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QualitEE project deliverables

The page lists 7 deliverables related to the research project "QualitEE".

 List of Deliverables

QualitEE: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

EES Market and Quality Database

D2.3 Energy efficiency services market and quality database (M05) will be created as a part of the QualitEE webpage to present the results of the EES market and quality survey. The new online database will refer to the data from the Transparense project database so they can be compared. Information will be provided about EES market trends, EES financing, EES technical quality determinants and minimum information requirements, certification frameworks and related policies. Once created it will offer the most comprehensive European database on EES and will provide free information source for the EES market players supporting them in taking better informed investment decisions. Together with reports D2.4 and D2.5 information will be targeted for the use of clients, ESP’s, FI’s and policymakers.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): EE-24-2016-2017

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-17

Application reports on later stage and completed projects

D4.4 Application reports on later stage and completed projects (M16) captures feedback from at least 1 later stage project per country (except EFIEES). “Later stage” refers to projects where the client or ESP was contacted by the QualitEE partner after the procurement phase. This could also include completed projects.
Experiences from previous European projects show, that this task is crucial, as EES often face delays. It is important to capture feedback from all project phases, even the quality criteria are applied ex post. Later stages are installation of measures, guaranteed operation and M&V.
The reports comprise results from a questionnaire and are prepared in EN language. Summaries in national languages are provided for dissemination. Cooperation with ongoing and closed EU funded pilot projects will be sought, e.g. Transparense, which have already tested the principles of the European Code of Conduct for EPC in 37 projects. Having commenced in 2013-2015, these pilots will already have reached an advanced stage.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): EE-24-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-17

Draft guidelines of European technical quality criteria

D3.1 Draft guideline of European technical quality criteria (M12) will provide European minimum quality
levels for energy efficiency services (energy performance contracting will be a focus, along with supply c., operational c. and integrated energy c.). Technical, economic, communicational, and other criteria will be defined and operationalised, which will allow a comprehensive set of technical quality criteria to be applicable in quality assurance and certification schemes. Assessment criteria will be introduced as well as evidence and verification processes. The criteria will be structured according to (1) the energy efficiency services, (2) the project phases (from identification to M&V) and (3) target group. Results of WP2 are used as well as the set of “preliminary quality criteria for energy efficiency services” developed for the Austrian market within the Transparense project.
Feedback will be obtained at the first European discussion workshop (Sub-task 3.6a) in M12. The draft guidelines will be available online for comments and sets a first basis for WP4-WP6.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): EE-24-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-17

Report on EU EES markets

The D2.5 report on European energy efficiency services markets and quality will be completed in M10. A cross-country comparison will be undertaken and lessons learned drawn from existing certification frameworks in other relevant sectors, e.g. building certificates. Information on ongoing activities to establish new EES certification schemes will be summarised. The report will also include conclusions on the needs and scope for technical quality criteria, minimum financial information and quality assurance frameworks, which will determine the strategy for WP3. Results of the previous projects (Transparense, EESI2020, Eurocontract, EUREMplus, ENSPOL, Permanent) and projects running in parallel (Investor Confidence Project, EPC+, Trust EPC South, Sunshine project, GuarantEE, SFEM, etc.) will be used.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): EE-24-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-17

Business models for quality

The report D5.1 Business models for quality assurance schemes (M10) will provide the rationale for the national promotion teams (Task 5.2) in order to implement functioning quality-assurance business beyond 2020 across Europe (Task 5.4). It will specify the requirements for effective quality assurance, advantages/disadvantages of different business models for different stakeholder groups and sizes (e.g. large ESP versus medium sized ESP), processes, structures, costs and efforts. Recommendations will thereby be derived.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): EE-24-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-17

Country reports on the EES markets and quality

D2.4 country reports on the energy efficiency services market and quality will be prepared for each partner country and for 4 other European markets (FR, NL, IT, PT) and disseminated in M07. Country reports contain information on the EES market, barriers and success factors, quality determinants, minimum information requirements and certification frameworks, as well as EES related legal, political and institutional frameworks. The reports will build on existing knowledge and best practices implemented in previous projects and projects running in parallel (see task 2.5).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): EE-24-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-17

Financial Guidelines – Supplement A

WP3 will provide a D3.3 Financial Guidelines (M18) document addressed to FIs, clients and ESPs. The guidelines will establish a common understanding between these players about which minimum financial information is relevant. These guidelines will support FIs to effectively assess the credit rating of public and private clients as well as ESPs and the EE projects. It is a supplement to D3.2 and will be translated into national languages (AT-DE, CZ, ES, SK, SI, LV, GR, BG, FR). It will be professionally designed and printed on demand.
In order to obtain feedback and revise the draft Financial Guidelines, they will be discussed (1) within the European advisory board meeting (Task 1.6) and (2) European discussion workshops (Sub-task 3.6a).
The draft version of D3.3 will comprise inputs from WP2, the main findings from EEFIG, CENELEC, EVO Financing Protocols as well as the completed RE-CO and ICP project.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): EE-24-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-17