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H2020 projects about "solution"

The page lists 3729 projects related to the topic "solution".

# achronym  title  year 
1 DREAMS DREAMS European Researcher's Night 2014
3 FieldFOOD Integration of PEF in food processing for improving food quality, safety and competitiveness 2015
4 FUTURE-FOOD Faster Upcoming Technology Uptake Relevant for the Environment in FOOds Drying 2015
5 SENSKIN ' SENsing SKIN' for Monitoring-Based Maintenance of the Transport Infrastructure (SENSKIN) 2015
6 PRISM Ice-binding proteins: from antifreeze mechanism to resistant soft materials 2015
7 TILDA Towards Industrial LES/DNS in Aeronautics – Paving the Way for Future Accurate CFD 2015
8 RCMS Rethinking Container Management Systems 2015
9 OPTIMUM Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility 2015
10 NIPSE Novel Integration of Powerplant System Equipment 2015
11 SYNCHRO-NET Synchro-modal Supply Chain Eco-Net 2015
12 HOMESKIN HOMES Key INsulating material 2015
13 FALCON Feedback mechanisms Across the Lifecycle for Customer-driven Optimization of iNnovative product-service design 2015
14 PREVIEW PREdictiVe system to recommend Injection mold sEtup in Wireless sensor networks 2015
15 ACCEPT Assistant for Quality Check during Construction Execution Processes for Energy-efficienT buildings 2015
16 BOREALIS Borealis – the 3A energy class Flexible Machine for the new Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing on next generation of complex 3D metal parts. 2015
17 MAShES Multimodal spectrAl control of laSer processing with cognitivE abilities 2014
19 ENLIGHTMENT Photonic Electrodes for Enhanced Light Management in Optoelectronic Devices 2015
20 ERC-EuropePMC-2-2014 Extracting funding statements from full text research articles in the life sciences 2014
21 C3PO advanced Concept for laser uplink/ downlink CommuniCation with sPace Objects 2015
22 MaMMoTH-Up Massively extended Modular Monitoring for Upper Stages 2015
23 NanoSOFT Fluid transport at the nano- and meso- scales : from fundamentals to applications in energy harvesting and desalination process 2015
24 HEROIC High-frequency printed and direct-written Organic-hybrid Integrated Circuits 2015
25 NanoChemBioVision Next Generation Label-free Chemical Nanoscopy for Biomedical Applications 2015
26 MoNaLISA Long-term molecular nanoscale imaging of neuronal function 2015
27 Weakinteract Weak interactions in self-organizations studied by NMR spectroscopy in the supramolecular solid-state 2015
28 TIME-BRIDGE Time-scale bridging potentials for realistic molecular dynamics simulations 2015
29 BUCOPHSYS Bottom-up hybrid control and planning synthesis with application to multi-robot multi-human coordination 2015
30 preQFT Strategic Predictions for Quantum Field Theories 2015
31 complexNMR Structural Dynamics of Protein Complexes by Solid-State NMR 2015
32 LAB-TECH Large Area organic devices with Bar-assisted meniscus shearing technology 2014
33 PEGASUS Flight Qualification of Deployable Radiator using Two Phase Technology 2015
34 MST Moonshine and String Theory 2015
35 TIME SCALE Technology and Innovation for Development of Modular Equipment in Scalable Advanced Life Support Systems for Space Exploration 2015
36 INVEST IN-orbit Validation of European Space Technologies 2015
37 SAT406M An EGNSS application providing an end-to-end solution based on the SAR/Galileo service and particularly using the Return-Link-Message (RLM), to improve the mobility and safety of citizens 2015
38 NDI Nano-diamond tracers for MRI molecular imaging 2014
39 ERSAT EAV ERTMS on SATELLITE – Enabling Application Validation 2015
40 LatinOCR Digital Bridge: Optical Character Recognition for Early Printed Books in Latin 2015
41 CPVMatch Concentrating Photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies 2015
42 BrainFrame Automated framework for rapid simulations of high-detail brain models 2015
43 UNMOVED Simultaneous three dimensional multiphoton microscopy without mechanical depth scanning 2015
44 eDrug Drug eDesign: Building the next generation of software solutions for drug design 2015
45 INTERDOT INTERconnects enhanced by colloidal qDOT based optical amplifiers 2015
46 iPUBLIC Inkjet Printed Ultrafast Batteries and Large Integrated Capacitors 2014
47 GEO VISION GNSS driven EO and Verifiable Image and Sensor Integration for mission-critical Operational Networks 2015
49 MAGNIFIC Multiplying In Africa European Global Navigation Initiatives Fostering Interlaced Cooperation 2015
50 G MOTIT Galileo-Enhanced MOTIT: an electric scooter sharing service for sustainable urban mobility 2015
51 POSITION POlish Support to Innovation and Technology IncubatiON 2015
52 NABBA Design and development of advanced NAnomedicines to overcome Biological BArriers and to treat severe diseases 2015
53 BRODISE BROWNFIELD Decontamination In Southern Europe. Preparing PCP to R+D for efficient, cost effective and innovative solutions for brownfields decontamination 2015
54 InnoMan_NRW Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany 2014
55 BioMOre New Mining Concept for Extracting Metals from Deep Ore Deposits using Biotechnology 2015
56 VAMOS ¡Viable and Alternative Mine Operating System! 2015
57 WAKEUPCALL Applied mathematics for risk measures in finance and insurance, in the wake of the crisis 2015
58 CLEAN-Gas Combustion for Low Emission Applications of Natural Gas 2015
59 ELECTOR eHealth in Rheumatology 2015
60 PROGRESS-TT PROs GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer 2015
61 WOMEN-UP Cost effective self-management of urinary incontinence addressed to women across Europe 2015
62 m-RESIST Mobile Therapeutic Attention for Patients with Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia 2015
63 EmERGE Evaluating mHealth technology in HIV to improve Empowerment and healthcare utilisation: Research and innovation to Generate Evidence for personalised care 2015
64 SOLEDLIGHT Solution Processed OLEDs for Lighting 2015
65 MARIO Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots 2015
66 FIESTA Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications 2015
67 POINT POINT: iP Over IcN - the betTer ip 2015
68 FoodSMART Shaping Smarter Consumer Behaviour and Food Choice 2015
69 PICSE Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe 2014
70 SUPERSEDE SUpporting evolution and adaptation of PERsonalized Software by Exploiting contextual Data and End-user feedback 2015
72 INTO-CPS INtegrated TOol chain for model-based design of CPSs 2015
73 ECOMODE Event-Driven Compressive Vision for Multimodal Interaction with Mobile Devices 2015
74 Flourish Aerial Data Collection and Analysis, and Automated Ground Intervention for Precision Farming 2015
75 TIPS Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics Systems 2015
76 ProCAMS Promoting Creativeness in Augmented Media Services 2015
77 BigDataEurope Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges 2015
78 MixedEmotions Social Semantic Emotion Analysis for Innovative Multilingual Big Data Analytics Markets 2015
79 RIFE architectuRe for an Internet For Everybody 2015
80 SUNFISH SecUre iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds 2015
81 TWEETHER Traveling Wave Tube based W-band Wireless Networks with High Data Rate, Distribution, Spectrum and Energy Efficiency 2015
82 SMARTSET High Performance Low Cost Virtual Studios for Creative Industries SMEs 2015
83 AquaSmart Aquaculture Smart and Open Data Analytics as a Service 2015
84 GateOne GateOne - Innovation Service for European Smartization by SMEs 2015
85 POPART Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking 2015
86 AEGLE AEGLE (Ancient Greek: Αá¼´γλη) – An analytics framework for integrated and personalized healthcare services in Europe 2015
88 SANSA Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas 2015
89 COMANOID Multi-contact Collaborative Humanoids in Aircraft Manufacturing 2015
90 SEERS Snapshot spEctral imagEr for cost effective IR Surveillance 2015
91 TAPPS Trusted Apps for open CPS 2015
92 MECANEX Multimedia Content Annotations for Rapid Exploitation in Multi-Screen Environments 2015
93 NEPHELE eNd to End scalable and dynamically reconfigurable oPtical arcHitecture for application-awarE SDN cLoud datacentErs 2015
94 I-ALLOW Imaging analysis in all lighting and off weather conditions 2015
95 CASPER User-centric Middleware Architecture for Advanced Service Provisioning in Future Networks 2016
96 Film265 Improving European VoD Creative Industry with High Efficiency Video Delivery 2015
97 CHEQUERS Compact High pErformance QUantum cascadE laseR Sensors 2015
98 REC Root zone soil moisture Estimates at the daily and agricultural parcel scales for Crop irrigation management and water use impact – a multi-sensor remote sensing approach 2015
99 REMINE Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications 2015
100 UNICAT Unique Biomaterial-Drug Solution for Multifunctional Central Venous Catheters 2015
101 GRAGE Grey and green in Europe: elderly living in urban areas 2014
102 PROPHETIC PROPHETIC:An innovating Personal Healthcare Service for a holistic remote management and treatment of Parkinson patients. 2015
103 Vaccinesurvey Monitor population immunity against vaccine preventable diseases 2015
104 YDS Your Data Stories 2015
105 ERN The European Remanufacturing Network - coordinating and supporting European remanufacturers 2015
106 ELSA Energy Local Storage Advanced system (ELSA) 2015
107 EMPOWER Local Electricity retail Markets for Prosumer smart grid pOWER services 2015
108 TILOS Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage 2015
109 ENERGISE ICT-based ENERgy Grid Implementation – Smart and Efficient 2015
110 AnyPLACE Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange 2015
111 NANOREACTOR Multiscale modelling of stimuli-responsive nanoreactors 2015
112 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices 2014
113 Sol-Pro Solution Processed Next Generation Photovoltaics 2015
114 ChronHib Chronologicon Hibernicum – A Probabilistic Chronological Framework for Dating Early Irish Language Developments and Literature 2015
115 CWASI Coping with water scarcity in a globalized world 2015
116 CC Combinatorial Construction 2016
117 OCTAVE Objective Control for TAlker VErification 2015
118 PQC Photonic Quantum Computing 2015
119 INTERACT Intelligent Non-woven Textiles and Elastomeric Responsive materials by Advancing liquid Crystal Technology 2015
120 PROF-TRAC PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles 2015
121 STEP Societal and political engagement of young people in environmental issues 2015
122 GreenPlay Game to promote energy efficiency actions 2015
123 EnerGAware Energy Game for Awareness of energy efficiency in social housing communities 2015
124 EPC_PLUS Energy Performance Contracting Plus 2015
125 BUILD UPON A multi-stakeholder Regional Action Network as a living structural base to effectively help define and implement deep energy efficient building renovation at local, national and European level. 2015
126 RESCOOP MECISE RESCOOPs Mobilizing European Citizens to Invest in Sustainable Energy 2015
127 REFURB REgional process innovations FOR Building renovation packages opening markets to zero energy renovations 2015
128 STEAM-UP STEam And Management Under Pressure 2015
130 OTR Off The Rails 2014
131 SeagateSail 20% fuel saving for commercial vessels through a hybrid wind plus motor cruise mode. 2014
132 ASTHMAPOC Disposable nitric oxide POC (point-of-care) test for home care easy management of asthma in chronic patients 2014
133 TripOD Advanced Analytics for Trip Origin-Destination Matrices 2014
134 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2014
135 NiGlucoMon A Non-Invasive GLUCOse MONitoring device for diabetics based on Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy in a quick, cheap and painless method. 2014
137 4FOLD 4FOLD Reduction of the International Transport of Empty Containers by Folding 2014
138 MD-PACS A new paradigm in medical imaging systems for hospitals, clinics and professionals in spite of their size 2014
139 iBoard Large scale interactive multi-touch displays 2014
140 SWaM Smart Water Manager SCADA system for entire grid of water wells management. 2014
141 EUROCATED Innovative services and platform for sustainable transport based on ecodriving techniques 2014
142 InlinePlat InlinePlat - Innovation in metal coating through automatic high speed electroplating units, process intensification and closed water cycles fully integrated with mechanical manufacturing lines 2014
143 BeadCAP-DNA BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit 2014
144 ULTRABOAT Ultrasonic System for Antifouling Protection of Ships 2014
145 FFI Forward Flow Infusion - Low Cost Composite Manufacturing Process for High Volume Production 2014
146 EFICONSUMPTION Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants 2014
147 NDTMF New Drying Techniques for Moulded Fibres 2014
148 PneumoSIP PneumoSIP – a cost-effective solution for the rapid diagnostic of pneumonia 2014
149 MARKinPATH Clinical validation of a bioMARKer for use in INtestinal PATHologies 2014
150 ACfoil Anti-counterfeit foil for security packaging 2014
151 GLAD GNSS/INS Low-Cost Attitude Determination System 2014
152 ELOXIRAS Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry 2014
153 Pastguide Pastguide - guide app to run and witness full 3d reenactments of the past events in the heritage place on your mobile device 2014
154 ThinkEHR Platform Think!EHR Platform as vendor-neutral, open health data platform, designed for real-time, transactional health data storage enabling to go from idea to application in one hour. 2014
155 NIR-PERFECT Non-contact Near Infra-Red insPEction and monitoRing For Evaluation of ComposiTes 2014
156 Stefy Sensor Technology for Food analYsis 2014
157 TM Field Analyzer Developing a monitoring system for urban gas pipelines by utilizing state of the art accelerometers, advanced signal processing, and advanced intelligent algorithm based recognition 2014
158 SINTRAN Safe and INtegrated thermal TRANsformation of humid organic waste resulting in green energy and valuable remainders 2014
160 SO2SAFE Enzymatic SO2 biosensor for rapid food safety monitoring 2014
161 Ownerchip Digital Rights Management Infrastructure For 3D Printed Artifacts 2014
162 FINESSE Feasibility of an INnovative, Efficient, Solid State Energy saving system 2014
163 iMoHEALTH iMoHEALTH: A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration of population health. 2014
164 Global PERES Bringing a breakthrough e-nose solution on global markets for portable and reliable food safety and quality control 2014
165 PILOTS Prototyping Internet Lot of Things Software 2014
166 Toor-IG-ICT37-2014 Enabling mass access to the social phenomenon of e-sports tournaments by integrating In-Game Platform in world’s leading video games 2014
167 Elastomer Recycling World`s first innovative method for recycling of elastomers and plastics from industrial waste 2014
168 EB2BSN Let us build the first European Business-to-Business Social Network 2014
170 HEATBOOST Sorption Heat-pump Component Boosting Energy-efficiency in Gas-fired Boilers 2014
171 LAST CHANCE New super-energy efficient non-volatile memory manufacturing – bringing Europe back on the semiconductor track 2014
172 EeHPC Energy efficient High Performance Computing 2014
173 RepHorm A device that will dramatically improve the protection of babies during birth. It will monitor the child continuously with better acuity, resulting in better clinical outcomes at a lower cost. 2014
174 usenns Neurotechnology to understand the emotions of customers in market research 2014
175 AERFOR Proactive Passenger Flow Management for Airports with an Advanced Forecasting System 2014
177 odis Ensygnia Onescan Market Disruptive Technology 2015
178 TRACKANT Mobile Smart Tracking Antenna System for Remotely Piloted Aircrafts 2014
179 SEA-MORE-YIELD Sea-More-Yield: A Blue Biotechnology Solution for the Reduction of Pod Shatter in Bio-Oil Producing Crops 2014
180 SMEphase1 Go to market strategy and technology roadmap towards development of a new license product based upon Onomondo's (form. Hello World Mobile) innovative telecommunications software technology 2015
181 AUTOOLIGO Automated synthesis of S. pneumoniae 7F capsular polysaccharide repeating unit as candidate for conjugate vaccines 2015
182 EU-LIVE Efficient Urban LIght VEhicles 2015
183 WISER Wide-Impact cyber SEcurity Risk framework 2015
184 TARGET Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit 2015
185 SPICY Silicon and polyanionic chemistries and architectures of Li-ion cell for high energy battery 2015
186 Flex-ON Flexible Optical Networks – Time Domain Hybrid QAM: DSP and Physical Layer Modelling 2015
187 PRIVACY FLAG Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments 2015
188 XERIC Innovative Climate-Control System to Extend Range of Electric Vehicles and Improve Comfort 2015
189 DOGANA aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework 2015
190 SpeechXRays Multi-channel biometrics combining acoustic and machine vision analysis of speech, lip movement and face 2015
191 Unity Unity 2015
192 Silver Stream Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient 2015
193 WEEVIL Ultralight and ultrasafe adaptable 3-wheeler 2015
194 THOR THOR – Technical and Human Infrastructure for Open Research 2015
195 CO2NOR Carbon dioxide storage in nanomaterials based on ophiolitic rocks and utilization of the end-product carbonates in the building industry 2015
196 PhenoMeNal PhenoMeNal: A comprehensive and standardised e-infrastructure for analysing medical metabolic phenotype data 2015
197 GETUI Gestures in Tangible User Interfaces 2015
198 HOLES Highly Ordered Light-manipulators by Self-assembly 2015
199 HISTORIC High efficiency GaInP/GaAs Tandem wafer bonded solar cell on silicon 2015
200 CONSCRISIS Households’ Consumption during the Great Recession: A structural analysis on the role of expectations 2015
201 DEMONH DEsign of Multifunctional 2D-OrgaNic Hybrids 2016
202 APE An analyzer for preterm EEG 2015
203 NIMBLIS Laser Induced Synthesis of Biocompatible Multifunctional Inorganic Nanoparticles: A Novel Route to Produce Multifunctional Contrast Agents for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer 2016
204 FUDACT FUll Duplex Active Cancellation for wireless communication and co-exisTence 2015
205 AluminiumScrapDbase Aluminium Scrap: Open access database for impurity levels-microstructure-property and methods to recover properties in high impurity scrap 2015
206 HJMIGRA Single-molecule analysis of Holliday-junction (HJ) migration by the human double-HJ dissolvasome 2015
207 OUTstandINg Cell-surface immobilized vs. internalized magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia studies 2015
208 BIOeSPUN scaffolds Bioactive glass in electrospun matrices: functionalised smart scaffolds for interface tissue engineering applications 2015
209 CaMILLET Application of crop genetics to improve Calcium content in millets and other crops for promoting health benefits in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis 2015
210 AuNP-PhotoBioDrug Functionalized AuNPs and their use for biological applications 2015
211 ORC-PLUS Organic Rankine Cycle - Prototype Link to Unit Storage 2015
212 HYPOXFLU [18F]Fluorination of alkylCF3 and alkylCF2CF3 chains-Application to hypoxia biomarkers for PET imaging. 2015
213 FlexCHIC Flexible Complementary Hybrid Integrated Circuits 2015
214 ACPNMR Structural dynamics of acyl carrier protein complexes through combined solution and solid-state NMR 2015
215 NANOLASER Dynamics of semiconductor nanoscale lasers 2015
216 KREDs in GSBs Directed evolution of ketoreductases in gel-shell beads 2015
217 MAPS Millimeter Wave Massive Arrays enabling RFID/Radar Applications on 5G Smartphones 2015
218 SCEL-TA Surfactant controlled Cation Exchange Lithography - Towards Application 2015
219 Graphene Membranes Ultrapermeable Atomically-Thin Membranes for Molecular Separations 2015
220 Micro-SOLUTION Micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells based on highly catalytic ceramic oxide thin films nanostructures 2015
221 EpiAnodes Heteroepitaxial α-Fe2O3 photoanodes for solar water splitting 2015
222 LANDS Large Area Nanoparticle Deposition System 2015
223 TRANSFORMERS Creating transformation-stable microstructures through shared crystallographic motifs 2015
224 MINDS Multivariate analysis for the Imaging of Neuronal activity using Deep architectureS 2016
225 INVENTION INnovatiVE cohereNt detecTIon Optical access Networks 2016
226 BARREL Barrel Assemblies of Membrane Active Artificial Foldamers 2015
228 ACT against AMR Abyssomicin C Truncated derivatives against Antimicrobial Resistance 2015
229 SUPERSOL Solution processed low-dimensional oxide semiconducting structures and devices 2015
230 DECAGON Doping Colloidal Nanoplatelets: Synthesis, Self-assembly and Spectroscopy 2016
231 FOLDASYNBIO Bioinspired Nanostructures by Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Non-peptide Helical Foldamers in Aqueous Environment 2015
232 ITER Improving Thermal Efficiency of horizontal ground heat exchangers 2015
233 COMPLEX-fastMAS-NMR Structure of a large non-crystalline multiprotein assembly by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance with ultra-fast magic-angle spinning 2016
234 Project Sense Enforcement of the environmental regulations on sulphur emissions from ships using drone technology. 2015
235 Greenrail Greenrail: sustainability, safety and saving in the the railroad sleeper of tomorrow 2015
236 INAS Integra A/S – Service provider of drones for civil use 2015
237 FETAL MONITORING Safe and accurate fetal monitoring 2015
239 ColdPeak PCM-based cold storage as peak shaving for air conditioning units 2015
240 Spoilage Down Increasing the efficiency of European food supply chain through in-memory supply chain planning 2015
241 Mubic Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy 2015
242 eTAG Thermoacoustic- based residential mCHP system 2015
243 RemoteControl Device Remote Controllable Devices 2015
244 GALiVMS Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries 2015
245 Smartlifts Making Lifts Smart for More Connected and Intelligent Services. 2015
246 BigDataScore Improving loan quality and acceptance rates by predicting credit behavior through social mediadata. 2015
247 St. Bernard St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients 2015
248 Tunnelsafe2020 Road and rail tunnel fire protection 2015
249 NEW ARYEL Advanced Solution for Smart Telemetry Machine-To-Machine applications 2015
250 ADDITION Arthritis Differential DIagnostic validaTION 2015
251 SPARK Smart PArallel Robotic Kinematics 2015
252 Gait Biometrics 3 Main goal of the project is to create a prototype of the software, which will be able to identify peoplejust based on the way how they walk. 2015
253 Suninbox Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX 2015
254 VisuaLook Novel clothing e-commerce application for reliable size assignment and realistic fitting visualization 2015
255 EctoVision Improved machine vision for guidance of optical system for cost-effective and environmentally safe in-situ removal of ectoparasites from farmed fish 2015
256 INNO-HTM Innovative eco-friendly heat transfer media 2015
257 Platon software PLATform fOr iNteroperable multiphysics digital mock-up 2015
258 RoadCast Dynamic Road Sign Casting 2015
259 SPARK Cost-effective automated process for producing innovative high-performance electric motors 2015
260 HitSeedSME-1-09-14 HitSeed application for the Horizon 2020 dedicated SME Instrument - Phase 1 2014. September 2014. 2014
261 GRAPHEEN Green and Straightforward process for the synthesis of Graphene based-nanomaterials for energy applications 2015
262 USELA Useful energy from contaminated landfill gas 2014
263 Bacticon1 BACTerial detection and CONtrol of urinary tract infection 2015
264 YouBeep YouBeep – InStore mobile shopping and analytics 2015
265 TRAINSFARE Transport System with Artificial Intelligence for Safety and Fare Evasion 2015
266 Bioprene Bio-based high-purity isoprene through high-yield technology 2015
267 BIOTIMA Market Opportunity Confirmation for Biomimetic Tissue Matrix Products 2015
268 GEM E-drive In-wheel electric drive for E-commercial vehicles 2015
269 NASTEX Study feasibility and best route to market for telecare solution in Germany and Japan 2015
270 BLACKBINDER Black Binder, all-in System of Digital Scores 2015
271 FlexiHyLift A flexible hybrid forklift that utilizes advanced power technology and electronics to offer high performance and efficiency in both indoor and outdoor applications for the logistics industry. 2015
272 SOMA Analytics Chronic Stress Biomarkers for Early Detection and Prevention of Burnout 2014
273 Ripesense An innovative fruit ripeness checker, to offer non-destructive testing in order to ensure resource efficient fruit processing - Ripesense 2015
274 eMediCare2 Promoting sustainable patient treatment by an intelligent online medicine dispenser for home care use. 2015
275 AB ENGINE Advanced Back end as a service Engine 2015
276 THEMOTION TheMotion: Revolution in Motion 2015
277 iLocator iLocator - Map, track and manage point-based-assets 2015
278 BAMBENG New BAMboo ENGineered bio-material for sustainable building components 2015
279 HELIUM High European Laboratory for Institutes, Universities and Markets 2015
280 GroupEstate GroupEstate Feasibility Study 2015
281 ULISENS Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing 2015
282 SPACEFIT SPAce-CompatiblE- Filters_in_dIelectric waveguide Technology 2015
283 Ph1ProHap2 hapticom launches the world‘s 1st special tablet for over 20 million visually impaired people in the EU, enabling them access to barrier-free digital information and communication with all of society 2015
284 MeRIT MeRIT - Maximising Renewable Energy Integration 2015
285 HESS Hybrid Energy Storage System 2015
286 FlowcusinUp Scale Up of Microencapsulation Systems by using Flow Focusing Technology 2015
287 WHEY2VALUE Whey2Value: valorising waste whey into high-value products 2015
288 GroundCLeaner Fast and cost-effective combined remediation technology for the elimination of chlorinated and otherhydrocarbons from soil 2015
290 WISE WISE – Wide Instantaneous Support Equipment 2015
292 WATLY An autonomous and mobile water treatment plant powered by solar energy 2015
293 Springwave2014 Transitioning to microalgae as a sustainable, high-quality large-scale food source through launching the first daily drink containing spirulina 2015
294 MED1C MED1C : Video Management in Medical practice 2015
295 SMARTER Surveillance of Maritime Surroundings through Laser Technology 2015
296 TRANSREGEN Portable thermal fluid regeneration system for Solar Thermal Plants 2015
297 SiMAX SiMAX – translation machine for sign language 2015
298 enControl-Intuo ENergy-efficient CONTROL with INternet-of-Things connected home solUtiOn 2015
299 GY GameYourself - Create a virtual 3D model of a person’s face based on a short video taken with any smartphone cam. 2014
300 eco-railjacket Total Full Ecologic Embedded Railways Jacket System 2015
301 uDAS An Automatic Microfluidic Device Assembly System 2015
302 MultiRev Multi-revolution non-volatile magnetic sensors 2016
303 IONOSENSE-POC Exploitation of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Biological Ionsensing – Proof Of Concept 2015
304 HTPush Universal and compatible system for plumbing and heating 2015
305 MobileBattery Mobile Energy System for recharging, energy buffering and long-distance travelling 2015
306 APEX Advanced Process Economics through Oxidoreductases 2015
307 Adaptcontrol A modular and compact controller design for light electric vehicles 2015
308 ECO-SILENTWOOD Cost competitive eco-friendly and acoustic wooden doors for indoor applications 2015
309 NEC14 New Electric Vehicle Chassis-Cab 10-14 for urban logistic 2015
310 MIIMETIQ Telemetry and Telecontrol for the Internet of things (IoT) 2015
311 PCT Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier 2015
312 GT Green battery-less Tire Pressure Monitoring System 2015
313 Interactive Video Automatic creation of interactive video to double video advertising revenues whilst decreasing inconvenience for viewers 2015
314 SMART-GRAN Development and Commercialisation of a Self-Guided Fluidised Bed Granulation Solution 2015
315 IRWES Integrated Roof Wind Energy System 2015
316 BioValue Quality determination of solid biofuels in real time 2015
317 Infantium 2.0 Adaptive learning platform for personalized children education crossing cognitive and biometric inputs 2015
318 ETA4B Energy Trusted Advisor for Buildings 2015
319 RePack Reusable, returnable packaging for e-commerce 2015
320 I-WSN Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks for Asset Integrity Monitoring 2015
321 MARVIN Independent Smart Machine-Vision Based Cargo Counting Module 2015
322 DEFLUG Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution 2015
323 HYscreen A fast, cost-effective breath analysis technology for Helicobacter pYlori screening at both large and small scale. 2015
324 HEATSENS_S Lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device based on plasmonicdriven thermal sensing for rapid detection of Salmonella typhimurium in agro-food field. 2015
325 MicroLAB MicroLAB lab-on-a-cartridge, a disruptive concept. Towards an innovative solution for food safety 2015
326 FREEWAY FREEWAY : safely and effortless commute in an urban environment 2015
327 GaSeS First low cost handheld infrared camera for fugitive emissions, early detection and location, increasing energy efficiency in industrial plants, infrastructures and utilities 2015
328 SmartComm-LED Reconfigurable silicon architecture for connected intelligent lighting. 2015
329 algaPLUS Upscale and optimisation of an olive wastewater treatment photobioreactor (PBR) coupled to algae biomass valorisation as biofertilizer and treated water reuse 2015
330 Remote Sanitation Remote Sanitation – New sustainable sanitation solution for remote areas 2015
331 CLEV Most cost and time efficient EU-wide cross-border automated parcel delivery solution 2015
332 ADHESION Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs 2015
334 Neural Designer A high performance solution for predictive analytics 2015
335 ESW European Structural Wood - for sustainable building components 2015
336 STERILISE Safe sustainable reliable in-office processing of medical waste 2015
337 Smartphone-ANCIH Smartphone A new concept in hearing…”: an interactive real-time embedded audio solution that offers a significant/disruptive change in hearing technology and market. 2015
338 NZE Buildings Developing replicable and cost effective Nearly Zero-Energy' building solutions for small builders in Europe 2015
339 MICROBAT Wireless devices for smart energy management systems 2015
340 NUVEA The premium green multi-cloud management and optimization tool 2015
341 CaNE-HiP-LA Carbon Nano Materials Enabling High-Performance Lead Acid Batteries 2015
343 TES Total Energy System: innovative in-farm cogeneration plant for manure valorisation viable even for small farms 2015
344 Elistair Bringing unlimited autonomy to Civilian Drones : PULSE, an Intelligent Tethered Power Supply. 2015
346 SmartGridEnable SmartGrid Distributed Monitoring, Synchronization and Active Management 2015
347 Watergate Watergate: Development of a low-cost solar desalination technology 2015
348 BDoSM Big Data of Small Molecules 2015
349 EcoSpacePropulsion Piloting and upscaling the unique on site and mobile production plants for highly concentrated Hydrogen peroxide (HTP) production for space industry applications 2015
350 INE IAPS Intelligent active protection system for motorcyclists: saving lives through optimum use of latest advances in sensor technologies, wireless communication, Smartphone platforms, real-time analysis. 2015
351 SPM Strawberry Processing Machine 2015
352 OPTILIFT OPTILIFT offshore lifting and logistics 2015
353 SAFESEAT A new generation car seat for babies 2015
355 CAIN Analysis of multimedia contents published on social networks, using a community of people willing to perform micro-tasks on their mobile devices. Application to marketing and branding 2015
356 GReen Desalination GReen Desalination: A closed-loop technology for full recovery of water and raw materials from the wastewater effluent 2015
357 Virtual Private Home Virtual Privte Home - Privacy-by-design Home Energy Efficiency Platform 2015
358 WONDANTS Wonder Ants — A new eco-friendly-innovation solution to persistent invasive ants. 2015
359 mainDSS Intelligent maintenance Decision Support System for the industry 2015
360 BERTHA-G Bertha G - better enzymes - than gas 2015
361 VALIDIAG Validation Manager - A disruptive turnkey solution for diagnostic test validations 2015
362 MyNano Towards the design of Personalised Polymer-based Combination Nanomedicines for Advanced Stage Breast Cancer Patients 2015
363 TyRec process TyRec process: Whole Tyre Recycling within 30 Minutes with Molten Zinc – towards a circular economy 2015
364 PolyHalter Development of Polymer Halter for Oil Filters 2015
365 DGC SEPA in your pocket – development of a mobile payment solution based on a disruptive SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Credit Transfer approach for banks and the payment industry. 2015
366 HardALU Fluidised Bed Heat Treatment Furnace for HPDC engine blocks and other transport components offering new opportunities for lightweight, cost competitiveness and energy saving 2015
367 EHW15 High Level eHealth Conference 2015 2015
368 LEO Low-cost / energy Efficient Oleds for lighting 2015
369 Lt-AD Low-temperature anaerobic digestion treatment of low-strength wastewaters 2014
370 SEDEUF Sedicii Innovative Authentication 2014
372 KDRP KiWi Power Limited’s Revolutionary, Low Cost, Demand Response Platform (KDRP) 2015
373 GULWESS-PROP Green Ultra Light Weight Energy Storage System for Propulsion 2015
374 ISO-COLD Integrated SOlution to enhance COLD chain and logistic tracking 2015
375 CLOUD-VAS Cloud based Vessel Allocation Decision Support System for Vessel Chartering 2015
376 SEEABLE An Innovative ICT Solution for Providing Bespoke Safety and Health Training to Workers in the Construction and Transportation Sectors. 2015
377 MLSYSTEM MLSYSTEM - heatable, integrated photovoltaics with insulated glass units 2015
378 IPHYC-H2020 EU market research for an innovative algae based tertiary wastewater treatment system 2015
379 ImplantFreeSpine World’s first complete motion-preservation 'Implant-less' surgical correction for Scoliosis 2015
380 iTampon Intimate, home-diagnostic tools for women 2015
381 Collect and Reflect Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by implementing Collect and Reflect(TM) blinds for solar energy collection and reflection (Collect and Reflect) 2015
382 HybridFarm Eco-innovative housing solution for efficient production of slaughterpigs with limited environmental impact. 2015
383 REGHA Medical device combining viscosupplementation with pharmacological active molecule to regenerate cartilage in degenerative or traumatic osteoarthritis. 2015
384 ELECTHANE Microbiological conversion of renewable electricity and CO2 to a natural gas quality bio-fuel 2015
385 PersoNews Profiling and targeting news readers – implications for the democratic role of the digital media, user rights and public information policy 2015
386 CRYOMAT Antifreeze GlycoProtein Mimetic Polymers 2015
387 MASLOWATEN MArket uptake of an innovative irrigation Solution based on LOW WATer-ENergy consumption 2015
388 GREEN-WIN Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action 2015
389 iMETland iMETland: A new generation of Microbial Electrochemical Wetland for effective decentralized wastewater treatment 2015
390 MOSES Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services 2015
391 EXTMOS EXTended Model of Organic Semiconductors 2015
392 SUPER-2D Many-body physics and superconductivity in 2D materials 2015
393 EU-CIRCLE A panEuropean framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change 2015
394 CORONA II Enhancement of training capabilities in VVER technology through establishment of VVER training academy (CORONA II) 2015
395 NanoSmell NanoSmells: Artificial remote-controlled odorants 2015
396 BRILLIANT Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies 2015
397 IVMR In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs 2015
398 ShaMROCK ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs 2015
399 Starlight Demonstration of a High Definition Low Light Sensor (Starlight) for use in the Surveillance and Protection of Urban Soft Targets and Critical Infrastructures. 2015
400 DigiArt The Internet Of Historical Things And Building New 3D Cultural Worlds 2015
401 DermalTherapy Membrane fusion mediated dermal allergy immunotherapy 2015
402 DBRLive Accelerating innovative augmented reality broadcast applications through new industrial camera design 2015
403 Dermtest An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) 2015
404 JFB Jellyfish Barge - A floating greenhouse 2015
405 FLOATMAST An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks 2015
406 DIADEM Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology 2015
407 DAFAP Development of Advanced Functional Absorbent Products 2015
408 MENUTERRANEUS Algorithm for healthy eating habits 2015
409 SULTAN SUstainabLe Tunnel Agriculture with light cascade techNology 2015
410 PreserviX Reshaping Digital Preservation 2015
411 Fidzup-Retargeting Physical Retargeting, innovative mobile marketing services for traditional retailers 2015
412 ECO - ENGAGE GreenApes Sustainability Software Service: Employee Engagement for Eco-innovation 2015
413 INSULCLOCK Empowered control of drugs's dosage in chronic diseases. 2015
414 VATech Virtual AntennaTM Technology: the Next Generation Antenna for Wireless Devices 2015
415 HTMD Feasibility assessment of a cloud application platform for rational drug design using high throughput molecular dynamics 2015
416 MEWi-B More Efficient Wind Blades 2015
417 Respiratory Analyzer Validation of calibrated RIP (respiratory inductive plethysmography) based biomarker for diagnosis of SDB (sleep-disordered breathing) and the identification of an accessible screening solution 2015
418 ITI Intelligent Trading Interface 2015
419 OPTEPLA Open OBDII Telematics Platform - OPTEPLA 2015
420 VitiPrecision 2020 VitiPrecision 2020 2015
421 NAV4VIP 3D Sound Navigator Assistant for Visually Impaired People 2015
422 BIRDWATCH BIRDWATCH, The first integral and modular mobility and security solution for smart parking management 2015
423 Project Buffer Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. 2015
424 P3DNavitech Novel navigation system for arthroscopy that uses solely the endoscopic video to perform measurements inside the joints and provide the necessary guidance to the surgeon. 2015
426 Scan4Reco Multimodal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multilayered digitization and preventive conservation via spatiotemporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing 2015
427 DoReMIR Automatic music transcription of polyphonic audio 2015
428 FMCONTAINERS Fast Moving Containers Caming Solutions 2015
429 QuickTicket QuickTicket 2015
430 PVPS Powerstar Virtual Power Station (PVPS) solution - Powerstar Virtue 2015
431 HyCloud Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attached storage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. 2015
434 AIRCRANE New building methodology for improved full-concrete wind towers for wind turbines. 2015
435 LIGHTKEY Visible Light Communication (VLC) application for mobile devices as control access, validation, master key or secure payment solution. 2015
436 EcoMultiCloud Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint 2015
437 INTRANSYS Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs 2015
438 TailorFit TailorFit; The Integrated “made to measure” workflow automation for menswear 2015
440 CLOUD DIAGNOSIS Providing Predictive Maintenance for Wind Turbines Over Cloud 2015
441 TGRIP Nanostructured gripping material for clamping complex workpieces 2015
442 GAREP Novel GAsification REactor for combined heat and power Plant 2015
444 S-Gearbox The Development of a »New« Planocentric Gearbox with a Closed Cage and S-gear Tooth Flank 2015
445 DECI Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion 2015
446 Mucky MUCKY: The circular solution for the valorisation of mixed municipal waste streams. 2015
447 POC products A novel microfluid-based modular system to address POC challenges within the field of coagulation and hemostasis 2015
448 PIONEeRING PatIent specific bONE RepositionING 2015
449 GREENT Greenhouse Gas Mitigation through Advanced Nitrogen Removal Technology 2015
450 JointPrinting 3D Printing of Cell Laden Biomimetic Materials and Biomolecules for Joint Regeneration 2015
451 3D-JOINT 3D Bioprinting of JOINT Replacements 2015
452 CONCERT Description of information transfer across macromolecules by concerted conformational changes 2015
453 CITYCoP Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing 2015
454 Invest INtelligent Video analytics to analyse complex scenes and Enhance Security of critical infrastructure and urban soft Targets 2015
455 ToothPic ToothPic, a large-scale camera identification system based on compressed fingerprints 2015
456 AquaSHIELD Protecting citizens against intentional drinking water contamination with a water quality firewall 2015
457 ScalinGreen Innovative solutions to scale-up urban green surfaces across Europe 2015
458 5G-XHaul Dynamically Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul with Cognitive Control Plane for Small Cells and Cloud-RANs 2015
459 SUPERFLUIDITY Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system 2015
460 VirtuWind Virtual and programmable industrial network prototype deployed in operational Wind park 2015
461 MammaPrint Improved breast cancer care by innovative diagnostic test MammaPrint 2015
462 RUNSAFER Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries 2015
463 SWORD Advanced Analytics Platform for Stroke Patients Rehabilitation 2015
464 BLACANDI BLACANDI can improve life quality and cut cost of diagnosing and managing bladder cancer in half 2015
465 DS Products study Feasibility study of internationalisation of dust control products using innovative cleantech technology 2015
466 NICENAV NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology 2015
467 SOFI-PP Sofi Filter – Novel Method for Power Plant Water Treatment 2015
468 ParkBee Private garages’ access system, through a real-time and keyless solution, for cheaper and faster prime inner-city parking. 2015
469 UP-TYRE Feasibility study for scaling UP thermal conversion technology that turns scrap TYREs into high quality resources 2015
471 Social Resp Shopping Creating the first Social Responsibility Shopping platform to link small businesses and local non-profits organizations through an innovative business model leveraging on responsible consumption 2015
472 ADiRaS Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis by Spectroscopy. Accurate and Non-Invasive Medical Device for the Diagnosis of Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease. 2015
473 UFPC Technology Hybrid Ultra Flexible Printed Circuits combining flexible and low-cost printed electronics with high performance traditional silicon components. 2015
474 VOICEGALILEO Navigator and global interface applications for visually impaired people using Galileo satellite technologies 2015
475 C-POC Hyper/Hypo Coagulability Assessment Photonic Integrated Chip based Point of Care 2015
476 GSTT GMSPAZIO Satellite Tracking Toolkit 2015
477 NAV4I Nav4I – Precise, reliable and inexpensive navigation and localization technology for indoor environments 2015
478 BINPICKING 3D Generalized bin picking system for automatic handling of unsorted parts in industrial applications 2015
479 E6 Evolution Dual Fuel Euro6 Engine Conversion Feasibility Study 2015
480 Salesdat Unlock the full power of your Point of Sales 2015
481 DABCAST Integrated, economical cloud-based service for digital radio broadcasting 2015
482 Excalibur 2.0 Revolutionary trustworthy platform for seamless authentication of Internet users 2015
483 LIBERATE Blood Biomarker Array Technology 2015
484 PALADIN Plasma Antenna for secure LAnDIng and Navigation 2015
485 CleanTechBlock CleanTechBlock 2015
486 CREEV Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles 2015
487 smaRtAIL Smart protective coatings on classic materials for a new generation of ecologically sustainable ‛green’ railway vehicles 2015
488 OCTOLY Next Generation Advertising: Social Video Software Connecting Brands and Content Creators 2015
489 mixedplasticvalue Innovative new technology for creating value from mixed waste plastic 2015
491 FASTPRK-2 Enhanced on-street parking management system 2015
492 EcoContainerCleaner Proving the IBC Robotics container cleaning system as an economic, climate- and environmentally-friendly and safe contribution to the EU transport system in order to disrupt the global market 2015
493 AppIOS AppIOS: Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software 2015
494 CSC-IS Development of a more effective and safer therapeutic antibody for cancer treatment with a dual mechanism of action to eliminate CSCs and reactivate the tumour’s immune system. 2015
495 SynDiv A nanophysics approach to synthetic cell division 2015
496 LIFEOMEGA Innovative highly concentrated Omega 3 food supplement 2015
497 CALIPRI CALIPRI - an easily customisable all purpose optical gauge for 2D-profiles. 2015
498 AI4REASON Artificial Intelligence for Large-Scale Computer-Assisted Reasoning 2015
499 R2POWER300 Preparing R2 extension to 300mm for BCD Smart Power 2015
500 ULTRASUPERTAPE ULTRAfast growth of ultrahigh performance SUPERconducting TAPEs 2015
501 ESCAPE Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather Prediction at Exascale 2015
502 greenFLASH Green Flash, energy efficient high performance computing for real-time science 2015
503 SmartSite Optimisation, demonstration and implementation of an all-encompassing smart site management system for infrastructure construction and maintenance. 2015
504 CLAPPRO Cloud Protection: Centralized encryption technology for file sharing 2015
505 RePower Energy and resource surveillance systems without the challenges of batteries 2015
506 SafeTrain Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport 2015
507 LEONID Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device 2015
508 SaveEUSaffron Sales and production acceleration of EU saffron through an innovative cultivation and crop system that allows European producers to increase eco-efficiency, production and processing 2015
509 DSLIGHT Advanced Lighting Management System for film production, smart lighting and creative industry 2015
510 CoCoBondsValuation New System for Credit Rating of Hybrid Securities 2015
511 Enerbox Sustainable and Standalone Oxyhydrogen powered heat generator box 2015
512 eCAP Easy Connections Assessment Portal 2015
513 SMART DESIGN Spin-orbit mechanism in adaptive magnetization-reversal techniques, for magnetic memory design 2015
514 ARTIST Advancing Rechargeable-Batteries Through In Situ Techniques 2015
515 FoTRRIS Fostering a Transition towards Responsible Research and Innovation Systems 2015
516 CITRIMACC Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers 2015
517 DEMOSOFC DEMOnstration of large SOFC system fed with biogas from WWTP 2015
518 ExaNeSt European Exascale System Interconnect and Storage 2015
519 INTERTWINE Programming Model INTERoperability ToWards Exascale (INTERTWinE) 2015
520 ECOSCALE Energy-efficient Heterogeneous COmputing at exaSCALE 2015
521 ExaHyPE An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine 2015
522 InnoMan_NRW_2 Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany 2015
523 E-LOCKS Electronic security for OIL/LPG tanks 2015
524 SafeSky SafeSky - Integrated system for critical infrastructure and personal sphere monitoring and protection against aerial threats 2015
525 Bio-AX A new wearable, cost effective and non-invasive biometric solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles 2015
526 Predictive Vision Predictive Vision Saving lives in dangerous working environments with Predictive Risk Management software 2015
527 MetaFuel High Temperature Methanol Fuel Cell 2015
528 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light sEnsing for Advanced Portable Devices 2015
530 LaForte Large Format Textile Printing 2015
531 Gazelab A precision, computer-vision measurement system for the early diagnosis of schizophrenia 2015
532 Fishtimator Continual Acoustic Based Multifunctional Cage Mounted Fish estimator Deigned To Reduce Feed Waste, Fish Mortality, and Predator and Fish Escape Control 2015
533 WHEYCOM Validation and market uptake of a natural disinfection whey-based formula for whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables 2015
534 CHeaP Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans 2015
535 Nafen Nano-particle based enhancement of composite and thermoplastic materials 2015
536 IChaos Intermediate Chaos 2016
537 ADMONT Advanced Distributed Pilot Line for More-than-Moore Technologies 2015
538 CARVE Clean Air - Reduce Vehicle Emissions 2015
539 VARMET Variational Metadynamics 2016
541 BigDataFinance Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management 2015
542 Symbionica SYMBIONICA - Reconfigurable Machine for the new Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing of next generation fully personalized bionics and smart prosthetics 2015
543 REE4EU REE4EU: integrated high temperature electrolysis (HTE) and Ion Liquid Extraction (ILE) for a strong and independent European Rare Earth Elements Supply Chain 2015
544 TESSe2b Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings. An integrated solution for residential building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources 2015
545 HIT2GAP Highly Innovative building control Tools Tackling the energy performance GAP 2015
546 Indus3Es Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency 2015
547 OPENMIND On-demand production of entirely customised minimally invasive medical devices 2015
548 SHAREBOX Secure Management Platform for Shared Process Resources 2015
549 ECO-LOGIC GREEN FARM Design of an agricultural greenhouse for intensive growing of microalgae in fresh / sea water with a syngas production plant and organic farming of chickens and pigs outdoors. 2015
550 EP TENDER An innovative range extending service for Electric Vehicles (EV), based on a modular range extender, available for on demand rental, and attached occasionally to the EV for long distance trips 2015
551 NANO Intelligent Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring and Sensing System for Asset Integrity Management 2015
552 AIRS Advanced Intelligent Raman System for detection of explosives and harmful substances at urban soft targets 2015
554 piur tUS A cost effective 3D tomographic ultrasound technology for vascular diagnostics 2015
555 FlexLogIC Using existing methods to develop a modular, integrated and autonomous ‘Factory-in-a-box’ production line for manufacturing high volumes of flexible integrated logic circuits 2015
556 IonoChem IonoChem: A new and highly efficient cross membrane drug delivery strategy 2015
557 KORIDION Feasibility Study for a Breakthrough Core System to Enable Fault Tolerant Manufacture of High Performances Composites Wind Blades 2015
558 DataNimbus Feasibility study of a new tool for managing, processing, sharing and transferring huge amounts of scientific data (DataNimbus) 2015
559 COSFORM Cosmological Structure Formation in the Multiverse 2015
560 PLASILOR Plasmonic-Silicon-Organic Hybrid – a Universal Platform for THz Communications 2015
561 Taskfit PRO Time Task management solution for SMEs to Improve Focus and Maximize Work Efficiency 2015
562 AluSalt Efficient Aluminium Salt cake Recycling Technology 2015
563 VIPER VIbro-acoustics of PERiodic media 2016
564 VIMpay VIMpay- an one-size-fits-all mobile based solution for cashless payment for Europe 2015
565 V-Tex Multi Demonstration and optimisation of a highly innovative beverage cooling system that will deliver up to90% energy savings 2015
566 ICEYE Microsatellite radar network for fast update Arctic ice surveillance. 2015
567 THUNDHUB ThunderMaps HomeHub 2015
568 Agro Highway Demonstration of an Innovative concept for high quality Transport of Perishable Agro Food Liquids inducing a Modal shift to Short Sea and River transport 2015
569 UTOUCH Universal mid-air haptic feedback 2015
570 EMILK Food treatment process based on high voltage nanopulsed electric discharges in liquid phase 2015
572 FrEBT Improving diagnostics of respiratory diseases and boosting the COMAC MEDICAL Ltd. competitiveness and growth by validation of fractional EBT biomarker through new method of measurement and device 2015
573 i-LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2015
574 ShipHullSHM Bespoke Acoustic Emission System for real-time ship hull monitoring for all weather conditions 2015
575 Sniff-Nose A novel double-point intravascular diagnostic probe with continuous monitoring of the biomarker panel, dual oxygen tension PcvO2 and PcsO2, for clinical assessment of heart failure 2015
577 Virtual Optics Virtual Optics - A software revolution in the optical industry 2015
578 Bosolog Bosolog – Multi-sensors and Assets' Log Monitoring and Management Software 2015
579 RENEGAS RENewable AdvancEd GAsification FeedstockS 2015
580 M3M Mobile 3D Modeling 2015
581 NuQFT The Hall Plateau Transition and non-unitary Quantum Field Theory 2015
582 ScienceSquared ERC = ScienceSquared 2015
583 Airport IQ Situation-Aware Mobile Platform for Airport Collaborative Decision-Making 2015
584 SPIDERS Synthetic aPerture Interferometric raDiometer for sEcurity in cRitical infraStructures 2015
585 CYPRES CYPRES the ICS and SCADA security companion 2015
586 NEWROFEED Personalized medical device for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD based on EEG biomarkers and Neurofeedback Training 2015
587 DigiTech Development of a novel generic digital controller for hydraulic load profiling control systems to significantly reduce costs and time in aircraft test rig development and commissioning 2015
588 OPENCARE Open Participatory Engagement in Collective Awareness for REdesign of Care Services 2016
589 MODBRIDGE Modular 100% Carbon Fibre Footbridge 2015
590 SYSTEMPOLE High Performance Modular Composite Pole for Orchard Hail Protection 2015
591 ONCOCHECK A simple blood test to monitor disease progression in patients undergoing cancer therapy 2015
592 SWINE-GEN Genetic markers assisted selection for improvement of swine breeding productivity. 2015
593 NEMAQUA Nematodes as the world first pathogen free, ready-to-use and sustainable live feed for larval aquaculture industry 2015
594 SPS_TFP_SQ TFP Strut Qualification 2015
595 ISPNET Intelligent System for Pressure Networks 2015
596 MCEP Launching the Maritime Copernicus Enablement Platform 2015
597 NEWERA Innovative micro-abrasive Water Jet for high precision machining and finishing 2015
598 YODA YOurDigitalAgent: First fully automated tool for the optimisation of digital advertising for drastically increasing SMEs competitiveness and online promotion 2015
599 FishDirector Automatic Scalable VM Management for Data Centre Optimisation 2015
600 ACTICAPS Actiwhey based microencapsulation solution for sustainable food manufacturing 2015
601 XPRESS XPRESS ENGINE - The Future of Affective Market Research 2015
602 SMAV SMAV: Best for the Environment Soda Fountain Smart Valves 2015
603 ZinkOn Growth Advanced and smart system for optimizing the non-conformities and concession processes within the aerospace industry. 2015
604 CEWET Cost Effective Wireless Electrical Transportation 2015
605 D3IMPACT Data-driven decisions for intelligent management of public transportation 2015
606 DEXscAn Low-cost semiconducting polymers for manufacturing 2D-digital X-Ray detectors 2015
607 PLANTIBIOTICS Functional ingredient from fermented vegetable waste streams to diminish the use of antibiotics in pig husbandry 2015
608 MODULAR INNODRIVE MODULAR INNODRIVE Powered Reel Drive in maritime environment 2015
610 O3MET Vegetable ozone therapy for the defense of greenhouse crops 2015
611 IMPACT Integrated Mobile Platform for Activity Commoditisation in the Travel market (IMPACT) 2015
612 CYTOPRO Profiling of tumour cells in blood for personalized treatment of metastatic cancer 2015
613 REUSABLE NGS LIBRARY Reusable Back-up Library Construction and Storage Technology for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in Clinical Diagnostics 2015
614 FAME Development and demonstration of an innovative FT-NIR-based system for food content analysis 2015
615 Revault Revault - world´s first wearable private cloud. Securely sync and access your files from anywhere without an internet connection. 2015
616 ANAPRINT Additive Printing for Cell-Based Analysis 2015
617 VIPACO Increase Energy Efficiency rates in buildings and white goods through advanced Vacuum Insulation Panels Quality Control 2015
618 HEAT-R Modular thermoelectric system for industrial waste HEAT Recovery (HEAT-R) 2015
619 Smart Ski Smart Ski 2015
620 COBRI Ultrasound NDE tomograph. Design and construction of a portable 3D ultrasound scanner for non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT and NDE) of concrete in bridges and other building structures 2015
621 Key Cloud Mobile phone as a Key - A new access ecosystem for 112, service companies and citizens “Key Cloud” 2015
622 PSR94 Commercialisation of 94GHz Phase Shifting Radar (PSR94) 2015
623 e-Safe Novel low-cost ground penetrating radar system for safe, simple and swift detection of all utilities piping and cabling located underground 2015
624 SMART Guide Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine 2015
625 PUMPED Poor Man's Differential GNSS for Drones 2015
626 PROMETHEUS-IOT a versatile Platform foR delivering incremental, scalable and cOst-effective ad-hoc services froM hETErogeneoUS and collaborating objects in the Internet Of Things 2015
627 DrugStop Drug detection for personal protection 2015
628 Q-Bot Fast and economic insulation of buildings using robotic systems 2015
629 WATLY An autonomous and mobile water treatment plant powered by solar energy 2015
630 CHoKO Clearing House for Knowledge Options (CHoKO) - creating a marketplace for knowledge 2015
631 LiraTower Novel concept of cost-effective and simplified in-situ concrete tower of 140m for harnessing higher and more consistent wind velocities and enhancing the power output of wind turbines 2015
632 VALPAS VALidation of human PApilloma virus assays on Self-collected first void urine samples 2015
633 INCH INteractive CHarging 2015
634 NETIK Smart sensor metering using cloud storage and PLC communication for efficient energy management 2015
635 CHPM2030 Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction from ultra-deep ore bodies 2016
636 PROMOTION PROMOTioN - Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks 2016
637 its4land Geospatial technology innovations for land tenure security in East Africa 2016
638 Sequence Barcodes Product identification using sequence-controlled oligomers 2015
639 KMaaS Key Management as-a-Service 2016
640 TUMAPOS Using TUnnel Magneto Resistance Technology for MAgnetic POSition MeasurementTUMAPOS 2015
641 TeSLA An Adaptive Trust-based e-assesment System for Learning 2016
642 HoloMedical3D Holographic 3D Display for visualising volumetric images from medical scanners 2015
643 REMOSIS A novel smart trap station as an Internet of Things surveillance solution to remotely count and identify the species of disease-carrying mosquitoes 2016
645 PROTECTDAIRY-F2F Eco-innovative and fully integrated microbial rapid monitoring system - PROTECTING shelf life, food safety and quality throughout the DAIRY supply chain, from farm to fork. 2015
646 PHANTOM Cross-Layer and Multi-Objective Programming Approach for Next Generation Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Systems 2015
647 PreventIT Early risk detection and prevention in ageing people by self-administered ICT-supported assessment and a behavioural change intervention delivered by use of smartphones and smartwatches 2016
648 LoveFood2Market A portable MicroNanoBioSystem and Instrument for ultra-fast analysis of pathogens in food: Innovation from LOVE-FOOD lab prototype to a pre-commercial instrument 2016
649 MPAT Multi-platform application toolkit 2015
650 COAT Anti-reflection coatings from solution-processable, high-refractive index inorganic/organic hybrid materials 2015
651 COCOA CLOUD COllaborative CO-creation of web Applications on the CLOUD 2015
653 REMINDER Revolutionary embedded memory for internet of things devices and energy reduction 2016
655 BioCarbon Rapid tree-planting through the use of remote sensing and unmanned vehicle planting technologies for large scale reforestation 2015
656 SaSHa Si on SiC for the Harsh Environment of Space 2016
657 BEACONING Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning (BEACONING) 2016
658 ReTAPP Re-Think All Plastic Packaging 2015
659 SAFT Ultrasonic Inspection Solution for railway crossing points. 2015
660 MEDIuM Mobile wireless Device microcantilever-based biosensor to identify and measure the aflatoxin B1 in animal food and M1 in the milk-chain 2015
661 ReSpirA Olive oil wastewater Reuse for the production and commercialisation of Spirulina Alga 2015
662 BACRES Feasibility study: Cloud-based diagnostic software for infectious diseases 2015
663 OPERA lOw Power heterogeneous architecture for nExt generation of smaRt infrastructure and platforms in industrial and societal Applications 2015
664 GEM in-wheel GEM in-wheel motor 2015
665 REACH Resource Efficient Automatic Conversion of High-Altitude Wind 2015
666 habITAT Internet of Things Air Tester as a new standards based wearable monitoring station for personalized indoor and outdoor air quality real-time assessment 2015
667 IMERSO IMERSO - Virtual Reality System 2015
668 CWT Clearview Trade - Cloud based collaborative custom system 2015
669 RCC-TEST A breakthrough in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Personalized RCC-Test 2016
670 PRIFOG PRIFOG - A technology-powered producer responsibility initiative for fat, oil and grease compliance for food service outlets 2015
671 MirrorPV MirrorPV - Balanced growth photovoltaic generation with Roof PV mirrors 2015
672 ShopStar Image learning to create a new online marketing tool 2015
675 UEWC Ubiqutek Electrical Weed Control (UEWC): An advanced electrical weed control device to be integrated with existing agricultural equipment, yielding a zero chemical, organic result at a reduced cost 2015
676 KUNAK Sensing Anywhere IIoT Ultra-Energy Efficient 2015
677 GFeed Safe and discrete gastrostomy tube for enteral feeding improving the delivery of nutrition and patient care. 2015
678 WASCOP Water Saving for Solar Concentrated Power 2016
679 European Framework Initiative for Energy and Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector 2016
680 PanaMast Development of non-antibiotic therapy for the treatment of bovine mastitis 2015
681 HYBRID_BOATS An innovative hybrid propulsion and generation system for yachts 2015
682 DuoTrainer New robotic medical device for autonomous, home-based gait neurorehabilitation and weight-bearing leg exercise, aimed at adults with loss of standing and walking function 2015
683 ADDACT GmbH ADDACT - Fanpowered Concerts 2015
685 InDrive Automotive EGNSS Receiver for High Integrity Applications on the Drive 2016
686 STREAMS Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems 2016
687 INSECTBARRIER Insect-repellent coating for food packages 2016
688 Industrial FW 4.0 Internet 4.0 based Manufacturing Execution System for the SME sector 2015
689 SPECTRA280 A cloud-based food analytics platform for the rapid detection of adulterant matter and quality assessment of milk, fruit juice and olive oil 2015
690 RESET Re-use of Thermoplastic Composite 2016
691 REDISH CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation 2016
692 DEMOGRAVI3 Demonstration of the GRAVI3 technology – innovative gravity foundation for offshore wind 2016
693 NET4TRAIN Revamping trains with the most advanced broadband communication system 2015
694 COMPA COMPA - Market Study of Composite Patch Repair for Marine Pipes A cost-efficient and durable pipe repair in urgency 2015
695 GSOP-SC Feasibility assessment on the GreenFlux Service Operations Platform for Smart Charging (GSOP-SC) 2015
696 LoCOPS Low Cost Onshore Power Supply (LoCOPS) 2015
697 C-Heat Condensed Heat - Optimization and scaling up of an energy efficient, long-during biomass condensation boiler with curved heat exchanger 2015
698 MULTIPLY MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval PLatform 2016
700 Loc8torHC A disruptive healthcare monitoring solution that by nature of what and how it monitors (IoT) improves home safety, user wellbeing and provides early warning to help avoid critical admissions 2016
701 MICCS-SQ Methodology for fast and reliable investigation and characterization of contaminated sites 2015
702 SOLPART High Temperature Solar-Heated Reactors for Industrial Production of Reactive Particulates 2016
703 RANDGEOM Random Geometry 2016
704 ComMUnion Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites 2015
705 PHOBIC2ICE Super-IcePhobic Surfaces to Prevent Ice Formation on Aircraft 2016
706 SOLED Chiral based spin organic light emitting diodes 2016
707 BILISTICK BILISTICK: A low cost point-of-care for early diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns 2016
708 FREEZEMUD Demonstration and development of the next generation technology for environmental dredging based on an innovative and energy-efficient freeze technology 2015
709 USharePark USharePark: smart secUres system to SHARE PARKing places in private garages 2015
710 SubCage Submersible Tension Leg Fish Cage for Mariculture in Unsheltered and Offshore Areas 2015
711 UMnD Urban modelling in higher dimensions: embedding generalisation of 3D data in a 4D model 2016
712 DMAP Data Mining Algorithms in Practice 2016
713 ARCTIC Advanced Bearing Technologies to Increase Capabilities 2016
714 CARBOTIGHT Diffusion Barrier Layers and Anticorrosive Coatings from Functional Carbon Nanosheets 2016
716 BABET-REAL5 New technology and strategy for a large and sustainable deployment of second generation biofuel in rural areas 2016
717 OCTCHIP Ophthalmic OCT on a Chip 2016
718 Crystal Solar Organic-Inorganic perovskite and organic semiconductor films with improved crystal properties via reel-to-reel solution coating; application to photovoltaics and field effect transistors 2016
719 HElAIrcOPT Helicopter Engine Air Intake OPtimization Tool 2016
720 RHINOS RHINOS - Railway High Integrity Navigation Overlay System will define a GNSS-based system to support the localization of trains respecting the challenging requirements of the railway safety standards. 2016
721 ClearSalmonLice ClearSalmonLice 2016
722 EFICONSUMPTION Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants 2016
723 ElastoCardioScope An innovative tool for non-invasive evaluation of myocardial stiffness 2015
724 HYPERDIAMOND The Diamond Revolution in Hyperpolarized MR Imaging – Novel Platform and Nanoparticle Targeted Probe 2016
725 IDentIFY Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field-Cycling MRI 2016
726 INTENS INtestinal Tissue ENgineering Solution 2016
727 CONQUEST Companion Nanodiagnostics for Quantifying EPR and Stratifying Patients to Targeted Nanotherapies 2016
728 ORPHEUS Object-based broadcasting – for European leadership in next generation audio experiences 2015
729 DeTOP Dexterous Transradial Osseointegrated Prosthesis with neural control and sensory feedback 2016
730 CROWD4ROADS CROWD sensing and ride sharing FOR ROAD Sustainability 2016
731 SETA SETA: An open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service ecosystem for efficient, effective, safe, resilient mobility in metropolitan areas 2016
732 AGILE Adoptive Gateways for dIverse muLtiple Environments 2016
733 DMC-MALVEC Automated diagnostic platform, data management system and innovative communication tool, for improving the impact of malaria vector control interventions 2016
734 SavingFood An innovative solution to tackle food waste through the collaborative power of ICT networks 2016
735 ASSET Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism 2016
736 SPARK Spatial Augmented Reality as a Key for co-creativity 2016
738 INTMET Integrated innovative metallurgical system to benefit efficiently polymetallic, complex and low grade ores and concentrates 2016
739 MEDLEM Cost-effective microfluidic electronic devices for optimal drug administration based on fractional pharmacokinetics for leukemia treatments 2016
740 CARDIALLY Capturing and quantitative analysis of multi-scale multi-channel diagnostic data. 2015
741 STEP2DYNA Spatial-temporal information processing for collision detection in dynamic environments 2016
742 INTUI-VIEW Intelligent needle tracking using ultrasound imaging for improved minimally invasive interventions 2015
743 FloTEC Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation project (FloTEC) 2016
744 CerISMA Cerenkov Imaging for Surgical Margin Assessment 2015
745 Dymant-bm Disrupting luxury craftsmanship through innovation : An innovative model for a traditional sector 2016
746 WInspector Advanced shearography kit and a robotic deployment platform for on-site inspection of wind turbine blades 2016
747 SLICEWATCH Monitoring meat texture to optimize slicing yield and reduce wasted meat in high-speed slicing lines 2016
749 POWER Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges 2015
750 eSHaRk eco-friendly Ship Hull film system with fouling Release and fuel saving properties 2015
751 Evopark A disruptive software solution guiding users to available parking spots and making interactionwith the parking infrastructure quick and easy 2016
752 LockAndCharge Ground-breaking and convenient electronic bicycle fleet management system available for the mass adoption. 2016
753 PD B2B FS The Planned Departure: B2B Feasibility Study 2015
754 BATMAN Development of Quantitative Metrologies to Guide Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing 2016
755 EnerSHIFT Energy Social Housing Innovative Financing Tender 2016
756 A3R Air To Air Automatic Refuelling 2016
757 Liqbiopsens Reliable Novel Liquid Biopsy technology for early detection of colorectal cancer 2016
758 ChArGED CleAnweb Gamified Energy Disaggregation 2016
759 SPQRel Entanglement distribution via Semiconductor-Piezoelectric Quantum-Dot Relays 2016
760 DR-BOB Demand Response in Block of Buildings 2016
761 TRANSITION ZERO Make Net Zero Energy refurbishments for houses a mass market reality 2016
762 NeMoFoil NeMoFoil: electronic foil for neuromonitoring 2016
763 MAGIC Mobile Assistance for Groups Individuals within the Community - STROKE REHABILITATION 2016
764 THALEA II THALEA II - Telemonitoring and Telemedicine for Hospitals Assisted by ICT for Life saving co-morbid patients in Europe As part of a Patient personalised care program of the EU 2016
765 SmartStars Pathways towards forming super-massive black holes in the early Universe 2016
766 FUTURA FUTUre RAil freight transport: cost-effective, safe, quiet and green! 2016
767 I4F Instant Foam for Fighting Forest Fires 2016
768 EPSS Enabling Chemical Propulsion System for the Growing Small Satellite Market 2016
769 EASY Pv EGNSS high Accuracy SYstem improving PhotoVoltaic plants maintenance 2016
770 PEAKapp Personal Energy Administration Kiosk application: an ICT-ecosystem for Energy Savings through Behavioural Change, Flexible Tariffs and Fun 2016
771 LOGIMATIC Tight integration of EGNSS and on-board sensors for port vehicle automation 2016
772 SENCOGI SENCOGI® : a revolutionary gaze-tracking technology for real world applications. 2016
773 FITSYOU Development of a low cost, high resolution 270° 3D solution for full face capture to provide low cost customised eyewear 2016
774 PIANOSILICA Pianosilica – new, eco-friendly and fire-resistant construction materials. 2016
775 HG Real-time molecular diagnostic testing for human infectious diseases using LAMP (Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification) technology. 2016
776 cleanMOULD Oil, fat and contaminant free moulding through advanced low friction and fretting-resistant coating solution 2016
777 SGSOFT Antimicrobial wound care solution to prevent and cure wound infections and cut health care costs 2016
778 PUREJUICE Industrial scale-up of Pulsed Electric Fields technology for natural fruit juice processing 2016
779 Jam Enhancing fuel efficiency and reducing vehicle maintenance and downtime costs, using real-time data from vehicle sensors (IoT) and a machine learning algorithm for big data analysis. 2016
780 sqetch Sqetch – easily connecting fashion brands with apparel manufacturers 2016
781 TVP-eNext Torque Vectoring Platform for Next Generation of Electric Driven Vehicles 2016
782 ASTROCIT Development and validation of an innovative nutritional solution to fight muscle atrophy during human space flights, application of the acquired knowledge to prevent muscle degeneration down on earth 2016
783 VOSS Ground-breaking flywheel composed of patented pre-stressed concrete that immensely enhances the electrical storage capabilities of renewable energy sources 2016
784 CyberWiz Cyber-Security Visualization and CAD-Tool for the Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructures 2015
785 bIoTope Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects 2016
786 HELITE High precision and performance heliostat for variable geometry fields of Thermosolar Plants 2016
787 Cloud Your Car UBI Establishing new eco-driving methods to score drivers and to enhance good driving habits based on advanced analytical B2B software platform for Connected Cars. 2016
788 FUNBRUSH FunBrush – smart device to change brushing teeth into fun and healthy game 2016
789 REACH2020 Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare 2016
790 FastFlowSim Fast particle-based time integrator for incompressible flows simulations 2016
791 Recyclatrack 100% recovery and RECYCLing of construction vehicle crAwler TRACKs into constituent rubber and steel for sustainable raw material supply 2016
792 E-TSIN Modular, scalable, multi-funtional, high power density power controller for electrical taxi 2016
793 WEKIT Wearable Experience for Knowledge Intensive Training 2015
794 MastCloud Cost-efficient, 35 seconds, comprehensive mastitis management system for dairy farmers and veterinarians 2016
795 FERTISSIMO Oxidative Stress as a biomarker for Embryo Selection in IVF Process 2016
796 TFS Tunnel fire stopper or TFS shortly 2016
797 LATIPP LATIPP: An innovative cloud based Business management system for SMEs in the HORECA sector 2016
798 LightPipe Antiresonant Hollow Optical Fibres for a Quantum Leap in Data and Optical Power Transmission 2016
799 FutureFlow Designing eTrading Solutions for Electricity Balancing and Redispatching in Europe 2016
800 BioExtrusion Natural functional plasticizers for controlled protein folding and extrusion into biomaterials. 2016
801 PRIMASE_NMR Visualizing Primase Initiating DNA Replication using NMR Spectroscopy 2016
804 MICRO4BEE A sustainable organic solution for bees decline 2016
805 METALCLEAN New Innnovative and cost effective metal cleaning machine 2016
806 EDOR BOX Electrodermal Orienting Reactivity-based Safeguard System for Early Detection of Suicide Propensity 2016
807 Fundsphere Terms FST Reshaping the Asset Management Industry by commercialising the first digital solution to automate preparation of legal agreements that will increase the growth of registered funds on global markets. 2016
808 Subfailtec Operation Optimization and Improved Reliability Solution for Electrical Substations 2016
809 ARCA Analysis and Representation of Complex Activities in Videos 2016
810 HUNAYNNET Transmission of Classical Scientific and Philosophical Literature from Greek into Syriac and Arabic 2016
811 WINDMIL Smart Monitoring, Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment of Wind Turbines 2016
812 BOPNIE Boundary value problems for nonlinear integrable equations 2016
813 ISG Induction Starter Generator 2016
816 biowave Upscale and demonstration of a integrated novel microwave pre-treatment system for efficient production of biogas from anaerobic digestion of pig manure to create a sustainable waste management system 2016
817 MALORCA Machine Learning of Speech Recognition Models for Controller Assistance 2016
818 SINet Software-defined Intermittent Networking 2016
819 Crystal Tandem Solar Single-Crystal Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells For High Efficiency and Low Cost 2017
820 DOLORES Degradation of Lifetime of fuel cell Resistance by Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy 2016
821 MULTI2DSWITCH MULTIfunctional optoelectronic devices based on hybrid heterostructures of 2D materials and photochromic SWITCHes 2016
822 SocialBrain Brain growth under social pressure: mathematical modelling of brain growth when individuals face social challenges 2016
823 UMIC Association of Uranium with Organic Matter- and Iron-bearing Colloids in Wetland Environments 2016
824 R2R-3G Towards Roll-to-Roll Production of Third Generation Solar Cells 2016
825 NanoSiAl Silica and alumina nanophases – the building blocks for the ground under our feet. 2017
826 NanoORC Nanofluids as working fluids for organic Rankine cycles 2017
827 SUPRACOPHS Design and synthesis of supramolecular copolymers for responsive self-assembled photonic structures. 2016
828 InfGroups Foundations for computing with infinite linear groups 2016
829 poro sos Efficient numerical methods for deformable porous media. Application to carbon dioxide storage. 2016
830 PepPtNPAntiCan Peptide Coated Platinum Nanoparticles as Antitumor Agents 2016
831 TONSOPS Titanium Oxide Nanocomposites for Scalable Optimized Perovskite Solar cells 2016
832 REBOOT Retrofit all-Electric Bus for reduced Operator Operating costs in urban Transport (REBOOT) 2016
833 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2016
834 WATIFY Up-scaling, demonstration and first market application of Hydrokemos’ patented technology as the most eco-efficient and cost-effective solution for nitrate polluted water treatment 2015
835 InnoPellet Self-supporting biofuel sludge pellet producing system for small and medium sized sewage plants 2016
836 PW Your digital source for medication awareness : “Your health is a choice, choose to know” 2015
837 HYBCOPTER Hybrid multi copter with 6 times more flight time. 2016
838 Eye Light Eye fundus colour images enhancement service for Diabetic Retinopathy diagnosis 2016
839 Hi-ThermCap High-capacity and high-performance Thermal energy storage Capsule for low-carbon and energy efficient heating and cooling systems 2016
840 COCOAPRO COCOA In Vitro PROpagation 2016
841 PUZZLE_DIE An innovative method for constructing casting-dies for the production of the aluminium components in the automotive sector 2016
842 FRESHRAP Feasibility study for an innovative “Regenerative Atmosphere Packaging” for fresh chicken 2016
843 EpiHelmet Clinical validation of a mobile EEG medical device for diagnosis and remote monitoring in epileptic patients 2016
844 LIRICO Liquid Ring Compressor - Pioneering full API-681/610 compliance 2016
846 SenSOP-II Novel sensor based soil-plant-climate control system for European smart farming 2016
847 DIGITALIA Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2016
848 EXTREMDRON Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for protecting soft/critical urban infrastructures, and the general public in extreme environments. 2016
849 SolardeSaLt A Renewable Approach for Industrial Water Desalination by using Hybrid Photovolt 2016
850 SWITLER SWITLER:Small WInd Turbine Lightwight Efficient generatorR 2016
851 SafeWood Novel bio-inspired environmentally-friendly process for producing durable and dimensionally-stable wood 2016
852 uCube2 Development of a complete low cost Card Payment Acceptance Infrastructure 2016
854 TBIA Next generation breast and colorectal cancer screening through simple and accurate blood testing. 2016
855 VibraCoat High Performance Nano-structured Composites for Tooling Industry 2016
856 Go Fresh Go Fresh - Fresh and Quick Prepared, Healthy and Affordable Meal Solution 2016
857 The Invisible Helmet Airbag bicycle helmet based on One Piece Woven technology 2016
858 THERMIDRONE Automated 3D Thermal Imaging of Industrial Plants and Residential Buildings by Drones 2016
859 VaporPV Low cost PV cooling system for ground-mounted and rooftop systems - VaporPV 2016
860 SEGU SEwer inventory system to safeGUard waste water infrastructures 2016
861 eoFRESH Earth Observation freshwater monitoring services 2016
862 FLOW New Floating Platform for offshore wind in deep waters. 2016
863 LINGOKIDS LINGOKIDS: Adaptive mobile platform for language learning for early age children 2016
864 TMS Cloud ePos Revolutionary secure payment management system to integrate the different elements of the payment industry with the use of SEPA 2016
865 EUWaste Ecological Utilization of Waste 2016
866 VISSUALLY Customised exhibit solutions through visual innovation 2016
867 gmSCAN Automatic scanner for determing lean meat distribution in pig carcasses 2016
868 DAA Development of mesosphere in-situ measurement tools: Atmosphere Analyser 2016
869 DAPS Drone Alarm and Protection System 2016
870 iBILD iBILD: Imaging Biomarker for Intelligent Lung Cancer Detection 2016
871 DIDSON Paracoustics : System active sound reducing system against noise pollution due to transport 2016
872 TAVIguide ICT platform to reduce mortality rates for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) by pre-operative risk management 2016
873 B-Ecolyol Improving the productivity of Biodiesel plants through their adaptation for the production of polyols 2016
875 OUTERMOST Towards Autonomous Large Area Mass Production Sputtering Plants 2016
876 MySpark The Complete Solution for Fast and Cost-efficient Yeast Separation Process in Production of High Quality Sparkling Wine 2016
877 IRRISAVE Smart Irrigation Control System with 40% Savings in Water for Universal Use 2016
878 SUCCESS High quality spectral CT using sparse reconstruction methods 2016
879 ADAPT Adaptive Decision support for Agents negotiation in electricity market and smart grid Power Transactions 2017
880 MITOCHONTACTS Mitochondrial membrane contact sites 2016
881 MELASAT Low-Cost Metasurface Leaky-Wave Antenna for Mobile Satellite Communications 2016
882 Feel your Reach Non-invasive decoding of cortical patterns induced by goal directed movement intentions and artificial sensory feedback in humans 2016
883 SEEWHI Solar Energy Enabled for the World by High-resolution Imaging 2016
884 INTEGROIL Demonstration of a Decision Support System for a Novel Integrated Solution aimed at Water Reuse in the Oil & Gas Industry 2016
885 C3-Cloud A Federated Collaborative Care Cure Cloud Architecture for Addressing the Needs of Multi-morbidity and Managing Poly-pharmacy 2016
886 iSCAPE Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe 2016
887 ICARUS Integrated Climate forcing and Air pollution Reduction in Urban Systems 2016
888 OMNES Open Many-body Non-Equilibrium Systems 2016
889 NuBSM From Fermi to Planck : a bottom up approach 2016
890 PROTECTIVE Proactive Risk Management through Improved Cyber Situational Awareness 2016
891 STORM Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management 2016
892 CIVILEX Supporting European Civilian External Actions 2016
893 SHIELD Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment 2016
894 DANTE Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities 2016
895 CIPSEC Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection with innovative SECurity framework 2016
896 iBorderCtrl Intelligent Portable Border Control System 2016
897 CITADEL Critical Infrastructure Protection using Adaptive MILS 2016
898 TAKEDOWN Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals 2016
899 TankRob In-service intrusive Non-Destructive Testing of above ground and underground petrochemical storage tank floors and walls to detect corrosion 2016
900 DrugSense Ribo-regulators that sense trace antibiotics 2016
901 2for1-SingletFission 2 for 1: Quantum Dynamics of Singlet Fission 2016
902 FUTURE-MOBILE Distributed Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Communications 2016
903 NeuroPsense Embedded Neuromorphic Sensory Processor 2016
904 CleanOil Global business challenge: Breaking the oilgas water dependency with a cost-effective no-waste nanomembrane technology for water reuse 2016
905 Reminova02 Feasibility Study to Demonstrate Effectiveness and Efficiency of Enamel Remineralisation using Reminova's EAER (Electrically Accelerated Enhanced Remineralisation) Technology for Dental Applications 2016
906 CHESS-SETUP Combined HEat SyStem by using Solar Energy and heaT pUmPs 2016
907 NNLOforLHC2 New level of theoretical precision for LHC Run 2 and beyond 2016
908 REPAiR REPAiR - REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism 2016
909 SALTGAE Demonstration project to prove the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry. 2016
910 SMART-Plant Scale-up of low-carbon footprint material recovery techniques in existing wastewater treatment plants 2016
911 TOPVAC From Topological Matter to Relativistic Quantum Vacuum 2016
912 RANGER RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations 2016
913 SafeShore System for detection of Threat Agents in Maritime Border Environment 2016
914 TES-FlexThin Novel Thermoelectric Energy Solutions based on Flexible Thin-Film Materials 2016
915 THOR THOR – Total solution for High throughput surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy 2016
916 INTRANSYS Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs 2016
917 INNOQUA Innovative Ecological on-site Sanitation System for Water and Resource Savings 2016
918 SafeWaterAfrica Self-Sustaining Cleaning Technology for Safe Water Supply and Management in Rural African Areas 2016
919 MONACAT Magnetism and Optics for Nanoparticle Catalysis 2016
920 LIGHTest Lightweight Infrastructure for Global Heterogeneous Trust management in support of an open Ecosystem of Stakeholders and Trust schemes. 2016
921 4FOLD Phase 2 4FOLD Reduction of the International Transport of Empty Containers by Folding 2016
922 FLIPT FLow Induced Phase Transitions, A new low energy paradigm for polymer processing 2016
923 CryoProtect A new cryoprotectant formulation for the next generation of high throughput screening toxicology tests 2016
924 E-SAVING ULTRASONICS Game-changing Ultrasonic Technology for Energy Saving in Predictive Maintenance 2016
925 BIOCOMPLACK Eco-friendly food packaging with enhanced barrier properties 2016
926 NUTS Nuclei Using Topological Solitons 2016
927 EVNSMAS An evolutionary approach to automated norm synthesis for multi agent systems 2016
928 TransPhorm Single molecule imaging of transmembrane protein structure and function in their native state 2016
929 FONT Functional Optoacoustic Neuro-Tomography 2016
930 iCARE MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients ReceivingdiseasE-oriented therapy 2016
931 TaCo Take Control 2016
932 iGOLDD Commercialising MR-HIFU: an Image-Guided Local Drug-Delivery Platform 2016
933 NEOBALLAST New high-performant and long-lasting ballast for sustainable railway infrastructures 2016
934 CRO-INSPECT Collaborative RObotic Solution for Advanced Inspection of Complex Composite parts 2016
935 VegAlert Low cost, early Phytosanitary monitoring and alert service for horticultural farmers 2016
936 TactoTek New lightweighting smart surface manufacturing technology for automotive industry 2016
937 NexGenFSCM The Next Generation Supply Chain Management Software in the European Food Industry - NexGenFSCM 2016
938 CALIPRI Smart CALIPRI Smart - the easy to use and failsafe handheld optical gauge for 2D-profiles. 2016
939 S.D.S. an innovative system for building hulls for recreational and work boats 2016
941 Ugypsum Up-cycling manufacturing waste from the composite industry 2016
942 SEL 360 Gomins The first holistic mobile game for evaluating and supporting the development of social and emotional skills and competences in childhood 2016
943 UTFebSMEApp UniTuition – Using internet technologies to upgrade and optimize inefficient university tutoring markets. 2016
944 ECO-TURBINE Development of lamella type of wind turbine made of bio composite polymers 2016
945 XCORE XCORE: Enabling breakthrough weight reduction for the next generation of cars 2016
946 iProcell Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice 2016
947 Drygair20 Energy efficient greenhouse dehumidifier for warm climate operating at wide temperature ranges (4-40° C) and free of fluorinated gases 2016
949 OBP One Business Place 2016
950 EVOTRANS Advanced Transmission System for Bicycles 2016
951 SOLIS An innovative Solar Lighting System to replace artificial lighting in all types of indoor spaces with free and healthy sunlight. 2016
952 SPRAYDECO Developing Wireless Application-based Spray Printer Device for Wall Decoration 2016
953 AFTAT “Animal-Free Testing for Acute Toxicity” 2016
954 FricWeld Friction Welded Valve for Enhanced Hygiene in Food and Beverage Industry 2016
955 HPEM2GAS High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications 2016
956 ELY4OFF PEM ElectroLYsers FOR operation with OFFgrid renewable installations 2016
958 ASURI Advanced Surgical Implants (ASURI) 2016
959 NIPUNA Novel metrology tool for more flexible and affordable 3D validation of large industrial components 2016
960 OC-Tech OC-Tech: Innovative vessel for cleaning-up activities in marine and fluvial environments. 2016
961 ECOPULPING Valorising the straw waste stream through a novel bio-mechanical process which converts 100% of the waste into three high value products including bleached paper pulp. 2016
962 SET - Chronic Pain SET – The defibrillator for Chronic Pain 2016
964 WhiteBox EEG Big Data EEG Recording and Analysis platform 2016
965 Dycare Dynamic Care Solutions for clinical assessment of musculoskeletal and neurological disorders 2016
966 SpaceInvader SpaceInvader – Gain value from empty and unused cargo space 2016
967 INE IAPS Intelligent active protection system for motorcyclists: saving lives through optimum use of latest advances in sensor technologies, wireless communication, smartphone platforms, real-time analysis 2016
968 Safe Hydrogen Fuel Safe Hydrogen-On-Demand Fuel for E-Vehicles 2016
969 OZONELASER Cost and time-effective universal medical device for treatment of onychomycosis by combining several technologies 2016
970 NORMOPERF Normothermic perfusion devices for renal and hepatic preservation and viability assessment 2016
971 CELSO Low-cost and high-performance pocket Automated Vehicle Monitoring system for Public Transport 2016
972 PRODRIVE Production-Ready Oriented Development of Radically Innovative Vehicle Electric drive 2016
973 ANSWER Adaptive Nozzle valve system for Solar Water powered desalination 2016
974 SDN-Polygraph Cloud-based Monitoring Service for Software Defined Networks 2016
975 dSense dSense – Self adapting, cost efficient method for detecting context of a mobile device and a mobile device with a context detection module 2016
976 SmartWASTE Smart logistics for WASTE and recycling operations in European cities 2016
977 STEPLA PLUS Livestock integrated management system 2016
978 FITA2.0 A highly innovative size recommendation engine, disrupting the existing online apparel market by using big data and machine-learning algorithms. 2016
979 EnviroALARM Early alarm system for groundwater contamination monitoring 2016
980 Cloudfone Cloudfone Visitor Service - a 'roam like a local' Cloud service for mobile operators 2016
981 Full Electric Boats New full-electric propulsion system, completely submerged in water, for zero-emissions navigation 2016
982 RapeedTest IntegRAted control technology for unparalleled high sPEED data acquisition, storage and analysis for TEST rigs 2016
984 ASCEMA ASCEMA: Content Aware Technology for IP Protection in Supply Chains 2016
985 BloodStemPLUS Commercial feasibility study of a technology that multiplies blood stem cells to increase the success of transplants for cancer treatment 2016
986 SP3D Virtual reality fitting simulation for electronic e-commerce 2016
987 EQR-Equid Real Time, Secure Equine ID Information Platform (EQR-Equid) 2016
988 Tom PIT Studio Tom PIT Studio - platform for designing information systems 2016
989 ZeoBio-NG Innovative biogas upgrading system based on novel Zeolite adsorbent technology for producing Bio-based Natural Gas 2016
990 STMS Smart Tyre Management System for Safer, Greener and More Economic Transport through Innovative Technology for Smart Infrastructure from Silent Sensors Limited. 2016
991 EddyEyes Novel System for surface inspection and quality control for steel industries. 2016
992 VDRConnect VDRConnect: VDR-based vessel telematics solution 2016
993 BISS Biometric Identification Security System 2016
995 USONIPRO Ultrasonic technology for bioprocess enhancement 2016
996 3DTTool Next Generation of Cutting Tools Using Additive Manufacturing Technology I, Phase 1 2016
997 E-ProMS Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Government (B2G) E-Procurement and Business Intelligence Platform through Smart and Innovative Approaches 2016
998 Glucoset Boronic acid hydrogel sensor for intravascular (arterial) blood glucose monitoring 2016
999 CUBETTO New CUBic shElter concepT TO foster living responses 2016
1000 TRILO-BWTS Disruptive and patented microfluidic technology purification for ship ballast water, being maintenance free, eliminating clogging of filters and providing significant life-cycle cost savings 2016
1001 TRANSAFELOAD TRANSAFELOAD: Testing the real behaviour of packaged loads during transport 2016
1002 Arctus Turn-key modular aluminium smelter for a Zero Emission Production Process 2016
1003 SMAPP Smart room and Mobile APPlication Development Suite for hospitality 2016
1004 RELIABLE Wear Resistant Lightweight Aluminium Brakes for Vehicles 2016
1005 FLUSENSOR FLUSENSOR - innovative, ultra-sensitive, fast and cheap micro-test to detect influenza virus 2016
1006 NIRWOOD Fast, Accurate, Low Cost and Hand Held NIR Technology to Ascertain Wood Origin and Quality during Logistic Operations 2016
1007 LAURA Efficient photobioreactor for the production of algae-based chemical resources 2016
1008 STAIRLESS Unlocking urban barriers for disabled people 2016
1009 FricLess A seamless multi-scale model for contact, friction, and solid lubrication 2016
1010 Microbes4U Study of the therapeutic potential of an Akkermansia muciniphila-based products in subjects with an increased cardio-metabolic risk. 2016
1011 AD-HOC Artificial Dielectrics for High-frequency On-Chip antennas 2016
1012 Lt-AD Low-temperature Anaerobic Digestion treatment of low-strength wastewaters 2016
1013 SEEGLASS Glass Recovering Revolution: High performance Optical Sorter for glass collection from Waste 2016
1014 CLOUD DIAGNOSIS Development of Low Cost Cloud Monitoring for the Diagnosis and Prognostic of the Wind Turbines 2016
1015 FETAL MONITORING Safe and accurate fetal monitoring 2016
1016 ENGINENCY A Holistic System for Building Inspection and Energy Efficiency Management 2016
1017 OPENRESEARCHERS Open Researchers 2016
1018 PHOSave Innovative solution for phosphate recovery from exhausted extinguishing powders 2016
1019 FlexLogIC Development of a modular, integrated and autonomous ‘Factory-in-a-box’ production line for manufacturing high volumes of Flexible integrated LogIC circuits 2016
1020 FreshInk2 Colour-code labelling for continuous monitoring of quality and safety of packed chicken meat 2016
1021 ARENA The first on-site mobile solution for complete synthetic grass recycling and materials reuse 2016
1022 IMPAX Inline/Instant Measurement for PhArma eXtrusion 2016
1023 iNTACT Commercialisation of the world’s first iNTelligent Access Cover Technology for the protection of ALL underground infrastructure. 2016
1024 IDENTITY Usable Digital Signature 2016
1025 ConnectProtect A total cyber protection service to Small Businesses operating critical infrastructure and Residential customers 2016
1026 Dtorque111 Dtorque111 - world’s first turbodiesel outboard engine below 100 HP 2016
1027 GREEN EPILE Green Epile: Development and implementation of a new generation of energy piles 2016
1028 Teraki Making Big Data Small for the Internet of Things 2016
1029 HORTILED Market Opportunity Validation and Business Plan Development for horticulture research LED solution - HORTILED 2016
1030 CoolFarm CoolFarm – The intelligent and flexible system that provides to plants what they need, when they need it! 2016
1031 MOLEQULE Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms 2016
1032 LICORNE LIssage de COrdons Robotisé Novateur Expert 2015
1033 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
1034 Relieve-Chol Reprogramming cell identity to develop new therapies against Cholangiopathies 2016
1035 HEXTREME Hexahedral mesh generation in real time 2016
1036 FUTURE-PRINT Tuneable 2D Nanosheet Networks for Printed Electronics 2016
1037 IGNIS Reuse of Tyre Fibres for Fire-Spalling-Proof Concrete 2016
1038 UniPAT Universal Pulses for Parallel Transmission and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2016
1039 Gm2m The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon as a benchmark for New Physics Searches 2017
1040 MWDIR Media Warfare and the Discourse of Islamic Revival: The Case of the Islamic State (IS) 2017
1041 Polarsol Phase Two Polarsol - a disruptive hybrid heat management solution for global markets 2016
1042 SOMA The Smart Way to Beat Stress at Work 2016
1043 OnceForAll Streamline the european business environment with first class disruptive technology 2016
1044 Neuro Care System Adaptive Neuro Care System 2016
1045 PAL Public Space Navigation for All 2016
1046 AERFOR Advanced Forecasting System for Proactive Airport Passenger Flow Management 2016
1047 SMARTHE Smart thermostat èvolution 2016
1048 FerroHub A modular power electronic inverter based on a local DC nanogrid for solar, storage and smart grids 2016
1050 FC21S Cost-effective aluminium die casting for automotive industry 2016
1051 CREEV Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles 2016
1052 ABLE Air Blade Life Extension 2016
1053 ECOMARK An ecological road striping system 2016
1055 Digiteal Digiteal: European Payment and e-Invoicing platform 2016
1057 SURGIS Open Platform for X-Ray robotics medical imaging and surgical navigation 2016
1058 Gybrid EKUPD 2016
1059 VR4Health Revinax platform for 3D Virtual Reality Learning Techniques for Complex Medical Applications 2016
1060 i-movo International productisation of a disruptive digital vouchering technology 2016
1061 SIGNATURIT_2016 Signaturit - The smartest e-Signature solution to send and sign documents on the go 2016
1062 MODERATOR autoMated radiO frequency iDEntification enabled cameRA auTOmation solution foR fencing 2016
1063 azoomee A Truly Disruptive Entertainment and Educational Digital Application for Primary School Aged Children 2016
1064 Cassantec Cassantec Online for SMEs, an advanced prognostic platform for predictive maintenance and failure of industrial assets 2016
1065 RemoTech Remote technical assistance for field service operators 2016
1066 CardAPcells Cell therapy for patients with chronic heart failure with proprietary cardiac-derived cells (CardAP cells) – “From the Heart to the Heart” 2016
1067 SPA4ROADS Sustainable polymers application for preventive maintenance and upgrading of resilient and secure roads 2016
1068 CUSTOMI Arch New materials for revolutionary, branched, non-supported stents (CUSTOMI™) for aortic-arch endovascular repair 2016
1069 BioPellets Integrating food waste into wood pellets to convert waste grease to a useful biofuel. 2016
1070 FRIENDKHANA Friendly gamification business model based on intelligent data analysis to enrich consumers personalized e-commerce experiences 2016
1072 Qone Novel pressure relieving and sensing mattress and an intelligent control system that predicts and prevents pressure ulcers in bedridden patients 2016
1073 DEBS Dall Energy Biomass System 2016
1074 LOOP Disrupting Logistics in Smart Cities and Regions through an Advanced Logistics Platform. 2016
1075 MobiCS Disrupting the Car-Sharing Market in Smart Cities through a Unified Cross-Border Platform 2016
1076 TSH2020 RFID Temperature Logger Label 2016
1077 ICECHILLING Ice Chilling System for Enhanced Food Cooling 2016
1078 Chatgrape Chatgrape. The world’s most advanced team chat meets enterprise search. 2016
1079 MY FISH CURE Zebrafish avatar as a real-time in vivo platform for personalized cancer therapeutics 2016
1080 PemredTech Innovative Particle Emissions Reduction device for internal combustion engines, facilitating compliance with the present and future automotive particle emissions regulations. 2016
1081 ERYTHROAG A new ICT-based device (RHEO-01) for fast point-of-care analysis of acute ischemic stroke and other emergency situations. 2016
1082 Quality2Cells TimeLapseReader for Quality Control of Immune Cells used for Cell-Based Therapies 2016
1083 Wearable4Work Wearables for Workplace Productivity Safety 2016
1084 FiDaCaMS Fisheries Data Capture and Management System 2016
1085 SSL Novel microfiltration technology for emissions reduction 2016
1086 SAKLAS Feasibility of Salmon and Kingfish Land-Based Aquaculture Systems, Phase 1 2016
1087 BioMicroGels Innovative environmentally-benign wastewater treatment reagents offering a step change in efficiency in the cleaning of water from oils and metal ions and in liquidation of emergency oil spills 2016
1088 ReVibe Vibration energy harvesters to power the IoT revolution 2016
1089 Plasmapower PlasmaPower: hydro-catalytic plasma gasification for high-efficiency energy generation 2016
1090 OILBLOCK Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem 2016
1091 BETASCREEN A Unique Pancreatic Human Beta Cells to revolutionize the Diabetes Drug Discovery 2016
1092 Polaris Easy open access dissemination for research institutions 2016
1093 sSM Sensefinity Social Machines 2016
1094 freescoo Low temperature heat / solar driven air conditioning system for heating, cooling, dehumidification and ventilation of buildings 2016
1097 BMX-11 Providing Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints Inspired by Nature and Engineered for Industries 2016
1098 Phespa Phytogenic HEat Stress Prevention in farm Animals 2016
1099 CHESS Cegasa Portable Hybrid Energy Storage Solution 2016
1100 HIPER Heterogeneous Integrated Platform for Electronic system Redistribution: A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for Micro/Nano 2.5-D Electronic Systems Design 2016
1101 HyPump Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pump for Canals 2016
1102 EASYPONIC The unique “Nanny” sensor and app that cares and engages growers through the hydroponic process 2016
1103 ICE2LAST Innovative stunning technology based on a natural anesthetizing agent in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2016
1104 TriboGlide Development of an innovative and cost-efficient friction and wear reduction solution (TriboGlide) 2016
1105 HYDROBLOOD Innovative processing plant for optimal production of Decolourised Hydrolysed Protein (DHP). A secure, cost-effective and eco-friendly blood by-product solution. 2016
1106 eForcis eForcis and BeForcis, Wave Energy Generators for marine buoys and devices. 2016
1107 SMARTCARS Low cots Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety 2016
1108 SEQUOIA-DD Boosting productivity and performance in drug discovery with SEQUOIA - Semantic Query of Information Assets 2016
1109 EK200-AWESOME EK200 - Airborne Wind Energy and Storage system, catering to Off-grid and Mobile End-uses (AWESOME) 2016
1110 Monoma MONOMA: B2B Feasibility Study 2016
1111 SFOOT SFOOT - Development of single fibre data transport system 2016
1112 Ufloor Suspended timber floor insulation project 2016
1113 SAFECHILD SAFECHILD: Innovative Safety System for Children Transported in Vehicles 2016
1114 LAB2MARKET Zebra Academy Ready to Market Feasibility Study 2016
1115 FucoPol An innovative bio-based platform for the cost-competitive production of L-Fucose, a building block for Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) 2016
1116 SPLASH Sail PLAn service for energy efficient SHipping (SPLASH) - innovative and revolutionary sail planning 2016
1117 Sustain-ALGae Sustainable Integrated micro-Algae Culturing System (Sustain-ALGae) 2016
1118 SANZ Clima SANZ Telematics: Wireless Innovation for Smart Maintenance in Industrial Vehicles 2016
1119 NANO-INSITU Nanoscale Chemical Reactions Studied with In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy 2016
1120 VOLT Innovative high VOLTage network battery concept 2016
1121 GRO-BAT Growth hormone: an endocrine factor that integrates thermogenic and circadian signals to regulate brown adipose tissue activity. 2016
1122 SYNCHRONVERTER Smart Synchronous inverter for grid’s stability 2016
1123 Tech4Freedom 2.0 Assistive Devices for the Visually Impaired and other Disabilities 2016
1124 SK PRES SSH Social Sciences and Humanities: a New Agenda for Europe's Challenges 2016
1125 CLEARSILVER Industrial manufacturing of conductive, transparent and flexible electrodes with nanoinks fororganic electronic devices such as OPV and OLED lighting 2016
1126 Trapview Trapview - Automated pest-monitoring system for sustainable growing with optimal insecticide use 2016
1127 DouxSweet Novel Flavour Delivery Technology for Sugar Reduction 2016
1128 C-HEAT Condensed Heat - Optimization and scaling up of an energy efficient, long-during biomass condensation boiler with curved heat exchanger 2016
1129 Qlice Qlice: Environmentally-friendly system to combat sea lice in salmon farms 2016
1131 LandGrab Processes of indigenous community resistance to large extractive projects and their struggles for autonomy in Chile and Peru 2016
1133 ThermoHeart A revolutionary Stirling engine to use low and medium temperature waste heat to generate electricity and to reduce CO2 emissions 2016
1134 LowCostTracking Low cost tracking and data management solution for biopharma cold chain logistics 2016
1136 FoodSmartphone Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety 2017
1137 UTOPIAE Uncertainty Treatment and OPtimisation In Aerospace Engineering 2017
1138 HINDCON Hybrid INDustrial CONstruction through a 3D printing “all-in-one” machine for large-scale advanced manufacturing and building processes 2016
1139 EAGLE Efficient Additivated Gasoline Lean Engine 2016
1140 KRAKEN Hybrid automated machine integrating concurrent manufacturing processes, increasing the production volume of functional on-demand using high multi-material deposition rates 2016
1141 EENSULATE Development of innovative lightweight and highly insulating energy efficient components and associated enabling materials for cost-effective retrofitting and new construction of curtain wall facades 2016
1142 LASIMM Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine 2016
1143 Z-Fact0r Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories 2016
1144 PULPACKTION Optimised moulded pulp for renewable packaging solutions 2016
1145 PARADDISE A Productive, Affordable and Reliable solution for large scale manufacturing of metallic components by combining laser-based ADDItive and Subtractive processes with high Efficiency 2016
1146 TREASURE Training REsearch and Applications network to Support the Ultimate Real time high accuracy EGNSS solution 2017
1148 VULKANO Novel integrated refurbishment solution as a key path towards creating eco-efficient and competitive furnaces 2016
1149 MMBio Molecular Tools for Nucleic Acid Manipulation for Biological Intervention 2017
1150 ReWaCEM Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies 2016
1151 ZAero Zero-defect manufacturing of composite parts in the aerospace industry 2016
1152 DIGICOR Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains 2016
1153 COCOP Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Industrial Processes. 2016
1154 INNOVIP Innovative multi-functional Vacuum-Insulation-Panels (VIPs) for use in the building sector 2016
1155 ITEMB ITEMB: Integrated Full Composite Main Landing Gear Bay Concept 2016
1156 TRANSITION TRANSITION - Tool-Part-Interaction simulation process linked to laminate quality 2016
1157 SPAIN Smart Panels for SAT Aircrafts Cabin Insulation 2016
1158 PRINTSolar Printable Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Stable Performance 2016
1159 iPerm iPerm: Guided wave monitoring tool 2016
1160 Co-Active CO-modal journey re-ACcommodation on associated Travel serVices 2016
1161 DryFiciency Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Drying Processes 2016
1162 THOMSON Mild Hybrid cOst effective solutions for a fast Market penetratiON 2016
1163 TC2D 2D nanomaterials-based composite films for more efficient thermal conduction 2016
1164 SPICE Support Procurements for Innovative transport and mobility solutions in City Environment 2016
1165 InductICE Efficient, Modular and LigthWeight Electromagnetic Induction Based Ice Protection System 2016
1166 ATTRACkTIVE Advanced Travel Companion and Tracking Services 2016
1167 Smartrec Developing a standard modularised solution for flexible and adaptive integration of heat recovery and thermal storage capable of recovery and management of waste heat 2016
1168 ICN2020 ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation 2016
1169 eHealth Hub eHealth Hub, The European Hub for eHealth Business Support 2016
1170 MPC-. GT Model Predictive Control and Innovative System Integration of GEOTABS;-) in Hybrid Low Grade Thermal Energy Systems - Hybrid MPC GEOTABS 2016
1171 EURO-EXPERT Cultural Expertise in Europe: What is it useful for? 2016
1172 NANOPTO Novel processing of colloidal nanocrystals for optoelectronic applications 2016
1173 ProBOS Protection Beyond Operating System - Development of the next generation cyber security solution 2016
1174 BiomemeDx A study to establish the technical and economic feasibility of a mobile DNA and RNA testing tool, for use in general clinics and homecare. 2016
1175 RAM RAM is a revolutionary magneto-optical technology platform, outperforming current solutions in accuracy, cost, and time to diagnosis, when assessing human blood cells for Malaria presence 2016
1176 TheraPD TheraPD: Smart and safer automated peritoneal dialysis by means of sterile connectivity, bio-sensors control systems and more biocompatible solutions for preventing rapid degradation of peritoneal mem 2016
1177 RePower RePower: Maintenance-free and cost-efficient fuel for wireless sensors to energy- and resource-saving solutions 2016
1178 OPTIFUEL Smart and reliable solid biofuel quality control solution 2016
1179 SCR Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers 2016
1180 SPARK-TUBE Spark-Tube Biobanking System (STBS) 2016
1181 MIMODETECT Improved detection of underground pipes by Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar for The Radar Networks 2016
1182 SecTrap Critical urban infrastructure and soft target cyber attack protection. Users and application Behavioural Analysis supported by artificial intelligence to preempt security cyber attacks. 2016
1183 Eye-O-T Cyber security system with a high IoT network visibility and fast vulnerability detection for Smart Homes. 2016
1184 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2016
1185 HUTI Feasibility Study for HUTI – the Human Traffic Assistance System 2016
1186 Fundsphere Terms Disruptive Regulatory Technology for Asset Management Industry. FinTech company changes the global Asset Industry forever 2016
1187 FNS-4-NAMOSAT Development of fluorescence nanospectroscopy to elucidate the roles of nanoscale molecular segregation in the activation of T-cells 2016
1188 SolTile A roof integrated solar tile system to develop cost-effective distributed solar power generation 2016
1189 RVCR KGYAT have developed the RVCR, the world’s first commercially viable Rotary Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine. 2016
1190 dEUdil dEUdil: Building on open data as a new business model in the business information industry 2016
1191 UbiqutekGlide UbiqutekGlide: An advanced electrical weed control device to be integrated with existing agricultural equipment, yielding a zero chemical, organic result at a reduced operational cost 2016
1192 UWIT UnderWater Information Technology (UWIT) 2016
1193 NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of Air Vehicle, based onFOG technology 2016
1194 PigHeat Utilizing Pig By-products as Heat Source to Save Recycling and Energy Cost. 2016
1195 GRAPHEEN Green and straightforward process for the synthesis of Graphene-based nanomaterials. 2016
1196 JAM JAM: vehicle predictive maintenance through Artificial Intelligence 2016
1197 MOFcat Fundamental and Applied Science on Molecular Redox-Catalysts of Energy Relevance in Metal-Organic Frameworks 2017
1198 MIDAS Meaningful Integration of Data, Analytics and Services 2016
1199 TIPA Tidal Turbine Power Take-Off Accelerator 2016
1200 ThreatMark Advanced Fraud Detection System - Protecting digital transactions against cyber attacks 2016
1201 SAMBA Sustainable and Advanced Membranes By Aqueous Phase Separation 2017
1202 SCREEN Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions 2016
1203 LIVE INCITE Lifestyle intervention in the perioperative process through digital service 2016
1204 ProEmpower Procuring innovative ICT for patient empowerment and self-management for type 2 diabetes mellitus 2016
1205 SMART Smart Automation of Rail Transport 2016
1206 MSO4SC Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization for Societal Challenges with Scientific Computing 2016
1207 ENVISAGE ENhance VIrtual learning Spaces using Applied Gaming in Education 2016
1208 ReCAP Real-time Content Analysis and Processing (ReCAP) for Agile Media Production 2016
1209 MMAA Music Magazine and Artist APP project 2016
1210 EMMA Enriching Market solutions for content Management and publishing with state of the art multimedia Analysis techniques 2017
1211 PJ22 SEabird PJ22:Validation and Demonstration Engineering 2016
1212 HALODRUGSYN Innovative Strategies towards Halogenated Organic Molecules: From Reaction Design to Application in Drug Synthesis 2017
1213 SHINING Stable and High-Efficiency Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 2017
1214 DIANA Detection and Integrated Assessment of Non-authorised water Abstractions using EO 2017
1215 MSLOOP 2.0 Molten Salt Loop 2.0: key element for the new solar thermal energy plants. 2016
1216 InToTidal Demonstration of Integrated Solution for offshore Tocardo Tidal power plants. 2017
1217 COLA Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application 2017
1218 INFARM The vertical farming revolution, urban Farming as a Service. 2016
1219 Adapptise Redefining the way brands and game developers reach audiences - A fresh approach to advertising and customer retention. 2016
1220 HYPERTRANS HYPERTRANS: Transport of hyperpolarized substrates for metabolic MR imaging 2016
1221 InFuse Infusing Data Fusion in Space Robotics 2016
1222 ESROCOS European Space Robot Control Operating System 2016
1223 DECIDE DEvOps for trusted, portable and interoperable Multi-Cloud applications towards the Digital singlE market 2016
1224 WaterSpy High sensitivity, portable photonic device for pervasive water quality analysis 2016
1225 HypoSens Nano-confined photonic system for detection of breast cancer spread to the lymph nodes 2016
1226 A-LEAF An Artificial Leaf: a photo-electro-catalytic cell from earth-abundant materials for sustainable solar production of CO2-based chemicals and fuels 2017
1227 IntAir Cheaper, Lighter, Safer Composite Materials for Aircraft Interiors 2016
1229 RotorDEMO Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution demonstration project 2017
1230 Upstart Upgrade Speed To Accelerate Revolutionary Telecoms 2016
1231 PeptiEUForce PeptiEUForce: a game-changing ingredient for the pre-diabetic population 2016
1232 INSULCLOCK Empowered control of drugs’ dosage in chronic diseases 2016
1233 VITASEED the ultimate priming solution scaling up seed storability length 2016
1234 CLOUDSTORM Transforming the enterprise software industry: CloudStorm open source enterprise application development and integration framework 2016
1235 SLIM Sustainable Low Impact Mining solution for exploitation of small mineral deposits based on advanced rock blasting and environmental technologies 2016
1236 IMPaCT Integrated Modular Plant and Containerised Tools for Selective, Low-impact Mining of Small High-grade Deposits 2016
1237 SABINA SmArt BI-directional multi eNergy gAteway 2016
1238 FHP Flexible Heat and Power, Connecting heat and power networks by harnessing the complexity in distributed thermal flexibility. 2016
1239 GOFLEX Generalized Operational FLEXibility for Integrating Renewables in the Distribution Grid 2016
1240 EnergyKeeper Keep the Energy at the right place! 2017
1241 PJ09 DCB Advanced DCB 2016
1242 HEPHAESTUS Highly automatEd PHysical Achievements and PerformancES using cable roboTs Unique Systems 2017
1243 PJ03b SAFE Airport Safety Nets 2016
1244 PJ16 CWP HMI Controller Working Position / Human Machine Interface - CWP/HMI 2016
1245 HEMPT-NG High Efficiency Multistage Plasma Thruster – Next Generation 2017
1246 SPECIAL Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance 2017
1247 SHEPHERD Energy-Efficient Activated Sludge Monitoring for Wastewater Treatment Plants 2016
1248 PrEstoCloud PrEstoCloud - Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing 2017
1249 Morpheos MORPHotype EcOSystem – design remote definition based on big data morphology and use ecosystem for creative industries 2017
1250 CRISS Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools 2017
1251 LightKone Lightweight Computation for Networks at the Edge 2017
1253 CANGOPAL Next generation of Carrier Open SaaS for boosting e-Commerce economy 2016
1254 Botteega Botteega is a platform that makes it easy to do grocery shopping from traditional city markets, local shops and artisanal producers. 2016
1255 SLB-DES Second Life Batteries for Domestic Electricity Storage 2016
1256 TEStore Reducing carbon footprint by thermal energy storage 2016
1257 4SBLOCK Pavement Building System based on Detachable and Embedded Blocks 2016
1258 COMWORK Improving access to digital cultural heritage for multiple users and uses via a disruptive cloud based software as a service 2016
1259 Dreams4Cars Dream-like simulation abilities for automated cars 2017
1260 PJ05 Remote Tower Remote Tower for Multiple Airports 2016
1261 MONICA Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications 2017
1262 PJ19 CI Content Integration 2016
1263 PJ14 EECNS Essential and Efficient Communication Navigation and Surveillance Integrated System 2016
1264 S-CODE Switch and Crossing Optimal Design and Evaluation 2016
1265 Nature4Cities Nature Based Solutions for re-naturing cities: knowledge diffusion and decision support platform through new collaborative models 2016
1266 IRESCO Innovative REtrofitting for Substandard COnstruction 2016
1267 toxiclipasyn Understanding the balance between functional and deleterious interactions of alpha-synuclein with lipid bilayers 2017
1268 VADEMECOM VAlidation driven DEvelopment of Modern and Efficient COMbustion technologies 2017
1269 CareSTOR Market Uptake of Sustainable and Competitive Carbons for Energy Storage 2016
1270 VOSTARS Video Optical See-Through Augmented Reality surgical System 2016
1271 SynchroniCity SynchroniCity: Delivering an IoT enabled Digital Single Market for Europe and Beyond 2017
1272 CLOVER Robust Control, State Estimation and Disturbance Compensation for Highly Dynamic Environmental Mechatronic Systems 2017
1273 Green Gravure Roto-Hybrid Process® Cylinders for Green Gravure Printing 2016
1274 OvaRenew OvaRenew as a first-line therapy in impaired egg quality treatment 2016
1275 TENBRIN Application of high power ultrasounds (HPUs) to improve the sustainability in meat TENderize and BRINe processes 2016
1276 FANNABEE FANNABEE, a digital social marketplace for collectors 2016
1277 KRG-250 A fuel saving, emission reducing and cost effective Continuosuly Variable Transmission for European passenger vehicles 2016
1278 KEMISTATIC New Electro Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins 2016
1279 COCORO Cocoro Advanced Lingerie, the ultimate reusable absorbent underwear 2016
1280 NEW DEAL New siRNA Nanotherapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, targeting Janus kinases 2017
1281 STARCELL Advanced strategies for substitution of critical raw materials in photovoltaics 2017
1282 DataBio Data-Driven Bioeconomy 2017
1283 2DNANOPTICA Nano-optics on flatland: from quantum nanotechnology to nano-bio-photonics 2017
1284 FASTGRID Cost effective FCL using advanced superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids 2017
1285 ShaMROCK ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs 2016
1286 PHYSIC Photovoltaic with superior crack resistance 2017
1287 METACELL-TM METAbolism analysis made easy for CELL Translational Medicine 2016
1288 CellSON Launching the next generation of Self Organising Networks for Telecoms 2016
1290 SaaStified Simulation-as-a-Service Tool for Industrial Furnaces Innovative Engineering Design (SaaStified) 2016
1291 i2S-IC Innovative Software Configurator for the Insurance sector 2016
1292 GlucoTab A Novel ICT Assistant Solution for de-Risked Management of Insulin Dosing and Blood Glucose Levels in Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 2016
1293 E-SHUTTER A novel Smart Glass integrating multi-zone switchable glass and touch panel control functions into a durable and sustainable insulated glazing to provide energy-efficiency and privacy in buildings 2016
1294 SkinXCare Integral cell-biology platform for the development of the first effective treatment of radiodermatitis. 2016
1295 INTEGRID An INTEgral optimisation toolbox for smart GRID data communication network design and planning 2016
1296 Wonderlogix STUDIO Wonderlogix STUDIO: Towards Seamless Industrial Control 2016
1298 WISH Wearable Integrated System for Early Detection of Preterm Labour 2016
1299 ECO CARS Device for reduction of emissions and fuel consumption, optimizing combustion by treatment of fuel on the vehicle 2016
1300 STRINGBIKE Highly innovative push-pull handbike for boosting wheelchair mobility 2016
1301 ElGrid The Tool Supporting (r)Evolution In Forecasting and Optimizing Power Distribution Networks 2016
1302 IE2advisor Intelligent Energy Efficiency Advisor 2016
1303 RMBLStrip Self-adjusting air deflectors for heavy trucks 2016
1304 POLG Testing and scaling of an electro-magnetic power on line generator for remote areas 2016
1305 Agroptima FM Innovative interconnected farm management App and software for precision farming 2016
1306 X5 bitworker X5 bitworker - The Copying System for the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 2016
1307 Smartaxi Innovative customer forecasting system with 32% savings in Taxi operational costs 2016
1308 SHOTL A shared mobility On-Demand Service 2016
1309 RA-RAKE A Novel Double Wheel Rake Machine to provide high quality fodder and high operational speed 2016
1311 DASHIN Data Should Inspire – Development of a Disruptive Big Data Analysing Solution for Marketing Agencies 2016
1312 CliniTrial Enhancement of an advanced clinical trial recruitment platform for Europe to ensure maximum intake of eligible consenting patients for participation 2016
1313 NanoPack Pilot line production of functional polymer nanocomposites from natural halloysite nanotubes: demonstrating controlled release of active antimicrobials in food packaging applications. 2017
1314 FLEXPOL Antimicrobial FLEXible POLymers for its use in hospital environments 2017
1315 CARESSES Culture Aware Robots and Environmental Sensor Systems for Elderly Support 2017
1316 HP4all Persistent and Transportable Hyperpolarization for Magnetic Resonance 2017
1317 Chi2-Nano-Oxides Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics 2017
1318 TREND Transparent and flexible electronics with embedded energy harvesting based on oxide nanowire devices 2017
1319 SOLUTION SOLUTION - Solid lubrication for emerging engineering applications 2017
1320 Noke A ground-breaking smart-lock for industrial storage, utilizing patented technology through Bluetooth 4.0, mobile apps, and a cloud platform. 2016
1321 Mobi The Mobi Charger, a novel mobile Electric Vehicle charging station that requires no installation costs, offers easy scalability and utility bill savings for users. 2016
1322 NEWEX Investigation and development of a new generation of machines for the processing of composite and nanocomposites materials 2017
1323 PVCLOUD Innovative Cloud-Based PV Workflow for Semiconductor Foundries 2017
1324 P2Property Peer to Peer Property 2017
1326 ThingSight Industrial IoT Communication and Analytics Platform for Smart Maintenance 2016
1327 ELEONE New advanced sensor for automated metrology 2016
1329 T-TAG Innovative tag system providing affordable time-temperature quality control of individual temperature sensitive products 2016
1330 ELG-blocks Sustainable production of lightweight thermal concretes and concrete blocks with use of recycled industrial waste for construction of energy-efficient and/or highly seismic-safe masonry buildings 2017
1331 FAST FAST (Film Archive Superior Transfer) – A new paradigm for digital preservation of audio visual heritage through fast and cost-efficient film digitization 2016
1332 Intranetum Disrupting the Way We Store and Search for Files, Replacing The Folder-Based With a Context-Based Filing Paradigm. 2017
1333 InjectoReducer Integrated reducer-filter-injector unit for natural gas engines 2016
1334 ECOMOBI Eco-friendly Modification of Bitumen (ECOMOBI) - Recycling end of life tyres into an efficient bitumen modifier 2016
1335 XTPL XTPL - A new generation of TCF layers for use in displays and thin film photovoltaic cells 2017
1336 Homer HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system 2016
1337 spinitCompanion A point of care device to provide real-time blood analysis for chronic diseases. 2016
1338 PISPA PISPA – Plytix Information Sharing Platform and Analytics – Testing product market fit for a disruptive Information sharing platform for brands and resellers 2017
1339 PerfectDashboard 2.0 First single platform for efficient and security aware management of CMS based websites 2016
1341 MODCAM Modcam – vision sensors with onboard analytics for retail customer analysis 2017
1342 Force Servo Force Servo 2017
1343 VirtualNet VirtualNet 2016
1344 GRAILS-SWE Greater RAIL Safety using the Smart Washer Ecosystem 2017
1345 REGMAX An innovative process for the regeneration of acids used in the steel pickling process 2016
1346 CM Prevention of Cosmetic-Induced Non-Communicable Diseases and Micro Plastics entering Food Chains with the CosmEthics- Health App 2016
1347 FlexBuild Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2016
1348 KAROS KAROS – Integration of a dynamic and predictive short distance carpooling offer into route planner services 2017
1349 ScaleMazeMap Scaling MazeMap to a global provider of indoor maps 2016
1350 OLEA Outdoor Lean Elderly Assistant 2017
1351 ReadyToSail ReadyToSail 2016
1352 3DCC Ready-to-use 3D Cell Cultures for early de-risking in drug development 2016
1353 Windtree Nature inspired energy generation system for urban distributed power 2016
1354 Large enHANCEMENT Large Surface Heating and Cooling Element 2017
1355 ESSI Developing the EFAS Smart Services Initiative to introduce a game -changer in the digital tachograph market 2016
1356 OCTOLY REVIEWS Plugin A revolutionary Influencer Marketing solution that creates a new sales channel for SMEs and self-employment opportunities for Social Media influencers 2017
1357 COSMOS Control and measurement of single macromolecules in space and time 2018
1358 POLITE Powered, modular Wind-Tunnel model for low and high Reynolds tests 2016
1359 SMART.MET PCP for Water Smart Metering 2017
1360 INLINE Design of a flexible, scalable, high quality production line for PEMFC manufacturing 2017
1361 Demo4Grid Demonstration of 4MW Pressurized Alkaline Electrolyser for Grid Balancing Services 2017
1362 MERA Mechanism of Enzyme Rhodopsin Activation 2016
1363 beAWARE Enhancing decision support and management services in extreme weather climate events 2017
1364 NICEDROPS Precise and smart nanoengineered surfaces: Impact resistance, icephobicity and dropwise condensation 2017
1365 IN-POWER Advanced Materials technologies to QUADRUPLE the Concentrated Solar Thermal current POWER GENERATION 2017
1366 SynFoNY Synthesis and Formulation of Nanoparticles for pinning in YBCO coated conductors 2017
1367 Heat4Cool Smart building retrofitting complemented by solar assisted heat pumps integrated within a self-correcting intelligent building energy management system. 2016
1368 Cellulose recovery High quality cellulose recovery from AHP: From used diaper to coatings additive 2016
1369 DEGOO Degoo backup – the first back-up service based on dynamic routing of transfer data to data centres 2016
1370 BINCI Binaural Tools for the Creative Industries 2017
1371 M-CUBE MetaMaterials antenna for ultra-high field MRI 2017
1372 Water4Food Eco-friendly and scalable seawater desalination container to secure water supply for agriculture and food production in the Mediterranean area 2016
1373 ULTRACHIRAL Ultrasensitive chiral detection by signal-reversing cavity polarimetry: applications to in-situ proteomics, single-molecule chirality, HPLC analysis, medical diagnostics, and atmospheric studies 2017
1374 AutoLiqHand A Compact and Automated Liquid Handling Platform for Biomedical Assays 2017
1375 Cold Energy Industrialization and path to commercialization of a patented innovative industrial kit to modify COLD cycle in order to drastically reduce ENERGY consumption 2017
1376 ColdNano-X ZnO-nanotech cold cathode x-ray tube for the security market 2016
1377 NANO Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring Tool and Intelligent Asset Integrity, Risk and Performance Management Software 2017
1378 KM3NeT - INFRADEV Astroparticle and Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA and ORCA) 2017
1379 TRUST TRUck Suistanable Transport - Innovative project for management of Contract Logistics 2017
1380 COSMHYC COmbined hybrid Solution of Multiple HYdrogen Compressors for decentralised energy storage and refuelling stations 2017
1381 CO2MPRISE CO2 absorbing Materials Project- RISE 2017
1382 FlowOx Novel treatment for peripheral arterial disease 2016
1383 ONCOCHECK A simple blood test for prognosis and monitoring of patients undergoing cancer therapy. 2017
1384 Socialsmartgrid Boosting Energy Efficiency Trough Social Smart Grid Network 2017
1385 Safe2LPG Device for safety and security in liquid petroleum gas systems 2017
1386 LKN Linknovate – Connect with Emerging Technologies and the Key-Players Behind Them 2017
1387 PROBATE Planet ROlling Bearing with Advanced TEchnologies 2017
1388 ALC Aircraft Light Communication 2017
1389 MARANDA Marine application of a new fuel cell powertrain validated in demanding arctic conditions 2017
1390 SIMFAL Assembly Planning and SIMulation of an Aircraft Final Assembly Line 2017
1391 Q-Air Sustainable Prefabricated Glass Façade with Performance Exceeding State-of-the-art Glass Façades 2017
1392 PULSe Pervasive Ubiquitous Lightwave SEnsor 2017
1393 SmartGuide Smart Biopsy Tool for Real-Time Cancerous Cell Characterization at the Tip of the Needle 2017
1394 Liftra Crane Liftra Self-Hoisting Crane (LSHC) - a disruptive crane solution for cost effective exchange and service of major wind turbine components 2016
1395 INSTET Integral Security Trust Element for the Internet of Things 2016
1396 QSave QUAKE SAVER: Emergency System for Door opening in any critical condition. 2017
1397 AWARENET The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks 2017
1398 SEaSiDE SEaSiDE (Smart Electro-expulsive System for SAT Aircrafts De-Icing) 2017
1399 BEATTI BEaring Advanced Technologies for Turboprop engine Innovation 2017
1400 WINBOXTOOL High versatility and accurate tooling set produced in All-In-One machine for the cost efficiency Sub-Assembly, Functional Checks and Transport of the Morphing Winglet and Multifunctional Outer flaps. 2017
1401 MUMPS Next Generation Digital Mock-Ups for Multi-Physics Simulation 2016
1402 NMR4Nanos Development and application of NMR-based tools to inorganic nanocarriers for effective vaccine delivery 2017
1403 NEOHIRE NEOdymium-Iron-Boron base materials, fabrication techniques and recycling solutions to HIghly REduce the consumption of Rare Earths in Permanent Magnets for Wind Energy Application 2017
1404 InnoSpace Revolutionizing fibre-wireless communications through space-division multiplexed photonics 2017
1405 HEINSOL Hierarchically Engineered Inorganic Nanomaterials from the atomic to supra-nanocrystalline level as a novel platform for SOLution Processed SOLar cells 2017
1406 OCEAN_2G Second Generation technologies in ocean Energy 2017
1407 SpheroPredict A 3D advanced test for prediction of drug response in secondary liver cancer 2017
1408 NEW-AGE A next-generation platform for catalysing pre-clinical development of drugs against Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases of old-age 2017
1409 IoTEE Internet of Things Everywhere on Earth: a satellite based M2M solution 2017
1410 MiAlFeedIngredients Innovative Microalgae Feed Ingredient to improve Animal Health for a more sustainable Food Chain 2017
1411 RocketChip High Speed, Cost Effective Optical Communications Module Enabling the Next Generation of Ethernet 400 GbE 2016
1412 GaSeS The first low cost optical gas imager for fugitive emissions mitigation, increasing energy efficiency in industry 2017
1413 FITTOM PVC-O Fittings based on MOLECOR’s Molecular Orientation TOM® technology 2017
1414 3D-COMPETE Mini Factories for 3D printing of Large Industrial Composite Structures 2017
1415 DEEPVIEW High accuracy error detection in curved (prismatic) surfaces at high manufacturing speed 2017
1416 AgroRadar Using Copernicus Earth Observation radar data to disrupt Precision Agriculture 2017
1417 NANO-GROWTH An innovative, non-invasive and de-risked system to enable the transdermal delivery of fragile therapeutic compounds for a better management of painful diseases 2017
1418 CryoBiopsy CryoBiopsy: a bi-modal temperature sample preservation device for standardized breast cancer biopsy 2017
1419 INNOVENTUALLY INNOVENTUALLY, One-stop source for innovation” — A PaaS (Platform as a Service) for the management of Open Innovation Challenges and Needs. 2017
1420 DART Feasibility study for market introduction of the T-Minus DART research rocket system 2017
1422 APU-OFF Auxiliary Power Unit SubstitutiOn Service For AircraFt 2017
1423 MARGHERITA Pizza Vending Machine with Innovative oven and refrigerated storage technology for improved performance and operations 2017
1424 Logist-IoT SensorToCloud Technologies for Loss Prevention and Smart “Last Mile” Logistics Operations 2017
1425 FUNGITAINER FUNGITAINER: Innovative Modular and Mobile Indoor Farm for Mushrooms and Substrate Production 2017
1426 MEMS MEM’S: My Easy Moving System 2017
1427 Tinnitus Platform Commercialization of novel Diagnostic Platform with Synaptic adaptation Arc treatment method for tinnitus patients. 2017
1428 Adaptive Simulations Bringing to market an open source CFD framework as a fully automated simulation service with high performance computing cloud-based access 2016
1430 Enerstor Introduction of an electric energy power storage levelling module in the machine tools industry to unleash the enormous energy savings potential and significantly relieve the European power grid 2017
1431 i2factory 2.0 i2factory- Disrupting integration platform: secure and easy integration without any programming or component installation 2017
1432 AQUOLIVE Improving Aquaculture production with bioactives from olive oil processing by-products. 2017
1433 BIOECOMARINE New Ultrasonic Cost-Effective Equipment as Anti-Fouling System for Vessels 2017
1434 FRESHTRAY New corrugated cardboard for active packaging to extend shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables 2017
1435 Augmented Commerce Augmented Commerce, a game-changing augmented reality-based sales experience to disrupt the e-commerce industry 2017
1436 AltaGram 4.0 Launching the First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform 2017
1437 Satway Pro SATWAY Pro. The Reliable and Affordable Satellite Messaging Service. 2017
1438 MotionMapper A real-time ground motion disaster mitigation system based on satellite, drone and ground radar images for industry safety and efficiency 2017
1439 LOCARP4EU potential analysis of Ecov's short-distance real-time carpooling stations relying on roadside connected hardware 2017
1440 Waste Compactor Green Automatic Waste Compactor 2017
1441 GMP Green Marine Propulsion 2017
1442 Apolitical Advancing the Best Ideas and People in the Public Service 2017
1443 HORTOMOLD Valorization of rice crops by-products into compostable food packaging 2017
1444 Watchity Launching the First 360° Crowdsourced Live Video Platform. 2017
1445 Rhomb Innovative modular hardware development platform 2017
1446 M2M mapKITE to market 2017
1447 Trafisense Trafisense is a real-time monitoring and early-warning service for high-risk situations in dry-type distribution and power transformers based on proprietary machine-learning technology. 2017
1448 W-THINK Smart Energy Management and Strategic Decision Making Platform 2017
1449 PLATIO Innovative outdoor solar and kinetic energy harvesting pavement system 2017
1450 ECOLUP Smart collect points as an innovative logistic solution to shorten fruit and vegetables supply chain 2017
1451 SIRENA An emancipation device to increase mobility for disabled people 2017
1452 iTRUST iTRUST: In-time TReatment of acUte ischaemic STroke 2017
1453 Carr-e CARR·e: Lightweight and versatile electric vehicle applied to urban logistics 2017
1454 Oblow Oblow, an effective solution in the reduction of stress 2017
1455 LiveJourney LiveJourney 2017
1456 smartFEEsh Smart FEEding Systems for Hatcheries: Automatic central feeding system of live food and microdiets for farmed fingerlings 2017
1457 E-APIS A smart, energy autonomous, universal and cost-effective dynamic passenger information system 2017
1458 Nano-SHINE Nano-based Anti-Tarnishing Technology for Precious and Non Precious Metal Protection 2017
1459 KUDURA Upscaling of a portable hybrid solution for power supply, smart waste-to-energy 2017
1460 GASMETRIC New multi-parameter automaton for measurement of indoor environmental conditions in livestock exploitations 2017
1461 DePharm A cost-effective and energy-efficient water treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from urban wastewater 2016
1462 InnSpect IoT Providing Quality of Experience Through Automated Testing of Devices 2017
1463 BioPackNet Manufacturing of biodegradable and compostable packaging nets through a conventional one-step extrusion process 2017
1465 ECOLED Efficient and Low CO2 footprint B2B turnkey LED module with an innovative thermal solution 2017
1466 xBeam xBeam 3D Metal Printing 2017
1467 ENERGIZE Efficient Energy Management for Greener Aviation 2017
1468 TOPMOST Optimization two phases cooling solution using micro pump brick 2017
1469 ECOFUNEL Eco Design: Composite functionalization: thermal and electrical conductivity 2017
1470 PILOT varnish and sol-gel multifunctional ProtectIve cLear cOat for aeronauTics 2017
1471 SOCOSYS Sensors for Oil COoling SYStem 2017
1472 Renaparin Improving kidney transplantation outcome with Renaparin® for patients with End-Stage Renal Disease by attenuating graft ischemia reperfusion injury 2017
1473 SPG Seafarm Pulse Guard 2017
1474 BITRIDE BIKE SHARING The solution for flexible bike sharing initiatives without fixed stations 2017
1475 ProDairyWelfare smaXtec 4.0 – multifunctional Dairy Cattle Sensor System for a proactive productivity and health management in Dairy Farming 2017
1476 SmartECG The world's first universally compatible algorithm and platform for automatic interpretation of electrocardiogram analysis data 2017
1477 SIGROW SIGROW AQUA: feasibility study of a disruptive Nutrient Management System for hydroponic farming 2017
1478 SATH New twin floating platform for offshore wind turbines 2017
1479 MePlat Application of Cold Plasma Treatment for Antimicrobial Contact Lenses 2017
1480 PROXITRAK PROXITRAK – next generation IoT tracking solution for a connected logistics – collect, analyse and visualise big data in a true real time 2017
1481 PREGNABIT PREGNABIT – the world’s first complex telemedical mobile CTG system for pregnancy examination 2017
1482 BactiLine BactiLine at-line system for automatic monitoring of microbial bacteria in water 2017
1483 Al-medicare Disruptive Artificial Intelligence engine to facilitate rapid low cost development of specialist e-health applications for smart decision making in medical pre-diagnosis 2017
1484 KWIDO_TELECARE Multidevice software platform for caring elderly patients at home 2017
1485 YawSTOP First stabilisation device to enable rotation-free and rotation-controlled lifting and loading of cargo and goods by cranes or helicopters to make transportation more efficient, reliable and safe 2017
1486 CG-100 A next generation medical device that enhances patient care and treatment following colorectal surgery 2017
1487 MEAQUAS Automated and objective characterization of comminuted meat properties for valorization of high quality processed meat 2017
1488 SERVONE The Intelligent Service Network Operator 2017
1489 HOOKIE A Customizable Robot to Include Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2017
1490 ImmerDrive Virtual IMMERsion for DRIVEr training and evaluation 2017
1491 CBIT Customisable Bioink Technology Platform 2017
1492 APMAV Innovative drone-based solution for agriculture 2017
1493 AIR Artificial Intelligence RNA-seq 2017
1495 HarvPell Upscale and redesign of a mobile harvesting and pelletizing disruptive all-in-one machine 2017
1496 CitizenLab CitizenLab 2017
1497 Steora Steora - next step to a smart city 2017
1498 SANSO V2.0 Innovative mobile “continuous food mixer” to improve the sustainable use of raw materials and the quality of the products 2017
1499 SUNINBOX Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX 2017
1500 DSR Dissipative Self-Replication 2017
1501 DENTADFE Dendron and Dendrimer Derived Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters for Solution-Processed Non-Doped Device 2017
1502 NAROBAND Environmental friendly narrow band-gap colloidal nanocrystals for optoelectronic devices 2017
1503 PROFOLIG Covalent-ligation-assisted elucidation of protein-aromatic foldamer interactions 2017
1504 ICE Intelligent Control of Energy Storage for Smart Buildings and Grids 2017
1505 SnowRESolution All-Weather Snow machine driven by Renewable Energy Sources 2017
1506 ESA 2.0 Pushing forward irradiation monitoring efficiency in the PV industry 2017
1507 ODR A ubiquitous system for disrupting how Western blot imaging and data processing is carried for clinical analysis 2017
1508 HarshEnergy Perpetual Sensing in Harsh Environments: Self-powered sensors for the Oil Gas industry 2017
1509 EPI-Centrd Epilepsy Controlled with Electronic Neurotransmitter Delivery 2017
1510 TEA Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry 2017
1511 BRINE MINING Applying circular economy solutions in industrial wastewater management: request of SME Associate to develop the necessary energy simulation tools for recovery of waste heat from industrial operations 2017
1513 TreatStroke arTificial neuRal nEtwork prediction of hAemorrhagic Transformation in STROKE. 2017
1514 CMI2T IA Harmless Clostridium bacteria as a highly targeted, continuous delivery system for immunomodulatory anti-cancer drugs 2017
1515 ROCHI ROCHI - RObotics Coverage Hiring Innovation 2017
1516 EGGR EGGR - becoming the Eggspert in egg based bioreactors 2017
1517 TeleoLogic Logical and Psychological Foundations for a Teleosemantic Theory of Productivity 2017
1518 CustomCOF New strategies for the formation of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks (2D-COFs) on surfaces. 2017
1519 PlasmaSolution Demonstration and implementation of an integrated process for the Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Solution Deposition of PMMA-multicomponent coatings on wood and wood-based substrates 2018
1520 LACRYMOSA Designing Multifunctional Self-Limiting Assembled Nanocrystal Superstructures and Monitoring their Self-Assembly at High Spatiotemporal Resolution 2017
1521 SKDWONTRACK Room temperature stabilization and all-electrical manipulation of chiral spin structures in metallic multilayers 2018
1522 THEcore Thermally efficient, cost-reduced nanostructured foams for vacuum insulation panels 2017
1523 LEEP Longitudinal employer–employee perspectives on the role of human capital investments for retirement transitions 2017
1524 SQALE Integrating Superconducting Qubits with Two-dimensional Electron Systems 2017
1525 SRec BIPV Smart Reconfigurable photovoltaic modules for Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic applications 2018
1526 PRIMASKOTI PReparing Introduction to MArket of SKOTI (PRIMASKOTI) - a breakthrough solution for real-time studies of cytoskeletal motors at single-molecule resolution 2017
1527 nanoHPcs Sustainable nanoHVOF and nanoaxialPlasma coating solutions against wear problems of extrusion machines allowing an eco-efficient use of materials and the increase of recycling in the plastics industry 2017
1528 LIFEOMEGA Innovative highly concentrated Omega-3 Specialized Nutrition Product 2017
1529 DIGITALIA 2 Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2017
1530 LocationWise LocationWise Payment Card Validation: A cloud based location verification system that willsignificantly lower cost of payment card cyber security 2017
1531 BIOSPEC BIOphotonic SPECialists for Novel Raman Spectrometer Development 2017
1532 SecIoT Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices 2017
1533 ISPEC Imaging SPECtral deconvolution specialist 2017
1534 MILC New system for Automatic Music identification of live events and cover versions 2017
1535 Debrasa Deep brain targets for neurostimulation in affective disorders 2017
1536 SimSolidAM Simulation of metal Solidification in Additive Manufacturing processes 2017
1537 PERIGROWTH States, firms and, sustainable economic growth: A view from the periphery 2018
1538 SamSD Theoretical insides in endohedral metallofullerene based Self-Assembled Monolayers: Statics and Dynamics. 2017
1539 WHITELIGHT White Light Emitting Lanthanide Metal Complexes for Electroluminescent Materials 2018
1540 DUF Deep Learning UAV Networks for Autonomous Forest Firefighting 2017
1541 NanoAID Advanced In-situ Techniques for the Development of Metal Oxide Nanostructures. 2017
1542 INTERLACE Interacting Decentralized Transactional and Ledger Architecture for Mutual Credit 2017
1543 RUBSEE Extending artificial intelligence revolution in the waste field beyond sorting 2017
1544 TGRIP Nanostructured gripping material for clamping complex workpieces 2017
1545 ODORPREP Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 2017
1546 OSMOSIS One Step Modification of Space-Integrated Systems 2017
1547 KEEPERS Keepers: The Key to your Child’s Safety 2017
1548 GICA Geolocalisation of Individuals in Critical Areas 2017
1549 iSave Ultrafast, scalable disaster-proof client-side backup solution 2017
1550 IDEAL SENSOR Integrated Smart Device for Emergency Management 2017
1551 NIBEA Nano Impacts for Biomedical and Environmental Analysis 2017
1552 LockChip A custom lock chip for compact NMR 2017
1553 CO2RED Sunlight driven carbon-dioxide reduction: Hybrid catalytic systems consisting of molecular catalysts and light-harvesting Quantum-dots and semiconductors 2018
1554 Act-EPR Active Resonator Development for nano-EPR of single crystal proteins 2017
1555 PHOTOPEROVSKITES Photoexcitation Dynamics and Direct Monitoring of Photovoltaic Processes of Solid-State Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells 2017
1556 AttoDNA AttoDNA: how electronic motions affect the photostability of the genomic material 2018
1557 TOOLBOX Treatment of contaminated land using a biochar/media mixture 2017
1558 ESSEVOL Adapting to Change: Experimental Evolution of Environmental Sensing Systems in Bacteria 2017
1559 JTIM Biodegradable Water-Soluble Cylindrical Block Copolymer Micelles and their Applications in Nanomedicine 2018
1560 AIR Aeroponic Inulin and Rubber 2018
1561 NEPSpiNN Neuromorphic EMG Processing with Spiking Neural Networks 2017
1562 ROLEDS Highly Efficient Photoemitters for Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Intramolecular Rotation 2017
1563 DeE-Nano Design and Engineering Next-Generation Nanopore Devices for Bioplymer Analysis 2017
1564 NI2D NI2D: Software for nonlinear vibration analysis: From identification to design. 2017
1565 ZVW Evaluation of the side effects of Virtual Reality technology on young peoples' bodies and minds to create an innovative solution to a nascent problem 2017
1566 Wearonics Developing Stretchable Conductive Fibres and their Implementations in Wearable Electronics 2017
1567 SELFCEPTION Robotic self/other distinction for interaction under uncertainty 2017
1569 GalRepsDiophantine Galois Representations and Diophantine Problems 2018
1570 TherSpinMol Exploring Thermoelectric and Spintronic properties of Molecular Devices 2017
1571 PROXNET Modelling Complex Networks Through Graph Editing Problems 2018
1572 HPA4CF Collectiveware: Highly-parallel algorithms for collective intelligence 2017
1573 GLEC-LAW Global Ecological Custodianship: Innovative International Environmental Law for theAnthropocene 2018
1574 SAFS Development of screw anchors for floating Marine Renewable Energy system arrays incorporating anchor sharing 2017
1575 RaSiR Rule-algebraic Simple Rewriting 2017
1577 CYCLOMB Disruptive Cyclone-based technology for effective and affordable particulate matter emission reduction in biomass combustion systems 2017
1578 DNA ORIGAMI MOTORS Constructing and powering nanoscale DNA origami motors 2017
1579 e-walk Biomechanical engineer for robotic healthcare solutions 2017
1580 ProbSenS Probabilistic neuromorphic architecture for real-time Sensor fusion applied to Smart, water quality monitoring systems 2017
1581 Accelerate SUNShINE Save your bUildiNg by SavINg Energy. Begin to move more quickly 2017
1583 IV-BWTS In-Voyage Ballast Water Treatment System 2017
1584 SILENT RUBBER PAVE Accelerate the commercialization of RARX technology process in the global markets of ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY SILENT RUBBER PAVEMENTS 2017
1585 eAXON Electronic AXONs: wireless microstimulators based on electronic rectification of epidermically applied currents 2017
1586 TheONE The Janus-face of the localized carrier in cuprates: Generating the pseudogap and high temperature superconductivity 2017
1587 FOGHORN FOG-aided wireless networks for communication, cacHing and cOmputing: theoRetical and algorithmic fouNdations 2017
1588 BOXMATE Mining Sandboxes for Automatic App Protection 2017
1589 VADIS Variance Aware Determinate assembly Integrated System 2017
1590 ROBORDER autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance 2017
1591 MARISA Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness 2017
1592 Torero TORrefying wood with Ethanol as a Renewable Output: large-scale demonstration 2017
1593 Domognostics Intelligent Building Automation Diagnostics 2017
1594 MISSP Manufacturing of Integral Stiffened Skin Panels 2017
1595 IoBee Beehive health IoT application to fight Honey Bee Colony Mortality 2017
1596 BAoBaB Blue Acid/Base Battery: Storage and recovery of renewable electrical energy by reversible salt water dissociation 2017
1597 SAURON Scalable multidimensionAl sitUation awaReness sOlution for protectiNg european ports 2017
1598 FALCO Financing Ambitious Local Climate Objectives 2017
1599 DEEP-EST DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies 2017
1600 EuroEXA Co-designed Innovation and System for Resilient Exascale Computing in Europe: From Applications to Silicon 2017
1601 QCLAB Revolutionary new quantum chemical software for molecular simulations 2017
1602 UBIGNSS GNSS for mass-market Internet-of-Things tracking applications 2017
1603 PanePowerSW Transparent Solar Panel Technology for Energy Autonomous Greenhouses and Glass Buildings 2017
1604 AIMS Automated Integrated Monitoring System 2017
1605 MEDEA-CHART The Medieval and Early Modern Nautical Chart: Birth, Evolution and Use 2017
1606 MyCorridor Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor 2017
1607 InnoMan.NRW_3 Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2017 -2018 2017
1608 RED-Alert Real-time Early Detection and Alert System for Online Terrorist Content based on Natural Language Processing, Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Event Processing 2017
1609 FORTIKA FORTIKA - Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems 2017
1610 CS-AWARE A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis 2017
1611 GHOST Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control 2017
1612 SMILE SMart mobILity at the European land borders 2017
1613 CRAVEzero Cost Reduction and market Acceleration for Viable nearly zero-Energy buildings 2017
1614 FASTER Faster magic-angle spinning leads to a resolution revolution in biological solid-state NMR 2017
1615 BIOSEA Innovative cost-effective technology for maximizing aquatic biomass-based molecules for food, feed and cosmetic applications 2017
1616 ACFD Acoustical and Canonical Fluid Dynamics in numerical general relativity 2017
1617 SMArtPlate A ductile, high energy absorptive and rapid post-tensioning system for extending life of concrete structures 2017
1618 MIRAGE Augmented Reality Wearable Platform and Screen: Proof of Concept and Commercialization 2017
1619 OpSec Goodmill - Operational Security Through Ensured Connectivity 2017
1620 ACME ACME, fly with me, fly with ACME 2017
1621 IMPETUS Information Management Portal to Enable the inTegration of Unmanned Systems 2017
1622 WEGOOI Wind Energy Generator Onshore and Offshore Inspector 2017
1623 SOLIS An Innovative Solar Lighting System to replace artificial lighting in all types of indoor spaces withfree and healthy sunlight. 2017
1624 ePT ePT - Electronic Procedure Trainer for aviation pilots and cabin crew 2017
1625 MossTree A new smart city climate infrastructure with a capacity for reducing air pollution equivalent to 275 normal trees 2017
1626 WATEC Development of a novel wave tidal energy converter (WATEC) to lower renewable electricity generation costs. 2017
1627 TRIWIND A novel and versatile 3-tower maritime structure for the cost-efficient installation of all-sizes offshore wind turbines. 2017
1628 SEAMLESS Surface Catalysed Adhesive for Low Temperature Joining of Lightweight Materials and Components 2017
1629 ChemPET Industrial scale PET chemical recycling plant based on innovative glycolysis process 2017
1631 EnAcTiVa Environmental Accountability through real-Time analysis of the Value chain 2017
1632 SONO-textile An advanced process for coating medical textiles with antibacterial nanoparticles through a one-step sonochemical reaction 2017
1633 WUUDIS Making forest asset management easy 2017
1634 BTPin Commercialising Innovative and Market Disruptive Pin Technology for Improving Heavy Machine Operations in Port, Mining and Construction Industries. Phase 1. 2017
1635 in.blow In.blow - new improved injection blow moulding system for production of thermoplastic bottles 2017
1636 AlbaSolar Developing perovskite-based solar panels 2017
1637 Steammatic Detergent free steam cleaning system for modular conveyor belts in the food industry 2017
1638 Fresh Solutions Fresh Solutions –‘A fresh approach to food packaging’ 2017
1639 TranSim The Next Generation Simulation-Based Training System for Optimal Transportation Systems 2017
1640 STYLUS Sustainable urban mobiliTY: ELectric double decker bUS 2017
1641 Previble Previble - The Previsualization Tool 2017
1642 PROOFY Protecting Creations Made Easy. Unique Innovative solution to protect intellectual property of original works in digital format in an easy and cost-effective way 2017
1643 PREVENT “Alcohol-impaired driving PREVENTion and personal authentication by a vehicle ignition interlock system“ 2017
1644 TELLY A 2nd screen mobile application solution providing interactive multiplayer game and real-time votingcapabilities, based on TV content, to better engage TV audiences and sports fans. - TELLY 2017
1645 Ghost Boat A new way to own, drive and maintain a boat 2017
1646 UNIGEM Next Generation ‘Unified Guest Engagement System’ for Smart Hospitality Services and Unparalleled Guest Loyalty. 2017
1647 AccessVote The First European Platform for Accesible Paper Vote Cast 2017
1648 Nutri4g A disruptive nutrigenetic solution for ageing well 2017
1650 AUTOMEATIC Automated system for packaging fresh meat with reduced waste/giveaway, processing time, human involvement and contamination 2017
1651 FLUINEMS Suspended Fluidic nanochannels as optomechanical sensors for single molecules 2017
1652 MolStrucDyn Ultrafast Molecular Structural Dynamics 2017
1653 CONNECTING Nature COproductioN with NaturE for City Transitioning, INnovation and Governance 2017
1654 iHEART An Integrated Heart Model for the simulation of the cardiac function 2017
1655 UMWP-CHIP Universal microwave photonics programmable processor for seamlessly interfacing wireless and optical ICT systems 2017
1656 ALEXANDRIA Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician 2017
1657 DSGE-RD Estimating a DSGE Model with Rare Disasters 2017
1658 VULCAN.ears Volcano-seismic Unsupervised Labelling and ClAssificatioN Embedded in A Real-time Scenario 2017
1659 CoNZEBs Solution sets for the Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings - CoNZEBs 2017
1660 EDEC Enhanced Diesel Engine Control 2017
1661 LATTE Full Fairing for Main Rotor Head of the LifeRCraft demonstrator 2017
1662 HiperTURB Development of investment casting process of nickel superalloys with enhanced weldability. 2017
1663 DEMMOW Detailed Model of a Morphing Wing 2017
1664 BreathSpec A rapid, non-invasive, cost-effective, analytical device for bacterial or viral infection diagnosis through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis. 2017
1665 BladeSave Risk Based Technology for Blade Structural Assessment 2017
1666 NIRWOOD Fast, Accurate, Low Cost and Hand Held NIR Technology to Ascertain Wood Origin and Quality during Logistic Operations 2017
1667 RBM-Screen Professional Urinary Screening 2017
1668 NOLEAK Self-powered system for leakage detection in water pipes and self-sealing fissures with natural products 2017
1669 MovEAID A novel wearable medical device and eHealth system to improve the mobility of patients withhemiparesis 2017
1670 Anapphylaxis The first Integrated m-Health solution for anaphylaxis management. 2017
1671 NOA NOA, a disruptive portable device to monitor asthma 2017
1672 SmartNiBP SmartNiBP: Non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring during surgery 2017
1673 Genome Biologics Reducing the cost and increasing the speed of preclinical research in the pharmaceutical industry 2017
1674 EDU EggDetect Unit, the first non-invasive technology to detect egg fertility pre-incubation and thechicken's gender pre-hatching 2017
1675 SECURE the new gold standard for nondestructive testing in industry, using next generation electromagnetic induction techniques 2017
1676 CellFoam A novel tissue remodelling biomaterial to offer a revolutionary solution for treating Urinary Incontinence in dogs 2017
1678 MetalJet Liquid-metal jet X-ray source for high performance non-destructive testing 2017
1681 PlaSSteel Plasma Nitriding and Nitrocarburising for high wear resistance and high corrosion stability Stainless Steel 2017
1682 AGRI-DRONE Unique radar-drone used for subsurface water detection for precision agricultural irrigation 2017
1683 Gestoos The first Behavior Recognition Open Platform 2017
1684 XTOnE Use of Extremophile Bacterium XT1 in Biological Approach to Promote Plant Growth and Tackle Pathogens 2017
1685 SpeakUp-LearnUp Minimizing Bullying and Harassment with SpeakUp LearnUp! 2017
1686 PACS Pantograph Active Control System for e-Highways 2017
1687 iSAFE iSAFE Internet Safety Awareness for European primary school children 2017
1688 NextWind Harvesting airborne wind energy using rigid kites. 2017
1689 BrachyDOSE Developing a feasibility study for the future commercialization of BranchyDOSE – an innovative accurate and simple brachytherapy measurements tool 2017
1690 Domo4mAI Domo4m: Scalable Intelligent home office automation for energy savings 2017
1692 SynVaccine Rational Design and Construction of Viral Based Products 2017
1693 ReTyre Separation and valorisation of carbon black from the pyrolytic char 2017
1694 OHT A hydraulic collection tower, with a novel energy storage device for wave energy arrays 2017
1696 OSMOFOOD Eco-innovative high efficient process for the concentration of fruit juice using forward osmosis. 2017
1697 Soil Resetting Innovative biobased Soil Resetting system for European Horticulture 2017
1698 ALELION Trucks as a part of the grid, energy storage made easy 2017
1699 COLLABORATRICITY Utility-in-a- box software platform connecting local electricity producers and consumers to foster Collaborative Energy Ecosystems 2017
1700 EASED3D Early screening of eye diseases using automated diagnosis of high-fidelity 3D images 2017
1701 FastFinder Artificial intelligence for automated, standardised interpretation of DNA testing results 2017
1702 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
1703 SIMPLE FEAST HEALTHY TAKE-AWAY ON SUBSCRIPTION - delicious, organic, plant-based food in season whenever you need it. To promote good health of the European Union’s population. 2017
1704 ZEOSOL Integrated solar heating and cooling unit based on a novel zeolite chiller and heat pump 2017
1705 in.nav Advanced Intra-Operative Navigation in Arthroscopy Surgery 2017
1706 ZapGoCharger Rapid charging of cordless appliances using graphene-based supercapacitors 2017
1707 NanoScreen Disruptive portable device for pre-screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants –POPs- in food products and water 2017
1708 iPROCELL Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice 2017
1709 milkGUARD milkGUARD – a continuous whole milk disinfection system for calf feeding on-farm 2017
1710 ASGARD Automatic SaaS Governing of Hybrid Networks for Growing Infrastructure Demands 2017
1711 PassivDom Feasibility study for PassivDom – autonomous self-learning 3D-printed modular house 2017
1712 PHOCONA Photonics in Flatland: Band Structure Engineering of 2D Excitons in Fluorescent Colloidal Nanomaterials 2017
1713 CASCAde Confidentiality-preserving Security Assurance 2017
1714 GASVESSEL Compressed Natural Gas Transport System 2017
1715 INNOV Automate VertECO 2017
1716 Redox Relays Detecting, understanding and exploiting intracellular redox signaling relays 2017
1717 X-Imaging MRI diagnosis using a single-shot imaging technique with unprecedented robustness to field inhomogeneities 2017
1718 McSAFE High-Performance Monte Carlo Methods for SAFEty Demonstration- From Proof of Concept to realistic Safety Analysis and Industry-like Applications 2017
1719 CRiSTA Multifunctionnal Cabin ReST Area 2017
1720 FASE-LAG FAil-Safe Electro-mechanical actuation for LAnding Gear 2017
1721 MOWOOT Integral Intestinal Transit Management System for chronic constipation 2017
1722 PIUR tUS Tomographic 3D Ultrasound for Safe and More Cost Effective Vascular Diagnostics and Treatment Planning 2017
1723 SaT5G Satellite and Terrestrial Network for 5G 2017
1724 5G-Xcast Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-Generation of Wireless Systems 2017
1725 5G-TRANSFORMER 5G-TRANSFORMER: 5G Mobile Transport Platform for Verticals 2017
1726 FuturePulse FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry 2017
1727 METRO-HAUL METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency 2017
1728 DIATOMIC Digital Innovation Hubs boosting European Microelectronics Industry 2017
1729 SLICENET End-to-End Cognitive Network Slicing and Slice Management Framework in Virtualised Multi-Domain, Multi-Tenant 5G Networks 2017
1730 IoRL Internet of Radio Light 2017
1731 Content4All Personalised Content Creation for the Deaf Community in a Connected Digital Single Market 2017
1732 ULTRAWAVE Ultra capacity wireless layer beyond 100 GHz based on millimeter wave Traveling Wave Tubes 2017
1733 PercEvite PercEvite - Sense and avoid technology for small drones 2017
1734 INVITE Co-designing and piloting demand-driven mechanisms, skill-sets and measures for stimulating and facilitating open innovation across European innovation systems 2017
1735 HEART HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers 2017
1736 DP Renewables A range of economically viable, innovative and proven HydroKinetic turbines that will enable users to exploit the huge potential of clean, predictable energy in the world’s rivers, canals and estuarie 2017
1737 PENSUMO Savings Loyalty System Based on Micro-Contributions from Retailers 2017
1738 ELLIOT Enabling LED Lighting within the Internet Of Things 2017
1739 eMRB CodeIT Electronic Manufacturing Record Book 2017
1740 NEUROON-MED NEUROON-MED – the future of at-home diagnosis of sleep disorders 2017
1741 PanaMast Progressing a non-antibiotic antimicrobial treatment for Bovine Mastitis towards market - PanaMast 2017
1742 SMARTCARS Low Cost Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety 2017
1743 HPGen On-site Hydrogen Peroxide Generator for effective, safe and sustainable irrigation water treatment 2017
1744 PPPL Novel paper pallet and manufacturing technology 2017
1745 MINIMA Introducing the next computing power revolution: Minima microprocessor technology to reduce the energy need of digital computing by 20 times. 2017
1746 Invidyo Invidyo – Smart Baby and Baby Sitter Monitoring System 2017
1747 GlobalBLED Ecosystem of Advanced ICT-based Services Personalised Training for Efficient Secure Driving 2017
1748 INOVER21 Mass-customisation of custom-made medical implants 2017
1749 serverChill Server liquid cooling for Data Centres... done right! 2017
1750 SENTRY Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Cable Monitoring and Surveying for Offshore Wind Farms providing movement, depth, surface disruption and free-span readings 2017
1751 ACUSLABS A new tool in drug development: mapping of compound-protein interaction using forward genetics 2017
1752 Hi-OMICS High Performance Genomics for Software Defined Infrastructures 2017
1753 QUARRYSMART Smart software platform for the economic and sustainable exploitation of dimension stone quarries 2017
1754 STORM The first cybersecurity management system providing evidence based metrics for cyber risk at the business asset level in real-time 2017
1756 Story Maker Story Maker 2017
1757 ePatriot Evolved Sky Patriot – Phase 1 Feasibility Study 2017
1758 ULTRANERVE Feasibility assessment of an all‐in‐one nerve repair and regeneration product 2017
1759 REDSENTRY Proactive Operational Intelligence Cybersecurity Platform for the Financial Services Industry 2017
1760 ComFyt The revolution of the Compression Therapy Market: an easy-to-wear and comfortable compression stocking based on Electro-Active Polymers technology. 2017
1761 CGM A next generation nanomedia that can be tailored to capture and recycle specific micropollutants in contaminated industrial waste discharge 2017
1762 EFFIKILN Development of an efficient hydro-based, waste heat extraction system for kiln rollers in ceramic tile production 2017
1763 GO 4G InvizBox Go 4G - Security and Privacy, Everywhere 2017
1764 INCAP Infusion Cap Technology for a healthy nutrition on-the-go produced in a fully automated single-step process 2017
1765 Inkless by Tocano Inkless by Tocano – Printing without consumables 2017
1767 iReact-NG iReact-NG 2017
1768 ISAR The world's first purpose-built professional all-terrain passenger Vehicle 2017
1769 KWatch Glucose K'Watch Glucose: A ground-breaking biometric wearable for painless, minimally invasive and blood-free glucose monitoring. 2017
1771 MCM Motor Condition Monitor 2017
1772 MetaTox-HS Advanced Solutions for High Sensitivity Metabolism and Toxicity Assays 2017
1773 MetLeach Feasibility study on nature based more efficient 2-step bioleaching technology producing methane gas and metal compounds from “low grade” multimetallic European ores/wastes containing organometallics. 2017
1774 MIND MIND: A Unique and Ground-breaking System for Home Intelligence that Builds Functional, Assistive, Dynamic and Comforting Infrastructure for a Better and more Efficient Living. 2017
1775 Nano4 Providing the New Generation of Nano-Based Molecular Technology for the Early Detection of Bacteria, Viruses and Cancer at the Point of Care 2017
1776 NB4WASTE Narrowband IoT for Waste Collection in Rural Areas 2017
1777 PALMS Plasma Additive Layer Manufacture Smoothing Technology 2017
1779 PORTAFACT Sustainable, Ecological PolyUrethane Foam Panel Construction System, integrated into an Innovative Portable Factory Solution 2017
1780 PRIDIKTIV Pridiktiv - Exploring European expansion through 4 pilot studies 2017
1781 Prisma Innovative and highly-efficient solar thermal collector for Building façades 2017
1782 Pro-GET-OnE Proactive synergy of inteGrated Efficient Technologies on buildings’ Envelopes 2017
1783 PROBIOTEARS Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis 2017
1784 PubFORWARD Disrupting the Digital Publishing and Advertising Markets by New Digital Services 2017
1785 Pydro Turbine Energy-Recovery Turbine for Water Pipes 2017
1786 RA-RAKE A Novel Double Wheel Rake Machine to provide high quality fodder and high operational speed 2017
1787 Railscope Improving Railway Safety Through Innovative Sensor System 2017
1788 Repro-light Re-usable and re-configurable parts for sustainable LED-based lighting systems 2017
1789 ROBIOT Improving the sustainability of bioenergy production with a Robot for Biomass Quality Management 2017
1790 S-6000 S-6000 Dual Transceivers: Flexible and Robust Data Links On-the-move 2017
1791 SCALER Scaling European Resources with Industrial Symbiosis 2017
1792 scMODULES Cinematographic story-telling, super-zoom, x-ray, infrared (IR) ultraviolet (UV) gigapixel enriched content and cross-museum digital content licensing platform enhancing EU museums competitiveness 2017
1793 SENSE Affordable CFD simulation software for SMEs in the transportation industry 2017
1794 SHOKA Community-based cyclist navigation solution to increase safety of utility bikers 2017
1795 Smartscope-X Affordable, accessible and automatic screening solution for diabetic retinopathy 2017
1796 SNAPTAG Unique machine to produce a revolutionary RFID TAG 2017
1797 SocialDiabetes Hack your Diabetes Experience 2017
1799 tCat Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% 2017
1800 TEM TEKLAB Evaporator Management system for energy efficient refrigeration 2017
1801 ULTIMATE The best online drug discovery platform, Building the Ultimate chemical database for drug discovery 2017
1803 Autonomous Autonomous – Novel Smart Home and facility management solution from embedded robots and indoor navigation 2017
1804 WTSS Wind Turbine Support Structure 2017
1805 XANA Innovative Wearable and Open Platform for a Personalized Treatment of Stress 2017
1806 Z-BRE4K Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories 2017
1807 f-ex f-block hydrocarbon interactions: exploration; exploitation 2017
1808 5G-CORAL 5G-CORAL: A 5G Convergent Virtualised Radio Access Network Living at the Edge 2017
1809 ECCO Energy Efficient Coil Coating Process 2017
1810 EnergyMatching Adaptable and adaptive RES envelope solutions to maximise energy harvesting and optimize EU building and district load matching 2017
1811 HOMEBIOGAS Turning food industry's organic wastw into value 2017
1812 CryO2 Telemetric control of oxygen delivery for therapy optimization and adherence 2017
1813 CARL-PdM Next Generation Holistic Predictive Maintenance Software 2017
1814 abcdeSIM-VR The flight simulator for Medical and Health Professionals 2017
1815 GOVERNOR New-generation database capacity planning optimization 2017
1816 EcoLeather Durable, Environmentally Friendly and High-quality Leather Alternative 2017
1817 AnchorBuddy AnchorBuddy™ is an intelligent and reliable anchor monitoring safety device that gives you a peace of mind while anchoring. It is a plug and play solution mounted directly on the anchor itself. 2017
1818 CLTRe The Cybersecurity Behavioural Toolkit 2017
1819 DeviceHub The next generation of internet-of-thing (IoT) connectivity. 2017
1820 Advanced-SiMP Advanced Silyl Modified Polymer for the Commercial Transportation and Automotive Elastic Adhesive Markets 2017
1821 eSHORE Shore Connection Solution for an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe electric power supply to vessels 2017
1822 BP24 A unique life-saving smart-watch for high quality, not-invasive, continuous blood pressure monitoring. 2017
1823 ConCare Leveraging the scalability of mobile devices to improve the outcome of all critically ill patients: a multi-faceted health platform to enable the continuum of care from ICU to home. 2017
1824 FAST-PSAT FAST-PSAT. An innovative solution for building small satellites with a modularity design by using plastic polymers with fast prototyping 3D techniques: a “Lego® brick” concept 2017
1825 ECO-RIVEST An innovative ECO inteRnal coverIng for metal and plastic conVEntionalS conTainers 2017
1826 A-FOD SAFER and TIMELY FLIGHTS with Automated Foreign Object Detection System 2017
1827 HiJiffy Connecting guests to hotels through Messaging Apps 2017
1828 AutoPro An adaptive system for modular automotive production to boost efficiency and reduce manufacturing cost. 2017
1829 EMMTRIX Emmtrix Technologies : European breakthrough in Software parallelization 2017
1830 BIOPANELS Biocomposite panels for transportation 2017
1831 SwiftC A technology marketplace for hospitality compliance services that integrates with public sector authorities and relieves the burden of regulation for businesses 2017
1832 SYN1002 A New Therapeutic Option to Protect Central Nervous System against Acute Ischemic Stroke 2017
1833 Therapnea Therapnea: Novel Therapy to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea based on Thomas Oro-Pharyngeal Stent 2017
1834 TOMOCON Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control 2017
1835 TRACS Commercialisation of TRACS, An Artificial Intelligence Inspired, Text Response Automation system for Customer Support 2017
1836 UR Browser The first all-European web browser capable of guaranteeing comprehensive online privacy and security for EU Internet users 2017
1837 verv verv: advanced home electricity analytics 2017
1838 Wind-Drone A powerful UAV-based ICT solution allowing safe, reliable and effective inspections of wind turbines 2017
1839 ZEBRAONCOFISH Zebrafish avatar as a real-time in vivo platform for personalized cancer therapeutics 2017
1840 AgroPestAlert High Tech and Disruptive Prices Global Solution for Real Time Alerts on Agrifood Pest, based on wing beat, unique features on insects biometric 2017
1841 ALADDIN Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification Neutralization 2017
1842 BIOCUDET Identify and detect key ocular biomarkers towards personal medicine 2017
1843 DRIVEMODE Integrated Modular Distributed Drivetrain for Electric/Hybrid Vehicles 2017
1844 ECO-DRILLING Environmentally efficient full profile drilling solution 2017
1845 EndoSearch A unique noninvasive diagnostic test based on endometrium tissue analysis, which assesses the presence or absence of endometriosis without surgery, helping the physician to make his diagnosis rapidly 2017
1847 FlexNanoOLED ITO-free multi-coloured nanoscale engineered OLEDs for large-area flexible lighting and full-colour active-matrix displays 2017
1848 HEAR-ECO HEAR-ECO Innovative Hearing Aid Research - Ecological Conditions and Outcome Measures 2017
1849 i-vSAVE Intelligent Vessels using space technology for Safety on board. 2017
1850 IBiS Full scale demonstration of an Innovative solution for Baggage Handling Systems at airports (IBiS) 2017
1851 KNOX Cost advantageous and scalable drone alarm and protection system for urban contexts 2017
1852 MEMO Mechanics with Molecules 2017
1853 MIDRAULICS Modular Intelligent Hydraulics 2017
1854 NANOCOATINGS Innovative Technique for Large-Scale Production of NANO COATINGS to Reach Global Market ofSynthetic Diamond 2017
1855 NanoMAPs High performance algorithms for high precision GPS and cloud solutions for super resolution microscopy 2017
1856 PhotoBioCat Light-driven sustainable biocatalysis training network 2018
1857 PureBlade PureBlade - Clean Sheet Compressor Design, Low Energy Air Supply for Food Drinks Production 2017
1858 REACT Optimising Radiomics for MRI-based personalised cancer treatment 2017
1859 REWAM Next generation renewable energy portfolio asset management based on predictive analytics 2017
1860 SESPer Solar Energy Storage PERovskites 2017
1861 SiMAX SiMAX - The Sign Language Avatar 2017
1862 LightCas Light-controlled synthetic enzyme cascades 2018
1863 SPADE from SPArsity to DEep learning 2017
1864 CSG C° symplectic geometry 2017
1865 iDistributedPV Solar PV on the Distribution Grid: Smart Integrated Solutions of Distributed Generation based on Solar PV, Energy Storage Devices and Active Demand Management 2017
1866 ArthroDUR Bifunctional and regeneratively active biomaterial: Towards an ultimate solution for osteoarthritis treatment 2017
1867 InBetween ICT enabled BEhavioral change ToWards Energy EfficieNt lifestyles 2017
1868 WhiskTrackGP Real-time tracking of whisker kinematics for closed-loop neuroscientific experiments 2017
1869 ASSURED fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications 2017
1870 STEVE Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases 2017
1871 INCLUSION Towards more accessIble and iNCLUSIve mObility solutions for EuropeaN prioritised areas 2017
1872 S4D4C Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges 2018
1873 DOMINOES Smart Distribution Grid: a Market Driven Approach for the Next Generation of Advanced Operation Models and Services 2017
1874 PLANET Planning and operational tools for optimising energy flows and synergies between energy networks 2017
1875 Hi-ThermCap High-capacity and high-performance Thermal energy storage Capsule for low-carbon and energyefficient heating and cooling systems 2017
1876 Madaster Towards a circular economy: Eliminate waste through an open platform that facilitates material passports 2017
1877 PRicelessCOAT New chemical building blocks for de-icing and anti-icing of car windows 2018
1878 SAFTInspect Ultrasonic inspection solution for railway crossing points 2017
1879 ETALON Energy harvesTing for signAlLing and cOmmunicatioN systems 2017
1880 NECOS Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing 2017
1881 HYPERION HYbrid PERovskites for Next GeneratION Solar Cells and Lighting 2017
1882 CM3 Controlled Mechanical Manipulation of Molecules 2018
1883 NewPhysLat Search for new physics through lattice simulations 2017
1884 CATACOAT Nanostructured catalyst overcoats for renewable chemical production from biomass 2017
1885 BioNanoPattern Protein nano-patterning using DNA nanotechnology; control of surface-based immune system activation 2018
1886 INSIKT Novel Social Data Mining Platform to Detect and Defeat Violent Online Radicalization 2017
1887 BodenTypeDC Prototyping the most energy and cost efficient data center in the world: The Boden Type Data Center 2017
1888 MUBIC Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy 2017
1889 TRANSAFELOAD The European Leader Equipment for Packaging Testing 2017
1890 ARIA Advanced ultra-wideband Radar for Integrated Applications 2017
1891 Babbler Babbler feasibility study in adjacent market segments. 2017
1892 SuperEH Super Variable Vector Combination Energy Saving Hub 2017
1893 InSightPro Commercialising an Innovative and Autonomous Analytical Solution Combining On-Line Measurements with Intelligent Cloud Functionalities for Adding Value to Dairy Products. 2017
1894 GALERACLUSTER Galera Cluster: World’s Most Advanced Technology to Protect Against Data Loss 2017
1896 ZephyCloud-2 Making Wind Energy More Profitable...Faster! 2017
1897 NATEDE Nature, Technology and Design 2017
1898 VIP Véhicule Intelligent et Propre ( Green and Smart Vehicle) 2017
1899 DYNASSEMBLY Dynamic control of assembly, directonnality and chirality in hydrogen bond networks. 2018
1900 FlexCT Flexible and open-source tool for accurate reconstruction using industrial X-ray computed tomography 2017
1901 CASTLES Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States 2018
1902 CFT-MAP Charting the space of Conformal Field Theories: a combined nuMerical and Analytical aPproach 2018
1903 SPOCkS MS Sampling Protein cOmplex Conformational Space with native top down Mass Spectrometry 2018
1904 ROMI RObotics for MIcrofarms 2017
1905 eco-soft Industrial manufacturing of eco-innovative, safe, sustainable functionalised microencapsulated fragrances for fabric softeners 2017
1906 FloatMastBlue Offshore Wind Energy Cost Reduction by an Innovative Floating Met Mast Platform 2017
1907 AdAI Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Solution for Managing and Optimising Google AdWords 2017
1908 MNEMONIC Magnetic Enzyme Metal Organic Framework Composites 2017
1909 HD-App New horizons in homogeneous dynamics and its applications 2018
1910 PANAMA Probabilistic Automated Numerical Analysis in Machine learning and Artificial intelligence 2018
1911 QUNNECT A Fiber Optic Transceiver for Superconducting Qubits 2018
1913 TABEDE TowArds Building rEady for Demand rEsponse 2017
1915 FreeWheel Lifecycle-reconfigurable Smart Mobility Platform to enable autonomous and cost-effective personalized solutions for social inclusion of disabled and elderly while leveraging AM technologies 2017
1916 TEMPO TEMPerature Optimisation for Low Temperature District Heating across Europe 2017
1917 PoliVisu Policy Development based on Advanced Geospatial Data Analytics and Visualisation 2017
1918 EOPEN EOPEN: opEn interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data 2017
1919 GREENPATROL Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouse Fields with Autonomous Service Robots 2017
1920 OCARIoT smart childhood Obesity CARing solution using IoT potential 2017
1921 CTFF Control of turbulent friction force 2017
1922 BeVision Better vision after cataract and refractive surgery with photonics technology 2017
1923 CHARIOT Cognitive Heterogeneous Architecture for Industrial IoT 2018
1924 QAMeleon Sliceable multi-QAM format SDN-powered transponders and ROADMs Enabling Elastic Optical Networks 2018
1925 PowerModule Demonstration of the Next Generation Wave Energy Device – POWERMODULE 2017
1926 NarcoScan NarcoScan pocket-sized and affordable narcotics screener: making drug detection on the streets as common as catching drunk drivers 2017
1927 FucoPol An innovative bio-based platform for the cost-competitive production of L-fucose, a building block for Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs). 2017
1928 cleanMOULD CleanMOULD: Advanced low friction and fretting-resistant diamond-like coating solution 2017
1929 OnTrack Development of a commercial manufacturing process for embeddable RFID and NFC Tags forcomplete lifecycle tracking of tyres 2017
1930 NOVEL Nanoscale Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser and its Arrays 2018
1931 SCCD Structure and classification of C*-dynamics 2018
1932 AceLSAA optimal design of Admixtures for concrete embedded Large Scale Antenna Array 2018
1933 HamInstab Instabilities and homoclinic phenomena in Hamiltonian systems 2018
1934 NanoFLP Nanoparticles as Partners in Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Boosting the Surface Reactivity of Inorganic Nanoparticles 2018
1935 ATOMICAR ATOMic Insight Cavity Array Reactor 2018
1936 4SUNS 4-Colours/2-Junctions of III-V semiconductors on Si to use in electronics devices and solar cells 2018
1937 BioRECO2VER Biological routes for CO2 conversion into chemical building blocks 2018
1938 PANBioRA Personalized And/Or Generalized Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment 2018
1939 DecoChrom Decorative Applications for Self-Organized Molecular Electrochromic Systems 2018
1941 RESPOND RESPOND: integrated demand REsponse Solution towards energy POsitive NeighbourhooDs 2017
1942 ViDaR ViDaR: R-enabled large-scale data analytics in ViDa 2018
1943 WellCO Wellbeing and Health Virtual Coach 2017
1944 Net2DG Leveraging Networked Data for the Digital electricity Grid 2018
1945 BeyondPlanck Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade 2018
1946 PRoPART Precise and Robust Positioning for Automated Road Transports 2017
1947 HATCH SME-led Space Portal for Europe 2017
1948 POSIDON POlluted SIte DecontaminatiON - PCP 2018
1949 OchraVine Control Implementation of integrated and innovative Precision Agriculture management strategies to reduce the occurrence of ochratoxins along the vine value chain products: grapes, raisins/currants and wine 2018
1950 WISH WISH – Wearable Integrated System for Early Detection of Preterm Labour 2017
1951 Signa2.0 Signaturit 2018
1952 FutureTPM Future Proofing the Connected World: A Quantum-Resistant Trusted Platform Module 2018
1953 IMPULSE Implementation of an effective and cost-effective intervention for patients with psychotic disorders in low and middle income countries in South Eastern Europe 2018
1954 OxiGEN Next-generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stack and hot box solution for small stationary applications 2018
1955 ZEFER Zero Emission Fleet vehicles For European Roll-out 2017
1956 REFLEX Reversible solid oxide Electrolyzer and Fuel cell for optimized Local Energy miX 2018
1957 REVIVE Refuse Vehicle Innovation and Validation in Europe 2018
1958 CATALOG Computational catalog of multiscale materials: a plugin library for industrial finite element codes 2018
1959 BigDataStack High-performance data-centric stack for big data applications and operations 2018
1960 E2DATA European Extreme Performing Big Data Stacks 2018
1961 PASSION Photonic technologies for progrAmmable transmission and switching modular systems based on Scalable Spectrum/space aggregation for future agIle high capacity metrO Networks 2017
1962 PICKPLACE Flexible, safe and dependable robotic part handling in industrial environments 2018
1963 FotoInMotion Repurposing and enriching images for immersive storytelling through smart digital tools 2018
1964 SheaRIOS Wind Turbine Shearography Robotic Inspection On-blade System (SheaRIOS) 2018
1965 Lynx Building the Legal Knowledge Graph for Smart Compliance Services in Multilingual Europe 2017
1966 I-BiDaaS Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-Service Solution 2018
1967 INSENSION Personalized intelligent platform enabling interaction with digital services to individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities 2018
1968 SUITCEYES Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere - Appropriating sensor technologies, machine learning, gamification and smart haptic interfaces 2018
1969 GRADE GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration 2018
1970 COTTON Capacity Optimisation in TrajecTory-based OperatioNs 2018
1971 PODIUM Proving Operations of Drones with Initial UTM Management 2018
1972 ENVISION Enhanced Situational Awareness through Video Integration with ADS-B Surveillance Infrastructure on Airports 2018
1973 WiNerve Wireless Surgical Nerve Monitoring System 2017
1974 OmnImmune Manufacturing and testing of an allogeneic gamma delta T cell therapy for the treatment of cancer 2017
1975 BIOGASTIGER BIOGASTIGER® system – turning global organic waste streams into smart and clean energy 2017
1977 PREDESA Non-invasive technology for remote screening and personalised therapy of sleeping disorders: EU piloting and commercialisation project 2017
1978 INNOPREFAT Natural Food formulation for the prevention and treatment the Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome obtained with herbal extracts 2017
1979 BADGER CalScreener® – an innovative device for Bacterial Analysis and Diagnostics through Growth and Energy-release in Real-time 2017
1980 DINTRA Innovative railway sleeper design increasing track lateral resistance, reducing significantly costs related to track misalignment events 2017
1981 Novel Jack Automatic Hydraulic Jack with improved capacity, safety and efficiency for agricultural implements 2017
1982 HealMastitis Heal Mastitis in Dairy Cattle 2017
1983 EcoCurrent Innovative water current picoturbines for the economic and sustainable exploitation of the renewable energy from rivers and estuaries 2017
1984 DRIVER GLASS Terrestrial Traffic Mixed Reality Navigation 2017
1985 HomeEnergyStorage Cost-effective battery for storage of locally produced Photovoltaic energy at residential buildings 2017
1986 AITEP Accurate Intravenous Therapy for Every Patient 2017
1987 W2O Demonstration of the economic feasibility of a wave-powered desalination system 2018
1988 MSH The one-stop-shop for urban and regional mobility 2017
1989 YellowHarbour Creating Partnerships between NGOs and Businesses 2017
1990 ePersonam The simplest and most efficient platform to unify medical records and manage health careprofessionals. 2017
1991 FLEXBIO FLEXBIO – an innovative process for the decentralised treatment of organically contaminated wastewater with reduced energy requirements, CO2 emissions and operating costs 2017
1992 QS Mobile Setting a standard for personal digital sperm analysis 2017
1993 Lambda lambda -- full colour, energy efficient, ultra-thin and bendable reflective display. 2017
1994 GameInfluencer Launching the GameInfluencer Marketing Platform to Connect Game Publishers With The Best Matching Influencers Who Create the Most Effective Let’s Plays 2018
1995 agroCYAN ECO Highly efficient protein rich biofertilizer, 100% spirulina based, for agricultural yield increase and crop quality traits enhancement 2017
1996 PRECOPAL Zero Corrosion Sheet Pile Elements with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars 2017
1997 TSNet Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) technologies for Next Generation Ethernet 2017
1998 TRIBOSORT Robust recycling technology that separates different plastic types from a mix of plastic waste to produce a plastic material directly marketable to manufacturers 2017
1999 CULTURED BEEF A cost-effective production process to open worldwide the cultured meat market 2017
2000 VoLTE-DM VoLTE device management platform: enabler for the transition to full-LTE mobile networks and more efficient use of the scarce radio spectrum 2017
2001 Genomcore Identity Genomcore Identity: databank proxy for DNA fingerprinting from whole exome/genome for biometric identifica-tion 2018
2002 QLEX Creo QLEX Creo – Bringing reach to the drone market. 2017
2003 PLUGandFLOW VessConnect “Plug Flow” innovative technology providing patients a safer, more effective and less costly procedure for vascular anastomosis 2017
2004 Sana Sleep on Command: a breakthrough technology for sleep, pain relief, enhanced performance and regenerative health. 2017
2005 AUTTO Unlocking intelligent workflow automation for the SME market through AUTTO, an AI powered micro-automation SaaS Platform 2017
2006 GT POSITION High precision and scalable indoor positioning system 2017
2007 PMT4NIIS Predictive Maintenance Tool for Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems 2018
2008 AdheSurf Polymeric nanocoating for tight and strong adhesion between challenging combinations of metals and plastics 2017
2009 TOPpipes Technology for Onsite 3D Printing Production of Lengthy Large Diameter Polyethylene Pipes with Cellular Walls 2017
2010 STIM-MC Sacrificial Thermoplastic Injection Moulding platform for manufacturing small and complex metal and ceramic components 2017
2011 Aerial Insights Aerial Insights: facilitating access to aerial drone imagery services through novel and cost-effective data analytics solutions 2017
2012 EcoFeel An all-in-one monitoring device for measuring the energy consumption of household appliances and providing real-time feedback to reduce environmental impact. 2017
2013 Timber Shuttle The novel wood-harvesting system for mechanical steep-slope logging 2017
2015 OxTube The smartest non-energy aeration system for water cleaning facilities 2017
2016 V-SPHERE Vulnerability Search and Prevention through Holistic End-to-end Risk Evaluation 2018
2017 U-Control Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems 2017
2018 BATTERY PLUS High performing batteries for accelerated uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles 2018
2019 SolarGaps SolarGaps - Energy generating solar smart window blinds 2017
2020 PATHOLYTIX-GI PATHOLYTIX: Using Artificial Intelligence to Transform Clinical Diagnostic Pathology 2017
2021 FuRIC Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues 2017
2022 SRE Smart roof edge technology 2017
2023 SPACEIT-MCS Development of cloud based Mission Control System for satellite missions 2017
2025 Outsense Phase-1 Toilet IoT sensor for medical monitoring and wellness tool 2017
2026 ProtonSuite The world’s largest secure collaboration suite 2017
2027 SNM4P2PE Connect the unconnected: smart nanogrid management for peer-to-peer energy sharing 2017
2028 Enterprise BIM Enterprise BIM digitization platform feasibility verification 2017
2030 FlyInGS Flywheel energy storage for Increased Grid Stability 2017
2031 ECCOCAR ECCOCAR: a disruptive car sharing platform that advances the connected cars era 2018
2032 TiltHex Tilt Rotor Heat Exchanger 2018
2033 PolSymAGA Polarity and Central-Symmetry in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis 2018
2034 COMANFLO Computation and analysis of statistical solutions of fluid flow 2018
2035 IPTheoryUnified Inverse boundary problems: toward a unified theory 2018
2036 StabCondEn Stability Conditions, Moduli Spaces and Enhancements 2018
2037 PTRCSP Phase Transitions in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 2018
2038 SARA Search And Rescue Aid and Surveillance using High EGNSS Accuracy 2018
2039 BELS-PLUS Continuing Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS - PLUS 2018
2040 NEPTUNE Next Generation PEM Electrolyser under New Extremes 2018
2041 YAKSHA Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application 2018
2042 KeepWarm Improving the performance of district heating systems in Central and East Europe 2018
2043 HEROe Bearing High Efficiency ROller Bearing - NTN-SNR hybrid tapered roller bearing solutions for aerospace applications 2018
2044 DEFLECT DEvelopment of Functionalizable materiaLs for Electrical CabineTs 2018
2045 PASSPORT Part Specific Process Optimization in SLM 2018
2046 P-ViTAL The Precompetitive Steps of Virtual Transparency and Augmented Laparoscopy 2018
2047 POHP Combined waste heat recovery and compact cooling with Pyroelectric-Oscillating Heat Pipe (POHP) system for low temperature thermal to electrical energy conversion 2018
2048 FIPS Filter Integrated single-Photon Sources 2018
2049 Nanodevice Nanostructure-based label-free biomolecular binding kinetics assay 2018
2050 PanePowerSW Transparent Solar Panel Technology for Energy Autonomous Greenhouses and Glass Buildings 2018
2051 Digital Iris Bringing the human being into the digital loop 2018
2052 AccuWater High accuracy water leakage and apparent loss detection 2018
2053 Magnetic Fluids A Key Enabling Technology for metals recovery and water management based on functionalized magnetic particles for galvanic industry 2018
2054 TT-Battery Low cost, long durability rechargeable Green Battery based on Zn and MnO2 electrodes. 2018
2055 HyKinetics An innovative axial turbine for conversion of hydro-kinetics energy to electricity for river applications. 2018
2056 SmartEye The most accurate 3D scanner for boosting the uptake of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) 2018
2057 SPECTO Bowling SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance 2018
2058 SPEED-EU Damping device to solve the pantograph-line capture problems, especially for the EU high-speed railways lines 2018
2060 DANTE DANTE: Digital Alarm Network and Tracking Equipment for forest fire detection 2018
2061 PANORAMIX PANORAMIX: Platform for the operAtion aNd Optimization in ReAl-time of MIXed autonomous fleets . 2018
2062 Retiplus App on AR-Smartglasses for improved autonomy and mobility of visual impaired persons 2018
2063 Mega-Inliner High tech Inliner for ISO tank containers 2018
2064 AuriMod From pills to bio-electronics: a wearable anti-inflammatory treatment for prevention of Peripheral Arterial Disease. 2018
2065 Ellum AC System An advanced air conditioning system for Electric Vehicles 2018
2066 ECOMESH A hybrid solar panel that maximises heat capture and electricity generatio 2018
2067 Tangi0 Touch and pressure sensitive material without electronic sensors for intuitive and eye-free control of a car’s features while driving 2018
2068 OMNISCIENT Prediction and optimisation platform for the mobile assets management 2018
2069 NCN Nite Carbon Nanoclusters, a natural antioxidant for the food industry made from agricultural waste 2018
2070 LEDVAR-Z A New Paradigm for Efficient and Modern Rail Signalling 2018
2071 INSULYNC INSULYNC: Changing the way diabetes is treated 2018
2072 BlindTouch Eye-Free user interface to give full access to smart devices for blind and visually impaired people 2018
2073 RPS Disruptive Radar Positioning System for trains 2018
2074 RemoRehab Empowering the society with a cost-effective solution for remote rehabilitation 2018
2075 neuronSW Early detection and prediction of mechanical malfunction of machinery by sound analysis 2018
2077 GENAQ Replicating the Natural Rain Process for a Sustainable Distributed Water Production: More Water with Less Consumed Energy 2018
2078 SeQfood Cost-Efficient Network for the Genetic Certification of Food Quality 2018
2079 KYTERA COMPANION Disrupting the elderly home care with contextual analysis software 2018
2081 GREEN BOARD Sustainable Production of High-End Wood Products Using Recycled and Environmentally FriendlyMaterials 2018
2082 TFM The First Integrative Fisheries Management System 2018
2083 AIRSKIN Touch-sensitive skin for collaborative industrial robots (cobots) 2018
2084 NRGDriver A breakthrough LED driver that brings a smaller, cheaper, lighter and more environmentally friendlysolution to the LED lighting industry. 2018
2085 MULTICURVE Unique multi-curve active catheter for complex endovascular navigation 2018
2086 HouseBuildR Build your house exactly as you imagined it 2018
2087 Insulog The Smart snap-on insulin tracker able to manage the insulin intake activity data of diabetes patients 2018
2089 SME LOYALISER SME LOYALISER: fostering SME retailers through LOYALty Integrated SERvices 2018
2090 BioBur Multifuel, Economic, High Efficiency High Thermal Power Rotating Biomass Burner for IndustrialApplications 2018
2091 PAGITA PAGITA - The platform digitizing the world of vending machines 2018
2092 NOXTEK NOx-Mitigation Technology for Retrofitting Diesel Engines 2018
2093 Talking Hands Talking Hands 2018
2094 EKOGRID EKOGRID™, the first technology to clean water and underwater sediments with electrokinetic oxidation 2018
2095 OriginIoT OriginIoT - novel platform for increased utilization of GNSS constellations via outdoor IoT products 2018
2096 Next-EMS Next-Generation Energy-ManagementUpgrading Energy Management Systems with a Next-generation, smarter, resource-saving softwarewith unique automatic pattern recognition of energy consumption data 2018
2097 VR-FS Virtual Reality in high fidelity Flight Simulation 2018
2098 BLUESKY Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reducedcontaminants emission 2018
2100 FITT-iN Fast IoT market take-up through The Things Networks 2018
2101 R3FIBER Eco-innovation in Composites Recycling for a Resource-Efficient Circular Economy 2018
2102 Cloud Recovery A unique mobile optimised site that facilitates the recovery and restoration of deleted smart device files at the point of need, without the need for a desktop computer. 2018
2103 SolidCool Cost-efficient, solid-state refrigeration technology for cold storage 2018
2104 LEDHEAD Low-cost LED headlamp system for increased safety, efficiency and sustainability in automotive lighting 2018
2105 AlkFood A disruptive cost-efficient industrial technology using bioreactor to boost compounds yields in roots, shoots, leaves for agri-food, flavors, biopesticides 2018
2106 Stringlandscape Deconstructing the string landscape 2018
2107 INCREdible Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin 2017
2108 ASTRASY Avantis STructural Rod Adjustment SYstem 2018
2109 IDA Intermediate Compressor Case Duct Aerodynamics 2018
2110 ADD-ON Advanced Damage Detection though Optical sensor Network 2018
2111 DOVER Methodology Development and Validation of WEight Optimized Stiffeners Run-Out Design for Future Composite Wings 2018
2112 OASIS Optimisation of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Laser Beam Welding (LBW) for assembly of structural aircraft parts 2018
2113 REMATCH Image-based analysis for drug discovery and repurposing 2018
2115 COMPA 2GO COMPA 2GO Composite Repairs for Ships - Service Demonstration, Certification and Market Entry 2018
2116 InnovOleum An innovative business model: turning domestic used cooking oil into renewable “fuel” for education and entrepreneurship 2018
2118 PiedPiper PiedPiper®: smart pest control 2018
2119 SynchroGuard Real-time distribution grid monitoring and automated fault management system 2018
2121 B-SOCIAL BANK SOCIALISER: BANKing platform based on SOCIAL media Interactive SERvices 2018
2122 PowerBrise Smart Photovoltaic Façades for Self-Powered Buildings 2018
2123 Kjuicer Knowledge Juicer: Readers get Superpowers 2018
2124 SEMS Smart Energy Management System 2018
2125 gridBox A smart energy management system for energy transfers and improved grid efficiency 2018
2126 AMFIL Autonomous magnetic field-based indoor location 2018
2127 Perfect Fresh Intelligent storage and transport solutions with integrated monitoring to optimize the international fresh produce supply chain, significantly increasing shelf life and preventing food waste 2018
2128 TurboSol TurboSol: Turbo-Solar Thermal Power for Industrial Drying Processes 2018
2129 flexiLED A new dynamic precision LED-lighting system for hydro- and aquaponic indoor farming 2018
2130 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2018
2131 INDI INDI, world’s first 100% dairy free, soy-free infant-formula. 2018
2132 Volumizer A natural, non-surgical, and safe facial filler which treats the root cause of facial ageing. 2018
2133 TechNovatorXE TechNovator XE remote wireless charging 2017
2134 EARTH Environmentally friendly Alternative to Revolutionise the use of formaldehyde in The Histopathology (human tissue) fixative market. 2018
2135 ONALABS Non-invasive smart wearable solution for continuous monitoring of physiological parameters and biomarkers for chronic patientswith cardiac and respiratory diseases from the neonate to the elderly 2018
2136 OSMOSE Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity 2018
2137 OptiWind Optimized cockpit windshield for large diameter business aircraft 2018
2138 HIRIS Helicopter Innovative Rotating Instrumentation System 2018
2139 BCPPlus New directions in bicyclopentane research 2018
2140 SELEs Stochastic Ericksen-Leslie Equations 2019
2141 TRIBOSC Towards Radically Innovative Materials for Better and Sustainable Organic Solar Cells 2018
2142 IMIC Inner models and infinite computations 2018
2143 FERHAZ Multiscale Investigations on Si-integrable Ferroelectric Hafnia-Zirconia Systems: From Fundamental Understanding to Everyday Electronics 2018
2144 TET-Lanthanide Triplet Energy Transfer at Hybrid Organic-Lanthanide Nanoparticle Interfaces 2018
2145 ALBORA Next-generation navigation technologies for autonomous vehicles 2018
2147 GAUSS Galileo-EGNOS as an Asset for UTM Safety and Security 2018
2148 PARADA Parallel Donor and Acceptor Semiconductor Crystals for Organic Field Effect Transistors 2018
2149 CC-LEGO CC-LEGO: robust protein blocks to build cages and layers 2018
2150 CLAReTE Combinatorially Led Advanced Research on Transparent Electrodes 2018
2151 SoRoHuMI Soft Robotic Human-Machine Interfaces for Rehabilitation 2019
2152 5GTRACK Efficient 5G Localization, Tracking, and Environment Mapping for Systems of Autonomous Vehicles 2019
2153 ALPHA-STEM Advanced Laboratory Phantoms for Soft Tissues in Engineering and Medicine: ALPHA-STEM 2018
2155 STAR Safe, Transparent, Active and Reliable mineral sunscreen technology 2018
2156 KATEDRAL An Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Sewage Sludge Valorization Unit 2018
2157 OE Scan A next generation diagnostic device that effectively screens for breast cancer in all tissue types, without the use of ionising radiation 2018
2158 PAALD Passive and Active Acoustic Leak Detection System 2018
2159 GoJelly GoJelly - A gelatinous solution to plastic pollution 2018
2160 Bits2Cosmology Time-domain Gibbs sampling: From bits to inflationary gravitational waves 2018
2161 BOLD-NMR Biomolecular structures elucidated by cOLD magic angle spinning NMR with dynamic nuclear polarization 2018
2162 RESISTO RESIlience enhancement and risk control platform for communication infraSTructure Operators 2018
2163 CGM A next generation nano media tailored to capture and recycle hazardous micropollutants in contaminated industrial wastewater. 2018
2164 ChiralComm Chiral Communications at the Nanoscale 2018
2165 CIRC4Life A circular economy approach for lifecycles of products and services 2018
2166 CliRSnow Statistically combine climate models with remote sensing to providehigh-resolution snow projections for the near and distant future. 2018
2167 ComRad Combining MIMO Radar with MU-MIMO Communications: More than Coexistence (ComRad) 2018
2168 DeMoMet Design and modelling of metal matrix composites 2018
2169 Digiteal Digiteal: Next generation e-invoicing and e-payment platform, one-click and automatic invoice payment anywhere in the SEPA zone 2018
2170 NEURODIAM High density full diamond cortical implant for long life time implantation 2018
2171 NEW_DEMOCRACY Meeting Great Expectations Through Democratic Innovations 2018
2172 APOLO SmArt Designed Full Printed Flexible RObust Efficient Organic HaLide PerOvskite solar cells 2018
2173 SEA-TITAN SEA-TITAN: Surging Energy Absorption Through Increasing Thrust And efficieNcy 2018
2174 ESPResSo Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules 2018
2175 H3PS H3PS – High Power High Scalability Aircraft Hybrid Powertrain 2018
2176 NEMO New states of Entangled Matter Out of equilibrium 2018
2177 Urban Sharing Urban Sharing: Sustainability and Institutionalisation Pathways 2018
2178 mPP machine learning for Particle Physics 2018
2179 THIRST Third Strategy in Tissue Engineering – Functional microfabricated multicellular spheroid carriers for tissue engineering and regeneration 2018
2180 Circular Agronomics CIRCULAR AGRONOMICS - Efficient Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycling in the European Agri-food System and related up- and down-stream processes to mitigate emissions 2018
2181 DELTA Future tamper-proof Demand rEsponse framework through seLf-configured, self-opTimized and collAborative virtual distributed energy nodes 2018
2182 FODIAC Foods for diabetes and cognition 2018
2183 SIRENA Novel electric stair climber to break barriers in transport of disabled people and goods through a safe, quick and comfortable movement 2018
2184 CONNEXIONs InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services 2018
2185 CIVILnEXt Next generation of information systems to support EU external policies 2018
2186 EU-SENSE European Sensor System for CBRN Applications 2018
2187 CCI Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime 2018
2188 SUPERA Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia 2018
2189 2DHIBSA Nanoscopic and Hierachical Materials via Living Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly 2018
2190 RECGLYCANMR Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR 2018
2191 UltraPal Ultimate Paleo-Ocean Records from Biogenic Calcites 2019
2192 ProtonPump Structural mechanism coupling the reduction of oxygen to proton pumping in living cells 2019
2193 OPTOSENSE Optical sensing of relative humidity using photoswitchable molecules 2018
2194 PolyHeal Autonomously Healable Thermoplastic Polymer Coatings based on Cooperative Interactions 2018
2196 CLAP Natural Hands for Intuitive Virtual 3D Interaction 2019
2197 GOPV Global Optimization of integrated PhotoVoltaics system for low electricity cost 2018
2198 GEO4CIVHIC Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Buildings 2018
2199 TROPDIFFGEO Tropical Differential Geometry 2018
2201 VolThinSens VolThinSens. Challenging societal needs involving ions detection: New strategies for the development of Voltammetry ion Sensors based on Thin membranes 2018
2202 NuWeld Integrated Modelling and Analysis of Multiple Component Carbides in Welded hardfacings 2018
2203 ReMoVE Rendezvous Modelling Visiting and Enhancing 2019
2204 SunPro Sunflower: Durable Resistance to Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) 2019
2205 AirSens High-Accuracy Indoor Tracking and Augmented Sensing using Swarms of UAVs 2018
2206 REUSE Reusable precast steel-concrete composite floors 2019
2207 RETAIN Routing Energy Transfer via Assembly of Inorganic Nanoplatelets 2018
2208 SELFSENS Printed SELF-power platform for gas SENSing monitoring 2018
2209 ZEOCATALYST Development of Multifunctional Zeolites for the Amelioration of Biomass Catalysis by Measuring and Understanding Synergistic Effects of Catalytic Active Sites 2019
2210 NMRSIGN NMR insights on the soluble Guanylyl Cyclase conformational dynamics to illuminate the SIGNaling pathway 2018
2211 MSP Magnetite surface properties in the various conditions of power plant water steam cycle 2018
2212 INTSYS Algebraic, Geometric, and Field-Theoretic Aspects of Integrable Many-Body Systems 2018
2213 AvINFLUENZA Molecular basis of avian influenza polymerase adaptation to human hosts 2019
2214 MAPIC Microfluidic Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Capture (MAPIC) System 2018
2215 FASTEST Fully Air-Processable and Air-Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2018
2216 GEOBACTICON The efficiency of bio-self-healing concrete within ground conditions 2018
2217 HYPERTHERM HYbrid organic-inorganic PERovskite THERMoelectrics 2019
2218 IN-3D-CAN Instrumented 3D-Printed Miniature Muscles for Cardiotoxicity Screens of Cancer Therapies 2018
2219 PeLED Towards Efficient and Stable Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 2018
2220 TANWORM How do tannins kill parasitic worms? 2019
2221 QuESt Quantum Enhanced Organic Photovoltaics by Strong Coupling of IR Vibrations to an Optical Cavity 2018
2222 SPEctRUM Seismic Plus EneRgy Upgrading of Masonry Buildings using Advanced Materials 2018
2223 HYTEC Hybrid Organic Thermoelectrics: an Insight into Charge Transport Physics towards High-Performance Organic Thermoelctric Generators 2018
2224 ESCAPE-2 Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather and climate Prediction at Exascale 2018
2225 ExaQUte EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation 2018
2226 MEDISS MEDical Imaging with Superconducting Sensors 2018
2227 QPARK A Quantitative Approach for Smart Parking 2018
2228 PFS A cost- energy-efficient treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from water 2018
2229 Piql-GO Ultra-secure data storage - and long-term preservation of digital and analogue data 2018
2230 ICE2LAST Innovative technology based on the integration of natural substances in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2018
2231 ICU-CARE Delivering BEACON Caresystem – a ground-breaking ICT-enabled ICU bed-side assistant providing recommenda-tions for critical mechanical ventilation support for better care and reduced costs. 2018
2232 Hot chips Waste heat recovery for industrial heat intensive processes 2018
2233 INSYLO Disruptive IoT solution for optimising the animal feed supply chain 2018
2234 RebelRocket RebelRocket: 10x better Wi-Fi for the passenger transportation industry 2018
2235 SHOGANAI World´s first real-time solution for controlling airplane operating costs 2018
2236 HEAF High-Efficiency Axial Flux Machines 2018
2237 MPDCA innovative hot chamber Medium Pressure Die Casting process for Aluminium 2018
2238 Ventura Habitat Commercialisation of Ventura Habitat - a novel wind turbine blade maintenance enclosure tomaximize downtime productivity 2018
2239 WiiGO An autonomous, self-driven robot system to improve the mobility and integration of people, creating a more equal and accessible society 2018
2240 SF-TLS Bridge Reestablishment Solutions – Super Fast Telescopic Launching System (SF-TLS) 2018
2241 SafeMobile Monitor the attacks, not the children - an innovative cloud platform designed to effectively identify and combat cyberbullying events while protecting children’s privacy. 2018
2242 CityChangerCargoBike CityChangerCargoBike 2018
2243 ReMAP Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning 2018
2244 NAVAIS New, Avanced and Value-Added Innovative Ships 2018
2245 CRISEA Competing Regional Integrations in Southeast Asia 2017
2246 TICTOCGRAV Exploring Gravity with Ultracold Cadmium and Strontium Optical Clocks and Bragg Interferometers 2018
2247 IMPAQT Intelligent management system for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture 2018
2248 E-LOBSTER Electric LOsses Balancing through integrated STorage and power Electronics towards increased synergy between Railways and electricity distribution networks 2018
2249 CLEVER Cities CLEVER Cities - Co-designing Locally tailored Ecological solutions for Value added, socially inclusivE Regeneration in Cities 2018
2250 ChildRescue ChildRescue - Collective Awareness Platform for Missing Children Investigation and Rescue 2018
2251 OCEAN12 Opportunity to Carry European Autonomous driviNg further with FDSOI technology up to 12nm node 2018
2252 MAGNETO Multimedia Analysis and Correlation Engine for Organised Crime Prevention and Investigation 2018
2253 FunMagResBeacons Functionalized Magnetic Resonance Beacons for Enhanced Spectroscopy and Imaging 2018
2254 DMIDAS Astrophysical constraints on the identity of the dark matter 2018
2255 sFilm-FS Fibrin sealant for anastomotic leaks and haemostasis 2018
2256 COCAN Complexity and Condition in Algebra and Numerics 2019
2257 BioELCell Bioproducts Engineered from Lignocelluloses: from plants and upcycling to next generation materials 2018
2258 SNICC Studying Secondary Nucleation for the Intensification of Continuous Crystallization 2018
2259 XRayProton Ultrafast Structural Dynamics of Elementary Water-Mediated Proton Transport Processes 2018
2260 Resolve High-performance, affordable super-resolution platform for the life sciences 2018
2261 Sage2 Percipient Storage for Exascale Data Centric Computing2 2018
2263 NORMOPERF Normothermic Perfusion Device for Renal and Hepatic Preservation and Viability Assessment 2018
2264 RETINAL Retinal imaging prevention and early detection of chronic diseases 2018
2265 GasHeatPumpSaltX Disrupting the European domestic space heating market with the lowest cost, energy-efficient Gas Heat Pump 2018
2266 GOLF EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security 2018
2267 ULTRACEPT Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance 2018
2268 ReCaP Regeneration of Articular Cartilage using Advanced Biomaterials and Printing Technology 2018
2269 GALILEO 4 Mobility Fostering the adoption of GALILEO for Mobility as a Service 2017
2270 PROCESS PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale ChallengeS 2017
2271 Families_Share Socializing and sharing time for work/ life balance through digital and social innovation 2018
2272 SAMS SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) 2018
2273 GAM AIR 2018 AIRFRAME ITD 2018
2274 AgrowFab Far Infrared Radiation Smart Fabric Heating Element for GreenHouses 2018
2275 IVS Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market 2018
2276 COOK-SAFE COOK-SAFE: A Safer, Non-stick, Antibacterial and Heat-stable Nanocoating for Cookware and Household Appliances. 2018
2277 Roksnet e-Society Interconnections Software 2018
2278 TEMPORAL TEMPORAL IMG: Temporal radiation imager for nuclear equipment dismantling and nuclear medicine 2018
2279 Hexafly Hexafly Black Soldier Fly Protein and Oils for Fishfeed 2018
2280 WasteWater Science A novel affordable, portable and autonomous wastewater treatment unit for the agriculture industry 2018
2281 OLEICAStarter Application of multifunctional lactic acid bacteria in large-scale fermentation of spanish-style table olives 2018
2282 Aladin Aladin: A Smart Home-Care Solution for the Elderly. 2018
2283 ARM-B The ARM-B skin-allergy diagnostics patch is a compact, easy to apply, low-cost allergy testing product. 2018
2284 VOLTCLOUD VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery 2018
2285 ProbeFix ProbeFix: an Innovative MedTech Solution to improve the use of ultrasound for better Cardiac diagnosis in the EU 2018
2286 SMILE A smile in return 2018
2287 Next Gen Bluetech Making container shipping more sustainable and efficient through digital technologies and data science 2018
2288 botconnect Collaboration of humans and AI in the enterprise 2018
2289 Almazara 4.0 Smart NIR Olive Oil Extraction Control and Measurement System 2018
2290 FODBASA Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance 2018
2291 Solar Bank Virtual Energy Trading IT System to couple photovoltaic production and electric vehicles charging. 2018
2292 PUPILOSCOPE Pupiloscope, a Neuro-Critical Care Device, Enabling Quantitative, Real-Time, Pupillary Monitoring and Assessment of Patients with Neurotrauma and Head Injuries. 2018
2293 S2S Signals to Solutions: a change of paradigm in predictive maintenance market 2018
2294 Pirocrack Integrated pyrolisis and thermal cracking technology to revolutionise the MSW treatment market 2018
2295 REGENERA Helping cancer survivors restoring their natural breast with resorbable implants inducing self‐tissue regeneration 2018
2296 NETinfoPAY NETinfoPAY: a world of finance in your pocket 2018
2297 FLEMANIE Flexible Microchip Manufacturing for New Industries in Europe 2018
2298 Ligninpolymers Transformation of kraft lignin into a biodegradable biopolymer 2018
2299 Haptictouch Introducing the world’s first system for in-air haptic feedback, through ultrasound MEMs arrays 2018
2300 Clean City Improve urban cleanliness while optimising resources and environmental footprint 2018
2301 NEOSONICS NEOSONICS – First non-invasive screening medical device for infant meningitis. 2018
2302 CloudStorm Introducing Software Robots 2.0: CloudStorm Enterprise Software Integration and Automation Tool 2018
2303 LEP4BLADES Innovative Leading Edge Protection System for Wind Turbine Blades 2018
2304 ReHub Rehabilitation Hub: The World’s first Digital Recovery Therapy solution 2018
2305 LiveCODIM New Super Resolution microscopy solution for living cell imaging 2018
2306 REPLICATE The Revolutionary Tooth Replacement System for Minimally Invasive Immediate Dental Implants 2018
2307 EyeCode A frictionless two-factor authentication software for secure transactions 2018
2308 Graphext A REVOLUTIONARY SYSTEM IN THE EMERGING MARKET OF ADVANCED ANALYTICS. Graphext bridges the gap between Data Science and Business Intelligence, democratising Advanced Analytics. 2018
2309 Datumate Field data analytics cloud platform using drone-photogrammetry and computer vision algorithms for construction infrastructure planning, execution and delivery 2018
2310 ACE Autonomous Cable assembly Enabler 2018
2311 CABLESMART Innovative cable car for urban transport 2018
2312 Care300 A mango-based food ingredient, for food supplements and functional foods, that helps maintaining a healthy metabolism and an optimal body composition while preventing glucose intolerance 2018
2313 Green Radar An advance Multi-Side Boating Platform working with Passive Radar technology boosting a new emerging market 2018
2314 WindiBox A novel shrouded vertical axis wind turbine for power generation in buildings 2018
2315 NANOFACTORY NANOFACTORY – 3D micro – nano fabrication device 2018
2316 PROnecto Enabling wide industrial take-up of high-performance nanomaterials 2018
2317 INSTET Securing the Internet of Things with a unique microchip fingerprinting technology 2018
2318 AllergyExplorer Automation of novel multi-parameter allergy test that is cost-efficient and delivers instantly correct results 2018
2319 SMART Slowflow Kinetic Micro Hydro System for electrification of rural areas. 2018
2320 DiaMOND personalised Diabetes Management using lOw-cost Needle-free multiple-biomarkers monitoring Device 2018
2321 FOODINIPRO FoodiniPro: the connected 3D Food Printer appliance for every kitchen 2018
2322 GoSleep Global scale-up of GoSleep Pods more than a seat 2018
2323 FRESHTRAY New multi-active cardboard packaging solution to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables by 40%. 2018
2324 mTAP Taking to market a novel filtration system for air purification 2018
2325 REGMAX An innovative and sustainable process for reducing the environmental impact of stainless steel production, enabling impressive recovery rates and cost savings. 2018
2326 NPS Demonstration of a novel and scalable, compact air purification module for HVAC systems and ducts – the Nano Purifying System 2018
2328 Mimica Touch Bioreactive food expiry label that mimics the actual decay of food for a reliable and accurate method of reducing food waste 2018
2329 TS3.0 New Technology for Multi-Axial, Slim and High Performance Timber Structures 2018
2331 SmartHire Online and unbiased skills assessment for a smarter hiring process 2018
2332 TETRHA Electro-Mechanical Haptic System: Development and implementation of a component designed to improve haptic feedback in a touch sensitive application 2018
2333 ColorBOX Image Enhancement & Page Standardisation Solution for Error-free Printing and 35% Ink Saving 2018
2334 WoundRinse Preventing Chronic wound infections with a novel, antibiotic Wound Irrigation Solution; relieving patients from pain, risk of amputations and ensuring large cost savings for all Healthcare Systems. 2018
2335 PrEDICTS Optimizing Container Load for Parcel and Pallet Transport Networks 2018
2336 ACTIVITY EXCHANGE A data streaming platform to empower companies with intelligence through their entire business and value chains 2018
2337 ANTOFERINE ANTOFERINE: An innovative eco-friendly process for chemical solvent free extraction of bioactive antifungal polyphenols from vineyard waste. 2018
2338 WalkHome Functional Electrical Stimulation for at Home Rehabilitation 2018
2339 Proteus 25 Developing the world’s first food wrapping machine with organic film 2018
2340 Cupris The first smartphone-connected medical device for a secure remote diagnosis of ears, nose, eyes and skin conditions 2018
2341 Anatomy Next Advanced 3D augmented reality technology providing a more accurate, effective and efficient method of medical education 2018
2342 SAPPHIRO Automated Inspection Tools for Cost-effective Quality Control of Optical Materials 2018
2343 AQUA PUR TM Development and market penetration of an innovative water purification technology for industrial applications 2018
2344 SCOPIO High-resolution, all-digital microscope that applies computational methods to bring revolutionary benefits of digital microscopy to small and medium sized laboratories 2018
2345 LiCrete LiCrete - Light transmitting composite material for building purposes 2018
2346 Sensa Effortlessly Diagnosing Sleep Apnea with the Sensa Platform 2018
2347 NAVSCIN High Accuracy Navigation under Scintillation Conditions 2018
2348 CAtALySt NeurescueTM: Computer- controlled aortic occlusion device for the treatment of cardiac arrest 2018
2349 Sex-Assault-ID Crime Scene Presumptive Sperm Identification Test for Sexual Assault Evidence and DNA Collection 2018
2350 OCSIC The Optical Coding System of the Information Channel 2018
2351 plasmaCare A small, portable cold plasma device for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. 2018
2352 SafeZone Fully integrated CBRN incident management system for public safety and private venues with large crowds 2018
2354 Be12 A cyphered cloud based DataBank for the corporate sector 2018
2355 e4SME Utilities engaging SMEs with end-to-end Energy Management Experiences 2018
2356 GRUNDIUM The world´s first portable and smart digital microscope scanner for clinical and research use 2018
2357 HIPER A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for 2.5D & 3D Nanoelectronic Systems Design 2018
2358 Nano4 Colorimetric Precision Nanodiagnostics made Fast and Affordable 2018
2359 HYBRiX Hybrid fuel-electric multicopter RPAS with 10 times more flight time than current solutions in the market 2018
2360 ADDPRIME Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces 2018
2361 QUPIC Ultra-fast and Cost-effective Quantum Random Number Generator Photonic Integrated Chip 2018
2362 GREEN LINE A non-antibiotic treatment for Acne and Onychomycosis 2018
2363 MotionTech Tomorrow’s mobility solutions, today 2018
2364 MyKeople Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies and employees embracing the digital transformation 2018
2365 ibbu Connecting expert enthusiasts with potential shoppers within a shared economy model 2018
2366 TRANSDAT From the space communication to the drone industry 2018
2367 AMBIENCE disruptive capturing and revalorisation system of AMmonia for BIogas plants ENhancing Circular Economy 2018
2368 Prodsmart Real time process tracking for production lines and job shops – across the supply chain 2018
2369 Bob Creating the French Dyson: European leader on home appliances for tomorrow’s households. 2018
2370 FuseX Novel device for simple and effective prevention of post-surgical adhesion build up. 2018
2371 BioDermaCare Advanced Hand Sanitizing and Compliance System for the Healthcare Sector 2018
2372 BioBalanced Feasibility study for Bioapplications – BioBalanced Farm probiotic 2018
2373 RE-WATER REvitalising tap WATER for reduced consumption of plastic water bottles 2018
2374 OP-PLATFORM Disrupting Orthotics and Prosthetics Market with Open Digital Platform 2018
2375 EASYFISH Development of a new biomolecule to better control reproduction in fish 2018
2376 SensaSticker Improving the global cold chain with cutting-edge temperature monitoring solution 2018
2377 MOTIONMAPPER A real-time slope stability and subsidence monitoring service to improve productivity and to prevent catastrophic events in the mining industry 2018
2378 Composite Gloves Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care 2018
2379 ADMANTX AI profiling for smarter customer targeting 2018
2380 prudenta Prudenta: Electronic Solution for Safer Drugs 2018
2381 EREDETIO Wearable Device for Erectile Dysfunction Diagnostics and Treatment Monitoring 2018
2382 DEMS Data Excellence Management System 2018
2383 Pangea Aerospace Pangea Aerospace - Launch Vehicles for small satellites (payload capacity up to 150kg), wich provide affordable access to space tailored to the micro/nano satellite market 2018
2384 THE SOLAR URBAN HUB A SOLAR URBAN HUB with integrated lighting and information system for optimal Smart Cities efficiency 2018
2385 Nanosynex Ultra-fast Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test for diagnosing antimicrobial resistance to provide personalized antibiotic treatments 2018
2386 MilkGuard A continuous milk disinfection system for calf feeding on-farm 2018
2387 QTrobot QTrobot Autism Therapy Store 2018
2388 Hybrid Drive The worldwide first hybrid multi-functional municipal vehicle for a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, fine particles and noise pollution in cities 2018
2389 720IEQ Increasing the productivity of knowledge workers through better indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in office buildings 2018
2390 OUTLIVE OUTLIVE: a disruptive non-invasive ultrasound therapy to treat all patients affected with aortic stenosis. 2019
2391 GROVF4.0 Feasibility study for Grovf hardware accelerated no SQL database for Industry 4.0 2018
2392 MITTE MITTE: Create your own mineral water like nature 2018
2393 AIASGA The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations 2018
2395 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2018
2396 CLEAN CABINET A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems 2018
2397 FAERSK FAERSK – Innovative fish processing and logistics solution 2018
2398 VirtualGrasp Speeding up the virtual reality revolution with realistic & real-time animation of hand-to-object interaction 2018
2400 Asterix Weeding robot for precision farming reducing herbicide usage by 95% 2018
2401 CFAM Large-scale Continuous-Fiber Additive Manufacturing for the Maritime and Infrastructure Sectors 2018
2402 Xirus Augmented CAD: next generation of computer-aided design & engineering 2018
2403 SPRHOUT SPRHOUT (Solar PoweRed Horticultural Off-grid UniT) – the first economically viable off-grid energy system to power horticultural projects, boosting the transition towards sustainable food provision 2018
2404 DualMetha A cost-effective process for methanisation of unexploited agricultural waste. 2018
2405 SIESTA-PRO Advance atomic-scale simulation solutions 2018
2406 MultiSingle-WIMMIC “The world´s first Multifunctional Single MMIC for Ku-Band Satcom-On-the-Move (SOTM) phased-array antennas” 2018
2407 Raccoon.Recovery Raccoon.Recovery – effective mobile data driven hand rehabilitation solution 2018
2408 AIx Automated Trade Execution Engine for Power Markets 2018
2409 HuBMBLES Development and commercialisation of a sustainable, energy efficient and scalable bioprocessing technology to enable sustainable cell-based manufacturing 2018
2410 HeyEducation hey!Education: Breaking Classroom Communication Barriers 2018
2411 Barbara-IoT Barbara is an Operating System Software Platform which enables IoT device manufacturers to boost their level of security, reduce time-to-market, and reduce costs. 2018
2412 CapCO2 Intensified Process for CAPturing CO2 2018
2413 C-TCS A Disruptive Treatment Control Software for Particle Therapy Centers 2018
2414 A3BL Airofit - Better Breathing, Better Life 2018
2415 ASM Novel concept of cost-effective hybrid concrete/steel Auxiliary Shielding Module for enhancing the Radiological, Thermal and Structural behaviour of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage metallic casks 2018
2416 OptimalFetch Highly scalable, easily integrated pre-fetching technology that provides instant content while saving on battery, data and bandwidth usage. 2018
2417 OxygeAte First long-lasting super-oxygenated water to promote post-exercise recovery and plant health, boosting crop yields sustainably 2018
2418 Blocknetwork Blocknetwork - Fusing Big Data and Implementing Novel Cyber Security Solutions 2018
2419 REHO Robotic REHabilitation Orthosis 2018
2420 DRAMS Drone-based Radio Aid Measuring System 2018
2421 UFine An innovative ultra-fine bubble engineered nozzle for sustainable cost-effective water aeration 2018
2422 ExitAplasia Reg-X310: new disruptive medicine for faster exit from aplasia afetr agressive chemotherapy of hematologic malignancies 2018
2424 EMPLOBOT The First Recruitment Bot to Integrate Labour Market in the EU 2018
2426 FOOT TRANSPORT Foot Transport for a Smart Mobility 2018
2427 AlchemyML AlchemyML, The “One-Click Data-In Model-Out” 2018
2428 IonDrive A novel cost effective industrial process for dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes on electrode materials for Li-Ion Batteries 2018
2430 AQUA4D AQUA4D - For an efficient use of irrigation water 2018
2431 BrainBase Knowledge management platform for clinical use of brain data 2018
2432 HyLYZER Industrial electrolyser for large-scale on-site renewable hydrogen production for manufacturing industry 2018
2433 SkinKer Absorbable and wearable keratin-based nanofibers for wound healing and skin reconstruction 2018
2434 LocateIT Locate IT - accurate self-learning IoT asset tracking 2018
2435 Apollo Novel electric turbines to power the VTOL drone & aircraft revolution 2018
2436 StayAble A non-surgical and long-lasting treatment to substantially reduce back pain 2018
2437 Stibiox Innovative antimony recovery process from lead and plastics wastes. 2018
2438 ARCHIMEDES Feasibility study for the further development and market launch of the Archimedes Universal Decision Support System for irrigated crops growers 2018
2439 SEAS Smart Energy Automation System - advanced artificial intelligence and predictive systems for energy optimization and savings in all buildings / infrastructures 2018
2440 MYFOOD An Innovative Smart Greenhouse System based on Aquaponics, Bioponics and Permaculture for Self-Production of Safe and Ultra-Fresh Food. 2018
2441 PowerData Energy Data Management system to support the smart grid 2018
2442 PISPA Plytix Information Sharing Platform and Analytics 2018
2443 Wonderlogix STUDIO End-to-end web platform for the design and implementation of Industrial Control Systems 2018
2445 FRESHDETECT FRESHDETECT – food safety – fast and reliable 2018
2446 EGgPLANT Sustainable and carbon-efficient mono-Ethylene Glycol generation in demonstration PLANT 2018
2447 LTT Long-term testing of airtightness to increase energy efficiency in buildings. 2018
2448 PME Instrument v2 Second generation chatbot development platform 2018
2450 SEASCANN Integrative vision and real-time communication system for onboard sorting of fish species 2018
2451 HistologTM Scanner Intra-operative microscope for tumor margin assessment 2018
2452 SPOTT Pioneering ICT-platform setting the new standard on advertising and how consumers shop 2018
2453 AI4EMS Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Medical Services: a smart digital assistant for faster and more accurate cardiac arrest recognition during emergency calls 2018
2454 K-Smart Environment Kunak Sensing Anywhere, an ultra-energy-efficient wireless critical system for smart environmental monitoring 2018
2455 TriSol System A heart valve prosthesis and delivery system intended to replace damaged tricuspid valves and prevent right ventricle dysfunction 2018
2456 Hydro-S3DP Sens Solutions Smart Disinfection Platform for Legionella Prevention in Hospital and Hotel water heating & cooling systems. 2018
2457 M-H70 M-H70 2.0 Hydrogen pressure gas regulators specifically designed for Fuel Cell Vehicles 2018
2458 MOGU floor Natural-Grown Flooring for Circular Buildings 2018
2460 BEATIK Beatik- Collaborative Digital Scores Platform for Classical Music 2018
2461 pHenom A cost effective, self-calibrating, low maintenance pH sensor for an integrated approach to monitoring sea and drinking water, facilitating improvements in ocean, animal and human health 2018
2462 MEMBio Application of Microbial Fuel Cells for waste water treatment 2018
2463 Woodoo Woodoo Augmented Wood - transforming wood into construction material strong as concrete and translucent as amber 2018
2464 AirBrush A fast non-intrusive vapour detection system that rapidly identifies explosives in public areas 2018
2466 SMR Stroke Management through RGTA®: SMR 2018
2467 Horizon Cableway based Photovoltaic Retractable Folding Roof for Dual Usage of Spaces 2018
2468 TUgbOAT Towards Unification of Algorithmic Tools 2018
2469 NEXTLEDs Chemical Engineering of Atomically-Flat Colloidal Quantum Wells for Next-Generation Light- Emitting Devices 2018
2470 DUSTCOMB A Novel Technology to Reduce Industrial Dust Pollution and to Enable Most Efficient Energy Recovery 2018
2471 LiionFire Automated e-buses Lithium Ion Battery Early Warning and Fire Suppression System 2018
2472 Quakebots Artificial Intelligence and IoT for seismic monitoring 2018
2473 SIGAGuard Cybersecurity anomaly detection solution for critical infrastructures 2018
2474 oilywatertreat The most effective and economically attractive solution for treating oily waste water on vessels and keeping our oceans cleaner 2018
2475 PROBE.LY - Web Application Vulnerability Scanning Suite for Agile Teams 2018
2476 BRiDGE BRiDGE – Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe 2018
2477 BITEXT Building conversational chatbots faster using NLP and machine learning 2018
2478 INPERIO Non-invasive solution for periodontal and peri-implant diseases 2018
2479 ESKAM Electric Scalable Axle Module for e-Mobility 2018
2480 EGREMPLARE The first eco-friendly technology for greasy mixed plastics recycling 2018
2481 HyMethShip Hydrogen-Methanol Ship propulsion system using on-board pre-combustion carbon capture 2018
2482 IoT4ALL Ultimate connectivity platform for global IoT devices: boosting the competitiveness of IoT device makers 2018
2483 OR4.0 Development of an intelligent and multi-hospital end-to-end surgical process management system 2018
2484 B2FRESH The ultimate digital platform for full transparency and efficiency in the fruits and vegetables trade 2018
2485 Akselos Integra Disruptive Digital Twin solution combining sensor data streams and high accuracy physics-based models to design and monitor large structural assets 2018
2486 X1 Wind Disruptive technology for cost-effective and reliable Floating Wind 2018
2487 MM Mister Maginky The new product which solves men’s incontinency problem 2018
2488 EnergyMate EnergyMate, the first energy efficiency-based software providing users an easy way to understand their energy consumptions 2018
2489 SIWI Automatic Hitching for total Safety of Farmers when Coupling machinery 2018
2490 MARS ModulAR Plug-in Mechatronic DeviceS for vibration suppression in manufacturing equipment 2018
2491 BICAR The definitive 100% energy autonomous, CO2-free and recyclable last mile solution 2018
2493 MiRAGE Enhanced mission autonomy through on-board Artificial Intelligence for next generation spacecraft 2018
2494 bubbleOn Transforming the Customer Experience through Smart, Interactive and Pervasive Proximity Services 2018
2495 CASARAR Corrugated sheet Application of Solar npo’s for Asbestos Replacement in Argicultural Real-Estate 2018
2496 PGplant The Facade of Industrial Internet 2018
2497 ONCOscanner ONCOscanner – oncological probe for intra-operative identification of cancerous tissues during surgical treatment for breast cancer 2018
2498 AQUA-REUSE ReAl-time online QUality Assurance for REUSE of water 2018
2499 UpSurgeOn Academy UpSurgeOn Academy: A multilevel educational platform for neurosurgical training. 2018
2500 D-NOSES Distributed Network for Odour Sensing, Empowerment and Sustainability 2018
2501 4CWhite The first high-precision Computer-Controlled Collarbone Cutter for Whitefish 2018
2502 Kissmybike No more stress about bicycle theft 2018
2503 MolPredict Neural-based solution to boost drug preclinical research success 2018
2504 COSMOS-Fenix Process for the reuse of fly ash derived from waste thermal treatments as substitution of critical and toxic flame retardants in the plastic manufacturing. 2018
2505 SUNSET Storage energy UNit for Smart and Efficient operation on Tarmac 2018
2506 ICT-BIOCHAIN ICT-BIOCHAIN - ICT Tools in Efficient Biomass Supply Chains for Sustainable Chemical Production 2018
2507 GLARTEK Revolutionary AR eyes for industrial maintenance 2018
2508 Mp-Filler Universal Multi-Purpose Automated Glass Jar Filler for the Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry 2018
2509 SmartDtd Smart Household Waste Management 2018
2510 eDCaseMAN Defendable legal cases through an affordable, easy, integrated and reliable case management software 2018
2511 BEYOND Best in class Deep Learning Predictive Model 2018
2512 MOBIUS MØBIUS: Transforming medication management for improved patient safety 2018
2513 StarLink StarLink: The World's First Intelligent Vacuum Pump System 2018
2514 Redwave Redwave: the future of blood pressure measurement 2018
2515 Free-AI Free AI-assisted customer service for small businesses 2018
2516 Para-T System The Para-T System A quick blood group device to match in situ the donor bag and the receptor arm during a blood transfusion, avoiding major incompatible errors. 2018
2517 INNOPRICK Digitalization and analysis of skin surfaces for a fast and automated allergic diagnosis 2018
2518 Touchless Automation A touchless microcomponent gripper for precision handling and microassembly 2018
2519 Cr VI FREE COATING Development of an innovative alternative to the use of hexavalent chromium in the aerospace coating 2018
2520 WayLink One Way , Your Link! 2018
2521 DETER A Decision Support Tool to Manage Earthworks along Road and Rail Networks 2018
2522 SmartSyringe SmartSyringe, world easiest, safest and fastest blood collection ever made. 2018
2523 SCS The most advanced “Do-it-Yourself” paint vending machine in the market 2018
2524 FlowShield Securing Web Applications by Information Flow Tracking 2018
2526 ChromaChron Development and commercialisation of a new purification system for contaminant-free radiocarbon dating 2019
2527 AIRSCAN A customised low-cost ultralight aircraft for survey, filming and animal tracking in wild environments. 2018
2529 BLINK Satellite Data Acquisition in the Blink of an Eye 2018
2530 SMIMS Single Molecule Imaging Mass Spectrometry 2018
2531 COLLHEAR 3D printed COLLagen type I-Hydroxyapatite prostheses for the middle EAR 2018
2532 MaMs3 Crack-Defined Nanogap Electrodes for High-Throughput Decoding of DNA 2018
2533 SOPaaS Smart Ordering Plan as a Service 2018
2534 Microguard A neural network based counterfeit detection system to verify the authenticity of products 2018
2536 AirPlatform An open integration platform for professional displays 2018
2537 Ammune Mitigating botnet DDoS attacks with an artificial intelligence powered solution 2018
2538 GOVERNOR New-generation database capacity planning optimization 2018
2539 INVIS Care Bringing connected to the active elderly 2018
2540 AROBMACH Cognibotics: driving the revolution in accurate robotic machining 2018
2541 SOLWET Electron Transfer Across Solid/Liquid Interfaces: Elucidating Elementary Processes from Femtoseconds to Seconds 2018
2542 PLATELYS PlateLys: The innovative human platelet lysate especially designed to maximize the effectiveness of cell-based therapies 2018
2543 Anaergy Ultra-efficient Multi-phase Sequential Waste Water Treatment Technology 2018
2544 Nello One Self-installable device that converts intercoms into a smart keys to allow access from anywhere. 2018
2545 LC-SOLAR Low cost solar energy conversion to electricity 2018
2546 SERKET Artificial Intelligence for Livestock Health Management. 2018
2547 Capacitoxx Innovative and advanced manufacturing process to produce biological nanomaterial super-capacitors for superior battery performance in smart devices 2018
2548 DINAMIX Real-time diffusion NMR analysis of mixtures 2019
2549 APRICOT Artificial PeRceptIon Chip for the Intelligence Of Things 2018
2550 DRIMPAC Unified DR interoperability framework enabling market participation of active energy consumers 2018
2551 ReduceSearch Rigorous Search Space Reduction 2019
2552 COMNFT Communication Using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform 2019
2553 UNBRACE Investigating the Role of the Unfolded Protein Response as a Novel Targetable Pathway in BRAF Mutant Colorectal Cancer 2019
2554 CoLLaboratE Co-production CeLL performing Human-Robot Collaborative AssEmbly 2018
2555 LiDeNiAc Ligand Design for Nitrogen Activation 2018
2556 BeyondA1 Set theory beyond the first uncountable cardinal 2018
2557 COYOTE Coherent Optics Everywhere: a New Dawn for Photonic Networks 2019
2558 PHAGOVET A cost-effective solution for controlling Salmonella and Escherichia coli in poultry production 2018
2559 KlotoDx KlotoDx A quick and cost-effective near-patient tool to identify sepsis-related bacteria and antibiotic resistances 2018
2560 SURFWIRE Innovative machine for surface finishing of wire-drawn products 2018
2561 OPVOL Use of dimensional scanner for irregular shaped items in the optimisation of shipments 2018
2562 Sleepiz Contactless, Multidimensional Sleep Monitoring and Assessment Solution 2018
2563 Tryst Energy Tryst Energy: Light Energy Harvesting for the IoT-industry 2018
2564 OILBLOCK Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem 2018
2565 CIRMET Innovative and efficient solution, based on modular, versatile, smart process units for energy and resource flexibility in highly energy intensive processes 2018
2566 PREFE This proposal is about PREFEapp, an innovative mobile app that aims at cutting food waste at its roots thanks to the cooperation of final consumers, municipal undertakings and LSRT players. 2018
2567 HOP House Printing. Additive manufacturing technology for disaster areas. 2018
2568 MEDIKURA MEDIKURA: Digital Infrastructure for Drug Safety in Europe 2018
2569 OptiVerter Solving the triangle for solar mass adoption – Cost, Efficiency and Simplicity 2018
2571 ASTERIQS Advancing Science and TEchnology thRough dIamond Quantum Sensing 2018
2572 TEMPORE Self-Regulating Porous Nano-Oscillators: from Nanoscale Homeostasis to Time-Programmable Devices 2018
2573 ARBAHEAT Cost-effective transformation of a Highly-Efficient, Advanced, Thermal Ultra-SuperCritical coal-fired power plant into a CHP by retrofitting and integrating an ARBAFLAME biomass upgrading process. 2018
2574 DESTINY Development of an Efficient Microwave System for Material Transformation in  energy INtensive processes for an improved Yield 2018
2575 Grass Paper Grass Fibre as raw material for innovative Grass Paper products: the new economic and ecological resource for the European paper industry 2018
2576 CartographY Mapping Stellar Helium 2019
2577 i4Offshore Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction 2018
2578 VULCAN DeVelopment of a Universal seLeCtive stripping solution for Aircraft coatiNgs 2018
2579 PreMa Energy efficient, primary production of manganese ferroalloys through the application of novel energy systems in the drying and pre-heating of furnace feed materials. 2018
2580 SULACHANGE Microplastic-free Sulapac-material challenges plastic 2018
2581 MEGA Heavy metal free emitters for new-generation light sources 2019
2582 AD Detect-Prevent Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent - Presymptomatic AD detection and prevention 2018
2583 DAHLIAS Development and application of hybrid joining in lightweight integral aircraft structures 2018
2584 CereBrill Brain training tools for better focus - using games and brainwaves to improve performance in children with ADHD 2018
2585 CLARITY Bringing social impact to markets - Social Impact rating agency and AI powered SaaS tool for investors to optimize the social impact of their investment portfolios. 2018
2586 CoPs Continuous hazardous water Pollutants sensing in the environment 2018
2587 WINDMIL RT-DT An autonomous Real-Time Decision Tree framework for monitoring and diagnostics on wind turbines 2018
2588 ProtCap Protein Capsules 2018
2589 Fed4IoT Federating IoT and cloud infrastructures to provide scalable and interoperable Smart Cities applications, by introducing novel IoT virtualization technologies 2018
2590 SERENiTi Software Enhanced Research iN Transient kinetics 2018
2591 BioInspired_SolarH2 Engineering Bio-Inspired Systems for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Hydrogen 2019
2592 OPENRESEARCHERS1819 Open Researchers 2018-2019 2018
2593 iCAREPLAST Integrated Catalytic Recycling of Plastic Residues Into Added-Value Chemicals 2018
2594 EcoSail Eco-friendly and customer-driven Sail plan optimisation service 2018
2595 COMBUSS Composite tooling for business jet lower wing stiffened panel manufacturing 2018
2596 VALUEWASTE Unlocking new VALUE from urban bioWASTE 2018
2597 INTEGRADDE Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition processes 2018
2598 PHP2 Pulsating Heat Pipes for Hybrid Propulsion systems 2018
2599 RedStroke Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke 2018
2600 LIFT Lightweight Innovative Generator for Future Air Transportation 2018
2601 Matrix Charging Matrix Charging: Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles 2018
2602 BIM-SPEED Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation 2018
2603 ADDAPTTA SEALS ADDitive mAnufacturing oPTimized TAilored SEALS 2018
2604 REACT Renewable Energy for self-sustAinable island CommuniTies 2019
2605 PGEN Automated evaluation and correction of generation bias in immune receptor repertoires 2019
2606 Snowless Real-time reaction, autonomous and energy-efficient snowmelt technology for lightly and heavily trafficked pavement surfaces. 2018
2607 SUPERCOOL Superelastic Porous Structures for Efficient Elastocaloric Cooling 2019
2608 ANTIFOD A New proTection devIce for FOD 2018
2609 ANALYST EM compatibility ANALYsis Statistical Techniques in aeronautics 2018
2610 MIDAS Modular and Integrated Digital Probe for SAT Aircraft Air Data System 2018
2611 DroneGrid Simplifying Aerial Intelligence 2018
2612 nanoICE Optimisation and Large-scale Commercialisation of Next Generation Cooling Equipment for Food Industry 2018
2613 Symptoma Symptoma, Better Diagnosis for Patients with Rare and Complex Diseases 2018
2614 LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure injury risk by real time measure of tissue viability, and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2018
2615 PCSCT Photon Counting Spectral Computed Tomography 2018
2616 NeuHeart A neuroprosthesis to restore the vagal-cardiac closed-loop connection after heart transplantation 2019
2617 QualiChain Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation 2019
2618 EnviroLENS Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support 2018
2619 BEACON Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data 2019
2620 TecALSens Advanced Load Sensing technology for Aerospace Application 2018
2621 ERICE Super hydrophobic and erosion resistant coating for turbine scroll and downstream pipe 2018
2622 MDD Denis Ferranti JTI-CS2-2017-CfP07-LPA-01-40 2018
2623 OFF-WEGO OFF-network Wireless communications for Emergencies and General Operations 2018
2624 UECGA2 Use of Ethanol Containing Gasoline in Aviation 2018
2625 Mokita The NGOs’ virtual reality content viewing platform 2018
2626 BEF 2.0 Bee Ethic Frames 2.0 a disruptive technology in Apiculture 2018
2627 Pregnolia A simple, reliable and safe diagnostic device for preterm birth prevention 2018
2628 Oscar Oscar: The first device for managing a warehouse of articles able to visually recognise any label without the need of a barcode. 2018
2629 HD4HF Heart Damper: a revolutionary device for Heart Failure 2018
2630 gSKIN BodyTemp Integration of Heat flux sensor in (wrist) wearable devices for accurately and non-invasively continuous monitoring of core body temperature (CBT) for the early detection of health-related disorders 2018
2632 DMAG Draw Me A Garden: Ground-breaking SaaS / e-commerce platform that brings expert and sustainable gardening within everyone’s reach 2018
2633 NanoMed-CKD Feasibility of mCura1: A kidney-targeted nanomedicine that promotes self-healing of Chronic Kidney Disease with messenger RNA. 2018
2634 ACOSPECTOR The first Acoustic Chemometer for intelligent fluids analysis 2018
2635 EMWORK EMWORK – The fully automated EMC filter designer 2018
2636 ACOUPLASMA Market maturation of a blood plasma separation module enabling plasma based diagnostic point-of-care devices 2018
2637 Cyanobacteria Developing a process for the production of an organic hydroponic fertilizer using nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria 2018
2638 Unispotter International higher education student recruitment going mobile 2018
2639 CALORIC The Smart Thermostat with Heating Power Adjustment 2018
2640 FreshIndex Trust and Transparency for The Food Supply Chain 2018
2641 TextiaOriginCRS Children Restraint System integrated in the car-seat 2018
2642 SPACELOOP Space made easy. A personal satellite communication system for those who just need to stay connected. 2018
2643 UBQ Material Converting household waste into sustainable bio-based materials 2018
2644 ColorSensing A quantitative, multifunctional, non-invasive and cost-effective food freshness indicator to reduce food waste 2018
2645 Tiimood Tiimo mood: integrating end-user’s self-assessment module in ADHD assistive technologies for the continuous enhancement of non-medical therapies 2018
2646 APICUS Artificial Intelligence approach for Product Inspection through the use of Cobot enabling quality control of Unshaped products Solution 2018
2647 recalm ANC headrest Accelerating market introduction of Active Noise Cancelling headrest solutions 2018
2648 RUST Revolutionizing the Utilization of compound Semiconductor Technology 2018
2649 LIPOBITS Liposome-based Biomimetic Treatment for auto-immune diabetes (T1D) 2018
2650 WorkingAge Smart Working environments for all Ages 2019
2651 Norrdigi NorrDigi revolutionary Energy Saver 2018
2652 TRICARIX Minimally invasive transcatheter system for tricuspid heart valve replacement 2018
2653 SAMBAfun System for AcceleroMeter-Based Assessment of cardiac FUNction 2018
2654 CORolla "CORolla® - a disruptive ""spring like"" metallic device for permanent treatment of diastolic heart failure." 2018
2655 Modules New Technology for High Resistant and Flexible Fabric Structures 2018
2656 See Far Smart glasses for multifacEted visual loss mitigation and chronic disEase prevention indicator for healthier, saFer, and more productive workplAce foR ageing population 2018
2657 sustAGE Smart environments for person-centered sustainable work and well-being 2019
2658 PROVENANCE Providing Verification Assistance for New Content 2018
2659 ReachOut The Beta Testing Campaign Platform for Research Projects 2019
2660 SARMENTI Smart multisensor embedded and secure system for soil nutrient and gaseous emission monitoring 2019
2661 HELIOS HELIOS: A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework 2019
2662 HERMES Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems 2019
2663 GIFT Geographical Islands FlexibiliTy 2019
2664 MIGOSA MIGOSA - Image Sensor for low light Camera Applications 2018
2665 DisTerrMem Memory Across Borders: Dealing with the Legacy of Disputed Territories 2019
2666 SENSiSOFT New sensor devices based on soft chemistry assisted nanostructured functional oxides on Si integrated systems 2019
2667 ASCLEPIOS Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare 2018
2668 LeanLab Next Generation Lean Lab Digital Platform combining AI, Visual Management Tools & Touch Screen Technology (LeanLab) 2018
2669 Citrus End-to-End Remote Site Monitoring and Clinical Trial Management Solution 2018
2670 MENDER Securing the worlds connected devices through open source and ease of use 2018
2671 SM-Epigen Revealing the Epigenetic Regulatory Network with Single-Molecule Precision 2018
2672 Novel Jack Automatic Hydraulic Jack with improved capacity, safety and efficiency for agricultural implements 2018
2673 COSAFE Cooperative Connected Intelligent Vehicles for Safe and Efficient Road Transport 2018
2674 DigiMAT Smart solution for connecting process with material characteristics to achieve new generation of digital materials for the automotive industry. 2019
2675 ELASTIC A Software Architecture for Extreme-ScaLe Big-Data AnalyticS in Fog CompuTIng ECosystems 2018
2676 LUMAX Innovative Laser and Fiber System for Non-Toxic, Efficient and Cost-Effective Treatment of Cancer 2018
2677 WAVESHIELD Re-inventing Paint – A Pioneering, Dry Paint Film for Radio Frequency Identification applications 2018
2679 i-HeCoBatt Intelligent Heating and Cooling solution for enhanced range EV Battery packs 2019
2680 LEXIS Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society 2019
2681 W2EW New combined solution to harness wave energy full renewable potential for sustainable electricity and fresh water production 2019
2682 SyrinJector SyrinJector, the first smart device for livestock mass vaccination. 2018
2683 Mantis Mantis is a cloud-based Intelligent Traffic Solution built around a unique algorithm which forecasts traffic evolution saving costs and reducing emissions 2018
2684 MARCO Modern framework for Blockchain applications of corporate use 2018
2685 SYNCANO 2.0 Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation 2018
2687 Wotan One orchestrator for all kinds of clouds 2018
2688 Vinarom Development of an innovative and resource-efficient starter culture for the baking industry to enhance flavour diversity 2018
2689 FUCOPRO Fucoxanthin production from microalgae Isochrysis galbana - a solution to solve the global obesity 2018
2690 Skyx Agricultural-robotics technology company enabling a modular swarm of autonomous drones for spraying 2018
2691 TXpp A technological solution for the 50 billion EUR VAT fraud problem 2018
2692 DetecTag A new level of security in fashion retail – RFID hardtag and label with tamper detection function 2019
2693 Smart Cylinder Smart Cylinder: Breakthrough hydraulic solution to boost productivity, increase energy efficiency and lower emissions in heavy-duty industrial applications 2018
2694 COSMHYC XL COmbined hybrid Solution of Metal HYdride and mechanical Compressors for eXtra Large scale hydrogen refuelling stations 2019
2695 WIISAS Plug and play LED lighting control and monitoring system for new and existing installations 2018
2696 PerformB Innovative digital platform based on machine learning to analyze large databases, aggregate them and provide results to questions made in natural language. 2018
2697 Predictix Antidepres a user-friendly procedure that analyses genomic, clinical and demographic data to generate a personalized report with statistical analysis on the efficacy of antidepressants and their side effects 2018
2699 AutoFlyMap AUTOnomous FLYing Robots in GNSS denied environments for 3D Underground infrastructure MAPping and inspection. 2019
2700 HYDROGO Energy from water in motion: efficient, customisable off-grid hydro-electricity for rural areas with stream access 2018
2701 Me-Check Me-Check - Screening of the dry eye syndrome 2019
2703 Multi RoboDOP Multi-camera autonomous robotic cameramen at the fingertips of all live video productions 2018
2704 BOXBOT A fast and powerful 3D cargo space usage optimization service for logistics industry 2018
2705 ForeCast Ground-Breaking Software for Sustainable Smart City Planning 2018
2706 Morphotonix Protecting consumer and industrial products against counterfeiting with unforgeable nanoscale security elements 2019
2707 IRIS AI IRIS.AI: The Artificial Intelligence-powered R&D assistant 2018
2708 DigiBreakers Putting Digital Circuit Breakers at the Centre of the Smart Grid 2019
2709 Skye Redefining Drone Safety and Autonomous Operation for Indoor Commercial Applications 2018
2710 System EYE System EYE - сutting-edge innovation to make your drive safer, collect and monetize automotive data 2018
2711 NATURALSKIN Rapid absorption denaturalized collagen dressings 2019
2712 MollyMawk Continuous business process assurance for the age of digital transformation 2019
2713 B90 Developing an Oil Free Polypropyelene Diaphragm Pump for Agricultural Application 2018
2714 Hydrogreen Towards local circular economy: biomass-based pyrogasification process for the production of green hydrogen 2018
2715 SocketSense Advanced sensor-based design and development of wearable prosthetic socket for amputees 2019
2716 ELSAH Electronic smart patch system for wireless monitoring of molecular biomarkers for healthcare and well-being 2019
2717 DeepHealth Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health 2019
2718 PANACEA Protection and privAcy of hospital and health iNfrastructures with smArt Cyber sEcurity and cyber threat toolkit for dAta and people 2019
2719 ENHANCEplayer An Artificial Intelligence Enhancing Video Quality Locally to Limit Internet Traffic Tied to Video Streaming 2018
2720 DURAFRESH Advanced multi effect device to prevent fruit and vegetables ripening 2019
2721 KING An avant-garde measuring principle based on the potentiometric method using signals from the kidney to monitor hospitalised patients water-volemic state 2018
2722 OS for Ind robots Disrupting industrial robots with AI software - how new AI-driven software can be used to program industrial robots to do new tasks faster, resulting in massive productivity savings 2019
2723 COBAFRA Combatting Banking Fraud with SiS-id: A unique solution for preventing corporate payments fraud using AI and blockchain 2019
2724 CARDIACSENSE A new clinically proven and reliable medical solution for continuous heart arrhythmia and blood pressure monitoring 2018
2725 ReaxPro Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes 2019
2726 WEAR Behaviour Phenotyping using Inertial Sensors 2019
2727 SmartCrys Advanced intelligence and close-loop control for Crystallisation of API’s (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) 2019
2728 NbyN Transitioning Textile Industry Into the 21st Century: the New Generation Needle by Needle Knitting Machine 2019
2729 WarmHive SMART thermotherapy solution for varroa mite treatment. 2019
2730 TRIFECTs Trions and sp3-Defects in Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Optoelectronics 2019
2731 VRespect.Me Virtual Environments for Rehabilitation of Gender Violence Offenders 2019
2732 PT-SMS Novel structural monitoring solution for safe and sustainable post-tensioned infrastructure 2019
2733 FOG Frequency protector generator for honeybees 2019
2734 TRAXEN tracking TRAXEN – Ultra low power, long life tracking sensor 2019
2735 QUEFORMAL Quantum Engineering for Machine Learning 2019
2736 PODIUM PODIUM™ - A home device and cloud-based software and algorithm for diabetic foot ulcer monitoring 2019
2737 MechanoTubes Supramolecular machineries with life-like mechanical functions 2019
2738 TIES-TEST Optimization and clinical testing of Transcutaneous Implant Evacuation System. 2019
2739 NMRT Using Nano-Magnetic Resonance to deliver the world’s most cost-efficient system for the treatment of toxic industrial and landfill wastewater 2019
2740 memetis Modular fluidic platform with Shape Memory Alloy miniature valves to disrupt medical technology industry (memetis) 2019
2741 AI-MICADIS Artificial Intelligence System for Multi-Cancer Detection Support 2019
2742 IVD4Sepsis Novel ultrasensitive detection device for early Sepsis diagnosis 2019
2743 Mercurius Connect Mercurius Connect 2019
2744 MAMSCAN New Method for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection 2019
2745 OVO Habitat Sustainable, affordable and code compliant 3D printed houses 2018
2746 DELOX Next generation decontamination: fast, effective, cheap and non-toxic 2019
2747 ImpactVision A new standard for food safety and quality 2019
2748 MataDOR Medium Density Fibreboard Recovery 2019
2749 EU3D EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy 2019
2751 Aladyn System Ph1 A compact and versatile kit for wireless power supply 2018
2752 Minespider Blockchain protocol for responsible mineral sourcing 2018
2753 Gravity Sketch Multiplatform for multi-users 3D content co-creation and collaboration in Real-time (VR/AR/Mobile) 2018
2754 SPHINX A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry 2019
2755 BELK Wearable exoskeleton for knee rehabilitation with Functional Electrical Stimulation 2018
2756 BOND Parental BONDing for a better start in life 2018
2757 Sinusway Sinusway- a revolutionary single-use endoscope device for treatment of severe sinuses infection (Sinusitis) 2018
2758 Winegrid Fibre optic sensor that can be placed inside a barrel or vat to give real time analytics of the critical parameters for vinification. 2018
2759 NGI0-Discovery NGI Zero Discovery 2018
2760 WEARPLEX Wearable multiplexed biomedical electrodes 2019
2761 WELMO Wearable Electronics for Effective Lung Monitoring 2019
2762 MICADO Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards 2019
2763 IMMERSE Integration Mapping of refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and Other Experiential Environments in Europe 2018
2764 MOBILIZE Improving health in people with multimorbidity: a paradigm shift in health care from disease-based curative models to personalized exercise therapy and self-management 2019
2765 BIOMORPHIC Brain-Inspired Organic Modular Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell Classification 2019
2767 EUNOMIA User-oriented, secure, trustful & decentralised social media 2018
2768 UNICORE A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution Environments 2019
2769 SPECTRACON Materials Engineering of Integrated Hybrid Spectral Converters for Next Generation Luminescent Solar Devices 2019
2770 Smart-tyre "Real time measurement of wear and damage in tyres to reduce accidents and enable the ""tyre as a service"" model" 2019
2771 Genetta Pole climbing solution to improve safety at work and to prevent fatal accidents in industrial climbing 2019
2772 LOQR Digital Identity Management Platform: Verifying, Authenticating and Managing the end-to-end Digital Identity Lifecycle 2019
2773 WATERMAX First European Aeration Systems based on NANOBUBBLES TECHNOLOGY for Waste Water Treatment 2019
2774 BiowatchID A secure wearable for payments, ticketing, access control and ID management 2019
2775 Metasonics Examining the use of Metamaterials for acoustic applications 2019
2776 4D Designing Devices by Doping on Demand 2019
2777 CIRCUS Crosspoint In-memoRy CompUting Systems 2019
2779 Scanfly Scanfly – The payload lidar not for UAS 2019
2780 DampSpring Affordable, Adaptable and Self-Centering Anti-Seismic Device for Safeguarding Structures. 2018
2781 ELEVATE ELEVATE - Automated Detection & Response Control Access Network Security Platform to face the most sophisticated security threats 2019
2782 GLADIATOR Next-generation theranostics of brain pathologies with autonomous externally controllable nanonetworks: a trans-disciplinary approach with bio-nanodevice interfaces 2019
2783 SoFiA Soap Film based Artificial Photosynthesis 2019
2784 Quromorphic Neuromrophic Quantum Computing 2019
2785 PRODUCE-H2 PROtotype Demonstration Using low-cost Catalysts for Electrolysis to H2 2019
2786 AILAS Artificial Intelligence Legal Analytic Solution 2019
2787 DELPHIS Disrupting ELectrochemical Processes with HIgh-Performance Power Supplies 2018
2788 SonicEdge A New Way of Generating Sound - The new loud speaker component and technology 2019
2789 THRIVE Helping Businesses Thrive in Sales with a new fully automatic platform that integrates and coordinates different sales tools 2019
2790 ZygoFix True Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion System 2019
2792 Neural Grader Neural Grader - Digitizing the Wood Industry 2019
2793 BeeHome Automated beekeeping platform powered by AI that increases honey production by 50%, reduces labour use by 90%, and reduces colony loss by 80%. 2019
2794 Lazaero One box to measure all the most important air pollutants and greenhouse gases 2019
2795 RE-MATCH Creating artificial turf yarns with new recycling technologies for circular economy 2018
2796 Sibiu HCEV Sibiu HCEV: an Intelligent Hybrid High Capacity Electric Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle 2019
2797 SWCSP - Solar Water Creating sustainable fresh water from desalinating seawater using Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) 2019
2798 Fine Birth Diagnosis of preterm birth risk and success of induced labour 2019
2800 LUMIDUCT Transparent PV that regulates indoor climate 2019
2801 ROBOTOD The first toddlers-optimized, AI-based social robot supporting early and friendly 2nd language acquisition 2019
2802 NANODINK An Innovative digital solution for mobile and large display screens 2019
2803 FOTOKITE-SME-P1 Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter 2019
2804 ID.Conference ID.Conference – New event management experience for regulated conferences 2019
2805 Carbon8 Capturing and adding value to CO2 & hazardous waste to produce valuable aggregates for construction 2019
2806 Geowox COMP Quick, cost-effective and accurate residential property valuations for the European mortgage lender market. 2018
2807 MIX2FIX Hybrid, organic-inorganic chalcogenide optoelectronics 2019
2808 PHOTOMASS Imaging Biomolecular Self-Assembly with a Molecular Photonic Scale 2019
2809 ECO-Pet Eco-friendly, safe and highly-absorbent wood pellets for animal bedding and litter, produced by an optimized cost-efficient energy process 2019
2810 SAFEWAVE Guided Data-Driven Safety at Sea 2019
2811 AMR-G Smart your Water Meter 2019
2812 TEApot AI-based, Hardware-agnostic, Predictive Wi-Fi Network Management Software 2019
2813 SPIRE A Photovoltaic Plant with thermal co-generation 2019
2814 KATANA Bringing Industry 4.0 to the hands of small manufacturers: Feasibility study for scaling up Katana smart workshop software 2019
2815 EMC2 Extreme-scale Mathematically-based Computational Chemistry 2019
2816 M2O MAke RAil The HOpe for protecting Nature 2 future OPERATION 2018
2817 EMP Motion Planning Software for Autonomous Car Industry 2018
2818 BSPA Bone Surgery Preparation AIde 2018
2819 CollectionCare Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport 2019
2820 SensMat Preventive solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage 2019
2821 IGOC Interactions between Groups, Orbits, and Cartans 2019
2822 GEMS General Embedding Models for Spectroscopy 2019
2823 TALE Therapeutic Allele Engineering: A novel technology for cell therapy 2019
2824 LINCHPIN A platform to LINk between CHemistry and PhysIcs of colloidal Nanomaterials 2020
2825 T2DCP Development of Thiophene Based Conjugated Polymers in Two Dimensions 2019
2826 PREFERABLE Project on Exercise for Fatigue Eradication in Advanced Breast cancer to improve quality of life 2019
2827 DIAdIC Evaluation of Dyadic Psychoeducational Interventions for People with Advanced Cancer and their Informal Caregivers (DIAdIC): An international randomized controlled trial 2019
2828 AQUOLIVE Improving Aquaculture production with bioactives from olive oil processing by-products. 2019
2829 GUDGET GUst generators and model DesiGn for transonic wind tunnel tEsTs 2019
2830 HyperBio Vis-NIR Hyperspectral imaging for biomaterial quality control 2019
2831 DIFFUSION A device enabling quantification of molecular and nanoparticle diffusion within thin solvated films 2019
2832 SENFLEX SenFlex: the first truly smart and flexible fiber sensor 2019
2834 STV Seeing the View 2019
2835 MossTree A new urban green infrastructure to actively reduce air pollution in urban hotspots 2019
2836 OrganoPlate Graft Organ-on-a-Chip technology for in vitro grafting and vascularisation of 3D tissues 2019
2837 OpticalSpaceLink Optical link for free space laser communication to satellites. 2019
2838 Advanced-SiMP Advanced Sylil Modified Polymers for Commercial Transportation and Automotive Elastic Adhesive Markets 2019
2839 BioHealx Anal Fistula Treatment 2019
2840 STIM-MC Sacrificial Thermoplastic Injection Moulding platform for manufacturing small and complex metal and ceramic components 2019
2841 SINUSHUNT SinuShunt – New disruptive medical device for treatment of hydrocephalus 2019
2842 ATHENA 2.0 The most accurate, actionable and user-friendly AI-econometrics powered tool to optimise pricing strategies in the Consumer-Packaged Goods sector 2019
2843 IMIR-UP Scale-up of INNER MAGIC and INNER REFLECTION: Virtual Ultrasound Sensors for Smart Devices. 2019
2844 SeaBest Launching first large-scale organic seaweed-to-food cultivation and processing in EU 2019
2845 SettleMint The distributed Blockchain middleware that allows business worldwide to build business solutions with Blockchain technology 2019
2846 SafeCHIP2 "A software platform used by electronic-chip designers to add ""Functional Safety"" to their chips to meet the highest safety requirements of the Automotive Functional Safety standard ISO-26262, ASIL-D" 2019
2847 HORIZON Redefining solar technology with RETRACTABLE SOLAR POWER FOLDING ROOFS. Unlocking photovoltaics for waste water treatment plants towards self-sufficient plants. 2019
2848 AWESOME Airborne Wind Energy System for Off-grid and Mobile End-uses 2019
2849 V-eliminator V-eliminator, innovative solution for varroa fighting 2019
2850 VACTEC VACTEC_Responsive corrosion inhibiting Vacuum Technology-based fire protection system 2019
2851 MUSSILAMS Mussila MS (Mussila Music School) - An innovative solution in Music Education 2019
2852 SPECTROPLAST Introducing silicone to the world of additive manufacturing 2019
2853 Sound Health Acoustic Intelligence and AI, the Next Frontier. Listen, detect, predict. 2019
2854 NeuralShape NeuralShape: the first deep-learning based software to improve the engineer ‘work. 2019
2855 IPC Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation 2019
2856 EDE The Sustainable Renovation Hub for Existing Buildings 2019
2857 MeningoSpeed A unique cost-effective and point of care (PoC) kit for the non-invasive rapid in vitro diagnosis of meningococcal disease 2019
2859 ReSoil Innovative technology for Removal of toxic metals form highly contaminated soil & sediments 2019
2861 FlexInt Flexible Manufacturing using Semantically Interoperable Data Integration 2019
2862 DOCKNROLL Tackling Idleness and Under-utilization of Heavy-Machinery with a new fully Automated and Versatile Docking System 2019
2863 BIEL SMARTGAZE Electronic glasses which use computer vision and augmented reality to improve visual capacity and increase autonomy of people who have low vision 2019
2864 SoundID The Smart Broadcast Monitoring and Management System 2019
2866 ThermoEye ThermoEye an innovative system for pigs' fever early detection 2019
2867 SIGNALL The only technology to successfully translate between signed and spoken languages 2019
2868 BitBox BitBox Enterprise - Enterprise-grade Solution for Digital Assets Custody 2019
2869 The New Era of Self-Care's Digitalisation. Better Health with Lower Costs More Individually. 2019
2870 iGames Immersive audiogames for the Blind and Visually Impaired people 2019
2871 InsurFarm Oko's mobile-centric micro insurance protecting small farmers in developing countries from climate risks 2019
2872 PassiveShowerEcoTray The First Energy Saving Shower Tray with Graphene 2019
2873 BLAPP Blapp, A fun game for the child, an effective tool for the therapist! 2019
2874 Eco-Closure Eco-Smart Twist & Pop Closure System to Control Bubbles in Carbonated Beverages 2019
2875 Vitreoject Disrupting Medical Instruments for Eye Care. 2019
2876 NEWTRAL First real-time fact-checking tool to fight against the fake news and disinformation 2019
2877 SCAI Smart Contract Analytics using Artificial Intelligence 2019
2878 UrbanDynamics Changing the world of urban mobility thanks to Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence 2019
2879 DentistRobot In-mouth drilling robots for automating tooth repair and scaling dentist revenues 2019
2880 TwingTec Unlocking the Full Power of Wind 2019
2881 Segmentum Imaging Discovery and expansion of new markets for mobile digital pathology & cell measurement tool 2019
2882 ELIPORT Autonomous, self-loading and unloading ground-based robots 2019
2883 Change Dyslexia Development and scale-up of cognitive detection and stimulation platform for dyslexia by using automatic learning and scientific validations in educational environments 2019
2884 KUBBI Cost- and Climate-Efficient Milk Cooling Using Slurry Ice and Natural CO2 2019
2885 SpecEMS Spectral Energy Management System for appliance-level analytics, control, and microgrid renewables trading. 2019
2886 ABT AXVIRIUM BIOACTIVE TECNOLOGY_ The first medical device able to eliminate the fluids biological hazard 2019
2887 Archii Unrivalled AI powered document handling and data extraction system 2019
2888 DALI Demonstrator for Aircraft heat exchanger LIfe prediction 2019
2889 CULTSONG Culture as an evolutionary force: Does song learning accelerate speciation in a bat ring species? 2019
2890 CaLA The Capillary Lock Actuator: A novel bistable microfluidic actuator for cost-effective high-density actuator arrays suitable for large-scale graphical tactile displays 2019
2891 MY-CUBE 3D integration of a logic/memory CUBE for In-Memory-Computing 2019
2893 MICTEST Biocontamination survey for Microbially Influenced Corrosion exposure TEST 2019
2894 FluidER Real time Optoelectronic Sensors for Electro-Actuator Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Monitoring 2019
2895 DIGESTAIR A novel anaerobic DIGESTer solution in AIR transport for on-board safe and efficient waste management 2019
2896 Olfactomics Surgery BRINGING SURGERY TO THE 21ST CENTURY: REAL-TIME TISSUE ANALYSIS DURING CANCER SURGERY. Improving Patient Safety, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness 2019
2897 D2P Diabeloop to Patients: An Artificial Pancreas solution to improve the balance, safety and autonomy of 20 million people 2019
2898 SERAS_v4.0 Seizure Risk Asessment for Epilepsy 2019
2899 RUSH AI Revolutionary Ultra-Fast System for Hot-stamping of light weight structural vehicle components with Artificial Intelligence quality control monitoring 2019
2900 CATTLECHAIN 4.0 Enhancing farm productivity and guaranteeing CATTLE traceability and welfare with blockCHAIN 2019
2901 2021 GRIP Crouzet Next Grip Generation 2019
2902 TRIcEPS Tilt Rotor Integrated Air Intake and Engine Protection Systems 2019
2903 SealedwithoUTaKiss Non-destructive testing (NDT) of bonded assemblies 2019
2904 MOnACO Manufacturing of a large-scale AM component 2019
2905 Lipofabrik A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management 2019
2906 aiSim Accelerating Autonomous Vehicle Development with Photorealistic, Virtual AI Training and Testing Simulation 2019
2907 SWALLIS SWALLIS - a disruptive wearable device that uses sound patterns to diagnose and monitor swallowing disorders 2019
2908 Solar QUEST QUalitative Electricity STorage for Solar energy 2019
2909 CapBed Engineered Capillary Beds for Successful Prevascularization of Tissue Engineering Constructs 2018
2910 eOutboard High Performance Electric Outboard Motor System and Supply Chain Innovation 2018
2911 LIFEBOTS Exchange LIFEBOTS Exchange - creating a new reality of care and welfare through the inclusion of social robots. 2019
2912 AIRWAVES Automated high resolution water sampler for environmental monitoring 2019
2913 ERGOVIAkinematix New wearable measurement devices for Industry 4.0 based on gaming motion-capture system 2018
2915 EventAI Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Platform for Managing and Optimising Event Planning 2018
2916 FODBASA Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris, Drone and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance 2019
2917 EnviroCaps Enabling a future of safer laundry products and cleaner oceans 2019
2918 EDOWE Economical Deep Offshore Wind Exploitation 2019
2919 THOR Thermoplastic Hydrogen tanks Optimised and Recyclable 2019
2920 NarrowbandSSL Development of Narrow Band Blue and Red Emitting Macromolecules for Solution-Processed Solid State Lighting Devices 2019
2921 Tech4Win Disruptive sustainable TECHnologies FOR next generation pvWINdows 2019
2922 RNA-Rep Repeating cycles of chemically-driven RNA replication within model protocells 2019
2923 SafeFood Tracing allergenic plants in food products 2019
2924 Cryo-H-Rec Cryo-EM Imaging of Histone Recycling at the Replication Fork 2019
2925 H2Ports Implementing Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technologies in Ports 2019
2926 GLIOHAB Multiparametric imaging of glioblastoma tumour heterogeneity for supporting treatment decisions and accurate prognostic estimation 2019
2927 ChOLLATERAL Generation of an adverse outcome pathway network on cholestatic liver injury for mechanism-based in vitro testing of chemicals. 2019
2928 IASMOL Imaging and Addressing of Single Molecules in Optical Lattices 2019
2929 SpinScreen Screening of an electron spin by an epitaxial superconducting island in a semiconductor nanowire 2019
2930 MAGYC MigrAtion Governance and asYlum Crises 2018
2931 FLOTANT Innovative, low cost, low weight and safe floating wind technology optimized for deep water wind sites 2019
2932 HyCARE An innovative approach for renewable energy storage by a combination of hydrogen carriers and heat storage 2019
2933 AEROSIMULAT High-performance aerodynamics and aeroacoustics simulations of the new generation of high-speed gas turbines via high-order Galerkin methods 2020
2934 QuantumSolarFuels Photoelectrochemical Solar Light Conversion into Fuels on Colloidal Quantum Dots Based Photoanodes 2019
2935 SPECTO Athletics Advanced Sports Data Measurement and Analysis Solution for Athletics 2019
2936 PEER The Political Economy of E-Residency 2020
2937 FCHgo Fuel Cells HydroGen educatiOnal model for schools 2019
2938 MEDIATOR MEdiating between Driver and Intelligent Automated Transport systems on Our Roads 2019
2939 RES4BUILD Renewables for clean energy buildings in a future power system 2019
2940 SafePASS Next generation of life Saving appliances and systems for saFE and swift evacuation operations on high capacity PASSenger ships in extreme scenarios and conditions 2019
2941 RENAISSANCE RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs 2019
2942 FLAY Flavor Anomalies and the origin of the Yukawa couplings 2019
2943 WATUSO Water Forced in Hydrophobic Nano-Confinement: Tunable Solvent System 2019
2944 ACTAN Automatic Control of Anaesthesia 2019
2945 TSFP Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) sensitized fluorescent emitting polymers for low cost solution-processing organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) 2019
2946 SPIR Spasers in the infrared range 2020
2947 SUMAC Interplay between High-Temperature Superconductivity, Magnetism and Composition in Doped Cuprates 2020
2948 CarboPorph Novel Cyclocarbon-Porphyrin Systems: Synthesis and Properties 2020
2949 LIBED-PDs Light Induced Bipolar Electrochemical Doping in Perovskite Devices 2020
2950 SOLFORPLAS A solution for plastic waste pollution 2019
2951 AXIONRUSH Rethinking Ultraviolet Scenarios for Hunting the AXION 2019
2952 ViSionRF ViSionRF: Vital Signal Monitoring using Radio-Frequency Technologies – Standard IF-RI 2019
2953 FREEMIND Ferroelectric REsistors as Emerging Materials for Innovative Neuromorphic Devices 2019
2954 COATING COATING - slippery wires: revolutionizing COronAry sTentING 2019
2955 Stable PeLEDs Towards Stable Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 2019
2956 InnoDAF Innovative model-based design and operational optimization of Dissolved Air Flotation 2019
2957 BioSMaLL Biopolymers for the Generation of 3D Tissue Engineering Scaffolds by Solution Mask Liquid Lithography 2019
2958 Lefko-Phos Binuclear Iridium(III) Complexes for White-Emitting OLEDs 2020
2959 X-SUGRA eXceptional Solutions and U-folds in quantum GRAvity 2020
2960 DENMARK DNA, Environment, Mineral Association: Reaction Kinetics 2020
2961 BELENUS Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion 2019
2962 SHIGETECVAX Early clinical development of a live, attenuated combination vaccine against Shigella and ETEC diarrhoea 2019
2963 LOTUS LOw-cost innovative Technology for water quality monitoring and water resources management for Urban and rural water Systems in India 2019
2964 STOPFOP Saracatinib Trial tO Prevent FOP 2019
2965 IELECTRIX Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition. 2019
2966 MMQIP Molecular Magnets: Coordination Cages, Frameworks and Multifunctional Materials 2020
2967 CONTROL Laser control over crystal nucleation 2019
2968 aqua3S Enhancing Standardisation strategies to integrate innovative technologies for Safety and Security in existing water networks 2019
2969 CRITICAL-CHAINS IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector 2019
2970 Cyber-MAR Cyber preparedness actions for a holistic approach and awareness raising in the MARitime logistics supply chain 2019
2971 GUARD A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains 2019
2972 COMPASS2020 Coordination Of Maritime assets for Persistent And Systematic Surveillance 2019
2974 FORESIGHT Advanced cyber-security simulation platform for preparedness training in Aviation, Naval and Power-grid environments 2019
2976 nIoVe A Novel Adaptive Cybersecurity Framework for the Internet-of-Vehicles 2019
2977 D4FLY Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly 2019
2978 BOIL-MODE-ON unraveling nucleate BOILing: MODEling, mesoscale simulatiONs and experiments 2019
2979 MANDALA The transition of MultilAyer/multipolymer packagiNg into more sustainable multilayer/single polymer products for the fooD and phArma sectors through the deveLopment of innovative functional Adhesives 2019
2980 FARMYNG FlAgship demonstration of industrial scale production of nutrient Resources from Mealworms to develop a bioeconomY New Generation 2019
2981 PEPREP Peptide based self-replicating coacervate protocells 2019
2982 techFRONT Novel techniques for quantitative behaviour of convection-diffusion equations 2020
2983 SolarFUEL Gas Diffusion Electrodes and Flow Cells for Photoelectrochemical CO2 Conversion into Multicarbon Alcohols 2020
2984 COEXIST Co-creating change: experimenting with values for sustainability transformation 2020
2985 RADIOFREPOLIS An Innovative and Energy-Efficient Radio Frequency Pretreatment on Emerging Micropollutants and Transformation Products in Anaerobic Sludge Digestion for Waste Reuse 2019
2986 SmOoC Smart organ-on-chip platform based on higher order multimode acoustic Lamb waves 2020
2987 SPFPs Photo-Fenton degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants present in Real Contaminated Waters using Solar pilot plant Reactors 2020
2988 CrowdLawLab CrowdLaw: Towards a More Inclusive Lawmaking Through Technology 2020
2989 ECO2-RAPJECT Rapid pulse width modulated CO2 ejector for small-scale vapour-compression systems 2019
2990 IMPRESS Integrated Modular Power Conversion for Renewable Energy Systems with Storage 2019
2991 X-tendo eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach 2019
2992 PARTOWNEU The dark side of partial ownership and financial investment in Europe: What price to pay for consumers and society? 2019
2993 Blue-PeLEDs Efficient and Stable Blue Quasi-2D Halide Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 2020
2994 RESIST Resolving Effects of particle Shape and Inertia in Scalar Transport 2019
2995 MAMONET Massive MIMO for Securing Internet of Things Networks 2020
2996 PEDPOC Rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia at the point-of-care 2019
2997 SATH New twin floating platform for offshore wind turbines 2019
2998 OCTAV A novel approach to non-invasive and personalized skin cancer diagnosis 2019
2999 3DConfigurator Fully-automated software platform with 3D freeform configurator for design and production of individual and affordable furniture 2019
3000 FLEXBUILD Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2019
3001 FuSy The world’s first Full-System Simulation tool to revolutionize software programming in autonomous driving, aviation, embedded vision and further highly innovative applications 2019
3002 B4TDM Making Contracts Digital with Civilised Blockchain 2019
3003 Vetherapy Regenerative medicine for cost- and time-efficient pet treatment 2019
3004 BOOST HEALTH Introducing preventive management of chronic thyroid conditions through patient empowerment and a ML-powered mHealth solution 2019
3005 DFS Democratized Financial Services 2019
3006 NeoCellBank A revolutionary regenerative therapy for management of chronic inflammatory diseases based on neonatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells 2019
3007 MindCare AutoMatic and Personalized Mental HealthCare Solution 2019
3008 MEC Mercury Emissions Control (MEC) technology to enable thorough assessment of combustion and waste incineration plants to meet upcoming legislation directives for the reduction of mercury emissions 2019
3009 Utilizing Urban Tech to Power Smarter Cities 2019
3010 ITDS Intelligent Theatrical Distribution System 2019
3011 Biotem Innovative solution for maintenance and storage of Biospecimens at Room Temperature 2019
3012 FreezeM Revivable freezing solution for the insect farming market 2019
3013 E-ODD Extending On-Demand wheel Drive to On-Road applications 2019
3014 i4case The first accurate, portable and easy-to-manage pulse oximeter located on the user´s mobile for the prevention and monitoring of COPD disease 2019
3015 Better Juice pioneer technology for the reduction of natural fruit sugars in 100% juices 2019
3016 IGP Intelligent Grid Platform 2019
3017 AFREELAMIDE Safe and fast control system for acrylamide in food 2019
3018 INFarm A unique, interferon-based veterinary therapy to minimize antimicrobial overuse in cattle and tackle the societal global problem of antimicrobial resistance 2019
3019 Hyalcis Hyaluronic-Cisplatin Film for Implant in Malignant Mesothelioma Recurrence 2019
3020 SimplyData Unlocking unstructured data towards intelligent wotk automation for the banking industry 2019
3021 CLS Technology to use any standard microscope for correlative imaging 2019
3022 OnDosis01 A first in category prescription regimen for ADHD combining stimulants with intelligent dosing and digital capabilities 2019
3023 BREEDER Adaptative laboratory experiment at industrial scale 2019
3024 SensoGenic SensoGenic: empower food allergy sufferers and their families with the freedom to enjoy eating safely everywhere & anytime 2019
3025 SANISTABILIZER multi-purpose waste reducer 2019
3026 MS-INFINITE MASS SPECTROMETRY WITHOUT LIMITS: Pioneer MS equipment and Automated Sample Preparation unit to boost New Therapies Development 2019
3027 UNITY Unified, holistic medical data collection and analysis platform 2019
3028 WaMoS Wastewater Treatment Monitoring and Advisory System 2019
3029 VARIANT Multiband miniature antenna for Open Hardware IoT Platforms 2019
3030 forecast The next generation of forest inventory 2019
3031 EVAPO-CONTROL EVAPO-CONTROL: System for avoiding evaporation losses in Agriculture dedicated water reservoirs 2019
3032 ROBIRD A truly and unique robotic bird of prey for a long-term effective and safe bird control management of airports 2019
3033 BIOsens BIOsens – cutting-edge portable device for precise and rapid analysis of crops 2019
3034 RAPID The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease 2019
3035 Infobel Infobel Business Data Hub = GET + USE + IMPROVE 2019
3036 MICROPIX MicroLED Pixel Display for Augmented Reality Smart glasses 2019
3038 4 ALL The first foldable kid car seat to easy travel in family 2019
3039 SMARTER SMARTER Finance for Families–Improving Citizens’ Health, Comfort and Financial Well-Being by Supporting Banks, Residential Investors and Solution Providers with Green Homes and Green Mortgage programs 2019
3040 e-pack 3D The intelligent online platform for lean packaging eco-design 2019
3041 MOBILISE-D Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement 2019
3042 AFC4Hydro Active Flow Control system FOR improving HYDRaulic turbine performances at off-design Operation 2019
3043 ION4RAW Ionometallurgy of primary sources for an enhanced raw materials recovery 2019
3044 ROADMAP Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production 2019
3045 CREAToR Collection of raw materials, Removal of flAme reTardants and Reuse of secondary raw materials 2019
3046 Fiware4Water FIWARE for the Next Generation Internet Services for the WATER sector 2019
3047 CLEARING HOUSE CLEARING HOUSE - Collaborative Learning in Research, Information-sharing and Governance on How Urban tree-based solutions support Sino-European urban futures 2019
3048 CIRCULAR FLOORING New products from waste PVC flooring and safe end-of-life treatment of plasticisers 2019
3049 Arrowhead Tools Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions 2019
3050 H2LSPC High-Voltage High-Current Lightweight Solid-State Protection Circuit for Avionic Applications 2019
3051 CASCAT Catalytic cascade reactions. From fundamentals of nanozymes to applications based on gas-diffusion electrodes 2019
3052 C4IIoT Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of Things 2019
3053 PERICLeS PERovskIte Coherent Light Sources 2020
3054 ASSO Adhesive Connection for Secondary Structures in Offshore Wind Installations 2019
3055 DIMAF Direct Imaging and Manipulation of Antiferromagnets 2019
3056 FinEERGo-Dom Financing scheme for Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy Guaranteed in Deep renovations of building stock 2019
3057 SENSEI Smart Energy Services Integrating the Multiple Benefits from Improving the Energy Efficiency of the European Building Stock 2019
3058 AGREE Aggregation and improved Governance for untapping Residential Energy Efficiency potential in the Basque Country 2019
3059 WATERSIGN WATERSIGN: Smart Water Monitoring & Leakage Detection 2019
3060 MRI PADS Dielectric pads for high field MRI 2019
3061 DCP Design Challenge Pilot 2019
3062 SolarGaps SolarGaps – Energy generating smart solar window blinds 2019
3063 PWD Novel technology for industrial Pressing, Washing and Drying in manufacturing of specialty compounds 2019
3064 WHISSPER WHISSPER - fighting traffic noise exposure by diffraction 2019
3065 CoReco Cost competitive process for recycling Cobalt from end of life Li-ion batteries 2019
3069 GreenArc500 The first effective oil and water pre-separator, enabling clean water release and fuel efficiency onboard ships 2019
3070 TalentMondo Connecting families with optimal homecare providers through a real-time machine learning matching platform. 2019
3071 RecycLoo The water recycling bio toilets 2019
3072 Forsway Next Gen Hybrid Networks for Global Internet Access 2019
3073 ECOEXTENDER An alternative to antibiotics in porcine semen doses 2019
3074 HIPPJ High-performance Independent Platform for low-cost big data ProJects 2019
3076 SUSPENCE SUSPension ENvironment for CEll culture 2019
3077 BrainMatter Enterprise Grade Lean AI platform 2019
3078 gradar Job Evaluation made easy for European SMEs. Unique innovative solution to perform digital job evaluation, compensation analytics and management in an easy, transparent and cost-effective way. 2019
3079 Origin Origin: Development of a compact, time efficient and safe medical diagnostic machine 2019
3080 FRAMTID Sustainable food packaging technology as an alternative to plastic 2019
3082 UniMind SaaS platform applying Artificial Intelligence and collaborative learning to the automation of Machine Vision-based manufacturing processes 2019
3083 Silent Flyer Solving the greatest problem of surveillance: To see without being seen 2019
3084 PLATYPIS Creating High Performance Insect Breeds via a Platform for Typing of Insect Strains 2019
3085 AVEHIL A modern professional race car simulator for racing teams and individuals 2019
3086 KYLUS Fully autonomous real-time inventory management system, based on drone technology with high precision indoor localization 2019
3087 THEIAUAS Threod THEIA Vertical Take-Off and Landing UAS: Solving unmanned aircraft challenges at sea and elsewhere 2019
3088 Bufferblock Water buffering and drainage in urban areas by using drainage blocks under the road 2019
3089 Drone Harmony From flight mission planning for drones to 4D asset modelling 2019
3091 MoonBikes A personal electric mobility snow vehicle 2019
3092 ATTAVIK A game-changer solution for affordable mobile and Internet communications in areas with poor coverage 2019
3093 DLIVER DLIVER - Digital B2B marketplace for fast and efficient parcel delivery 2019
3094 GAIA-Health GAIA-Health: microbiome suite for personalized medicine 2019
3095 OroraTech The first commercial CubeSat Constellation for early detection and real time monitoring of wildfires across the entire globe 2019
3096 Fleximodo Feasibility Study for Fleximodo – Smart IoT Sensors with Software for Parking Management 2019
3097 DC-IR AI based software platform 2019
3098 ArtIST Pre-clinical evaluation and feasibility study for Artificial Inteligence-based Strain Typing and Bacterial Resistance analysis software 2019
3099 spike Unique Virtual Reality solution recreating live indoor sports to increase audience 2019
3100 SUPAIR Spectroscopy SUPAIR Spectroscopy: Single-Use Process Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy 2019
3101 DBP Create a business plan for implementing the data-analysis software DatenBerg Backpack in the manufacturing site in the rubber processing industry. 2019
3102 SentiSquareCX Qualitative Jump in Customer Experience: Omnichannel Impact of Distributional Semantics 2019
3103 INTELEG S HF Feasibility Study for INTELEG® S HF – a Wide Pressure Range Process Gas Analysis System 2019
3104 Multicursor Feasibility study for Multicursor - a non-contact sensor for curing quality control 2019
3105 UDIGITAL The Digital Marketplace to empower SMEs for the digital transformation 2019
3106 ANISOPTER ANISOPTER: The Affordable Optimization Solution for Anisogrid Structures 2019
3108 RV by RE Rabbit-View by Rabbit-Eyes 2019
3109 SamurAI Samurai - Platform detecting and preventing cyber violence 2019
3110 dreaMS Digital biomarkers and treatment personalisation in multiple sclerosis 2019
3111 ARtwin An AR cloud and digital twins solution for industry and construction 4.0 2019
3112 SE3DPASTE Structurally Engineered 3D Printed Architectures for Scalable Tissue Engineering 2019
3113 3DPRINTEDOPTICS 3D printed micro- and nano-optics for future integrated vision and endoscopy systems 2019
3114 RealHands Revolutionize the way humans interact with technology 2019
3115 VALI Conversion of manure to energy with the VALI solution 2019
3116 InsoFeet Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications 2019
3117 CGACE Development of a business model to commercialise GPU accelerated workstations for European hardware providers 2019
3118 HeatTank HeatTANK – The cool way to store heat. Energy efficient solution for cooling telecommunication data centers 2019
3119 VERTIGO VERy high Throughput Satellite-Ground Optical Link 2019
3120 COMP4DRONES Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications 2019
3121 PolarNon Automated super-resolution polarimetric nonlinear microscope 'PolarNon' 2019
3122 MICADO Measurement and Instrumentation for Cleaning And Decommissioning Operations 2019
3123 XSPERINSE X-ray SPEctral detectors for Reliable, Intelligent and INnovative SEcurity 2019
3124 Perovskite-QDD Innovative Quantum Dot material technology for stunning colours and energy efficiency in QLED televisions 2019
3125 HIBOO HIBOO, the data platform to visualize and predict the industrial world 2019
3126 AmInnovation Disruptive Innovation to Treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases: new target, new patented drug, new therapeutic strategy. 2019
3127 CTI A novel, efficient and minimally invasive medical procedure to treat anastomotic leakage during colorectal cancer surgery. 2019
3128 PayLead Smart Loyalty Program: Using Data Science to Inspire the Next Purchase 2019
3129 fonYou Technology platform for telecom carriers to identify and predict mobile user behaviour by means of analytics and deep learning 2019
3130 TRITON Controlling Wavefunction Overlap for Triplet Energy Transfer in Organic/Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Hybrids 2019
3131 NIRLAMS NIR Light Harvesting in Artificial Protein-Lipid-Chromophores Coassembled Molecular System 2020
3132 Usersnap Suite Analyzing Smart Bug Tracking and Customer Experience Feedback to Create and Evolve Software Products Users Love 2019
3133 GRE.A.TE.R.S. GREen Advanced TEchnologies for the Retrofitting of masonry Structures 2019
3134 ALTAGRAM4.0 First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform 2019
3135 XSpectra XSpectra: The Most Advanced Real Time Food Contaminants Detector 2019
3136 EDRA Hardware-Assisted Decoupled Access Execution on the Digital Market: The EDRA Framework 2019
3137 e-DNA BotStop e-DNA BotStop 2019
3138 FibroFix FibroFix™Cartilage, an innovative implant for cartilage repair and regeneration, introducing a new paradigm in osteoarthritis (OA) treatment. 2019
3139 M-CTS The disruptive Multifunctional Container Transfer System, a seamless & horizontal transfer of containers - low cost, more efficient utilisation in cargo freight and with care for the environment 2019
3140 EPSTech Elevated Pressure Sonication (EPS) for the non-thermal processing of new Extended Shelf Life products for adding value in the Dairy industry 2019
3141 5GROWTH 5G-enabled Growth in Vertical Industries 2019
3142 MEANINGFUL Miniaturised Energy harvester for AutoNomous INdustrial, Global retail and FUture smart-cities appLications 2019
3143 MASMA Magnetic measurement with Absolute Single digit Micron Accuracy 2019
3144 iTrust In-time TReatment of acUte ischaemic STroke 2019
3145 MaxiMem Dramatic hardware and energy savings in computer servers by doubling memory capacity and bandwidth using novel general-purpose compression 2019
3146 CareMin650 An unrivalled medical device for severe cancer treatment complications:exact & easy red-LED photobiomodulation for mucositis and dermatitis 2019
3147 Breeze A cloud-based big data analytics platform for air quality sensing using distributed sensors and an unparalleled AI-powered decision support system 2019
3148 CreditStretcher The fastest, easiest and cheapest way to achieve 90 days of credit based on your invoice 2019
3149 HeartService ECG patch and diagnostic service center for efficient and accurate ECG home monitoring 2019
3150 Pexaconnect The First Global Renewable Trading Platform 2019
3151 Keemotion Auto-Producing TV Broadcasting System for Sport Events 2019
3152 Optium Smart charger device to increase smartphones’ battery lifetime, prevent fire accidents, and provide cross-brand flexibility 2019
3153 MEDIVAC Machine learning software to design personalized neoantigen vaccines tailored to specific vaccine delivery systems 2019
3154 Evo Constructor A fully Robotic and 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery 2019
3155 POPGEO_BG Population Geography of Bulgaria, 1500- 1920: A Historical Spatial Analysis 2019
3156 ADOPT GRANDPARENTS Creating value by bridging the Intergenerational Gap 2019
3157 EVERIFIN EU-wide internet banking application for managing more accounts from multiple banks in one place 2019
3158 HIGH HYDRAULIC High-efficient digitalized portable hydraulic equipment 2019
3159 PEROGAN Novel Light Emitters based on Nanostructures of III-Nitrides and Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2020
3160 QLX300 Launching the World’s Most Power Efficient GNSS System-On-Chip 2019
3161 LASER-HEAL A breakthrough laser-based medical device to eradicate bacterial biofilm in chronic wounds and accelerate wound healing. 2019
3163 Formulate Artificial Intelligence SaaS for prescribing optimal retail merchandising decisions 2019
3164 CUBELIZER The first customer behaviour analytics solution for shopping-center portfolio management, deploying cost-effective & accurate advanced computer vision 2019
3165 MOF4AIR Metal Organic Frameworks for carbon dioxide Adsorption processes in power production and energy Intensive industRies 2019
3166 DynamicAssemblies Conformational studies of highly dynamic viral replication complexes 2019
3167 BE Therapy A revolutionary digital therapeutics platform for personalized and effective neurocognitive rehabilitation 2019
3168 UNIFIER19 Community Friendly Miniliner 2019
3169 STRINGHANDBIKE Innovative push-pull wheelchair accessory to provide mobility, rehabilitation and leisure activities for much more disabled people than today 2019
3170 BiomStrip Over-The-Counter Test Strip for Early-Stage Cancer Screening 2019
3171 MatManager MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency 2019
3172 SALT High-Flux Synchrotron Alternatives Driven by Powerful Long-Wavelength Fiber Lasers 2019
3173 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2019
3174 D-FENCE D-FENCE: Deceptive Monitored Environments for Cybersecurity in Enterprises 2019
3175 SYZYGY Syzygies, moduli and topological invariants of groups 2020
3176 SEAS Science education for action and engagement towards sustainability 2019
3177 5G-DIVE 5G-DIVE: eDge Intelligence for Vertical Experimentation 2019
3178 Nature Fresh Development and Commercialisation of a complete compostable film packaging system 2019
3179 Undersee Enabling Precision Aquaculture with multi-variable real-time sensing and Copernicus Earth Observation data 2019
3180 ZENEO ZENEO® Adrenaline Needle-free adrenaline pre-filled autoinjector rescues you from an anaphylactic shock 2019
3181 JONIXAirPlasma Robust technology combining both air filtration and purification with zero chemicals used and zero residues produced 2019
3182 OpCo Operation Co-Pilot: Healthcare Process Improvement through Patient Empowerment 2019
3183 UpGen Emission free and novel fuel cell-based electrical generator UP400 2019
3184 VIEW World first self-responsive emergency call system 2019
3185 SELKOAI Feasibility of SELKO AI 2019
3186 Optainer An unprecedented water-recycling system for washing, rinsing and drying of thermal insulated containers within the Food Industry 2019
3188 EmPower EmPowering electricity access in off-grid areas with a portable battery pack with Internet of Things connectivity 2019
3190 ADRONE4LIFE An electronic drone pilot and cargo custodian for blood and medical courier services 2019
3191 CAARESYS CAARESYS: vehicle passenger monitoring system based on contactless low emission radio frequency radar. 2019
3192 iNNOGING Remote and Offline Ultrasound Image Analysis Platform 2019
3193 Healthy Textile Healthy Textile 2019
3194 Keenious Keenious - Recommendation Engine Research Tool 2019
3195 YesElf We help employees to adopt digital solutions 2019
3197 ETIMan ETIMan: Emergency and Triage Information Manager, disrupting the Emergency Medicine industry 2019
3198 QUBE Quantum technology with carbon nanotUBEs 2019
3199 Solar-Win Next generation transparent solar windows based on customised integrated photovoltaics 2019
3200 Food Monitor Inline real-time 4.0 quality monitoring in food production 2019
3201 HIVE-TECH Artificial Intelligence revolution in beekeeping sector: the “Internet of Bees” 2019
3202 ZIMASS Smart Mobile awarenes and safety system for workzone invasion 2019
3203 DGIM2 Deep Green Island Mode 2 2019
3204 EpiShuttle 2.0 EpiShuttle: Isolation and Transportation of Infectious Disease Patients 2019
3205 DrugPhosphoProfiler Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler 2019
3206 Nano-Edison The most viable stationary energy storage solution for grid applications 2019
3207 Vertical Sky Vertical Sky, the next generation wind turbine for sustainable, silent and decentralized energy production. 2019
3208 IMPRESS Innovative Method for PREStressing and post-tensioning technique addressing more Sustainable and secure concrete buildings 2019
3209 cloudsensing Internet of Things (IoT) platform for concrete strength measurement and Machine Learning (ML) predictions in construction. 2019
3210 MYODM-FSMP New food for special medical purposes to nutritionally manage Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 2019
3211 DEMPREV Dementia Prevention: Imaging risk in primary care and catalysing behaviour change 2019
3212 TEMPIX A miniaturized system to secure the cold chain 2019
3213 ODIX 2.0 A revolutionary cybersecurity SaaS helping small-medium business (SMEs) to protect their networks like large corporates do! 2019
3214 ReStoRe Integrated Refractory and Steel Recovery 2019
3215 LongActNow Long Acting Medicines for Complex Therapeutics Needed Now 2019
3216 Hot Lithography The disruptive 3D printing technology Hot Lithography with highperformance polymers for the Additive Manufacturing of spare parts and small series of functional parts 2019
3217 TK-NEO Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy through DNA-EP vaccines 2019
3218 pvDesign pvDesign® accelerates and optimises the Design of Utility-Scale Photovoltaic plants 2019
3219 AGRICAM AGRICAM – reducing the usage of antibiotics and increasing animal welfare through advanced thermal imaging system for detecting early cases of mastitis in dairy cows 2019
3220 Pregnolia A Diagnostic Medical Device Determining the Risk of Preterm Birth 2019
3221 Biotrack-MED Diagnostics device for rapid identification and antibiotics susceptibility testing of pathogens 2019
3222 EGG1 Making distributed Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation with zero pollution convenient 2019
3223 REAL local Renewable-based Energy Autonomy from the transformation of solid recovery fueL 2019
3224 Medusa Innovative technology for Geomechanical and Geophysical Stability Analysis in Tailings Dams 2019
3225 RDNA Empowering New Venture Growth - RDNA 2019
3226 MrDoc Development and commercialization of a semi-supervised learning AI for robust diagnosis in real world settings. 2019
3227 P200 Developing an Improved High Level 2nd Stage Regulator for Scuba Divers 2019
3228 CoP1stRespond Secured Collaboration Platform for Law Enforcement and First Responders 2019
3230 SmartMelt SmartMelt: A Data-Driven Melting Process Optimizer 2019
3235 APS On-site and On-demand Flexible Packaging System 2019
3236 COSA Contagion Spread Awareness System in Neonatal Intensive Care Units 2019
3237 Pythia Artificial Intelligence to predict and control the behavior even in the most complex industrial processes 2019
3238 TransDB Limitless Timeseries Analysis to open up Big Data applications in Transportation 2019
3239 Dynamic BC Dynamic Bright Code: Delivering digital content in offline environments by connecting unique LEDbased optical tags with mobile devices. 2019
3240 pluumo Sustainable thermal packaging from waste feathers 2019
3241 SIGUEMED The first affordable and easy-to-use IoT system that tracks pill intake with printed circuits technology 2019
3242 ORIGAMI cOmpRession of Genomic dAta to facilitate precision MedIcine 2019
3243 DSES Development of an Electronic Wireless Safety System for Power Tools 2019
3244 BIOGRAPHENE Producing graphene from biogas: an innovative, renewable and cost-effective value-chain for industrialising the material of the future 2019
3245 CandidaHunter A Nanotechnology Based Blood Culture Medium to Detect Invasive Candida in Bloodstream 2019
3247 Dust BioSolutions Weed control in row crop farming through natural biocementation 2019
3248 FRAME FRAME - tumor genome-based personalized anti-cancer vaccines off-the-shelf 2019
3249 SCMS ScreenCancer Mole Scanner - Easily accessible mole scanning service for early detection of skin cancer. 2019
3250 Tuberculini A novel in-vitro diagnostic test for drug-resistant tuberculosis and a personalized antibiotic treatment plan. 2019
3251 IRIS Phase-1 A revolutionary blood test to easily diagnose and prevent deadly complications of organs and tissue transplants. 2019
3252 SuPREmE Ship performance monitoring and simulation to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. 2019
3253 Smart Farm 4.0 the eye and ears of the farmer - Smart monitoring system for intensive livestock farming management 2019
3254 CITRUS-PORT Global advisory DSS platform for citrus fruit growers 2019
3255 Salmino Regaining health through Salmon discards 2019
3256 VISCOPIC Pins An accessible and versatile Augmented Reality content creation tool for SMEs and large companies 2019
3257 MAAS MOBILITY AS A SERVICE PLATFORM for employers and individuals. 2019
3258 Cumucore An innovative virtual software-defined mobile packet core to enable optimized and flexible user-centric services for next generation mobile networks 2019
3259 3DEPLAN Platform for 3D planning of future energy and linear network connected with augmeted reality for improved public participation 2019
3260 doks Innovation Automated AI-based inventory management for logistics 2019
3262 Sampols A noise pollution measurement and monitoring solution for smart cities 2019
3263 QI AI-powered image forgery detection 2019
3264 AT Interactive and Accessible Sign Language Translation - AccessibleTranslation 2019
3265 KITOGREEN The World's first vegetal chitosan biostimulant from non-GMO and renewable source on an industrial scale 2019
3266 FREEMYCO A novel bio-controlling pre-harvest method to eliminate the mycotoxins contamination in agri-food sector 2019
3267 CLEAN-Photo-TEX Advanced photocatalytic textiles to remediate urban air pollution 2019
3268 PPB Innovative Prima system to clean and Polish Bottles 2019
3270 H2COLOR-AUX An innovative polymer particle used for textile dying which massively reduces water and energy consumption 2019
3271 TVARC An innovative solid lubricant based nano-dimensional coatings for industrial production 2019
3272 AnchorGuardian AnchorGuardian, providing safety during anchoring by monitoring the position and absolute movement of a ships anchor. 2019
3273 AVATAR SW application for smartphones enabling accurate and easy-to-use 3D body scanning for digitalized design and production process in fashion and textile industry. 2019
3274 WEDISTRICT Smart and local reneWable Energy DISTRICT heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living 2019
3275 GLOWOPT Global-Warming-Optimized Aircraft Design 2019
3276 PlaMES Integrated Planning of Multi-Energy Systems 2019
3277 FUTURBINE Transforming distributed energy generation through the FUTURe Gas TurBINE 2019
3278 CRESCENT CRESCENT: Adaptive hands-free controller for people with disabilities 2019
3279 SPOT Smart Process Optimised Tool (SPOT), an Industry 4.0 world first approach for reliable and repeatable crimping and cutting hand tool technology 2019
3280 RIS Robot Immune System 2019
3281 ISAAC ISAAC-AMD: an active self-tuned device for seismic protection and continuous monitoring of civil structures 2019
3282 BIKEINSIDE Automated modular vertical parking for bicycles: guard your bike inside! 2019
3283 PrevictDrugs Smartphone Measured Eye-Based Digital Biomarkers for Drug Use Detection 2019
3284 LightCatcher Scalable energy efficiency modules integrating both energy recovery and passive cooling systems for the solar photovoltaic industry 2019
3285 INLET INdustrial LEvitation Technology 2019
3286 ELAPHARMA A novel approach of organ preservation using anti-necrosis agent before transplantation. 2019
3287 PD-Watch Wearable technology for the selective detection and continuous monitoring of movement disorders related to Parkinson’s disease 2019
3288 Zero1 A unique suite of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to battle cashflow problems in SMEs 2019
3289 Modula The world first industrial full electric actuator to drive the transition to sustainable electric solutions in the manufacturing industry 2019
3290 LOLAS Precise and reliable autonomous landing for drones, helicopters and other rotorcraft 2019
3291 IMMUNOTRAP Diagnosis test for immuno-oncology therapies. 2019
3292 SMark2.0 SMark2.0, our next level product authentication, anti-counterfeiting and track and trace system 2019
3293 AUTOMATO Autonomous affordable robot for tomato harvesting in passive environments 2019
3294 BIOXPLOR BioXplor’s AI/Cognitive Software Platform accelerates and greatly reduces the cost of discovery research and clinical trials, with a primary focus on rare and inflammatory diseases data. 2019
3295 DANUBIAGRAPH The graphene-based resistance temperature sensors application 2019
3296 StrongPIN The first mobile app to enable LoA 4 hardware backed security on any existing mobile phone safeguarding the identity and privacy on the everyday digital life in an easy to use and scalable manner 2019
3297 ATLANT3D ATomic LAyer NanoprinTer, for rapid micro- and nanoprototyping of complex multi-material 2D/3D structures with high-resolution 2019
3298 MERWIS Melanoma Early Warning System 2019
3299 Great Bubble Barrier The Great Bubble Barrier: An effective solution to plastic pollution 2019
3300 OPENQKD Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed 2019
3301 PLASTDEINK Water based process for the delaminating and deinking of surface printed plastic 2019
3302 DT4BIOMASS Digital twin for biomass boilers 2019
3303 TRIPLE Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration 2019
3304 VIRTUOSA Scalable Software Defined Network Architectures for Cooperative Live Media Production exploiting Virtualised Production Resources and 5G Wireless Acquisition 2019
3305 LymphoDrain LymphoDrain: The definitive solution for chronic lymphedema 2019
3306 PROVA Pitot probe for non-ideal compressible flows of organic fluids for renewable energy applications 2019
3307 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2019
3308 SOCRATIC SOCRATIC: A real-time effluent management software based on artificial intelligence and industrial automation, specific for the prevention of combined sewage overflow 2019
3309 Smart Tracker First wearable sensor for real-time monitoring and optimisation of sport training 2019
3310 UPTEKO First Fully Integrated Drone System for Maritime Operations 2019
3311 UUR Unique Universal Reference for e-invoicing 2019
3312 Manuback MANUBACK, the smart garment for operator protection in the field of Manual Handling of Goods 2019
3313 NPP NanoPowder Plant – Metal nanopowders for a world of great opportunities 2019
3314 TEEMothyTS Simulator Commercialization of simulator for interventional echocardiography, specializing in the field of minimally invasive medical therapies. 2019
3315 BatteryCheck Take the mystery out of battery life. 2019
3316 BlockStart Helping SMEs take the first steps into the Blockchain 2019
3317 QUDOT-TECH Quantum Dots for Photonic Quantum Information Technologies 2020
3318 InnovEOX Training of a new generation of researchers in Innovative Electrochemical OXidation processes for the removal and analysis of micro-pollutants in water streams 2019
3319 MUSICA Multiple-use-of Space for Island Clean Autonomy 2020
3320 SOFTMANBOT Advanced RoBOTic Technology for Handling SOFT Materials in MANufacturing Sectors 2019
3321 WiPTherm Innovative Wireless Power Devices Using micro-Thermoelectric Generators arrays 2019
3323 POWERSKIN PLUS Highly advanced modular integration of insulation, energising and storage systems for non-residential buildings 2019
3324 RECLAIM RE-manufaCturing and Refurbishment LArge Industrial equipMent 2019
3326 Switch2save Lightweight switchable smart solutions for energy saving large windows and glass façades 2019
3328 CULTURAL-E Climate and cultural based design and market valuable technology solutions for Plus Energy Houses 2019
3329 DIMOFAC Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories 2019
3330 DEMS-Nixus Creating a new paradigm of business value creation by fostering collaboration and data sharing while minimising the cost of business transformation 2019
3331 LAACat Large Area Aerogel Catalyst 2019
3332 Schrott24 Leveraging online services to enhance the efficiency and transparency of recycling and trading of metal throughout the EU. 2019
3333 EMP Motion planning technology for autonomous driving 2019
3334 CVTVT A Non-Surgical Treatment to Restore Heart Valve Function 2019
3335 SafeNet Safe Networks using P4 Programs 2019
3336 Mirnagreen First scalable food-grade technology for the direct extraction and purification of miRNAs-rich extracts from plants 2019
3337 Talk2Leeloo LEELOO is a disruptive digital solution based on Artificial Intelligence, to improve language learning by focusing on conversational skills through on-demand chatbot on everyday topics. 2019
3338 SCAN and WORK Full Stack Digital Plant Scan and Work 2019
3339 Base Flowbase 2019
3340 PAROST Disruptive technology for the identification, quantification and prediction of the evolution of damages in civil engineering structures that increases safety while reducing maintenance costs. 2019
3341 Mag-ID Magnetic identification 2019
3342 EOLOGIX The first wireless wind turbine blade sensor for automatic, real-time condition-based monitoring 2019
3343 SMART BEAR Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy and Independent Living at Home 2019
3344 NeutroCure Development of “smart” amplifiers of reactive oxygen species specific to aberrant polymorphonuclear neutrophils for treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, cancer and myeloablation. 2020
3345 mRNA NanoDeli Application of RNA nanotechnology for delivery of mRNA therapeutics 2019
3346 QLUSTER Many-photon quantum entanglement 2019
3347 Winegrid Fiber optic sensor for real time analytics of the critical parameters for vinification 2019
3348 GoSafe Restoring complete sensory ability for natural walking of amputees 2019
3349 SENTINEL Multi-spectral remote system for real-time alarm and monitoring of natural hazards 2019
3350 ETIQMEDIA Counterfeiting and Piracy will not affect to our firms in the EU any longer. 2019
3351 AWARE Advanced Face Recognition and CroWd Behavior Analysis for Next GeneRation VidEo Surveillance 2019
3352 HSMonitor Pre-commercial Procurement of innovative ICT-enabled monitoring to improve health status and optimise hypertension care 2019
3353 SELMA Trial Ready Small Vessel MRI Markers: Proof of Concept 2019
3355 KOMP Pro KOMP Pro - The one-button screen connecting care providers and family with non-digital seniors through pictures, messages, video, apps and services. 2020
3356 SWIFTLY Sharing-economy matching platform to revolutionize last-mile logistics 2019
3357 FieldTwin First centralized data platform for efficient and collaborative development of offshore energy projects 2019
3358 Raylap RAYLAP, innovative springy cranks for bikes to foster sustainable urban mobility 2019
3359 SpectraHow SpectraHow. Smart Raman sensor to speed up biopharma manufacture 2019
3360 myPAL-NET Underwater passive aquatic listening network system for smart monitoring of high impact weather events - myPAL-NET 2019
3361 Let-it-Bi Bismuth Redox Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis 2020
3362 SAFEBIO Safe and Complete Algorithms for Bioinformatics 2020
3363 DEVINTA An Artificial Assistant for Software Developers 2020
3364 NanoMMs Solution-Based Engineering of Nanodimensional Phase-Change Materials and Memory Devices 2020
3365 CQWLED Overcoming the efficiency limitation of semiconductor quantum dot-based light-emitting diodes 2020
3366 OptEIon Defect Engineering, Advanced Modelling and Characterization for Next Generation Opto-Electronic-Ionic Devices 2020
3367 Toolbot High Accuracy, Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly Dredging Solution 2019
3368 SCF Smart Cash Flow – Getting back on track 2019
3369 CoCi Co-Evolving City Life 2020
3370 DEFOG Data science tool for Epidemic FOrecastinG 2019
3371 WoRShIP Wearable chemical sensors for public health-based business models 2019
3372 EDGE ADL monitoring of Elderly in homes using Gas sensors 2019
3373 Computer Linguist Develop an innovative computer system which understands contractual documents by applying artificial intelligence 2019
3374 SGHES Second-Generation Hybrid Electrolyte Supercapacitor 2019
3375 optiSLATER optiSLATER: Automated Classification System for the categorization of slate slabs. 2019
3376 ClearFarm Co-designed Welfare Monitoring Platform for Pig and Dairy Cattle 2019
3377 NOMAD Novel Organic recovery using Mobile ADvanced technology 2019
3378 PARITY Pro-sumer AwaRe, Transactive Markets for Valorization of Distributed flexibilITY enabled by Smart Energy Contracts 2019
3379 INTERPRETER Interoperable tools for an efficient management and effective planning of the electricity grid 2019
3380 ClearRing An innovative, minimally invasive medical device used for treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia symptoms 2019
3381 PACE The leading manufacturer-independent connected-car platform, disrupting value creation and customer communication in the automotive aftermarket 2019
3382 Windrone Zenith Autonomous & Intelligent UAV-based Wind Turbine Inspection System for Cost-effective, Reliable, Safe and Actionable Blade Fault Detection and Prediction 2019
3383 ESDCI KOBRA encrypted storage device for classified information KOBRA Drive / KOBRA Stick 2019
3384 REBOOT Resource efficient bio-chemical production and waste treatment 2020
3385 FIBRING Fibring of manifolds and groups 2020
3386 CREATE Crafting Complex Hybrid Materials for Sustainable Energy Conversion 2020
3387 MATPASE Developing new MATerial solutions for cardiac PAce lead and SEnsor encapsulation 2019
3388 AIRE AIRE_ Artificial Intelligence for Recruiting Europe + 2019
3389 MOTHIF Model Testing of High Lift system 2020
3390 ComBioTES Compact bio-based thermal energy storage for buildings 2019
3391 ATCO2 Automatic collection and processing of voice data from air-traffic communications 2019
3392 ALR4000 Automated LCD Recycling series 4000 2019
3393 SmartMap Technology maturation of global first-movers in automated indoor map generation 2019
3394 METACOUSTIC Computational design and prototyping of acoustic metamaterials for tailored insulation of noise 2019
3395 Mines-In-Time Monitoring System of rock stability in mines based on Advanced 4D seismic analysis. 2019
3396 Phyron Phyron platform for automated production of top-quality customizable product videos with 80% higher conversion rate for a fraction of today`s cost 2019
3397 OriginIoT OriginIoT - Expediting Cellular IoT Device Development 2019
3398 OPTIMISE Open data: improving transparency, reproducibility and collaboration in science 2020
3399 TAMING CORROSION Towards mastering the long-standing challenge of ageing infrastructures in corrosive environments 2020
3400 ADDIMOT ADDitively manufactured limited angle torque MOTor for Smart Active Inceptors 2019
3401 COOLWIND Subsea Cooler for Offshore Wind HVDC transformer platforms 2019
3402 CL Platform Powering simplified and scalable mortgage application processing. 2019
3403 FOCALSPEC Solving the Root Cause of Battery Short Circuits:FocalSpec high-speed 3D imaging sensors revolutionise industrial quality control 2019
3404 SDG Space Data Gateway 2019
3405 SHOW MOTION SHOW MOTION: Real time intelligent system for biomechanical motion and muscular diagnosis 2019
3406 OptiSpec Bringing automated, real-time process control into starch-processing industries 2019
3407 BA-AC Cloud-based Airport Operations Planning tool with holistic forecasting of airport allocation planning. 2019
3408 AUTO-RST Flexible automated manufacturing of RST Facets: High Performance Solar Reflectors for CSP industry 2019
3409 HYCAP New electrical energy storage device towards sustainable mobility 2019
3410 EPICA Improved Credentialess and Secure Cloud Access 2019
3411 ONEIO The Intelligent Service Network Operator 2019
3412 SWING Sonaca WING flap process Development 2019
3413 CoCoNut Complex Cores for New Utilities 2019
3414 SmaCS Smart Cabin System for cabin readiness 2019
3415 AS-DISCO AS-DISCO - Audio Suite for Disruptive Cockpit Demonstrator 2019
3416 PHAROS Physical Architecture Optimization System 2019
3417 NIFTI Non-Intrusive Flow distortion measurements within a Turbofan Intake 2020
3418 ConquerIons Conquering a New Paradigm for Addressing Ion Detection in Real Scenarios 2020
3419 SUNCOAT Protecting wind-turbine leading edges with nanoengineered superhydrophobic urethane coatings 2019
3420 Light-DYNAMO Light driven hybrid nanocrystal TMDC capacitors 2020
3421 Ocean-DAS Ocean-Bottom Distributed Acoustic Sensors: new tools for Underwater Seismology 2020
3422 EcoStock Mobile thermal energy storage based on recycled ceramics 2019
3423 OZeye Developing Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence for best-quality and cost-effective live sports production and distribution 2019
3425 3DScavengers Three-dimensional nanoscale design for the all-in-one solution to environmental multisource energy scavenging 2020
3426 ARiAT Advanced Reasoning in Arithmetic Theories 2020
3427 DEBIMAX Carbon coated Silicon Production Scaling Up for Li-ion batteries 2019
3428 BioICEP Bio Innovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics 2020
3429 SeaClear SEarch, identificAtion and Collection of marine Litter with Autonomous Robots 2020
3430 COALA COALA - Cloud-based AI-driven and Language-agnostic Customer Support Assistant 2019
3431 HYDROGEN HighlY performing proton exchange membrane water electrolysers with reinforceD membRanes fOr efficient hydrogen GENeration 2019
3432 NanoEX Nanoextraction, separation and detection of micropollutants in one single and simple step 2019
3433 MERGING Manipulation Enhancement through Robotic Guidance and Intelligent Novel Grippers 2019
3434 NoBiasFluors Non-biased fluorescent dyes as markers of drugs for optical in cellulo and in vivo imaging 2020
3435 CMD-COAT Bioactive coating to prevent catheter infection and thrombosis 2019
3436 CoFBAT Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications 2019
3437 EASY-Diabetes Individualised and Equitable Care of Type 2 Diabetes 2019
3438 STRATUS Replicating the rain process to provide a sustainable drinking water supply where most needed 2019
3439 CyanoSmart Reliable, real-time process monitoring solutions for gold mines to reduce costs, reagent use and increase gold production 2019
3440 SAB Fully integrated solution to both monitor and control indoor air quality thanks to a network of inbuilt sensors array combined with an AI driven management of the HVAC system 2019
3441 ECO-POL Greening the polyurethane industry through versatile and low cost eco-polyols 2019
3443 SynOil Taking SynOil to the market: Synthetic oil (SynOil) from plastic waste with the molten zinc reactor 2019
3444 HarvestAll Development of energy management integrated circuits for any-many-multi micro energy harvesting 2019
3445 TEM Teklab Evaporator Management system (TEM) for increasing energy efficiency in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Cost effective, highly technological and innovative but easy to understand and install 2019
3446 ReDS A disruptive, life-saving solution for home monitoring and management of lung fluid congestion in heart failure patients 2019
3447 PRS PRS, an industrial repair system for large series of reusable plastic articles in a circular economy 2019
3448 Nanodink Quantum Photonic Digital-Ink Solution for Large Format Displays 2019
3449 H2OMon In-situ Total Nutrient Analyser System for Natural Waters 2019
3450 Reuse as a service Reusable packaging as a service for e-commerce 2019
3451 AQUASERS The European first generation of aquaculture SERS-based Biosensor 2019
3452 Rodinia Clothing manufacturing 4.0 – Changing the way we make fashion 2019
3453 BioFuel Fab Biogas production from non-food lignocellulosic biomass waste. 2019
3454 Piomic Empowering homecare solutions in advanced wound care 2019
3455 SIDEWIND Horizontal wind turbines for maritime transport ships 2019
3456 Oralis Oralis, The first oral human insulin treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2019
3457 BioTrace World's First Real-Time Monitoring System for Ablation Procedures 2019
3458 PhantoMinds Better and faster innovations with PhantoMinds’ instant automated recruiting tool for open innovators 2019
3459 Memorix Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques 2019
3460 CyreenApplication Connecting Ad-Impressions with Purchase. The new advanced Advertisement at the point of sales. 2019
3461 EDITUS Helping our customers to design smart and safe tomorrows’ communication systems 2019
3462 HEAT2VALUE Increased energy efficiency, flexibility and reduction of green-house gases using thermal battery 2019
3463 CPSoSaware Cross-layer cognitive optimization tools & methods for the lifecycle support of dependable CPSoS 2020
3464 BD4OPEM Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace 2020
3466 FIDA Scale-up of our disruptive antibody analytical platform based in flow-induced dispersion analysis (FIDA) to increase efficiency in the research of new antibodies and vaccines 2019
3467 MASTECS Multicore Analysis Service and Tools for Embedded Critical Systems 2019
3468 LifeChamps A Collective Intelligence Platform to Support Cancer Champions 2019
3469 emmtrix Software Parallelisation with emmtrix Parallel Studio 2019
3470 Medical Express Optimal use of healthcare resources through AI-guided support of healthcare professionals 2019
3471 Obsidian Obsidian Anastomotic SafeGuard – A powerful and efficient tissue sealant method for reducing the anastomotic leak rate in colorectal surgery 2019
3472 PLATOON Digital PLAtform and analytic TOOls for eNergy 2020
3473 bio-T Enabling medical device vendors to realize the potential of the data collectible by their devices 2019
3474 PLMSAT Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery 2019
3476 SnapEarth Fostering Earth Observation market uptake thanks to natural and holistic access to added value data generated through cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies 2019
3477 HIPATIA HelIcon PlasmA Thruster for In-space Applications 2020
3478 VIDEO Video Imaging Demonstrator for Earth Observation 2019
3479 CAESAR Developing Therapeutic Antibodies for Pets 2019
3480 WELCOME Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU 2020
3481 SELEX X-ray sensor for the recognition of polymer type, additive and fillers in black and coloured plastics for recycling and analysis 2019
3482 polyBioMetal Polymer Biotechnological Metallization 2019
3483 Mashcream Launching the Mashcream Lifestyle With the In-Home Cool Plate Ice Cream Maker 2019
3484 BREAK Blue light remote analgesia with K+ channels 2019
3485 DeBug Effective and environmentally friendly mechanical treatment for salmon delousing 2019
3486 PROCareLife PeRsOnalized Integrated CARE Solution for Elderly facing several short or long term conditions and enabling a better quality of LIFE 2020
3487 VEnvirotech From waste to value: Transforming organic waste into biodegradable bioplastics 2019
3488 PJP Plasma Jet Pack 2020
3489 TOKEN Transformative Impact Of BlocKchain tEchnologies iN Public Services 2020
3490 EVIE 2.0 A slow release insemination that doubles the success rate of the most common first line treatment of infertility. 2019
3491 Ecofarming Synergy Holistic Smart Integrated Pest Management by combining unique real-time smart pheromone based pest monitoring trap (ecoberTRAP) with novel cost-effective European pheromone production (ecoberSYTHESIS) 2019
3492 HominAb Discovering novel antibodies derived from the human body itself to treat neurodegenerative diseases 2019
3493 XEERPA The Nº1 Social Media Profiling Solution: understanding customer preferences through their activity in social media 2019
3494 ADAMO Robot The future of precise personalised robotic physiotherapy 2019
3495 GRECA GRECA: Revolution in corporate transactions 2019
3496 Dyme Dyme gives its users complete control over their financial situation. The Dyme application provides insight into users’ spending and subscriptions, and lets users cancel, negotiate, or switch any cont 2019
3497 ReCreo Sustainable Use of Metallic Resources: Industrial Waste Prevention 2019
3499 RoboSynFarm Robotic Synthesis Farm 2019
3500 Green-Insulation Green-Tech Fibre Insulation 2019
3501 ECOWEC Erosion Control Oscillating Wave Energy Converter 2019
3502 TECHEYE Artificial Intelligence beyond quality 2019
3503 SPANAR Safe Perception And Navigation for Autonomous Robots 2019
3504 FOODWATERH2020 Water treatment and reuse technology based on constant water quality monitoring thanks to multi-censoring and AI-Deep Learning software for the Food Industry 2019
3505 DigiPharm Value-based Healthcare Platform Secured with Blockchain Technology 2019
3506 PJ18-W2 4D Skyways 4D Skyways 2019
3507 MELODY Membrane-free Low cost high Density RFB 2020
3508 innosabi GALAXY The Agile Innovation solution to revolutionise the way people connect, collaborate and create disruptive innovations throughout a company’s ecosystem to unlock its full potential 2019
3509 Simacan LINK Europe-wide Connected Transport 2019
3510 SYNBIO.ECM SYNBIO.ECM: Designer extracellular matrices to program healthy and diseased cardiac morphogenesis 2020
3511 LT LaserTrain 2019
3513 SUSTAINABLEMEAT Addressing the rising global meat demand while protecting the environment: developing Europe’s first competitive “cell-based meat” product 2019
3514 INFINITE 2.0 Revolutionary laser machine for industrial engraving & 3D texturing 2019
3515 BTSys Biosolids treatment system for transformation of industrial organic wastes into sustainable and efficient fertilizer with zero emissions 2019
3516 Ngrave The World’s Most Secure Cryptocurrency Safeguarding Solution 2019
3517 Evolift Evolift - Getting people out of harms way 2019
3518 NORATEST NORATEST: An e-Health solution for a better Alzheimer's diagnosis and management 2019
3519 Contunity Radically Simplifying Electronics Engineering 2019
3520 BIOMAP2SOIL Biological analysis of soils and advanced data analytics for precision agriculture maps 2019
3521 Energy Trailer Energy as a Service for clean transportation 2019
3522 ARIA Accurate Roms for Industrial Applications 2019
3523 BioPetrify Turning soils into stone 2019
3524 Proxipel Mobile pelletizing unit 2019
3525 stalkIT NB-IoT Robust Tracking and Monitoring Solution 2019
3526 EDAS HEALTHCARE AI-based infectious diseases diagnosis in seconds 2019
3527 SAAT2020 Scoring crops with Agricultural Artificial intelligence Technologies 2019
3528 Dezyne Enterprise The easiest way to build complete, correct and consistent embedded software for cyberphysical systems 2019
3529 PLAST2bCLEANED PLASTtics to be CLEANED by sorting and separation of plastics and subsequent recycling of polymers, bromine flame retardants and antimony trioxide 2019
3530 Light UP Visible Light Ultrafast Photodetector for Optical Wireless Communication Technology 2020
3531 DIH4CPS Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs 2020
3532 PJ07-W2 OAUO SESAR2020 PJ07-W2 OAUO Optimised Airspace Users Operations 2019
3533 MindTrack Analysis of eye vergence responses for the early detection and monitoring of cognitive and mental disorders 2019
3534 ELVER Energy from Limited Velocity Estuaries and Rivers 2019
3535 SALICROP Overcoming the salinity barrier 2019
3536 ARCAone Next generation security platform to safeguard critical applications and sensitive digital assets 2019
3537 SmartShower Cost-effective and resource-saving smart shower 2019
3538 SmartCLIDE Smart Cloud Integrated Development Environment supporting the full-stack implementation, composition and deployment of data-centered services and applications in the cloud 2020
3540 MORPHEMIC Modelling and Orchestrating heterogeneous Resources and Polymorphic applications for Holistic Execution and adaptation of Models In the Cloud 2020
3541 cmRNAbone 3D Printed-Matrix Assisted Chemically Modified RNAs Bone Regenerative Therapy for Trauma and Osteoporotic Patients 2020
3543 GEONAV IoT Galileo dual frequency, 5G, IoT devices and services for Drones, Assets Management and Elite sport 2019
3544 PREPARE Ships PREParE SHIPS - PREdicted Positioning based on Egnss for SHIPS 2019
3545 HUUVER Hybrid UAV-UGV for Efficient Relocation of Vessels 2019
3546 GISCAD-OV Galileo Improved Services for Cadastral Augmentation Development On-field Validation 2019
3548 BeFerroSynaptic BEOL technology platform based on ferroelectric synaptic devices for advanced neuromorphic processors 2020
3549 DCPM Digitalized Clone for Personalized Medicine 2020
3550 AERAS A CybEr range tRaining platform for medicAl organisations and systems Security 2019
3551 InterTAU Integrative structural biology of pathological tau protein, an appealing therapeutic target for Alzheimer´s disease modifying drugs 2020
3552 PJ05-W2 DTT PJ05-W2 Digital Technologies for Tower 2019
3553 SIROCO Sparing gene therapy for Inherited ROd COne dystrophies 2019
3554 PJ14-W2 I-CNSS Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance System 2019
3555 DBScontrol Implementation and preclinical testing of a closed-loop control system for deep brain stimulation 2020
3557 IN2SMART2 Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by integRated Technologies 2 2019
3558 MIGRATECH 4.0 The revolution in micro-granulation technology for eco-friendly, production efficient, superior ceramic tiles 2019
3559 Centurion 3 Innovative offshore safety system to protect the body from cold shock in extreme conditions 2019
3560 One4Clean All-in-1 “buffing & dedusting” machine for rubber industry 2019
3561 IMMERSION Immersive marketplace for the European real estate sector 2019
3562 SensorM3D Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Enabled Multi-Sensor Smart Cameras for 3D Analytics 2019
3564 Tolka Pro Manual Assistant (hand for upper limb disability) – a new approach designed to restore user's manual capabilities. 2019
3565 ObjectBox IoT-1 Empowering the Edge With the World’s Fastest Database and Sychronization Service for Mobile and IoT 2019
3566 Teraseya Prime Adaptive intelligence technology giving complete crop control to farmers 2019
3567 FFEs Frozen Fried Eggs: Industrial process for the manufacture of frozen fried eggs 2019
3568 RBF2CAD Unique stand-alone software based on mesh morphing technology for fast and accurate Computer Aided Engineering to develop safer and greener products. 2020
3569 SBTech Innovative Stirring Blade Technology to increase profitability in the industry of algae culture based on CFD techniques (SBTech) 2019
3572 HEATILE An innovative, thin and quick-to-install prefabricated Prefabricated ‘click-in’ underfloor heating system capable to be installed directly on the existing floor and connectable to the radiator system. 2019
3573 Predictive sigma Predictive maintenance platform for industrial assets based on AI and IoT 2019
3574 Hastlayer Hastlayer - turning software into hardware for faster computing 2020
3575 SOUNDTILES SOUNDTILES business strategy definition 2019
3576 Xtend "Xtend - ""Extending Reality Skywards""" 2020
3578 MealHero Automated cooking for tasty and healthy meals in a convenient way 2019
3579 Promyc A circular fungi-based high-protein feed solution for aquaculture 2019
3580 WEXOBOT Faster and cheaper robots for object recognition in Waste sorting through AI and external robot control 2019
3581 KERASOL Functional Keratin Kerasol 2019
3582 DATASET Advanced manufacturing though data analytics and intelligent insights 2019
3583 DNA DS DNA Data storage 2019
3584 Lottare GBM LOcalized Targeted Therapy to Avoid REcurrent GlioBlastoma Multiforme 2019
3585 MyGoalMEDAL META DATA ANALYSIS LAB to Enhance Training Quality 2019
3586 OhmMAT-NANO Next Generation Composite Material Heating 2019
3588 ICone ICone: a novel device to scale up robotic rehabilitation and unlock the potential of motor recovery for stroke survivors. 2019
3589 E-Solution Flexible and effective solution for people with motor disabilities 2019
3590 DiFacturo The Unique International Independent Decentralized Invoice Network 2019
3591 ROG Real Organ Generation 2019
3592 ahead ahead, The Intelligent Digital Workspace as a Service 2019
3593 DD-SCAN DD-SCAN – AI-based language and multimedia bias checker for corporate communication content 2019
3594 MonoComb Monolithic frequency comb spectrometers 2020
3595 FORESTDIET Reinterpreting how forests support people's dietary quality in low-income countries 2020
3596 HandheldOCT Handheld optical coherence tomography 2020
3597 BugWright2 Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks 2020
3598 BACCHUS MoBile Robotic PlAtforms for ACtive InspeCtion and Harvesting in AgricUltural AreaS 2020
3599 1-SWARM Integrated development and operations management framework for cyber-physical systems of systems under the paradigm of swarm intelligence 2020
3600 ZeroAMP Nanomechanical Switch-Based Logic and Non-Volatile Memory for Robust Ultra-Low Power Circuits 2020
3601 SEER A “Smart” Self-monitoring composite tool for aerospace composite manufacturing using Silicon photonic multi-sEnsors Embedded using through-thickness Reinforcement techniques 2020
3602 SHOP4CF Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories 2020
3603 PJ19-W2 CI PJ.19 W2 Content Integration, Performance Management and Business Case Development 2019
3604 BRAV3 Computational biomechanics and bioengineering 3D printing to develop a personalized regenerative biological ventricular assist device to provide lasting functional support to damaged hearts 2020
3605 LONGRUN Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance powertrain for heavy dUty trucks aNd coaches 2020
3607 ShipFC Piloting Multi MW Ammonia Ship Fuel Cells 2020
3608 EMPOWER European methanol powered fuel cell CHP 2020
3609 WindSider Commercialization of a breakthrough wind resource assessment technology for automated planning of bankable wind farms 2020
3610 RePLAy Reinventing bioplastic: CO2 + sunlight = PLA 2019
3611 NEFERTITI A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs 2020
3612 Codasip RISC-V Digital Architecture for the Next Generation of Connected Era 2020
3613 FC-eCompressor Commercialisation of a Novel and Efficient Air Compressor to Improve the Economic Viability of Hydrogen Fuel Cells 2020
3614 ECOBIOMASS Achieving unique wines through an efficient production process 2019
3615 E-Optimum Energy leading-edge technology for high performance gear shaping machines 2020
3616 Plural AI The knowledge engine for finance 2019
3617 PURA PURA - a chemical- free water purification and disinfection solution. 2020
3618 Ofi Ofi, pool management at your fingertips! 2020
3619 GAF The First non-cancerogenic Glyoxal Acid-Free fixative for a Formalin-free hospital 2020
3620 GHOSTWRITERAI Artificial Intelligence for Human-Centered Digital Advertising 2020
3621 InteSens Innovative INTEgrated SENsor System for monitoring Infrastructural Assets 2020
3622 PatientDataChain PatientDataChain - Blockchain approach to disrupt patient-provider medical records data exchange 2020
3623 SEECLEAR Feasibility of ergonomic interface for adaptive eyeglasses for presbyopia correction. 2020
3624 ENDOWAVE ENDObronchial microWAVE Ablation for the minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer 2019
3625 Elektrosens Wearable Sweat-based painless and continuous glucose monitoring device for diabetic people 2019
3626 NextGen Industrial breakthrough of plasma deposited functional Nanocoatings for Filtration Applications 2020
3627 AVIAZE The social network for pilots, to make flying safer and cheaper 2020
3628 Synthara Edge Brain inspired AI processing technology allowing for edge computing that transforms “non-smart chips” into “smart” chips 2020
3629 WireVision Intelligent electronic automotive systems repair support tool for auto repair technicians 2020
3630 SVELTE State-of-the-art solution for efficient manufacturing of complex geometry panels 2020
3632 EnCORE Machine state forecasting technology coupled with product quality control to unleash productivity for the manufacturing sector (EnCORE) 2020
3633 Daego Secure, reliable machine learning based technology platform for the creation and authentication of Digital Identities to enable safe digital transactions across Europe 2019
3634 OXA Material solution for sustainable and affordable housing 2020
3635 ECOPUMP Feasibility study for low-carbon emission Heat Pump 2020
3636 iScan Automated retinal scans for early detection of diabetic eye diseases through use of artificial intelligence 2020
3637 Reexen Ultra-low cost & ultra-high efficiency AI processor for enabling fast and cost-effective deployment of edge-computing applications 2020
3638 BATT3RY The first integral repairing method for electric and hybrid vehicle batteries which considers their full life-cycle 2020
3640 MAGSHAKE Shaken and stirred: Terahertz electric field control of magnetism 2020
3641 eSSIF-Lab European Self Sovereign Identity Framework Laboratory 2019
3642 oncNGS NGS diagnostics in 21st century oncology: the best, for all, at all times 2020
3643 Instand-NGS4P Integrated and standardized NGS workflows for Personalised therapy 2020
3645 3D-PIV Valorization trajectory of a 3D particle image velocimetry instrument 2020
3646 PRIVATETRACK PRIVATETRACK: Privacy-friendly, low-power intelligent room occupancy detection and people counting. 2019
3647 DISKIFAS Ground-breaking rotating biological contactor concept for small WWTP 2020
3648 PEROGAN Novel Light Emitters based on Nanostructures of III-Nitrides and Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2020
3649 SingStocDispDyn Singular Stochastic Dispersive Dynamics 2020
3650 ELFO Electronic Food: enabling edible electronic systems for biomedical and food monitoring applications 2020
3651 FEVER Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation 2020
3652 NP-QFT Non-perturbative dynamics of quantum fields: from new deconfined phases of matter to quantum black holes 2020
3653 EXACTC Solving gauge theories in 4D: Exact correlation functions from integrability 2020
3654 NMR4CO2 Unveiling CO2 chemisorption mechanisms in solid adsorbents via surface-enhanced ex(in)-situ NMR 2020
3655 nanoDNArepair Next Generation Nanofluidic Devices for Single Molecule Analysis of DNA Repair Dynamics 2020
3656 PROMISE PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics 2020
3657 COLLABS A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems 2020
3658 VLD2-W2 STAIRS Surface Traffic Alerts Improve Runway Safety 2019
3659 PURE Prototyping emerging bio-based products from lignocellulose by zero-waste pathways 2020
3660 Apollo Apollo: developing a powerful and easy to use platform for choice model estimation and application with full user-customisation 2020
3661 DECODE reDucing the health and Economic COst of Diagnostic uncErtainty: launch and randomized control trial of the first validated bacterial versus viral test 2020
3662 DAN High-performance, kiosk-solution for forensic darknet analysis to gain cyber threat intelligence for companies and greatly enhance efficiency and capabilities of European investigation authorities 2019
3663 MKD Mine Kafon Drone: An Unmanned Airborne Demining System 2020
3664 SecureTracker New-generation bifacial solar tracker with integrated wind protection system for large scale photovoltaic arrays 2019
3665 ClosedToe Sock toe closing system for circular knitting machines 2020
3666 METAFOAM Towards acoustic metafoams for broad-range sound insulation 2020
3667 CoaExMatter Bio-inspired Coacervate Extruded Materials 2020
3669 SLANG How the brain learns to see language 2020
3670 E-SAC Evolving Single-Atom Catalysis: Fundamental Insights for Rational Design 2020
3671 UV-LASE Out of the blue: membrane-based microcavity lasers from the blue to the ultraviolet wavelength regime 2020
3672 FUTrailer Fully-equipped electric trailer supporting the transition towards sustainable city logistics 2020
3673 TNT Truth-not-Trust 2020
3674 Walleye The world’s first fully portable hand-held microwave imaging technology scanner 2019
3675 Design2Flow Disposable well-plate inserts and perfusion chambers for easy-to-use and generic microchannel creation in 3D tissue culture 2020
3676 CrioFlex Cri/oFlex: The missing link towards large scale quantum computing 2020
3677 Ru4EYE Ruthenium-based photoactivated chemotherapy against eye cancer 2020
3678 Cu4Peroxide The electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide 2020
3679 Optics-MISS Optical Real-Time Anatomical Tracking- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery 2020
3680 ECLIPSE Exotic superconducting CIrcuits to Probe and protect quantum States of light and mattEr 2020
3681 CYBER-PDR Disempowering Cyber-Attackers 2020
3682 PHERA PHEromones for Row crop Applications 2020
3683 SulPure Exhaust Gas Purification System 2020
3684 RAIKA A.I. enabled knowledge analysis automation to increase resilience, security and performance of Enterprise ICT systems. 2019
3685 DeepNOE DeepNOE: Leveraging deep learning for protein structure solving at ultra-high resolution on the basis of NMR measurements with exact nuclear Overhauser enhancement 2020
3686 Ether Development ecosystem intended for engineers and researchers looking to invent, build, verify, evaluate, and release application-tailored storage systems faster and more reliably 2020
3687 FuturePowerFlow Exploiting the full integration potential of fluctuating renewable energies in power grid operation by new predictive technologies 2020
3688 ADDPLUGIN Plug-in Electric System to Cut Emissions on Transportation 2020
3689 ProArc The protein archive: preservation potential of ancient human diets and diseases. 2020
3690 TAVI4Life A lifelong transcatheter aortic valve prosthesis 2020
3691 PJ09-W2 DNMS Digital Network Management Services 2019
3692 REGIOFLU Regioselective Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transfer Catalysis 2020
3693 RightsLab Towards Transnational Labour Rights? Temporary Work Agencies and Third Country National Workers in the EU. 2021
3694 STMICRO Space-time visualization of microelectronic chip operation with femtosecond electron microscopy 2020
3695 feelware Computational Design Solutions for Touch Interfaces 2020
3696 Smart-WiFi Proposal title SMART Wi-Fi : Management of the Wi-Fi Spectrum and Performance 2020
3697 TankSensor Smart monitoring solution for better procurement and supply chain management - Speeding up chemical industry digitalization 2020
3698 EAST Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Understand and Secure Web/Enterprise Systems 2020
3699 S4DX The world’s first “digital data-fingerprint” for human blood samples. 2020
3700 Raven AI-based autonomous flight control for the aircraft of today and electric VTOLs of tomorrow 2019
3701 SMArT Switch-Mode Analog Signal Processing for Integrated 5G Transceivers 2020
3702 TUECS The Uberization of Europol's Cybercrime Strategy: An Innovative Governance Model on Public-Private Partnership 2020
3703 FluAttack Validation of a novel antiviral drug candidate against influenza 2020
3704 AmpliFISH Bright nanoparticle probes for amplified fluorescence in situ hybridization in cancer diagnostics 2020
3705 SWaG Freshwater production from seawater and atmospheric moisture enabled by a solar-driven water generator 2020
3706 InnovaTron Design study of an innovative high-intensity industrial cyclotron for production of Tc-99m and other frontier medical radioisotopes 2020
3707 DECOMPOSE Degradable commodity plastics from metallosupramolecular polymers 2020
3708 MesoSi-CO2 Design of low-cost and carbon-resistant Ni-based mesoporous silicas for chemical CO2 utilization through tri-reforming of methane 2020
3709 DIMPEL CAT Diamond and Metal Photo-Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution and Carbon Dioxide Reduction 2021
3710 ALGWAS-BIOR Sustainable Valorization Of The Algae Industry Waste-Stream Within An Advanced Clean Technologies-Based Integrated Biorefinery Concept 2020
3711 STOPATT Stochastic pattern formation in biochemical systems 2020
3712 POLINFO Information encoding to polymers 2020
3713 FASTKiT Fully Adaptive Simulation Tool for Kinetic Theory 2020
3714 USHPP Unassisted photochemical water oxidation to solar hydrogen peroxide production 2020
3715 PROMET-H2 Cost-effective PROton Exchange MEmbrane WaTer Electrolyser for Efficient and Sustainable Power-to-H2 Technology 2020
3716 QLIMIT Challenging The Limits Of Molecular Quantum Interference Effects 2020
3717 GEHEMS GridEye agent-based distributed control for Home Energy Management System 2021
3718 OssCaNa On-Surface Synthesis, Transfer and Device Fabrication of Novel Carbon-based Nanomaterials 2021
3719 SPATULA Sensitive, spatially resolved U-Th dating approach using LA-ICPMS 2020
3720 GrindCore Liquid-Assisted Grinding - from Fundaments to Applications 2021
3721 BlueFlowCell Synthesis of methylene blue and some new thioether derivatives with an enhanced electrochemical microflow cell 2020
3722 EnFoRCe Effects of Electric Fields on tuRbulent Combustion 2021
3723 PolySolar Synthesis and nanostructuration of a Pi-conjugated polymer for dye sensitized solar cells 2021
3724 OMR X-Ray Fluorescence, Shape recognition & Machine Learning for Efficient and Economic Recycling of Mixed Metals from Co-mingled Waste. 2020
3725 COMMiT Cancer Organoids Multiplexed Screening in Microfluidic Textile chips 2020
3726 NEMO Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation 2020
3727 SCIFY Self-Calibrated Interferometry for Exoplanet Spectroscopy 2020
3728 SchoolFlex School choice under transferable capacities 2020
3729 UTPE PEB Ultrahigh-throughput protein evolution for polyethylene biodegradation 2020