The SESAR Integrated Airport Operations (IAO) project is a Very Large Scale Demonstration (VLD). Its aim is to show the benefits of Air Traffic Management (ATM) solutions developed in SESAR 1 in an operational environment and to ease their industrial deployment. The project is...
The SESAR Integrated Airport Operations (IAO) project is a Very Large Scale Demonstration (VLD). Its aim is to show the benefits of Air Traffic Management (ATM) solutions developed in SESAR 1 in an operational environment and to ease their industrial deployment. The project is hence set up to prepare airports for the challenges of the future.
IAO consists of four demonstrations: One on-board exercise and three at the airports of Nice, Budapest, and Hamburg. In those demonstrations IAO will cover ATM solutions in the area of:
•Pre-Departure Sequencing,
•Routing and planning functions for controllers,
•Airport safety nets for Controllers and
•On-board traffic alerts
The new SESAR solutions will assist air traffic controllers in their duty to safely guide aircraft at the airport while also assisting flight crews in navigating safely on the ground.
Until the end of the reporting period, the partners have been working on the updates of the Demonstration Plan of IAO. This includes the Integration of the Safety Assessment Plan and Human Performance Assessment Plan as well as more detailed information on the exercise executions.
Furthermore, the definition and development of the demonstration platforms and tools was one of the main activities. Test sessions and trainings with controllers took place at the test sites and remotely at partners installations. The integration of airspace users into the IAO project could not be realised.
A lot of coordination activities were successfully realised between the project Partners, but also with the other SEAR projects and the SJU. This took place in form of regular WebExes, meetings in person and participation in workshops.
According to the defined dissemination plan, the IAO partners maintained the project website ( and supported the SESAR website. The main activitiy in the second reporting period was related to the coordination of the planned Project video. The Exercise Videos as well as an Overall Video are in preparation.
As Very Large Scale Demonstration the objective of IAO is to demonstrate airport related SESAR 1 solutions and with it to promote their benefits and readiness for deployment. After the technical development of these ATM solutions in the previous SESAR Programme (SESAR1), IAO will now show their functional readiness in a close-to-operational environment.
To succeed in this main goal IAO wants to prove and demonstrate:
• operational readiness of all developed functionalities
• applicability of the demonstrated tools for different local characteristics
• compliance to current standards and regulations including the involvement of respective bodies
• deployment and promotion of the tools developed in SESAR 1 and demonstrated in IAO
Controller Support
• increase in situational awareness by using the demonstrated tools
• adherence to an acceptable controller workload with any of the new functionalities
• benefits of Conformance Monitoring and Conflicting ATC Clearance Alerts
• the efficiency of routing and planning tools, partly with user interaction
• the improvement of DMAN functions with route planning
• the benefit of using accurate A-SMGCS taxi-time
On the wider implications of the project, the ATM solutions addressed in IAO are considered to:
• Improve airport safety,
• Reduce fuel consumption and
• Reduce overall delays on the airport.
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