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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EMS UHPE (Engine Mount System for Ultra High Pass Engine)


The objectives of this applicant consortium to the project for the Engine Mounts System (EMS) of the Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) are primarily three:1. Assist the Engine Manufacturer and the Airframer in the evaluation and selection of the most promising and...


The objectives of this applicant consortium to the project for the Engine Mounts System (EMS) of the Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) are primarily three:
1. Assist the Engine Manufacturer and the Airframer in the evaluation and selection of the most promising and suitable Technologies and Engine Mounts System (EMS) configuration to provide a significant leap in the performance (mainly weight and dynamic behaviour), manufacturing, and assembly of the EMS. Criteria for evaluation will include EMS system parameters (weight, cost, dynamic performance, certification), as well as EMS impact on engine and aircraft assembly and performance parameters. This evaluation will be completed using LORD broad experience in EMS configurations and concepts, input from airframe, engine and nacelle partners, and modelling and analysis of configurations thru virtual prototyping (dynamic modelling) where Politecnico di Milano, Vicoter and LORD have expertise and capability.
2. It is the intent of the applicant consortium to develop, design, build and test, in this project, the selected technologies and EMS solutions to significantly advance Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
3. Design, build, and test a conventional Engine Mounts System (EMS) for the Ground Test of the UHPE, compliant with the Topic manager requirement and utilizing design safety margin in accordance with the specific requirements of the ground test environment per the standard design best practice.

Work performed

LORD is collaborating on two main axis which are the Concept Studies and EMS Specification and the second which is Innovation and New Technology Development.
During this first period, the consortium led by LORD has been working on Management and Reporting and EMS for Ground Test (GT) Design and Development as well as identifying preliminary instrumentation needs related to Support activities for the Engine GT. The Management and reporting activities have mainly been impacted by several schedule changes communicated by SAFRAN Aircraft Engine (SAE) and the consequent changes to milestone, deliverables, and work packages description of the Consortium DOA.
Some preliminary activities within the GT Design and Development have been performed to support the different iterations of engine and installation configuration from the topic Manager.
During the second period, the consortium has been working on Work Package 1, Work Package 2, Work Package 3 and Work Package 7.
Within work package 1, the consortium has organized specific sessions with the Consortium to reinforce internal procedures supporting the project management and also covering the requirements for technical and financial reporting.
For work package 2, the Topic Manager delivery was on March 2018 and discussion are still ongoing to define and commonly agree on a path forward.
In work package 3 there were no actual deliverables due during the second period however following the schedule push out announced by the Topic Manager in October 2017. The consortium did nonetheless pursue some activities that have been executed to consolidate the up to date Engine Mounting System design.
Within work package 7, we have continued to investigate and work on Advanced Manufacturing Methods and technologies with the aim to reduce manufacturing lead-time, complexity and costs; looking into manufacturing processes and methods developing new solutions and technologies that are intended to address the challenges coming from the new generation turbofan engines.

Final results

Within the Innovation and New Technologies Development, understanding the behaviour of the material as well as being able to predict it with good accuracy, will allow the comparison and ranking of different EMS concepts. Overall, it will allow the Consortium Partners and SAFRAN Aircraft Engine to perform space envelope/design optimization that could lead to new innovative type of architecture. Better motion control, A/C fuselage high load filter, weight saving, manufacturing cost reduction and easier installation are examples of what a future EMS design can achieve. All of this contributes to the ultimate engine goal of allowing for cleaner and quieter generation of engines.
LORD and the Topic Manager will collaborate to identify the high value technologies in support of the next generation of engine and associated EMS. The consortium will work to increase the technical readiness level and evaluate the feasibility, benefit and/or challenges for those identified technologies.