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LINCOLN project deliverables

The page lists 16 deliverables related to the research project "LINCOLN".

 List of Deliverables

LINCOLN: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

LINCOLN i-Captain black box prototype

The running i-Captain prototype, with its commercial and low cost black box will be demonstrated in its usability in the available use cases. A public report will present the main achievements of such a demonstrator.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-23

Dissemination and exploitation final report

The deliverable will be the final report of the dissemination and exploitation activities, also including the main achievements of the clustering task and of the meetings with the Advisory Board. A comprehensive exploitation plan for the whole consortium and for each partner will be presented.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

LINCOLN Universal Marine Gateway prototypes

The running UMG prototypes developed for the different use cases will be demonstrated in its usability. A report will present the achievements of such running demonstrators, with results from the use cases.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-23

Implementation of data visualization and reporting interfaces for prototypes

The final graphical user interface, studied at the needed level of visualization, will be made available for the final LINCOLN IoT platform. It will be demonstrated in the main use cases and feedbacks about its workability will be collected and commented in a report.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-23

Final LINCOLN conference

A final project conference will be organized, with the main aim to involve industrial users and potential prospect. The conference - in the form of open workshop - will be organized in the last 3-6 months of the project. A convenient location will be chosen, also considering existing fairs and events. This report will present the main data about the organization of such a final event.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Other 2020-03-23

Final technical report

This deliverable will provide a Final Technical report of the project, open to the public, with the main achievements of the projects and the usage of the resources (to be displayed to the public).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Professional skills and vocational training development plan

The deliverable will report the plan for professional skills and vocational training development, which could be foreseen after the project. This result will be open and shared with the public and made available in the project portal.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Achievements of the vessel designs

The deliverable will report the main achievements of the vessel designs, descriptions and results of the testing phases for the different tested concepts. Results will be made public, notifying the main general achievements got with the adoption of methods and tools developed along the project by the different use cases.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Implementation of LINCOLN IoT platform

A first running implementation of the IoT project platform will be demonstrated in its operativeness, with the main needed functionalities and abilities, on a general case. A sufficient report (with screen shots and functional models) will be prepared and submitted to explain the achievement of such a demonstrator.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-23

Solution sustainability report

The deliverable will report the solution sustainability, evaluating the lifecycle cost and the environmental impact for the different concepts and use cases, with the main purpose to the present the achievements in sustainable got thanks to the application of the method and tools of the project. For this reason this deliverable will be made public and presented in an open way.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Integrated Portweather module within IoT platform

The integrated portweather module within the IoT platform will be presented and demonstrated. Its positioning in the IoT architecture, its connectivity and its functionalities will be demonstrated too. A technical report will present the demonstrator.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-23

Dissemination and exploitation plan 2nd version

The deliverable will report the activities performed in terms of dissemination, also considering the clustering task and the results of the meetings done with the Advisory Board. An update of the Exploitation plan will be also presented for the consortium and for each single partner.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Description of the simulation platform on HPC

The simulation platform on HPC to be used in the project will presented in its public form, to be explained to the consortium and to define the main boundaries of the simulation and the needed degree of customization. Definitions, models and examples will be used to describe the platform, its role and its expected achievements.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Communication material and tools

The main communication tools (e.g. flyers, brochures, etc.) will be put in place and made available to the whole consortium. Then, they will be regularly revised and updated during the project.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Clustering activities plan

The main clustering activities with the other relevant project will be launched and planned, to be made available inside and outside the consortium.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23

Dissemination and exploitation plan 1st version

The deliverable will report the first version of the dissemination and exploitation plan, which will provide the framework and these activities, the timeline and the expected achievements.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Topic(s): BG-02-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-23