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H2020 projects about "paradigms"

The page lists 283 projects related to the topic "paradigms".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ThermoTex Woven and 3D-Printed Thermoelectric Textiles 2015
2 SILENCE Mechanisms of Gene Silencing by the Glucocorticoid Receptor 2015
3 FoQAL Frontiers of Quantum Atom-Light Interactions 2015
4 OCT4IOL Optical Coherence Tomography for Intraocular Lenses 2015
5 EDUCAGE The EDUCAGE: A Behavioral Platform for Naturalistic Learning 2015
6 mapKITE EGNOS-GPS/GALILEO-based high-resolution terrestrial-aerial sensing system. 2015
7 MET-A-FOR Metabolomic analysis for the forensic detection of drugs of abuse in performance and food producing animals 2015
8 MacSeNet Machine Sensing Training Network 2015
9 SPARCARB Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with carbon fibre composite materials 2015
10 WAKEUPCALL Applied mathematics for risk measures in finance and insurance, in the wake of the crisis 2015
12 WITDOM empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMents 2015
13 SHARCS Secure Hardware-Software Architectures for Robust Computing Systems 2015
14 INPUT In-Network Programmability for next-generation personal cloUd service supporT 2015
15 MAMEM Multimedia Authoring and Management using your Eyes and Mind 2015
17 SALEACOM Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities: Innovative Education for a New Century 2015
18 ISIGrowth Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth 2015
19 CEREBSENSING Cerebellar Distributed Plasticity Towards Active Sensing and Motor Control 2015
20 Flex-ON Flexible Optical Networks – Time Domain Hybrid QAM: DSP and Physical Layer Modelling 2015
21 INDIGO-DataCloud INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation 2015
22 PREDICTIVEMEMORY Multimodal neuroimaging of mechanisms supporting memory-based predictions in the human brain 2015
23 TRANSLATIS Translating from Latin: Contacts, Transfer, and Rewriting of Historiographical Texts in Medieval Iceland 2015
24 SOS-Nano Structure – Oxidative Stress relationships of metal oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic environment 2015
25 PmSust The project of Sustainability: the role of Project Management in developing a more sustainable economy and society 2015
26 LANTERN Light-Atom Interactions in Nanophotonic Structures 2016
27 EcoSwing EcoSwing - Energy Cost Optimization using Superconducting Wind Generators - World’s First Demonstration of a 3.6 MW Low-Cost Lightweight DD Superconducting Generator on a Wind Turbine 2015
28 BICSA Biophysical Changes in the Sahel: Ground and Satellite Based Evidence Across Scales and Disciplines 2015
29 NBUCA Neural and behavioral underpinnings of contextual modulations in Autism 2015
30 ZERO-TRAIN-BCI Combining constrained based learning and transfer learning to facilitate Zero-training Brain-Computer Interfacing 2015
31 BETAPEV Beyond Empathy: Toward a phenomenological Ethics of Vulnerability 2015
32 BilMemBrain When language meets memory: the role of language exposure in semantic- episodic memory interaction in bilinguals 2015
33 ReconsolidationDynamics A Cross-Species Investigation of Memory Replay During Reconsolidation 2015
34 DPaTh-To-Adapt Rethinking climate change vulnerability: Drivers patterns of thermal tolerance adaptation in the ocean. 2016
35 ProactionPerception From oculomotor action to perception 2015
36 RoleOfNEinPerception The role of noradrenaline in human perception: from single neuron to whole brain and behavior 2015
37 ReACT A Realizability Approach to Complexity Theory 2015
38 SURFACE Human-Landscape-Interactions and Global Dispersals: The SURFACE Record of Palaeolithic Arabia 2016
39 FRAGMENTATION State Fragmentation and Sub-State Actors in Comparative Perspective: Somalia and Afghanistan 2015
40 TrustNode A Disruptive Router Platform for the Internet of Things – TrustNode 2015
41 CIP Categorical Interoception Project: How generalization and classification strategies link anxiety and interoception 2016
42 UNCAP Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People 2015
43 eStandards eHealth Standards and Profiles in Action for Europe and Beyond 2015
44 MtbTransReg Translational regulation in the persistence and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2015
45 IMPREX IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes 2015
46 LONGHEART Exploring selected long non-coding RNAs as diagnostics and therapeutic targets for heart failure 2015
47 NANOSHOCK Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes 2015
48 SPIN-PORICS Merging Nanoporous Materials with Energy-Efficient Spintronics 2015
49 PanEur1970s Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community 2015
50 PERFUME Smart Device Communication: A paradigm for high PERformance FUture Mobile nEtworking 2015
51 ExaNoDe European Exascale Processor Memory Node Design 2015
52 COMSTAR The effects of early-life adversity on cognition: A comparative approach. 2015
53 CogSoCoAGE Tracking the cognitive basis of social communication across the life-span 2015
54 UNEXPECTED Uncovering targets for ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells to enhance cell therapies of blood disorders 2015
55 AdaptEconII Adaptation to a New Economic Reality 2015
56 WiBEC Wireless In-Body Environment 2016
57 PERFoRM Production harmonizEd Reconfiguration of Flexible Robots and Machinery 2015
58 QnanoMECA Quantum Optomechanics with a levitating nanoparticle 2015
59 WEY-CRISP Well-being among European youth: The contribution of student teacher relationships in the secondary-school population 2016
60 PlasmoSilencing Exoribonuclease-mediated degradation of nascent RNA in Malaria Parasites: A Novel Mechanism in Virulence Gene Silencing 2015
61 XPRESS Exploring mechanisms of gene repression and escape during X-chromosome inactivation 2015
62 PHRESCO PHotonic REServoir COmputing 2015
63 Wallco Wallco quality modular solid wood furniture 2015
64 WhoLoDancE Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 2016
65 TELMI Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance 2016
66 NASDAC iNnovative Approaches for Scalable Data Assimilation in oCeanography 2016
67 MULTISCALE Precision Multi-Scale Predictions for the LHC: Higgs, Jets and Supersymmetry 2016
68 MicMactin Dissecting active matter: Microscopic origins of macroscopic actomyosin activity 2016
69 BRAVIUS Brain-viscera interactions underlie subjectivity 2015
70 DeTOP Dexterous Transradial Osseointegrated Prosthesis with neural control and sensory feedback 2016
71 SoftPro Synergy-based Open-source Foundations and Technologies for Prosthetics and RehabilitatiOn 2016
72 LDMThExp Going Beyond the WIMP: From Theory to Detection of Light Dark Matter 2016
73 ALTERFOR Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management 2016
74 TOTAL Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms 2016
75 PROJESTOR PROJECTED MEMRISTOR: A nanoscale device for cognitive computing 2016
76 Integrating Memories Integrating memories: Exploring knowledge integration enhancement at the intersection of education and neuroscience 2016
77 BAYESLAND Community Assembly on Islands: A phylogenetic Bayesian approach 2016
78 POMEGRANATE Practice-Oriented Security Models and Granular Designs for Future-Proof Authenticated Encryption 2017
79 LoGIcInMAS Logics and Games for Imperfect Information in Multi-Agent Systems 2016
80 SmartPosition Smartphone-based Mobile Positioning System 2016
81 INDSOC Individualising Socialism. Individual Agency and Social Change in Socialist Yugoslavia's Periphery, 1950s-1970s 2017
82 ATENA Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures 2016
83 SimVisSim Simultaneous Vision Simulator for optimizing selection of presbyopic correcions 2016
84 FACTORY New paradigms for latent factor estimation 2016
85 Sense of Commitment An Integrative Framework for Modeling the Sense of Commitment 2016
87 Outgroup Consequences of out-group conflict 2016
88 SINCHAIS In situ analysis of single channel subunit composition in neurons: physiological implication in synaptic plasticity and behavior 2016
89 ECO-TURBINE Development of lamella type of wind turbine made of bio composite polymers 2016
90 CLASS Cross-Linguistic Acquisition of Sentence Structure: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches 2016
91 DevelopingTheatre Developing Theatre: Building Expert Networks for Theatre in Emerging Countries after 1945 2016
92 OPTOACOUSTOGENETICS Hybrid Volumetric Optoacoustic-Ultrasound Tomography for Noninvasive Large-Scale Recording of Brain Activity with High Spatiotemporal Resolution 2016
93 Babylearn Neural mechanisms of learning in the infant brain : from Statistics to Rules and Symbols 2016
94 INTERLEARN Individualised Interventions in Learning: Bridging Advanced Learning Science and 21st Century Technology 2016
95 FUTURING Futuring European Industry 2016
96 PLUGGY Pluggable Social Platform for Heritage Awareness and Participation 2016
97 NeuroSyntax The cerebral representation of sequences and roles : investigating the origins of human uniqueness. 2016
98 ENVISAGE ENhance VIrtual learning Spaces using Applied Gaming in Education 2016
99 DITAS DITAS: Data-intensive applications Improvement by moving daTA and computation in mixed cloud/fog environmentS 2017
100 OPRECOMP Open transPREcision COMPuting 2017
101 ORIENT Goal-directed eye-head coordination in dynamic multisensory environments 2017
102 DeNovoImmunoDesign Computational Design of Novel Functional Proteins for Immunoengineering 2017
103 PaPaAlg Pareto-Optimal Parameterized Algorithms 2017
104 Data-driven research addressing aviation safety intelligence 2016
105 BrainCom High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation of speech using brain-computer interfaces. 2016
106 CoBeN Novel Network-Based Approaches for Studying Cognitive Dysfunction in Behavioral Neurology 2017
107 INFUSION Engineering optoelectronic INterfaces: a global action intersecting FUndamental conceptS and technology implementatION of self-organized organic materials 2017
108 PHONOMETA Frontiers in Phononics: Parity-Time Symmetric Phononic Metamaterials 2016
109 INNOVATION Authority and Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought (c. 1220-56) 2017
110 FREEMIND FREE the MIND: the neurocognitive determinants of intentional decision 2017
111 ventralHippocampus Neuronal circuits for emotions in the ventral CA1 hippocampus 2017
112 IniReg Mechanisms of Regeneration Initiation 2017
113 EmergingWelfare The New Politics of Welfare: Towards an “Emerging Markets” Welfare State Regime 2017
114 LEMAN Deep LEarning on MANifolds and graphs 2017
115 BIOMODULAR A Biomimetic Learning Control Scheme for control of Modular Robots 2017
116 SEX_FIGHT_SLEEP A model to study how social interaction modulates sleep in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 2017
117 CUTACOMBS Cuts and decompositions: algorithms and combinatorial properties 2017
118 EURECON The Making of a Lopsided Union: Economic Integration in the European Economic Community, 1957-1992 2017
119 InnoSpace Revolutionizing fibre-wireless communications through space-division multiplexed photonics 2017
120 STREAM The spatio-temporal representational architecture of memory 2017
121 WakeOpColl Learning and collective intelligence for optimized operations in wake flows 2017
122 SCOOTER Silicon-Organic Hybrid Transceivers for Terabit/s Data Network 2017
123 PEP An Empirical Foundation for Understanding Positive Emotions 2017
124 GRADIENTSENSING Cellular navigation along spatial gradients 2017
125 MoveAGAIN Movement restoration with Adaptive EEG And Immersive Neurofeedback 2018
126 Sounds Delicious Sounds Delicious: A historical anthropology of listening and sound in Danish and French cooking 2018
127 PIONEER Peri-Ocularly Navigated Exteroceptive Snake Robot for Novel Retinal Interventions 2017
128 ACCENT Algebraic Covering Codes Enabling Network Transmissions 2018
129 ADAPT-SMART Accelerated Development of Appropriate Patient Therapies: a Sustainable, Multi-stakeholder Approach from Research to Treatment-outcomes - Sofia ref.: 115890 2015
130 CHAOSPIN Chaos-based information processing using spintronic nano-oscillators 2018
131 MENTALIZINGORIGINS Origins of theory of mind: action prediction by great apes and human infants 2018
132 TEMUBLYM Teleost mucosal B1-like lymphocytes at the crossroad of tolerance and immunity 2017
133 AGENT A neuroscience approach to investigating how hierarchy influences moral behaviour 2017
134 ESIT European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research 2017
135 AgeConsolidate The Missing Link of Episodic Memory Decline in Aging: The Role of Inefficient Systems Consolidation 2017
136 COGTOM Cognitive tomography of mental representations 2017
137 COMBAT Clearance Of Microbial Biofilms by Advancing diagnostics and Therapy 2017
138 VICTORIA Video analysis for Investigation of Criminal and TerrORIst Activities 2017
139 DYNAMINT Dynamics of Probed, Pulsed, Quenched and Driven Integrable Quantum Systems 2017
140 WoRD-DoME Women's Economic Rights and Cultural Difference: Defining Development for the Middle East 2017
141 ePT ePT - Electronic Procedure Trainer for aviation pilots and cabin crew 2017
142 iHEART An Integrated Heart Model for the simulation of the cardiac function 2017
143 DNLIBiomed Biomedical Information Synthesis with Deep Natural Language Inference 2017
144 IMOVE Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network 2017
145 STYDS Seeing things you don't see: Unifying the philosophy, psychology and neuroscience of multimodal mental imagery 2017
146 POINTS Revealing the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the visual perception of social interactions 2017
148 DATAMINE4.0 Advanced Data Modeling and Analysis Applied to next Generation Industry 4.0 settings and the Internet of Things 2018
149 EMPhAsIS Electrochemical Testing Platform for Advanced Energy Materials 2017
150 5GCITY 5GCITY 2017
151 5G ESSENCE Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences 2017
152 blueSPACE Building on the Use of Spatial Multiplexing 5G Networks Infrastructures and Showcasing Advanced technologies and Networking Capabilties 2017
153 ULTRAWAVE Ultra capacity wireless layer beyond 100 GHz based on millimeter wave Traveling Wave Tubes 2017
154 NEXT-NET Next generation Technologies for networked Europe 2017
155 GeoViSense GeoViSense: Towards a transdisciplinary human sensor science of human visuo-spatial decision making with geographic information displays 2017
156 COPAC Coherent Optical Parallel Computing 2017
157 FRONTHAL Specificity of cortico-thalamic interactions and its role in frontal cortical functions 2017
158 ProTechTion Industrial decision-making on complex production technologies supported by simulation-based engineering 2018
159 DEVOMIND How do infants mentalize? Bringing a neuroimaging approach to the puzzle of early mindreading. 2018
160 RobustHormoneTrans Robustness and specialization among hormone transporters: Redundant and unique roles 2018
161 BioMeTRe Biophysical mechanisms of long-range transcriptional regulation 2018
162 WhiskTrackGP Real-time tracking of whisker kinematics for closed-loop neuroscientific experiments 2017
163 DecodingInfection Decoding the host-pathogen interspecies crosstalk at a multiparametric single-cell level 2017
164 HopeQNet Hopfield neural network dynamics in open quantum systems 2017
165 Desert Networks Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period 2017
166 X-TAM Dissecting Cross-Regulatory Interplays in Tumor-Associated Macrophages 2018
167 UMMA Urban Metamorphosis of the community of a Medieval African capital city 2018
168 EMPATHIC Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly 2017
169 MoTIVE Moments in Time in Immersive Virtual Environments 2018
170 iMove Translating rewards to eye movements 2018
171 Oyster Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces 2017
172 EVOAtm Evolutionary ATM. A modelling framework to assess the impact of ATM evolutions 2018
173 TBornotTB What is Tuberculosis? Challenging the Current Paradigm of Tuberculosis Natural History using Mathematical Modelling Techniques 2018
174 COMANFLO Computation and analysis of statistical solutions of fluid flow 2018
175 Morpheus Morphogenesis of photo-mechanized molecular materials 2018
176 IMCUSTOMEYE IMaging-based CUSTOMised EYE diagnostics 2018
177 Ctrl-ImpAct Control of impulsive action 2018
178 GHOST Geographies and Histories of the Ottoman Supernatural Tradition Exploring Magic, the Marvelous, and the Strange in Ottoman Mentalities 2018
179 CLAUSTRUM The Claustrum: A Circuit Hub for Attention 2018
180 iPS-ChOp-AF Combining induced pluripotent stem cells, tissue engineering, optogenetic and chemogenetic concepts for the study and treatment of atrial fibrillation 2018
181 Freq4Num The neural signature of numerosity: Tracking the cerebral correlates of numerical and continuous magnitude extraction with a frequency-based approach 2018
182 SOCIOCOMPLEXITY Sociocomplexity — new paradigms for understanding complex group-level adaptation 2018
183 FRAGMENT FRontiers in dust minerAloGical coMposition and its Effects upoN climaTe 2018
184 CommGenRwa Genocide Commemoration in the Rwandan Diaspora 2018
185 DAMA Extreme-Scale Data Management 2018
186 DeciGUT A Grand Unified Theory of Decidability in Logic-Based Knowledge Representation 2018
187 DOPANF Dopaminergic midbrain modulations by (adaptive) neurofeedback 2018
188 Geo-Coat Development of novel and cost effective corrosion resistant coatings for high temperature geothermal applications 2018
189 ICON-BIO Integrated Connectedness for a New Representation of Biology 2018
190 ASTRID AddreSsing ThReats for virtualIseD services 2018
191 Nedd8Activate How does the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 activate ubiquitin ligase machineries? 2018
192 INTOM Infant Theory of Mind 2019
193 M-INHIB Non-linear temporal dynamics of mutually inhibiting pyramidal cells: underlying mechanism for bi-stable perception and disambiguation 2018
194 SNANeB At the roots of Spatial Numerical Association: from behavioural observation to Neural Basis 2018
195 MOCCA Metal-Organic Cages for Catalysis Applications 2018
196 MECHPREDPRO Cellular mechanisms of predictive processing and its effects on perception 2018
197 ASPIDE ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extreme Data procEssing 2018
198 TRANSREG Dissecting the role of Translational Regulation in Tumorigenesis 2018
199 MaCoTech Material counting technologies in numerical cognition 2018
200 INTEXseas An integrated weather-system perspective on the characteristics, dynamics and impacts of extreme seasons 2018
201 NECROPTOSIS Necroptosis in immunity, inflammation and autoimmunity induced by nucleic acid sensors 2018
202 CALCULUS Commonsense and Anticipation enriched Learning of Continuous representations sUpporting Language UnderStanding 2018
203 3DEpi Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of chromatin states : the role of Polycomb and 3D chromosome architecture 2018
204 SENSATIONAL TETHERS Tethers for sensory mechanotransduction: from molecules to perception 2018
205 Pan3DP 3D bioprinting of pancreatic tissue for biomedical research 2018
206 SELF-UNITY The Unity of the Bodily Self 2019
207 FAIR Fairness and the Moral Mind 2018
208 SAT GAM 2018 Small Air Transport (SAT) - GAM 2018 2014
209 QSA Quantum Coordination and Support Action 2017
210 SIMREC Simulating Roman Economies. Studying the Roman Economy through computational network modelling and archaeological big data 2019
211 DIGIMAN4.0 DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production 2019
212 Cleopatra Cross-lingual Event-centric Open Analytics Research Academy 2019
213 AVENUE Autonomous Vehicles to Evolve to a New Urban Experience 2018
214 DissectingSociety Nineteenth-Century Sociographic Journalism and the Formation of Ethnographic and Sociological Knowledge 2020
215 REMIND Renewable Energies for Water Treatment and REuse in Mining Industries 2018
216 ScaleML Elastic Coordination for Scalable Machine Learning 2019
217 SUSTINNO Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy 2018
218 SocialTruth Open Distributed Digital Content Verification for Hyper-connected Sociality 2018
219 TURNTAKING Taking turns: The ‘missing’ link in language evolution? 2019
220 DECODER DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference 2019
221 INTERACT Modelling the neuromusculoskeletal system across spatiotemporal scales for a new paradigm of human-machine motor interaction 2019
222 HQMAT New Horizons in Quantum Matter: From Critical Fluids to High Temperature Superconductivity 2019
223 EMPOWER Medium Voltage Direct Current Electronic Transformer 2019
224 TERI Teaching Robots Interactively 2019
225 wHiSPER investigating Human Shared PErception with Robots 2019
226 INFLAME Deciphering the host and microbial grounds that license inflammasome-mediated execution 2018
227 PIDS Population level interventions to improve diet and reduce social inequality 2019
228 VarPL Specificity or generalization? Neural mechanisms for perceptual learning with variability 2019
229 THOR TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics 2019
230 ANTICIPATE Anticipatory Human-Computer Interaction 2019
231 SPINAPSE Creating complexity: toward atomic spin-based neural hardware 2019
232 ImmunoStem Dissecting and Overcoming Innate Immune Barriers for Therapeutically Efficient Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Engineering 2019
233 NewSense Perception with New Sensory Signals 2019
234 MOVES MOnitoring VEgetation status and functioning at high spatio-temporal resolution from Sentinel-2 2019
235 Laminar-PL Ultra-high field imaging of perceptual learning and human brain plasticity 2019
236 COART-INT Decentralizing Conceptual Art's Internationalism: Latin American artists in Western Europe, 1968-1979 2019
237 CHIBRIT Is There No Such Thing As Childhood? New Childhoods in Britain and Turkey between 1976 and 1997 2020
238 CrossLingference Cross-Linguistic statistical inference using hierarchical Bayesian models 2019
239 LIPPS Literacy’s influence on the production and perception of speech 2020
240 CULTUS Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD 2019
241 GUARD A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains 2019
242 CALCULATORES Imaginable Impossibilities and Thought Experiments. The Tradition of the Oxford Calculators and its Influence on Early-Modern Logic and Natural Philosophy 2019
243 Fiware4Water FIWARE for the Next Generation Internet Services for the WATER sector 2019
244 TEMPO Technology and hardware for neuromorphic computing 2019
245 AmInnovation Disruptive Innovation to Treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases: new target, new patented drug, new therapeutic strategy. 2019
246 FANO Fano Photonics 2019
247 LIVE-I Lightening and Innovating transmission for improving Vehicle: Environmental Impacts 2020
248 cRGS Cognitive Rehabilitation Gamming System (cRGS): a novel Virtual Reality-based system for the conjunctive training of stroke-derived cognitive impairments 2019
249 II-LCA Integrated Imaging in live Cell Analysis (II-LCA), for enhanced development and manufacturing of biologic and cell therapies. 2019
250 BICAEHFID Biogeographic and cultural adaptations of early humans during the first intercontinental dispersals 2019
251 ADAM^2 Analysis, Design, And Manufacturing using Microstructures 2020
252 PyroLife PyroLife - training the next generation of integrated fire management experts 2019
253 MeDiTATe The Medical Digital Twin for Aneurysm Prevention and Treatment 2020
254 NEWAVE Next Water Governance 2019
255 DynAMic Dynamic adaptive microscopy for label-free multi-parametric imaging in biology and medicine 2020
256 LIGHT4LUNGS Inhalable Aerosol Light Source for Controlling Drug-Resistant Bacterial Lung Infections 2019
257 SiC nano for PicoGeo SiC optical nano-strain-meters for pico-detection in Geosciences (SiC nano for picoGeo) 2019
258 CENTRAL ASIAN LAW Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia 2020
259 PANGAIA Pan-genome Graph Algorithms and Data Integration 2020
260 THERAUTISM New molecular targets and proof-of-concept therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders 2020
261 AVANGARD Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs 2019
262 INFANT MEMORIES Dissecting hippocampal circuits for the encoding of early-life memories 2020
263 LOCUS LOCalization and analytics on-demand embedded in the 5G ecosystem, for Ubiquitous vertical applicationS 2019
265 INSPIRE-5Gplus INtelligent Security and PervasIve tRust for 5G and Beyond 2019
266 KRAKEN Brokerage and market platform for personal data 2019
267 TrackCycle.2P Exploring Visual Processes with Two-Photon Ophthalmoscopy 2020
268 Bio-TUNE Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants 2020
269 MAIA Models and Methods for an active ageing workforce: an international academy 2020
270 RAILS Roadmaps for A.I. integration in the raiL Sector 2019
271 NEoteRIC NEuromorphic Reconfigurable Integrated photonic Circuits as artificial image processor 2020
272 SOPHIA Socio-physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production 2019
273 CONBOTS CONnected through roBOTS: physically coupling humans to boost handwriting and music learning 2020
274 REANIMA New-generation cardiac therapeutic strategies directed to the activation of endogenous regenerative mechanisms 2020
275 OUTOFPAPUA Papuans on the move. The linguistic prehistory of the West Papuan languages. 2020
276 HSS Homomorphic Secret Sharing: Secure Computation and Beyond 2020
277 ChromatinLEGO Chromatin readout: Dissecting the protein-chromatin interaction code in living cells 2020
278 SleepEpisMemory Sleep and episodic memory consolidation: ‘No-report’ paradigms, brain mechanisms, and dementia 2020
279 InstrAct From instructions to actions: characterizing the spatiotemporal neural signatures of instructions following. 2020
280 SIND The Social INdividual’s Decisions: how are they shaped by group affiliation during collective decisions? 2021
281 PTSD Neurofeedback Regulating Pathological Neural Connectivity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 2020
282 DeFacto Design Automation for Smart Factories 2020
283 HT4PD The role of the serotonin 5-HT4 receptor in motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease 2021