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InnoSpace SIGNED

Revolutionizing fibre-wireless communications through space-division multiplexed photonics

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 InnoSpace project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the InnoSpace project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "InnoSpace" about.

capacity    multigigabit    area    5g    next    establishing    degree    multidisciplinary    ubiquitous    internet    global    massive    ideas    size    unprecedented    functionalities    prospective    interdisciplinary    independent    delay    unify    things    envision    pioneering    line    puts    background    signals    physics    light    left    division    networks    paths    bottleneck    inherent    am    broadband    sdm    entirely    power    wireless    positioned    weight    basis    generation    core    full    telecommunication    convergence    infrastructure    integration    multiple    powerful    position    microwave    communication    revolutionary    upcoming    untapped    era    ways    communications    optical    connectivity    successfully    last    photonic    time    evolution    organization    scenarios    privileged    innovative    radiofrequency    host    limitations    consumption    interfaces    single    me    truly    fibre    first    risk    mwp    digital    revolution    gain    preliminary    paradigms    tuneable    profile    parallelism    advancements    technologies    carry    solution    idea    multiplexing    true    freedom    space    photonics    touted    adaptive   

Project "InnoSpace" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
postcode: 46022

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Spain [ES]
 Total cost 1˙998˙500 €
 EC max contribution 1˙998˙500 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.1.1. (EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC))
 Code Call ERC-2016-COG
 Funding Scheme ERC-COG
 Starting year 2017
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2017-03-01   to  2022-02-28


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 


 Project objective

Next generation global telecommunication paradigms will require entirely new technologies to address the current limitations to massive capacity and connectivity. A full integration between optical fibre and wireless networks will be the key for the upcoming multigigabit-per-second 5G wireless communications and the era of Internet of Things. Microwave Photonics (MWP) is the multidisciplinary technology to achieve such a convergence. There is one revolutionary approach that has however been left untapped in finding innovative ways to increase the end user capacity and provide adaptive radiofrequency-photonic interfaces: exploiting space - the last available degree of freedom for optical multiplexing. Space-Division multiplexing (SDM) has been recently touted as a solution for the capacity bottleneck in digital communications by establishing independent light paths in a single fibre. My pioneering idea is to develop a novel area of application for SDM by exploiting for the first time its inherent parallelism to implement a broadband tuneable true time delay line for radiofrequency signals, which is the basis of multiple MWP functionalities. Within this project I envision an unprecedented revolution in fibre-wireless communications through the powerful concept of SDM that will lead to unique processing capabilities as well as to a reduction of size, weight and power consumption. My unique research background developed around the two core of this project, SDM and MWP, puts me in the privileged position to unify them in this truly interdisciplinary program, merging novel ideas and methods from physics, radiofrequency and photonics. Based on my profile, my preliminary results and the available infrastructure at my host organization, I am best positioned to successfully carry out this innovative high-gain/high-risk approach, which will lead to revolutionary advancements of the state of the art and prospective evolution of MWP for future ubiquitous communication scenarios.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2019 Sergi García, Rubén Guillem, Ivana Gasulla
Ring-core few-mode fiber for tunable true time delay line operation
published pages: 31773, ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/oe.27.031773
Optics Express 27/22 2019-10-29
2019 Sergi García, Mario Ureña, Ivana Gasulla
Bending and twisting effects on multicore fiber differential group delay
published pages: 31290-31298, ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/oe.27.031290
Optics Express 27/22 2019-10-29
2019 Sergi García, Rubén Guillem, Javier Madrigal, David Barrera, Salvador Sales, Ivana Gasulla
Sampled true time delay line operation by inscription of long period gratings in few-mode fibers
published pages: 22787, ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/oe.27.022787
Optics Express 27/16 2019-10-03
2019 Mario Ureña, Ivana Gasulla, Francisco Javier Fraile, Jose Capmany
Modeling optical fiber space division multiplexed quantum key distribution systems
published pages: 7047, ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/oe.27.007047
Optics Express 27/5 2019-10-03
2018 Sergi Garcia Cortijo, Mario Ureña Gisbert, Rubén Guillem Cogollos, Ivana Gasulla Mestre
Multicore fiber delay line performance against bending and twisting effects
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
44th European Conference on Optical Communication 2019-05-08
2017 Sergi García, Ivana Gasulla
Experimental demonstration of multi-cavity optoelectronic oscillation over a multicore fiber
published pages: 23663, ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/oe.25.023663
Optics Express 25/20 2019-04-18
2018 Rubén Guillem, Sergi García, Javier Madrigal, David Barrera, Ivana Gasulla
Few-mode fiber true time delay lines for distributed radiofrequency signal processing
published pages: 25761, ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.025761
Optics Express 26/20 2019-04-18
2017 Sergi García, David Barrera, Javier Hervás, Salvador Sales, Ivana Gasulla
Microwave Signal Processing over Multicore Fiber
published pages: 49, ISSN: 2304-6732, DOI: 10.3390/photonics4040049
Photonics 4/4 2019-04-18

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The information about "INNOSPACE" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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