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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ENCIRCLE (Enhancing Research Careers and mobility in Macedonia)


The recognition of the EURAXESS network has been addressed. Besides that, the research careers have been promoted, and the event was a platform for meeting the academia and industry closer and working towards better collaborations in future in the country, and abroad.The...


The recognition of the EURAXESS network has been addressed. Besides that, the research careers have been promoted, and the event was a platform for meeting the academia and industry closer and working towards better collaborations in future in the country, and abroad.
The importance for the society was that the research careers have been promoted, since the innovation capacity depends on this percentage. An incremental percentage of this type would mean a lot for the country and its people.
The overall objectives that were addressed were: (1) provide targeted mobility information on jobs, funding and research positions to 30-50 students in each of the following tracks: Engineering Sciences, Medicine and Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Innovation and Enterpreneurship and Natural Sciences (2) provide targeted career development and mobility information on jobs, funding and research positions to 5-15 R2 researchers in each of the following tracks: Engineering Sciences, Medicine and Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Innovation and Enterpreneurship and Natural Sciences and (3) engage at least 30 companies from the industrial sector in using the capabilities of the EURAXESS jobs portal.

Work performed

In the beginning a list of preliminary speakers was performed. Later they were contacted, if available, their trip, accommodation and talk details were settled. Same for the speakers for the speakers from the Student Opportunity Lab happened as well as the science tracks, were former researchers from Macedonia spoke, in order to help the research community here in the country connect with them.

Parallel to this, the community fair was organized, invitations to different research centers and initiatives were sent. Same for the companies that took part of the career fair.

Call for abstracts was published for the poster session.

Leaflets, promotional materials, book of abstracts was prepared and printed.

Logo and visual identity were created as well, with the characteristics similar to the EURAXESS initiative.

Final results

By setting the bridge between the academia society and the business society new horizons for collaboration were opened. By this, the innovation capacities of these two communities have been enriched so that they can be part of the global market.

By enhancing the visibility of the research career, we are aiming towards development of new research institutes in the country, that are needed.

A need for technological parks has been detected.

This project provided key role players to meet, understand the possibilities each of them can provide and possibility to collaborate in future, in different possible ways.

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