACE TIE | Unifying the three pillars of Geodesy using space ties | 2019 |
510 | RADDICS | Reliable Data-Driven Decision Making in Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
511 | LEE-BED | Innovation test bed for development and production of nanomaterials for lightweight embedded electronics | 2019 |
512 | IONPEN | Trapped-ion quantum information in 2-dimensional Penning trap arrays | 2019 |
513 | TIES-TEST | Optimization and clinical testing of Transcutaneous Implant Evacuation System. | 2019 |
514 | LAMPAS | High throughput Laser structuring with Multiscale Periodic feature sizes for Advanced Surface Functionalities | 2019 |
515 | MOCCA | Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications | 2019 |
516 | Mu-MASS | Muonium Laser Spectroscopy | 2019 |
517 | LEON | Compact THz lasers based on graphene quantum dots | 2019 |
518 | LRC | Laser Resonance Chromatography of Superheavy Metals | 2019 |
519 | NCLas | NanoCrystals in Fibre Lasers | 2019 |
520 | PETACom | Petahertz Quantum Optoelectronic Communication | 2019 |
521 | Lazaero | One box to measure all the most important air pollutants and greenhouse gases | 2019 |
522 | UpTEMPO | Ultrafast tunneling microscopy by optical field control of quantum currents | 2019 |
523 | miniX | MINIaturitzed coherent soft X-ray source for research and industry | 2019 |
524 | THOR | TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics | 2019 |
525 | ENFORCE | ENgineering FrustratiOn in aRtificial Colloidal icEs:degeneracy, exotic lattices and 3D states | 2020 |
526 | V-eliminator | V-eliminator, innovative solution for varroa fighting | 2019 |
527 | INCALO | INCALO: Internal black carbon loading: validation of a novel biomarker | 2019 |
528 | ASSALA | Advanced Simulation Solutions Applied to Quality Control of Laser Deposited Metals | 2019 |
529 | SealedwithoUTaKiss | Non-destructive testing (NDT) of bonded assemblies | 2019 |
530 | MOnACO | Manufacturing of a large-scale AM component | 2019 |
531 | WIBOND | WING BOX BONDING | 2019 |
532 | CapBed | Engineered Capillary Beds for Successful Prevascularization of Tissue Engineering Constructs | 2018 |
533 | ATLANTIC | Advanced theoretical network for modeling light matter interactIon | 2019 |
534 | GSYNCOR | Graphene-syncronized coherent Raman scattering laser and microscope | 2019 |
535 | Visual Proteomics | Biomarker discovery by AI-guided, image based single-cell isolation proteomics | 2019 |
536 | InWingSpeak | From Insect Wings to Miniature Loudspeakers - A Bionic Modelling Approach | 2019 |
537 | MechanoGenetic | Role of mechanical forces in cell-matrix adhesion sites | 2019 |
538 | CoSiLiS | Developement of compact single-cycle light sources | 2019 |
539 | 3D-FOGROD | Understanding forest growth dynamics using novel 3D measurements and modelling approaches | 2019 |
540 | FOCUSIS | Focal volume Control Using Structured Illumination Sources | 2020 |
541 | IASMOL | Imaging and Addressing of Single Molecules in Optical Lattices | 2019 |
542 | CLEAN | Well-Confined Mucosal LasEr Ablation with a Negative Pressure Based Endoscopy Capsule | 2019 |
543 | OPTOSOL | Interacting optical and topological solitons in frustrated cholesterics | 2019 |
544 | ANDLICA | Anderson Localization of Light by Cold Atoms | 2019 |
545 | ROMETRANS | Rome Transformed: Interdisciplinary analysis of political, military and religious regenerations of the city's forgotten quarter C1-C8 CE | 2019 |
546 | INSPIRE | In Situ Probing of transition metal-oxide heteroInterfaces for high-peRformance solid-state Energy devices | 2019 |
547 | MCFPAD-3DSLs | Multi-core fibre passive and active devices: 3D shape sensors and laser sources | 2020 |
548 | ReSOLeS | New Reconfigurable Spectrum Optical Fibre Laser Sources | 2019 |
549 | GRAND-PAHs | A laboratory study of astronomically relevant large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (GRAND-PAHs) | 2019 |
550 | LADIE | Investigation of nonlinear stimulated emission in optically excited dielectrics | 2020 |
551 | SPIR | Spasers in the infrared range | 2020 |
552 | QIPID | Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ion Qudits | 2020 |
553 | OMECRY | Organic Mesocrystals: Formation and controlling of oriented nanoparticles of molecular solids for drug development | 2019 |
554 | PocketLight | Compact all-fibre nonlinear resonators as technological platform for a new generation of miniaturised light sources. | 2020 |
555 | TOPLASMON | Experimental study of plasmon polaritons in topological insulators and Weyl Semi-Metals. | 2019 |
556 | SUPERMODEL | Development and verification of microstructure, residual stress and deformation simulation capability for additive free-form direct deposition using multiple superalloys | 2019 |
557 | CONTROL | Laser control over crystal nucleation | 2019 |
558 | NOQIA | NOvel Quantum simulators – connectIng Areas | 2019 |
559 | Q-Skyrmions | Engineering the dynamics of magnetic skyrmions using non-equilibrium protocols | 2019 |
560 | SLIP | exhumed foSsiL shear zones: a key to Investigate Present middle-crustal seismicity | 2019 |
561 | MultiBioScan | Multimodal hyperspectral system for imaging of biological tissues glycation | 2020 |
562 | BPLAN | Biological Physics of Living Active Nematics | 2019 |
563 | MIDLIFT | Mid-infrared laser system for high-throughput bioprinting by laser-induced forward-transfer | 2019 |
564 | RESIST | Resolving Effects of particle Shape and Inertia in Scalar Transport | 2019 |
565 | BioProMarL | Bio-inspired Protection of Marble with Lasers | 2019 |
566 | SCAFFOLD-NEEDS | Commercialization of 3D scaffold platforms for neuronal cell culture models | 2019 |
567 | InScope | Integrated analysis of regulatory networks modulating seed coat permeability in natural accessions | 2019 |
568 | VIZTA | VIZTA sounds for Vision, Identification, with Z-sensing Technologies and key Applications. | 2019 |
569 | ULTRA-LUX | Ultra-Bright Thin-Film Light Emitting Devices and Lasers | 2019 |
570 | ExCOM-cCEO | Extremely Coherent Mechanical Oscillators and circuit Cavity Electro-Optics | 2019 |
571 | PERICLeS | PERovskIte Coherent Light Sources | 2020 |
572 | 3DSCAN | Commercialisation of novel ultra-fast 3D laser scanning technology | 2019 |
573 | Coldab | An innovative Pulsed Laser Deposition process for next generation of Li-ion batteries | 2019 |
574 | Multicursor | Feasibility study for Multicursor - a non-contact sensor for curing quality control | 2019 |
575 | 3DPRINTEDOPTICS | 3D printed micro- and nano-optics for future integrated vision and endoscopy systems | 2019 |
576 | GHZ-BURST | Industrial GHz repetition rate, burst mode, ultrashort pulsed fiber laser for high speed volume-ablation micromachining applications | 2019 |
577 | ARCHCAUCASUS | Technical and Social Innovations in the Caucasus: between the Eurasian Steppe and the Earliest Cities in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC | 2019 |
578 | RAPTOR | RIS And Purification Traps for Optimised spectRoscopy (RAPTOR) | 2019 |
579 | TiMoleS | Time-resolved Molecular Selfies (TiMoleS): Visualising molecular dynamics in real time | 2020 |
580 | LASER-HEAL | A breakthrough laser-based medical device to eradicate bacterial biofilm in chronic wounds and accelerate wound healing. | 2019 |
581 | CATCH-22 | High temperature superconductivity and the Catch-22 conundrum | 2019 |
582 | SCANOVIS | Contactless, non-invasive scanner to detect, visualise, capture, and digitally preserve fingerprints and trace evidence in forensic investigations in one rapid, quality-proof step | 2019 |
583 | SALT | High-Flux Synchrotron Alternatives Driven by Powerful Long-Wavelength Fiber Lasers | 2019 |
584 | MAREP | MAssive intracellular REcording for Pharmacology | 2019 |
585 | MEFISTA | Multi-scale fibre-based optical frequency combs: science, technology and applications | 2020 |
586 | FANO | Fano Photonics | 2019 |
587 | SWIP | Extended short-wave infrared pulsed fibre laser | 2019 |
588 | ISSO | Innovative Swept Source for next generation OCT devices | 2019 |
589 | IMMUNOTRAP | Diagnosis test for immuno-oncology therapies. | 2019 |
590 | MoSaiQC | Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks | 2020 |
591 | NETLAS | NExt generation of Tuneable LASers for optical coherence tomography | 2020 |
592 | LISA | Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements | 2019 |
593 | WiPTherm | Innovative Wireless Power Devices Using micro-Thermoelectric Generators arrays | 2019 |
594 | SuperMaMa | Superconducting Mass Spectrometry and Molecule Analysis | 2020 |
595 | I-GENE | In-vivo Gene Editing by NanotransducErs | 2019 |
596 | RSENSE | Revolutionizing disease and environmental detection with portable optoacoustic sensing | 2020 |
598 | LIKE | LIdar Knowledge Europe | 2019 |
599 | DISPLAYGHT | DISPLAY backliGHT illumination by femtosecond laser micromachining | 2019 |
601 | ULTRAIMAGE | Advanced EUV/soft X-ray microscopy in the ultrafast regime: imaging functionality of nanomaterials across length scales | 2020 |
602 | TeLSCombe | Temporal Laser cavity-Solitons for micro-resonator based optical frequency combs | 2020 |
603 | CREATE | Crafting Complex Hybrid Materials for Sustainable Energy Conversion | 2020 |
604 | HIL PT System | A revolutionary, cost effective, ultra-compact proton therapy system for cancer treatment | 2019 |
605 | NEUROPA | Non-invasive dynamic neural control by laser-based technology | 2020 |
606 | FOCALSPEC | Solving the Root Cause of Battery Short Circuits:FocalSpec high-speed 3D imaging sensors revolutionise industrial quality control | 2019 |
607 | TRINITI | Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircraft | 2019 |
608 | REFOCUS | Chip-Scale Self-Referenced Optical Frequency Comb Sources | 2020 |
609 | Cell-Lasers | Intracellular lasers: Coupling of optical resonances with biological processes | 2020 |
610 | RadSpec | A New Strategy for Vibronic Spectroscopy of Radicals | 2020 |
611 | DEBIMAX | Carbon coated Silicon Production Scaling Up for Li-ion batteries | 2019 |
612 | AVANGARD | Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs | 2019 |
613 | SAFE-CAB | Laser-Assisted Surgical System to Revolutionize Cardiac Bypass Surgeries | 2019 |
614 | Bug-Flash | Coherent Back-Lasing from Atmospheric Insects | 2020 |
615 | PHOOTONICS | A Cost-Effective Photonics-based Device for Early Prediction, Monitoring and Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers | 2019 |
616 | Ph.D. | Phase map of dynamic, adaptive colloidal crystals far from equilibrium | 2019 |
617 | QBusSi | Optomechanical quantum bus for spins in silicon | 2020 |
618 | POLYQUANT | Theoretical developments for precision spectroscopy of polyatomic and polyelectronic molecules | 2020 |
619 | InSiDe | Integrated silicon photonics for Cardiovascular Disease monitoring | 2020 |
620 | Hydroptics | Photonics sensing platform for process optimisation in the oil industry | 2019 |
621 | MUNDFAB | Modeling Unconventional Nanoscaled Device FABrication | 2020 |
622 | MULTIPLE | Multimodal spectral sensors and orchestrated deep models for integrated process optimisation | 2019 |
623 | FASTCORR | Ultrafast dynamics of correlated electrons in solids | 2020 |
624 | GALACTIC | High Performance Alexandrite Crystals and Coatings for High Power Space Applications | 2020 |
625 | VARIXIO | Medical Device for automatic preparation of high quality foam for sclerotherapy of varicose veins | 2019 |
626 | TrackCycle.2P | Exploring Visual Processes with Two-Photon Ophthalmoscopy | 2020 |
627 | LT | LaserTrain | 2019 |
628 | INFINITE 2.0 | Revolutionary laser machine for industrial engraving & 3D texturing | 2019 |
629 | ATTOSTRUCTURA | Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience | 2020 |
630 | GALIRUMI | Galileo-assisted robot to tackle the weed Rumex obtusifolius and increase the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming | 2019 |
631 | XpeFundus | A smart hyperspectral system for early, non-invasive diagnosis of retinal disease | 2020 |
632 | HandheldOCT | Handheld optical coherence tomography | 2020 |
633 | AMPLITUDE | Advanced Multimodal Photonics Laser Imaging Tool for Urothelial Diagnosis in Endoscopy | 2020 |
634 | PICOMB | Photonic Integrated Comb Source | 2020 |
635 | AIMed | Antimicrobial Integrated Methodologies for orthopaedic applications | 2020 |
636 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2019 |
637 | SLAQ | Pre-commercialization of stable and compact lasers for atom based quantum technologies | 2020 |
638 | CORAL | COntrolling network RAndom Lasers on chip | 2020 |
639 | ThoriumNuclearClock | Thorium nuclear clocks for fundamental tests of physics | 2020 |
640 | UV-LASE | Out of the blue: membrane-based microcavity lasers from the blue to the ultraviolet wavelength regime | 2020 |
641 | HUMANeye | Implantable titanium net to combat pathological corneal shape deformations | 2019 |
642 | NeXource | Next-generation Plasma-based Electron Beam Sources for High-brightness Photon Science | 2020 |
643 | HERCULES | HEterodyne RefraCtive index sensor Using photonic crystal LaSers | 2020 |
644 | CRYSTALCLOCK | Readout scheme for solid-state nuclear clock | 2020 |
645 | PeSD-NeSL | Photo-excited State Dynamics and Non-equilibrium States under Laser in Van der Waals Stacked Two-dimensional Materials | 2020 |
646 | MicroMix | Microbial Conlonization in Confined Chaotic Mixtures | 2020 |
647 | SPINONICS | Integrated devices based on spin-orbit photonics. | 2020 |
648 | UL-Flex-Cell | High-performance, ultra-light flexible CIGS Solar Cell | 2021 |
649 | STMICRO | Space-time visualization of microelectronic chip operation with femtosecond electron microscopy | 2020 |
650 | MFILAMUXIAML | Metal flow in laser additive manufacturing using x-ray imaging and machine learning | 2020 |
651 | RealNano | In-line and Real-time digital nano-characterization technologies for the high yield manufacturing of Flexible Organic Electronics | 2020 |
652 | ExIQ | Exponentially Improved Quantum memory | 2020 |
653 | SPATULA | Sensitive, spatially resolved U-Th dating approach using LA-ICPMS | 2020 |
655 | ANEUPLOIDY | Molecular origins of aneuploidies in healthy and diseased human tissues | 2020 |
656 | HTS MALDI-TOF MDD | MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry metabolite screening assays for drug discovery in human disease | 2020 |