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H2020 projects about "adaptive"

The page lists 606 projects related to the topic "adaptive".

# achronym  title  year 
1 APERIM APERIM: Advanced bioinformatics platform for PERsonalised cancer IMmunotherapy 2015
2 TILDA Towards Industrial LES/DNS in Aeronautics – Paving the Way for Future Accurate CFD 2015
3 ICP4Life An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Managing the Product-Service Engineering Lifecycle 2015
4 ACCEPT Assistant for Quality Check during Construction Execution Processes for Energy-efficienT buildings 2015
5 CONSENS Integrated Control and Sensing for Sustainable Operation of Flexible Intensified Processes 2015
6 ADALAM Sensor based adaptive laser micromachining using ultrashort pulse lasers for zero-failure manufacturing 2015
7 SYMPLEXITY Symbiotic Human-Robot Solutions for Complex Surface Finishing Operations 2015
8 E2VENT Energy Efficient Ventilated Façades for Optimal Adaptability and Heat Exchange enabling low energy architectural concepts for the refurbishment of existing buildings 2015
9 LUPINROOTS Unravelling cluster root development in white lupin 2015
10 CONT-ACT Control of contact interactions for robots acting in the world 2015
11 ResiBots Robots with animal-like resilience 2015
12 Big Splash Big Splash: Efficient Simulation of Natural Phenomena at Extremely Large Scales 2015
13 LimitMDR Utilizing evolutionary interactions to limit multidrug resistance 2015
14 COLOUR PATTERN Morphogenesis and Molecular Regulation of Colour Patterning in Birds 2015
15 Hi-EST Holistic Integration of Emerging Supercomputing Technologies 2015
16 REMEMBER Adaptive immunity in prokaryotes: how Bacteria do not forgive and do not forget their enemies 2015
17 SCREEN Space Cognitive Radio for Electromagnetic Environment maNagement 2015
18 NextGenVis Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry 2015
19 ArcInTex ETN ArcInTex ETN 2015
20 AdapTT Real time therapy planning for Thermal based therapy modalities in oncology care. 2015
21 ENRICHME Enabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly 2015
22 MoreGrasp Restoration of upper limb function in individuals with high spinal cord injury by multimodal neuroprostheses for interaction in daily activities 2015
23 SWITCH Software Workbench for Interactive, Time Critical and Highly self-adaptive cloud applications 2015
24 eNHANCE eNHANCE - intention based enhancement of reaching and grasping in physically disabled people - personalized to maximize user performance 2015
25 M3TERA Micromachined terahertz systems -a new heterogeneous integration platform enabling the commercialization of the THz frequency spectrum 2015
26 RePhrase REfactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications - a Software Engineering Approach 2015
27 SIGNAT Evaluation of Plant Signaling Networks in Natural Environments 2015
28 CloudSocket Business and IT-Cloud Alignment using a Smart Socket 2015
29 AquaSmart Aquaculture Smart and Open Data Analytics as a Service 2015
30 CogIMon Cognitive Interaction in Motion 2015
31 TAMS4CPS Trans-Atlantic Modelling and Simulation For Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
32 PROTEUS AdaPtive micROfluidic- and nano-enabled smart systems for waTEr qUality Sensing 2015
33 WiMUST Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology 2015
34 EuDEco Modelling the European data economy 2015
35 AIDE Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces to Assist Disabled People in Daily Activities 2015
36 SoMa Soft-bodied intelligence for Manipulation 2015
37 RoMaNS Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation 2015
38 EMPOWER Local Electricity retail Markets for Prosumer smart grid pOWER services 2015
39 Triangulum Triangulum: The Three Point Project / Demonstrate. Disseminate. Replicate. 2015
40 EUth EUth - Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe 2015
42 RetinArt Clinical biomarker for arterial hypertension based on micro-vascular retinal imaging 2014
43 Silver Stream Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient 2015
44 OTULINVIVO The role of OTULIN and Met1-linked ubiquitin in immune signaling and host defense in vivo 2015
45 OPSINEVOL Evolution of opsin genes in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) relative to male colour: a window into the genetics of mate choice 2015
46 AdaptClim Genomic and epigenomic signatures of climate-mediated selection in cattle 2015
47 EpiNKT Transcriptional and epigenetic control of innate-like T lymphocyte development 2015
48 ACCESS2WM How prior brain states govern access to working memory 2016
49 JELLYPACTS Assessment of Jellyfish Socioeconomic Impacts in the Mediterranean: Implications for Management 2016
50 WhereWolf The history of wolves, and their contribution to adaptation and phenotypic diversity in dogs 2016
51 PEACEFUL MIND Effectiveness evaluation of traditional and third wave Emotion Regulation strategies in clinical and non-clinical youth population 2016
52 FIRSTBHs The formation of supermassive black holes in the early universe 2015
53 KSHV QTV Identification of novel KSHV immune evasion mechanisms using a quantitative temporal viromics analysis 2015
54 Tolltum Role, regulation and targeting of nucleic acid-sensing TLRs within the tumour microenvironment 2015
55 CoEvolFramework Unified Framework for the Analysis of Co-evolutionary Systems 2016
56 RESCBONE The influence of mechanical loading on the decline in bone mass with ageing 2015
57 DC cancer Development and immunological control of dendritic cell cancer 2015
58 WORMTUMORS Worm power: Can helminths modify the development of colorectal cancer? 2015
59 PREF LEARNHEUR Learning heuristics in preference elicitation tasks: insights from behavioural, computational and neurobiological investigations 2015
60 ASSEMZYME Continuous self-assembly using enzyme mediated supramolecular switching 2015
61 SpikeControl Cerebellar Spiking Model For Real-time Closed-loop Sensorimotor Control 2015
62 INNOVCITIES Institutional Innovation for Adapting to Climate Change in Water Governance within Cities 2015
63 DPaTh-To-Adapt Rethinking climate change vulnerability: Drivers patterns of thermal tolerance adaptation in the ocean. 2016
64 EVOLMARIN Rapid evolution and geographic ranges: predicting marine species persistence and distribution in a changing ocean 2015
65 URBANRAD Radiative transfer effects on air pollution dispersion in urban areas: from the street scale to the neighbourhood scale 2015
66 CuPESS Catchments under Pressure: Ecosystem Service Solutions 2015
67 EpiSpec “EPIgenetic impacts on early-stage SPECiation and adaptive radiation” 2015
68 IsoBar Relative Role of Reproductive Isolating Barriers During Speciation 2016
69 BluGram Identification of genetic factors which determine host specificity in the wheat-powdery mildew pathosystem 2015
70 PopMet Investigating bacterial strain evolution through metagenomic genome assemblies 2015
71 HAAIV Adaptive evolutionary pathways of highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza in humans 2015
73 Re.B.Us Rewiring Brain Units - bridging the gap of neuronal communication by means of intelligent hybrid systems 2016
74 ReversePlasticity Evolution of the thermal plasticity of gene expression: a reverse evolution experiment using Drosophila simulans. 2015
75 GESTATE testinG massivE STar formATion modEis 2015
76 ADAPTIVE Industrial implementation of adaptive computational methods for turbulent flow and fluid-structure interaction 2015
77 Adaptcontrol A modular and compact controller design for light electric vehicles 2015
78 SCALEPHA Industrial and commercial SCALE-up of Bio-on technology for the production of PHA polymers from sugar industries waste, co- and by-products 2015
79 IRIS-1 IRIS Feasibility Study – Phase 1 2015
80 HySolarKit Converting conventional cars into hybrid and solar vehicles 2015
81 NoisyAgeing Beyond genotype to phenotype: how ancestor lifestyle impacts on lifespan variation in descendants 2015
83 ADaPTIVE Analysing Diversity with a Phenomic approach: Trends in Vertebrate Evolution 2015
84 GREEN-WIN Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action 2015
85 Integrating Turkish Beyond East and West: Developing and Documenting an Evolving Transcultural Musical Practice 2015
86 Lingvist Lingvist - the next generation language-learning software 2015
87 GATIPOR Guaranteed fully adaptive algorithms with tailored inexact solvers for complex porous media flows 2015
88 MISTRANSMITO Tissue-specific mitochondrial signaling and adaptations to mistranslation 2015
89 ActIng Addiction of Insects for Biosensoring 2015
90 SupraChem Lab SupraChem Lab - Laboratory of Supramolecular Chemistry for Adaptive Delivery Systems - ERA Chair initiative 2015
91 5G NORMA 5G NOvel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture 2015
92 mmMAGIC Millimetre-Wave Based Mobile Radio Access Network for Fifth Generation Integrated Communications 2015
93 FANTASTIC-5G Flexible Air iNTerfAce for Scalable service delivery wiThin wIreless Communication networks of the 5th Generation 2015
94 BINPICKING 3D Generalized bin picking system for automatic handling of unsorted parts in industrial applications 2015
95 ENCOMOLE-2i Endoscopic Comprehensive Optical Multimodal Molecular Intelligent Imaging 2016
96 GenoSpec Insights from Population Genomics to the Evolution of Host Specificity in Insect Fungi 2015
97 SMART-POM Artificial-Intelligence Driven Discovery and Synthesis of Polyoxometalate Clusters 2015
98 ExaFLOW Enabling Exascale Fluid Dynamics Simulations 2015
99 greenFLASH Green Flash, energy efficient high performance computing for real-time science 2015
100 AUDADAPT The listening challenge: How ageing brains adapt 2016
101 GliaInnateSensing Glia-derived factors in innate lymphoid cell sensing and intestinal defence 2015
102 SmartMic Smart Multimodal Microscopy for High-Throughput Developmental Biology in Real-Time 2015
103 E-LOCKS Electronic security for OIL/LPG tanks 2015
104 SOUTHPARK SOUTHPARK - SOcial and Universal Technology HelPing to detect ARrivals via sdK 2015
105 COMSTAR The effects of early-life adversity on cognition: A comparative approach. 2015
106 DynaSens Understanding the neural mechanisms of multisensory perception based on computational principles 2015
107 AdaptoSCOPE Using cis-regulatory mutations to highlight polygenic adaptation in natural plant systems 2015
108 SMARTLENS Reconfigurable smart lens for adaptive imaging 2015
109 CVI_ADAPT Unraveling the history of adaptation in an island model: Cape Verde Arabidopsis 2015
110 NEURIMMUNE Neural regulation of immunity 2015
111 THERMOPLAST Adaptive plasticity meets unpredictability: how do organisms cope with changing environmental variability? 2016
112 CELLPLASTICITY New Frontiers in Cellular Reprogramming: Exploiting Cellular Plasticity 2015
113 EPOCH28 Epigenetic Profiling of Chemotherapy Efficacy 2015
114 PoroFrac A high-fidelity isogeometric simulation methodology for fracture in porous media 2016
115 WhoLoDancE Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 2016
116 TeSLA An Adaptive Trust-based e-assesment System for Learning 2016
117 PHANTOM Cross-Layer and Multi-Objective Programming Approach for Next Generation Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Systems 2015
118 SBNAF Small Bodies: Near and Far 2016
119 NeuRAM3 NEUral computing aRchitectures in Advanced Monolithic 3D-VLSI nano-technologies 2016
120 STREAMS Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems 2016
121 FluctEvol Fluctuating selection, evolution, and plasticity in random environments 2016
122 DYNAP Dynamic Penetrating Peptide Adaptamers 2016
123 ComMUnion Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites 2015
124 ImmersiaTV Immersive Experiences around TV, an integrated toolset for the production and distribution of immersive and interactive content across devices. 2016
125 CRISPAIR Study of the interplay between CRISPR interference and DNA repair pathways towards the development of novel CRISPR tools 2016
126 P450RESIST Understanding and exploiting the insect P450 resistome 2016
127 ThDEFINE Re(defining) CD4+ T Cell Identities One Cell at a Time 2016
128 DROSADAPTATION New approaches to long-standing questions: adaptation in Drosophila 2016
129 CODOVIREVOL Evolution of viral codon usage preferences:manipulation of translation accuracy and evasion of immune response 2016
130 StemBAT New players in human BAT differentiation and activation: a human PSC-derived BAT approach combined with state of the art genome engineering and –omics based methodologies 2016
131 SPEXOR Spinal Exoskeletal Robot for Low Back Pain Prevention and Vocational Reintegration 2016
132 BabyRobot Child-Robot Communication and Collaboration: Edutainment, Behavioural Modelling and Cognitive Development in Typically Developing and Autistic Spectrum Children 2016
133 POWER2DM POWER2DM - Predictive model-based decision support for diabetes patient empowerment 2016
134 PEPPER Patient Empowerment through Predictive PERsonalised decision support 2016
135 ICT4Life ICT services for Life Improvement For the Elderly 2016
136 CHEM2NATURE Enabling precision chemical methodologies applied to natural-based systems for the development of multifunctional biomedical devices 2016
137 E2District Energy Efficient Optimised District Heating and Cooling 2016
138 GAtransport A direct, multi-faceted approach to investigate plant hormones spatial regulation: the case of gibberellins 2016
139 TANGO Transparent heterogeneous hardware Architecture deployment for eNergy Gain in Operation 2016
140 MULTIATTACK Plant adaptations to unpredictable attack by dynamic insect communities 2016
141 MATHISIS Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS 2016
142 AGENT Adaptive self-Governed aerial Ecosystem by Negotiated Traffic 2016
143 DEVELOP Developing Careers through Social Networks and Transversal Competencies 2016
144 SponGES Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation 2016
145 IMAGE Innovative Management of Genetic Resources 2016
146 KeyDynamics Addressing key challenges for forecasting climate change effects on biodiversity: an assessment of dispersal limitation, priority effects and intra-species trait variation in range dynamics 2017
147 RELYUBL Regulation of lymphocyte biology by ubiquitin and ubiquitin like modifiers 2016
148 FourCmodelling Conflict, Competition, Cooperation and Complexity: Using Evolutionary Game Theory to model realistic populations 2016
149 ERXOS ElectroRheological fluid based eXOSkeleton devices for physical upper limb rehabilitation 2016
150 ATLAS A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe 2016
151 Icarus Bringing Personalized Knowledge to Students in Public Schools Through Artificial Intelligence in ELearning 2016
152 DRIVOME Multi-modal interrogation of instinctive behaviours and intrahypothalamic connectivity 2016
153 ComplexSwimmers Biocompatible and Interactive Artificial Micro- and Nanoswimmers and Their Applications 2016
154 Optimal-Immunity Optimal diversity in immunity – to overcome pathogens and maximize fitness; moving from correlative associations to a more mechanistic understanding using wild songbirds. 2016
155 ANGI Adaptive significance of Non Genetic Inheritance 2016
156 EVO-MEIO Adaptive evolution of meiosis in response to genome and habitat change 2016
157 TOCNeT Teaching Old Crypto New Tricks 2016
158 MOIPB Multi-modal optical imaging platform for Biology 2017
159 AsLife Life in Arsenic rich environments: a challenge or an opportunity? 2016
160 UrbPOLS Assessing urban impacts on wildlife using the pace-of-life framework 2016
161 GSAORI Guide Stars Adaptive Optics for Retinal Imaging 2016
162 Finch Evo-Devo Developmental Basis of Beak Shape Variation in Darwin’s Finches 2016
163 DynOMIS Dynamic Origins of MHC class I Selector function 2016
164 IVSysImmunoProt Development of an in vitro cellular model to predict the immunological impact of dietary proteins 2016
165 ERcontext How to deal with how you feel: Understanding and training context-dependent emotion regulation 2016
166 FORGENET A novel approach for detecting polygenic adaptation applied to FORest tree candidate GEne NETworks 2017
167 MAIT Evolutionary conserved T cells specific for a microbial metabolite: deciphering their development in the thymus and mapping their interactions with the gut microbiota in vivo. 2016
168 MUSE 'Multisensory Ecology': Understanding adaptive trade-offs between vision and olfaction 2016
169 BMC Rendering Bayesian Monte Carlo for Global Illumination 2016
170 DrugCrops Drought discovery to improve drought tolerance in crops 2017
171 NomadicN Niche construction on the move: how nomadic pastoralists navigate across fast-changing social-ecological systems 2016
172 ZF-ILC Characterization of zebrafish innate lymphoid cells and IL-22 2017
173 NiCoFlow Nature-inspired control of turbulent flows 2016
174 OneClickLCA One Click LCA – transforming the construction industry through automated, affordable and scalable solution for assessing and improving the environmental impacts of construction projects and products 2016
175 LINGOKIDS LINGOKIDS: Adaptive mobile platform for language learning for early age children 2016
176 iTractor Smart farmer’s assistant - iTractor ® 2016
177 xPRINT 4-Dimensional printing for adaptive optoelectronic components 2016
178 GCB-PRID Post-transcriptional Regulation of Germinal Center B Cell Responses in Immunity and Disease 2016
179 SmartGraphene Graphene based smart surfaces: from visible to microwave 2016
180 C3-Cloud A Federated Collaborative Care Cure Cloud Architecture for Addressing the Needs of Multi-morbidity and Managing Poly-pharmacy 2016
181 CONNECARE Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients 2016
182 MINIMA MItigating Negative Impacts of Monitoring high levels of Automation 2016
183 SmartResilience Smart Resilience Indicators for Smart Critical Infrastructures 2016
184 CITADEL Critical Infrastructure Protection using Adaptive MILS 2016
185 Future4Oceans Window to the future: Understanding and assessing the vulnerability of marine biodiversity to ocean acidification 2016
186 InnateMSDyn Combining in vivo spectral biphoton imaging and multiparametric cytometry to characterize the dynamics of the innate immune response in a multiple sclerosis mouse model 2016
188 SimVisSim Simultaneous Vision Simulator for optimizing selection of presbyopic correcions 2016
189 CAMERA Characterizing Adaptation and Migration Events with Modern and Ancient Genomes 2016
190 AMBER Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers 2016
191 DAFNE DAFNE: Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food NExus in complex and trans-boundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries. 2016
192 CD4DNASP Cell intrinsic control of CD4 T cell differentiation by cytosolic DNA sensing pathways 2016
193 Toxoplasma sensing Cytoplasmic sensing of Toxoplasma gondii infection and host cell programmed necrosis 2016
194 MAVEN Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network 2016
195 iCARE MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients ReceivingdiseasE-oriented therapy 2016
196 SEIZSAFE Patient-self-adaptive system for detection, recording and alert to caregivers of night-time seizures, linked to private cloud platform for patient tracking and big data exploitation. 2016
197 Born-Immune Shaping of the Human Immune System by Primal Environmental Exposures In the Newborn Child 2016
198 AEDNA Amorphous and Evolutionary DNA Nanotechnology 2016
199 StandBy-U Real Time Response System towards Safety and Emergency Management Improvement in critical infrastructures and soft targets 2016
200 PROSOCIAL The neural basis of prosocial development in adolescence 2016
201 KERNEL Ultimate Angular Resolution Astrophysics with kernel-phase and full-aperture interferometry 2016
202 ConvergeAnt An Integrative Approach to Understanding Convergent Evolution in Ant-eating Mammals 2016
203 ADASANDME Adaptive ADAS to support incapacitated drivers Mitigate Effectively risks through tailor made HMI under automation 2016
204 AutoMate Automation as accepted and trustful teamMate to enhance traffic safety and efficiency 2016
205 ImpAncCit The Impact of the Ancient City 2016
206 MemoryDynamics Writing and editing of memories from acquisition to long-term consolidation 2016
207 CHANGE New CHallenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry 2016
208 TNT-TUMORS Therapeutic approaches to enhance innate immunity against Tumors 2016
209 AdOMiS Adaptive Optical Microscopy Systems: Unifying theory, practice and applications 2016
210 ILC_REACTIVITY Biological Determinants of ILC Reactivity for Immune Responses in Health and Disease 2016
211 PREKARN The learning of prehistory of knapping stone 2016
212 Neuro Care System Adaptive Neuro Care System 2016
213 SpinCo SpinCo, new energy saving worm gear technology by gear rolling contacts 2016
215 PRIORS Neural circuit dynamics underlying expectation and their impact on the variability of perceptual choices 2016
216 transcriPTIon Understanding transcriptional regulation in plant PAMP-triggered immunity 2016
217 SURE Safe Unmanned Robotic Ensembles 2016
218 AffecTech Personal Technologies for Affective Health 2017
219 MAESTRO Modular laser based additive manufacturing platform for large scale industrial applications 2016
220 COROMA Cognitively enhanced robot for flexible manufacturing of metal and composite parts 2016
221 City Platform as a Service - Integrated and Open 2016
222 A4BLUE Adaptive Automation in Assembly For BLUE collar workers satisfaction in Evolvable context 2016
223 QUARTZ Quantum Information Access and Retrieval Theory 2017
224 MANUWORK Balancing Human and Automation Levels for the Manufacturing Workplaces of the Future 2016
225 EIPIN IS European Intellectual Property Institutes Network - Innovation Society 2017
226 CuraBone Predictive models and simulations in bone regeneration: a multiscale patient-specific approach 2017
227 Factory2Fit Empowering and participatory adaptation of factory automation to fit for workers 2016
228 ModuLase Development and Pilot Line Validation of a Modular re-configurable Laser Process Head 2016
229 enCOMPASS Collaborative Recommendations and Adaptive Control for Personalised Energy Saving 2016
230 Metacontrol Cognitive control in context: Neural, functional, and social mechanisms of metacontrol 2016
231 RACE Rate of Adaptation in a Changing Environment 2017
232 MUSES Towards middle-range theories of the co-evolutionary dynamics of multi-level social-ecological systems 2017
233 ACAP Asset Centric Adaptive Protection 2016
235 Plan4Act Predictive Neural Information for Proactive Actions: From Monkey Brain to Smart House Control 2017
236 NIGHTINGALE Connecting Patients and Carers using wearable sensor technology 2016
237 TimePROSAMAT Time-Programmed Self-Assemblies and Dynamic Materials 2016
238 ORIENT Goal-directed eye-head coordination in dynamic multisensory environments 2017
239 Symbcompat Determing symbiont factors that affect compatibility with a novel host 2016
240 eCraft2Learn Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch 2017
241 GOAL Games Of Active Life 2016
242 FLAME Facility for Large-scale Adaptive Media Experimentation 2017
243 iRead Infrastructure and integrated tools for personalized learning of reading skill 2017
244 CResPace Adaptive Bio-electronics for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Disease 2017
245 GaNOMIC GaN in One Module Integrated Converter for EP systems 2016
246 PrEstoCloud PrEstoCloud - Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing 2017
247 CRISS Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools 2017
248 Dreams4Cars Dream-like simulation abilities for automated cars 2017
249 MULTIDRONE MULTIple DRONE platform for media production 2017
250 PLATYPUS PLAsticiTY of Perceptual space Under Sensorimotor interactions 2017
251 CD40-INN CD40 goes innate: defining and targeting CD40 signaling intermediates in the macrophage to treat atherosclerosis 2016
252 Extreme An Exascale aware and Un-crashable Space-Time-Adaptive Discontinuous Spectral Element Solver for Non-Linear Conservation Laws 2017
253 IoF2020 Internet of Food and Farm 2020 2017
254 SMOOTH SMart rObOTs for fire-figHting 2017
255 pCPR Personalized cardiopulmonary resuscitation device for emergency teams 2016
257 TKI resistance Resistance mechanisms to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in solid tumors 2016
259 PACE A multicenter phase IIb study using HLA-unmatched allogeneic placenta-derived stromal cells (PLX-PAD) for the treatment of severe critical limb ischemia accompanied by mechanistic studies 2017
260 VISORSURF VisorSurf - A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces 2017
261 AMTRAS Adaptive Multifunctional Test Rigs for Aeronautical Structures 2017
262 NANOINFER Intelligent Memories that Perform Inference with the Physics of Nanodevices 2017
263 SoftHand Pro-H A Soft Synergy-based Hand Prosthesis with Hybrid Control 2017
264 PROOF Penumbral Rescue by Normobaric O=O Administration in Patients With Ischaemic Stroke and Target Mismatch ProFile: A Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trial 2017
265 VAHVISTUS Integrative development of smart drug-vector nanostructures for adaptive delivery to target cells 2017
266 iNAPS Illuminating Neuronal-Astrocytic Pathways for Sleep homeostasis 2017
267 CholeraIndex Pathoecology of Vibrio cholerae to better understand cholera index cases in endemic areas 2018
268 BIOMODULAR A Biomimetic Learning Control Scheme for control of Modular Robots 2017
269 ADAPTATION Predicting adaptive responses of protected species to environmental changes to optimise conservation management frameworks in Europe 2016
270 CHEMO-RISK Chemometers for in situ risk assessment of mixtures of pollutants 2017
271 GRAVIBONE How Bone Adapts to Heavy Weight?Bone Morphological and Microanatomical Adaptation to the Mechanical Constraints Imposed by Graviportality 2017
272 InnoSpace Revolutionizing fibre-wireless communications through space-division multiplexed photonics 2017
273 Adaptive Simulations Bringing to market an open source CFD framework as a fully automated simulation service with high performance computing cloud-based access 2016
274 PhotonICSWARM Photonic Integrated Circuits using Scattered Waveguide elements in an Adaptive, Reconfigurable Mesh. 2017
275 SUCCESS The earliest migration of Homo sapiens in Southern Europe: understanding the biocultural processes that define our uniqueness 2017
276 MYCROPHOS The genetic bases of mycorrhizal root responses to phosphate 2017
277 MITOSENSING Decoding mitochondrial nutrient-sensing programs in POMC neurons as key determinants of metabolic health 2017
278 INSOMNIA BEAT IT Integrated Network of Sleep-Optimizing Modules for Norm-Informed Adaptive Behavioural, Environmental And Therapeutic Internet Training 2017
279 Lightsheetelegans In-toto imaging of C. elegans larval development using adaptive optics light-sheet microscopy 2017
280 MIRA Characterizing Microbe-specific Immune Responses in the pathogenesis of Autoimmunity 2017
281 FusionPAMPs New generation of chimeric TLR2-NOD agonist compounds for vaccine adjuvants 2017
282 ADAPTOMICS Adaptations to temperature regimes in sponges: Genomic insights into the developmental and physiological evolutionary changes of early-branching metazoans 2017
283 CerebellumTherapy Sensorimotor plasticity in the cerebellar microcircuit and its therapeutic potential 2017
284 AvAUNT AdaptiVe Area nozzle for Ultra high bypass Nacelle Technology 2017
285 AssAZAx AssAZAx: Innovation Methodology for Ground Subsidence Monitoring (The Assessment of small displacements Along Zed Axis) 2017
286 OILY MICROCOSM Mechanistic Microscale Approach to the Microbial Degradation of Oil-Droplets in Subsea Crude Oil Releases 2017
287 ACTIVEMOTION3D Experimental Study of Three-dimensional Dynamics of Active Particles 2017
288 FreezeAlz Theoretical prediction of spectral biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease enabled by highly efficient and adaptable mutli-level response methods 2017
290 SupaSteD Suppresion of adaptive immunity by the Salmonella effector SteD 2017
291 EPIRIDE Riding to extinction: epigenomics of the Ice Age horses 2018
292 ORIGAMI The origin of the Galactic magnetic field 2017
293 RECREPEMLE Recombination-derived replication in the eukaryotic microbe Leishmania: a genome-wide process? 2017
294 DCBIO In vivo functions of nuclear envelope rupture and antiviral specialization in dendritic cells 2018
295 AdD HyStor Demonstration of dynamic grid stabilisation with an Adaptive-flywheel/battery Hybrid energy Storage system in Ireland and UK 2017
296 PIONEER Peri-Ocularly Navigated Exteroceptive Snake Robot for Novel Retinal Interventions 2017
297 CrowdHEALTH Collective wisdom driving public health policies 2017
298 MicroPhan Rol of obligate bacterial symbiosis in the diversification of a globally distributed aphid genus 2018
299 DeciTrustNET Trust based Decision Support Systems for Social Networks with Uncertain Knowledge 2017
300 GAMODRONE Game of Drones: Multimedia Streaming with Flying Terminals in Next Generation Mobile Networks 2017
301 EcoEvoProspectS Ecology and Evolution of Prospecting Strategies 2017
302 VSV-EBOVAC Vaccine safety and immunogenicity signatures of human responses to VSV-ZEBOV – Sofia ref.: 115842 2015
303 PERISCOPE PERtussIS COrrelates of Protection Europe - Sofia ref.: 115910 2016
304 ADAPT-SMART Accelerated Development of Appropriate Patient Therapies: a Sustainable, Multi-stakeholder Approach from Research to Treatment-outcomes - Sofia ref.: 115890 2015
305 MEMORIS Maternal Enteric Microbiota for Offspring's Repertoire development and Illness Susceptibility 2018
306 REFOREST The Role of extreme drought and legacy EFfects of long-term manipulatiOn of water availability on growth and REproduction of ScoTs pine REFOREST 2017
307 BCRdangerCOMPETITION The role of danger signal and cellular competition in the elimination of B cells lacking the B cell receptor. 2017
308 MMoBEER Mathematical models of bone externally excited remodelling 2017
309 MACROSS Multimedia Communication and Processing over Vehicular Cloud Networks for AutonomousDriving 2018
310 SABRE Shape Adaptive Blades for Rotorcraft Efficiency 2017
311 ILMET Metabolic characterization of ILCs under homeostatic or stress conditions. 2017
312 ProbSenS Probabilistic neuromorphic architecture for real-time Sensor fusion applied to Smart, water quality monitoring systems 2017
313 VADIS Variance Aware Determinate assembly Integrated System 2017
314 TITANIUM Tools for the Investigation of Transactions in Underground Markets 2017
315 Domognostics Intelligent Building Automation Diagnostics 2017
316 ROCK Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities 2017
317 FiberEUse Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value-chains based on the reuse of end-of-life fiber reinforced composites. 2017
318 AIM Adaptive Imaging Microscopy 2017
319 ThymusTolerance Delineation of molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment and breakdown of immunological tolerance in the thymus 2017
320 LearnAnx_CircAmyg Learning and Anxiety in Amygdala-based Neural Circuits 2017
321 InnovAfrica Innovations in Technology, Institutional and Extension Approaches towards Sustainable Agriculture and enhanced Food and Nutritional Security in Africa 2017
322 CLARITY Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency 2017
323 R3-PowerUP 300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power and Power Discretes 2017
324 iHEART An Integrated Heart Model for the simulation of the cardiac function 2017
325 UMWP-CHIP Universal microwave photonics programmable processor for seamlessly interfacing wireless and optical ICT systems 2017
326 AAA Adaptive Actin Architectures 2017
327 FBT Transforming Brain Rehabilitation 2017
328 ESTEEM Advanced Energy STorage and Regeneration System for Enhanced Energy Management 2017
329 DEMMOW Detailed Model of a Morphing Wing 2017
330 ADVISE ADVanced Inspection of Complex StructurEs 2017
331 BrainConquest Boosting Brain-Computer Communication with high Quality User Training 2017
332 POINTS Revealing the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the visual perception of social interactions 2017
333 TrustVehicle Improved trustworthiness and weather-independence of conditional automated vehicles in mixed traffic scenarios 2017
334 AUTOCOMPLEMENT The role of complement in the induction of autoimmunity against post-translationally modified proteins 2017
335 FATE Functional Biology of Hepatic CD8+ T cells 2017
336 RHEA Rotifers Highlight the Evolution of Asexuals: the mechanisms of genome evolution in the absence of meiosis 2017
337 NoiseRobustEvo Noise and robustness in the evolution of novel protein phenotypes 2017
338 Redox Relays Detecting, understanding and exploiting intracellular redox signaling relays 2017
339 METRO-HAUL METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency 2017
340 ElectroBee Mechanisms of electroreception in bees and other terrestrial animals 2017
341 EnergyMatching Adaptable and adaptive RES envelope solutions to maximise energy harvesting and optimize EU building and district load matching 2017
342 UR Browser The first all-European web browser capable of guaranteeing comprehensive online privacy and security for EU Internet users 2017
343 GRETEL GREen Turboprop Experimental Laminar Flow Wind Tunnel Testing 2017
344 METEOR Recruiting electronic researcher to develop a predictive sensor to prevent frost on sensitive equipment 2017
345 RECOMS Building Resourceful and Resilient Communities through Adaptive and Transformative Environmental Practice 2018
346 REVEAL The Resilience and Evolution of Economic Activism and the Role of Law 2017
347 MALEPREG Male pregnancy – Unravelling the coevolution of parental investment and immune defence 2018
348 SELFOR How our adaptive immune system separates “self” from “foreign” – a physicochemical study of binding in cell contacts 2018
349 GEL-SYS Smart HydroGEL SYStems – From Bioinspired Design to Soft Electronics and Machines 2018
350 ATMOSPHERE Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing 2017
351 GUPPYCon Genomic basis of convergent evolution in the Trinidadian Guppy 2018
352 MuBoEx Mushroom Body Expansion in Heliconius butterflies 2018
353 ROMI RObotics for MIcrofarms 2017
354 TheraPanacea Fast, Digital Adaptive Personalized Radiotherapy 2017
355 SuperGenE Supergene evolution in a classic plant system - bringing the study of distyly into the genomic era 2018
356 EMPATHIC Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly 2017
357 BeVision Better vision after cataract and refractive surgery with photonics technology 2017
358 IoTCrawler IoTCrawler 2018
359 VSDN Video streaming services with Software-Defined Networking 2018
360 NoTape Measuring with no tape 2017
361 ELEVATE Eco-physiological tradeoffs with crop domestication: have farming ants cracked the code? 2018
362 EvoCellBio A combined in vitro and in vivo approach to dissect biochemical network evolution. 2018
363 ELIMINATE Development of strategies to eliminate cancer cells from the bone marrow 2018
364 START Spatio-Temporal Attention and Representation Tracking: the precise neural architecture of conscious object perception 2018
365 CLIC CLIC - Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse 2017
366 STriTuVaD In Silico Trial for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development 2018
367 IDEAL-CITIES Intelligence-Driven Urban Internet-of-Things Ecosystems for Trustworthy and Circular Smart Cities 2018
368 BigDataStack High-performance data-centric stack for big data applications and operations 2018
369 SerIoT Secure and Safe Internet of Things 2018
370 SAUCE Smart Asset re-Use in Creative Environments 2018
371 MEMMO Memory of Motion 2018
372 Fun-COMP Functionally scaled computing technology: From novel devices to non-von Neumann architectures and algorithms for a connected intelligent world 2018
373 MERLIN Multi-modal, multi-scale retinal imaging 2017
374 Domino Novel tools to evaluate ATM systems coupling under future deployment scenarios 2018
375 FlyInGS Flywheel energy storage for Increased Grid Stability 2017
376 D-SynMA Distributed Synthesis: from Single to Multiple Agents 2018
377 HIGDARS High Bandwidth Flexible Satellite communicationSystem for 1 Gigabit/sec communications 2018
378 Ctrl-ImpAct Control of impulsive action 2018
379 YinYang Hypothalamic circuits for the selection of defensive and mating behavior in females 2018
380 LABOR Lean robotized AssemBly and cOntrol of composite aeRostructures 2018
381 SI Structural and functional characterization of the ICOS/ICOSL immune complex 2018
382 Joysteer 3.0 A New Drive-by-Wire Technology for People with Disabilities and Industrial Applications 2018
383 Acclimatize Hypothalamic mechanisms of thermal homeostasis and adaptation 2018
384 ADAPTEM Adaptive transmission electron microscopy: development of a programmable phase plate 2018
385 Exoplanet Finder Blazing the Trail: Enabling Exoplanet Imaging in the Habitable Zone with the European Extremely Large Telescope 2018
386 CitySleep SLEEP IN THE CITY: How does artificial light at night affect EEG-based measures of sleep? 2018
387 MicroMOUPE Microscopy - Making optimal use of photons and electrons 2018
388 SWS-HEATING Development and Validation of an Innovative Solar Compact Selective-Water-Sorbent-Based Heating System 2018
389 SOCIOCOMPLEXITY Sociocomplexity — new paradigms for understanding complex group-level adaptation 2018
390 PROTECTNICHE Understanding the role of intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of loss in species niches, to inform conservation planning under climate change 2019
391 B4EST Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change 2018
392 FutureHealth Global future health: a multi-sited ethnography of an adaptive intervention 2018
393 SMARTEES Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability 2018
394 FeedHypNet Dynamic regulation of feeding behaviors in health and disease by top-down control of hypothalamic networks 2018
395 PSR Photometabolic Self-Replication 2019
396 PROPHETS Preventing Radicalisation Online through the Proliferation of Harmonised ToolkitS 2018
397 ANITA Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking 2018
398 AI-CU Automated Improvement of Continuous User interfaces 2018
399 TC-Evo Molecular and functional evolution of human CD8+ T cell repertoires 2018
400 MMSA Molecular Motors for Surface Applications 2018
401 Tracer-T Analysis of the effect of the tumour microenvironment on T cell functional phenotype 2018
402 FORAGEKID Foraging Behavior in children: A new way to understand attentional development 2018
403 TREGinAD Role of Aβ Specific Regulatory T cells in harnessing cerebral Aβ clearance in Alzheimer’s Disease 2018
404 IVSTED In vivo super-resolution imaging of synapses in the hippocampus 2019
405 SUPEREVOL Evolution of supergenes and the genetic basis of snail colour polymorphism 2018
406 SiPoMorph Genetic control and molecular mechanisms of cell wall modifications during sieve pore morphogenesis in the phloem of the plant vascular system 2019
407 ADAPT An adaptation-based approach to understand resilience after job loss: Identifying the underlying mechanisms leading to adaptive coping and re-employment 2019
408 SUBTOL Understanding seaweed submergence tolerance mechanisms and translating them into land plants 2018
409 FluPRINT Tracing the inFLUenza vaccine imPRINT on immune system to identify cellular signature of protection 2018
410 GFSMART Design and Integration of Graphene Fibre Based Antennas for Smart Textiles 2018
411 ENGEMED Simulating the dynamics of viral evolution: A computer-aided study toward engineering effective vaccines 2018
412 DEEPADAPT The molecular drivers of deep-sea adaptation in brittle stars 2018
413 GEiMS GridEye State Estimation of Medium Voltage Distribution Systems 2018
414 ParAdapt Theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding Parallel Adaptation 2018
416 LIAE Laughing in an Emergency: Humour, Cultural Resilience and Contemporary Art 2018
417 PATH2EVOL Unravelling pathogen evolution breaking down crop resistance in agricultural ecosystems 2018
418 TakeupSLaCk Role and regulation of dendritic cell functions by Solute Carrier Transporters 2019
419 ExaQUte EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation 2018
420 Quake QBeast Utility Analysis to marKet and Enterprise 2018
421 ReMAP Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning 2018
422 DARE2APPROACH Dare to Approach: A Neurocognitive Approach to Alleviating Persistent Avoidance in Anxiety Disorders 2019
423 OpenHeritage Organizing, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment 2018
424 GYPWORLD A global initiative to understand gypsum ecosystem ecology 2018
425 BiomeRiskFactors Discovering microbiome-based disease risk factors 2019
426 IMMUNEDIVERSITY Defining of human adaptive immune gene diversity and its impact on disease 2018
427 ALPHA Alpha Shape Theory Extended 2018
428 EVO-NANO Evolvable platform for programmable nanoparticle-based cancer therapies 2018
429 EditMHC How MHC-I editing complexes shape the hierarchical immune response 2019
430 SEISMAZE Data-intensive analysis of seismic tremors and long period events: a new paradigm for understanding transient deformation processes in active geological systems 2019
431 VirtualGrasp Speeding up the virtual reality revolution with realistic & real-time animation of hand-to-object interaction 2018
432 PLEVOCON Pleiotropy and Evolutionary Constraint 2018
433 bubbleOn Transforming the Customer Experience through Smart, Interactive and Pervasive Proximity Services 2018
435 ClinAO Translating adaptive microscopes to the clinic for tissue analysis during surgery 2018
436 Ammune Mitigating botnet DDoS attacks with an artificial intelligence powered solution 2018
437 LINKS Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign 2019
438 NEUME Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience 2018
439 GECKO Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems 2018
440 AdaptiveResponse The evolution of adaptive response mechanisms 2018
441 FunDiT Functional Diversity of T cells 2019
442 CReaNet Chemical Reaction Networks: signal amplification, spatiotemporal control, and materials 2019
443 INTEGRADDE Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition processes 2018
444 GramAdapt Linguistic Adaptation: Typological and Sociolinguistic Perspectives to Language Variation 2019
445 GrowBot Towards a new generation of plant-inspired growing artefacts 2019
446 EnTimeMent EnTimeMent - ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture 2019
447 SmartDataLake Sustainable Data Lakes for Extreme-Scale Analytics 2019
448 SmartWork Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment 2019
449 evaGuide Security Management Platform for enhanced situation awareness and real-time adaptive evacuation strategies for large venues for sports and entertainment 2018
450 See Far Smart glasses for multifacEted visual loss mitigation and chronic disEase prevention indicator for healthier, saFer, and more productive workplAce foR ageing population 2018
451 ARTICONF smART socIal media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment 2019
452 FIT2GO A toolbox for fitness landscapes in evolution 2019
453 MegaALS Unravelling the Interplay between Metabolism, Gut Microbiome and Adaptive Immunity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 2018
454 WHO-PENatScale Scaling up the WHO-PEN package for diabetes and hypertension in Swaziland: a nation-wide cluster-randomised evaluation of three strategies in Swaziland (WHO-PEN@Scale) 2019
455 CRACK Cracking the neural code of human object vision 2019
456 MindSpaces MindSpaces - Art-driven adaptive outdoors and indoors design 2019
457 OS for Ind robots Disrupting industrial robots with AI software - how new AI-driven software can be used to program industrial robots to do new tasks faster, resulting in massive productivity savings 2019
458 InteropEHRate Interoperable EHRs at user edge 2019
459 CRISPRsition Developing CRISPR adaptation platforms for basic and applied research 2019
460 MechanoTubes Supramolecular machineries with life-like mechanical functions 2019
461 AgeingatWork Smart, Personalized and Adaptive ICT Solutions for Active, Healthy and Productive Ageing with enhanced Workability 2019
462 SELECTIONDRIVEN Gaining insights into human evolution and disease prevention from adaptive natural selection driven by lethal epidemics 2019
463 KryptonInt Erasing the superintegron to understand the role of chromosomal integrons in bacterial evolution 2019
464 PROFECI Mediating the Future: The Social Dynamics of Public Projections 2019
465 CLIOARCH Cliodynamic archaeology: Computational approaches to Final Palaeolithic/earliest Mesolithic archaeology and climate change 2019
466 Brain Health Toolbox The Brain Health Toolbox: Facilitating personalized decision-making for effective dementia prevention 2019
467 SmartBuild A real-time adaptive projected augmented reality of 3D blueprints on top of the physical construction site that improves both productivity and safety 2019
468 YMPACT The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 2019
469 BRITE Elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying brite adipocyte specification and activation 2019
470 METAmorphoses Shapeshifting Metasurfaces for Chemically Selective Augmented Reality 2019
471 CoPathoPhage Pathogen-phage cooperation during mammalian infection 2019
472 ImmunoBioSynth Synergistic engineering of anti-tumor immunity by synthetic biomaterials 2019
473 SUBSILIENCE Subsistence and human resilience to sudden climatic events in Europe during MIS3 2019
474 REMINISCENCE REflection Matrix ImagiNg In wave SCiENCE 2019
475 STEP 2 Spatiotemporal regulation of T-cell Priming 2019
476 Piko Revealing the adaptive internal organization and dynamics of bacteria and mitochondria 2019
477 NewHuman Pathways to humanity: Adaptive niche diversity at the origins of the human lineage 2019
478 iLIVE Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end 2019
479 RNAflashbacks The Neuronal Code of Inheritance 2019
480 CRISPR2.0 Microbial genome defence pathways: from molecular mechanisms to next-generation molecular tools 2019
481 ASSALA Advanced Simulation Solutions Applied to Quality Control of Laser Deposited Metals 2019
483 InterPol Interfacing interacting Rydberg polaritons: From few- to many-body interactions 2019
484 HOEMEV Hierarchical Optimal Energy Management of Electric Vehicles 2019
485 VALUE-Dx The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use 2019
486 SubTideTools Quantifying subsurface hydro-geomechanical properties using the groundwater response to Earth and atmospheric tides 2019
487 THERMOGUIDE Optimizing delivery and effectiveness of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients using thermotherapy under image-guidance 2019
488 ChOLLATERAL Generation of an adverse outcome pathway network on cholestatic liver injury for mechanism-based in vitro testing of chemicals. 2019
489 Laminar-PL Ultra-high field imaging of perceptual learning and human brain plasticity 2019
490 ADOQ Adaptive Optics for Quantum Communication 2019
491 ESCAPE Exploring Shortcuts for the Characterization of the Atmospheres of Planets similar to Earth 2019
492 DC Metabolism Metabolic Regulation of Conventional Dendritic Cell Development and Function 2020
493 SUaaVE SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicle 2019
494 PROMINENT Solar prominences: unraveling the ultimate condensation catastrophe 2019
495 DOUBLE-TROUBLE Replaying the ‘genome duplication’ tape of life: the importance of polyploidy for adaptation in a changing environment 2020
496 Predictive Robots Predictive processes for intelligent behaviours, sensory enhancement and subjective experiences in robots 2019
497 CODEV Co-diversification and co-evolution of human populations and cereals in Africa 2019
498 CoCoNat Coordination in constrained and natural distributed systems 2019
499 AGENT Ancient genetics (AGENT): Capturing signatures of nutrient stress tolerance from extant landraces to unlock the production potential of marginal lands 2020
500 ReMIND Reactivating Neglected Heritages, Reweaving Unspoken Memories. A Study on the Adaptive Reuse of Former Asylums into “mind museums”. 2019
501 ARGONAUT ARGONAUT: from the synthesis of gAnglioside tumouR antiGens to a platfOrm for caNcer Active immUnoTherapy 2019
502 CoralChange How will coral reefs look like in the future? Adaptive mechanisms and sublethal effects in corals under global change 2020
503 Widow Spider Mating Immature mating as a novel tactic of an invasive widow spider 2020
504 RadiPhyte Advancing beyond the adaptive radiation paradigm: uncovering the contributions of adaptive and non-adaptive processes to a rapid plant radiation 2019
505 IFSSOC Coming together or doing it for themselves? The apparent paradox of social information and individuality in foraging 2020
506 INTENDeD INTegration of EmotioNs During Decision-Making 2020
507 B-GOOD Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making 2019
508 BactRNA Bacterial small RNAs networks unravelling novel features of transcription and translation 2019
509 CancerADAPT Targeting the adaptive capacity of prostate cancer through the manipulation of transcriptional and metabolic traits 2019
510 SeeRRI Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research and Innovation 2019
511 SubNano Computational Photochemistry in the Long Timescale: Sub-ns Photoprocesses in DNA 2019
512 ImmUne Towards identification of the unifying principles of vertebrate adaptive immunity 2019
513 ESCAPE Abandoning ship – sex and dormancy strategies in Daphnia 2019
514 SUPERTEFF A new paradigm in boosting orphan crops to super grains: Linking metabolomics and gene editing to improve Teff for global food security and sustainable agriculture 2020
515 BabyBayes Bayesian Learning in the Infant Brain 2019
516 SmOoC Smart organ-on-chip platform based on higher order multimode acoustic Lamb waves 2020
517 PATTERNS Detecting Polygenic Adaptation Targeting Gene Expression Regulation In Humans Using eQTL Networks. 2020
518 ABA-GrowthBalance Growth balance regulation by SnRK1 under ABA-stress conditions 2019
519 BREEDER Adaptative laboratory experiment at industrial scale 2019
520 ANTHROPOID Great ape organoids to reconstruct uniquely human development 2019
522 ELEMENT Effective Lifetime Extension in the Marine Environment for Tidal Energy 2019
523 VASA Vaccine Against Schistosomiasis for Africa. A Phase I clinical study of the SchistoShield® anti-schistosomiasis vaccine in adults in endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa 2019
524 EXHAUSTION Exposure to heat and air pollution in EUrope – cardiopulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation 2019
525 SCOREwater Smart City Observatories implement REsilient Water Management 2019
526 4C Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century 2019
527 SHELTER Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community based Resilience 2019
528 CREST Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies 2019
529 CAN-IT-BARRIERS Disruption of systemic and microenvironmental barriers to immunotherapy of antigenic tumors 2020
530 EVER Evolution of VEnom Regulation 2019
531 CEGUM Coordination for Efficient and Green Urban Mobility 2019
532 AVEHIL A modern professional race car simulator for racing teams and individuals 2019
533 VERTIGO VERy high Throughput Satellite-Ground Optical Link 2019
534 ADAPT2FLOW Adaptive and maladaptive endothelial cell dynamics during blood flow-driven vascular patterning 2019
535 PI3K-in-tolerance PI3K delta role in dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation to control gut tolerance 2019
536 Hepatic Thermogenesi Study the functions of the hepatic sympathetic nerve and the receptor Adrb3 in liver-mediated adaptive thermogenesis. 2019
537 MAFIn Module for Aberration Correction and Fast Volumetric Imaging in a Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope 2019
539 ARCHAIC ADAPT Admixture accelerated adaptation: signals from modern, ancient and archaic DNA. 2020
540 BICAEHFID Biogeographic and cultural adaptations of early humans during the first intercontinental dispersals 2019
541 MOTOR5G MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems 2019
542 TCTOOL Innovative Tooling, End-Effector Development and Industrialisation for Welding of Thermoplastic Components 2019
543 FAULT-LEARNING Online Class Imbalance Learning for Fault Diagnosis of Critical Infrastructure Systems 2019
544 DynAMic Dynamic adaptive microscopy for label-free multi-parametric imaging in biology and medicine 2020
545 CodeSan Code Sanitization for Vulnerability Pruning and Exploitation Mitigation 2020
546 SpinENGINE Harnessing the Emergent Properties of Nanomagnet Ensembles for Massively Parallel Data Analysis 2020
547 MechAnt Behavioural biomechanics of insect herbivory - a case study on leaf-cutter ants 2020
548 TRAIN-OLD Trained immunity: improving the next generation of vaccines for the older generation 2019
549 IsoCAN Isolation and Evolution in Oceanic Islands: the human colonisation of the Canary Islands 2020
550 DEVMEM Learning to remember: the development of the neural mechanisms supporting memory processing. 2020
551 BOSADMIX Genetic admixture and its impact on domestication in the Bos genus: a model for genetic improvement of livestock 2020
552 LIP-ATG The missing link: how do membrane lipids interplay with ATG proteins to instruct plant autophagy 2020
553 Ph.D. Phase map of dynamic, adaptive colloidal crystals far from equilibrium 2019
554 B-DOMINANCE B Cell Immunodominance in Antiviral Immunity 2019
555 AGRICON Ancient genomic reconstruction of convergent evolution to agriculture 2019
556 3DPartForm 3D-printing of PARTiculate FORMulations utilizing polymer microparticle-based voxels 2020
557 MonB5G Distributed management of Network Slices in beyond 5G 2019
558 ADMORPH Towards Adaptively Morphing Embedded Systems 2020
559 IMPACT EdTech Incubating High-IMPACT New Generation EdTech Disruptors for Inclusive & Personalised Learning 2019
560 ORIGIN Optical Fibre Dose Imaging for Adaptive Brachytherapy 2020
562 TEACHING A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence 2020
563 PolicyCLOUD Policy Management through technologies across the complete data lifecycle on cloud environments. 2020
564 3beLiEVe Delivering the 3b generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond 2020
565 SeNSE Lithium-ion battery with silicon anode, nickel-rich cathode and in-cell sensor for electric vehicles 2020
566 TrackCycle.2P Exploring Visual Processes with Two-Photon Ophthalmoscopy 2020
567 HADRIAN Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility Needs 2019
568 FogProtect Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum 2020
569 PROTEOFIT Adapting protein fate for muscle function and fitness 2019
570 DEXIM Deeply Explainable Intelligent Machines 2019
571 EXPLOR EXperimentation and simulation based PLatform for beyond 5G Optical-wireless network Research and development 2020
572 OPTIMIST OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures 2020
573 Rising STARS RISE International Network for Solutions Technologies and Applications of Real-time Systems 2020
574 PJ10-W2 PROSA Separation Management and Controller Tools 2019
575 Adams Hand Turning Disabilities into New Possibilities with the Easiest-to-Use Myoelectric Hand Prothesis in the World 2019
576 Teraseya Prime Adaptive intelligence technology giving complete crop control to farmers 2019
577 IP-cure-B Immune profiling to guide host-directed interventions to cure HBV infections 2020
578 ExpectBG Elucidating the Basal Ganglia Circuits for Reward Expectation 2020
579 SOPHIA Socio-physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production 2019
580 RUBY Robust and reliable general management tool for performance and dUraBility improvement of fuel cell stationarY units 2020
581 GREAT Greener Air Traffic Operations 2020
582 SEECLEAR Feasibility of ergonomic interface for adaptive eyeglasses for presbyopia correction. 2020
583 PhotoRedesign Redesigning the Photosynthetic Light Reactions 2020
584 MemDense Cellular control of membrane protein density in the endoplasmic reticulum via the unfolded protein response 2020
585 RandomMultiScales Computational Random Multiscale Problems 2020
586 SmartIR Graphene-based adaptive thermal shields for satellites 2020
587 ZENITH ZEbrafish Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Training Hub 2019
588 GUT-SEQ Single-cell analysis of intestinal lymphocytes reveals targets for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 2020
589 POST-IT Pathogen Oriented SNARE Trafficking for Immune Tailoring 2020
590 MultiSense Nanoplasmonic sensing of multi-molecular protein interactions at physiological conditions 2020
591 KineTic New Reagents for Quantifying the Routing and Kinetics of T-cell Activation 2020
592 DyNeRfusion Dynamic Network Reconstruction of Human Perceptual and Reward Learning via Multimodal Data Fusion 2020
593 REPLAY The Function of Hippocampal and Cortical Memory Replay in Humans 2020
594 NEUSEQBOT NEUro cerebellar recurrent network for motor SEQuence learning in neuroroBOTics 2020
595 MY MITOCOMPLEX Functional relevance of mitochondrial supercomplex assembly in myeloid cells 2021
596 DELIGHT DissEcting caLcium sIgnalinG in cHloroplasTs 2021
597 ComBATageing Exploiting superlongevous model mammals to explore new links between protein and organelle homeostasis and lifespan extension 2021
598 CLONESA Closed Loop NeuroStimulation of Attention 2020
599 FASTKiT Fully Adaptive Simulation Tool for Kinetic Theory 2020
600 CANALS Changing Water Cultures 2021
601 Xerobranching Xero-Branching: discovering how plant roots adapt to reduced water availability 2021
602 SIGNAL Sensing Neuro-immune Activation in the Lung microenvironment 2020
603 CoMPOSE Cortical Microcircuits: Parvalbumin neurons Orchestrate Stress Eating 2020
604 CiliaCircuits Molecular Principles of Mammalian Axonemal Dynein Assembly 2020
605 SilentProp Development of computational and experimental noise assessment and suppression methodologies for the next generation of silent distributed propulsion configurations 2020
606 ANEMONE Evolving a Home for Nemo: Genomic Consequences and Convergence in a Model Marine Mutualism 2020